Fitness: Power or Squat Clean 1-1-1-1-1
5 attempts at a 1RM clean or power clean. Misses count as attempts.
Performance: Clean 3 x 1
Hit 3 singles between 80% and 90% of your recent 1RM. If you’re feeling good then work at the 90% end, if you’re feeling off then work at the 80% end. Your work reps must be no lighter than 80% and no heavier than 90%.
Clean Pull
Perform 3 sets of 2 clean pulls at 110% of your 1RM clean. Practice movement and bar path that is consistent with your actual lift on these.
Post loads to comments.
For Time:
1000m Run
50 Box Jumps
400m Run
Post time and Rx to comments.
CFSBK Masters athlete Bob S. working power cleans
Throwback Thursday
Around this time in October 2008, CFSBK was still meeting in The Brooklyn Lyceum. In lieu of any actual heating system, CFSBK offered the following suggestions for staying warm while working out. Anyone from the Lyceum era can relate to the last recommendation:
- Wear a hat. A significant amount of heat can be lost from your head, so bring a beanie or cap to help retain heat.
- Wear layers. Especially for the upper body. Your bottom-most layer should be some sort of synthetic wicking material like DryFit or Thinsulate, while a hoodie or fleece should be fine for your outer layer.
- Bring an extra layer. Your body can produce a fair amount of heat during the workout, enough to make you sweat buckets despite the temperature. Don’t get caught cooling down… then freezing up in a wet shirt. Have something warm and dry to change into after your workout.
- Donate massive amounts of money for a new roof, new windows, and more space heaters.
The blog also featured a quote from Louie Simmons, found in The Westside Barbell Book of Methods, that is just as inspiring six years later:
“As far as training partners go, if you run with the lame, you will develop a limp. So only train with those who have the same goals as your own. Everyone can’t be a world champ, but we can all be better.”
There’s Still Time to Sign Up for CFSBK’s Endurance Program, Which Starts TODAY!
What: An 8-Week intensive program based in the form and endurance needs for CrossFit Runners
When: Thursdays at 7pm and Saturdays at 11am, STARTING TODAY!
Where: Determined each week between Prospect Park or Red Hook Track
Schedule and Pricing: $175 full-access to the 8-week program (including bi-weekly coached group sessions, benchmarking, training data, and full plan support and guidance)
What to Expect: This will be 8 Weeks of 2x/a week Running, Drill Work, and the basic biomotor requirements to become a more fluid runner and increase your endurance relative to Crossfit training. We will work on everything from basic balance and stability, to some run-specific single leg plyo training, and power production specific for the needs of a strong athlete. This program will NOT be a Half-Marathon or Marathon Training program, but it will enhance your ability to absorb any program like that, or simply to increase your metabolic energy systems to help you absorb higher and more intense work loads in your training
Due to the progressive nature of the program, athletes will not be permitted to join after November 6th, 2014.
Hacking the Workout Journal: Tips for Tracking Your Workouts James Clear
Chronic Resistance Training Reduces the Anabolic Signaling in Response to Exercise – 12 Days of Detraining Restore It SuppVersity
Artist Steve Spazuk Paints with Fire Colossal
Cleans at 108. Again. Because reverse curl. Pulls at 133, no problem. (It's when I have to get under the bar that I have issues.)
WOD 10:44. Wonder Twin Cage wins this round. I knew she would, because I'm a slow-ass runner. The box jumps were surprisingly not bad, though. I didn't expect to be able to do them unbroken, but I did (and made up some of the ground I lost on the first run vs. Wonder Twin).
I remember feeling bad all winter at how cold the Lyceum was. It was also rough to teach for any extended time in there!
6am. Cleans: 220, 232, 244. Clean pulls: 295x2x3. Cleans felt good. Clean pulls felt slow. Metcon (24" box): 9:13. Fun chasing Jason, but I couldn't quite reel him in. Stepped down on all of the box jumps because I banged up my right foot this past weekend and its still a bit sore.
Power Cleans at 135, 145, 150, 155(muscle clean), 155F I got really REALLY dizzy on the last one had to sit it out for about 30 seconds.
WOD in 9:57 with a 20" box jump/ step downs, unbroken all the way. I surprised myself with this one, I guess it was cold so I ran faster to get back inside.
IDK about that quote, yo. There are some pretty badass Special Olympians and other folks who are "lame" that I would be happy to train with any day.
Touché, Billy. I like that. Maybe we can interpret "lame" as having a bad attitude?
Make-up from last night – 7:30 with McDowell and Melissa
For high bar back squats, I warmed up with 45×5, 135×5, and 185×3, and then I worked at:
70% – 205×3
80% – 230×3
90% – 260×6
Everything felt great. The back half of the this cycle, after the 10# add to my training max, as felt better and more fluid than the first half, so that is cool.
For the WOD, I did performance. Rows were 38/27/27, ring PUs were 12/13/11, and T2B were 12, 11, 10. Happy with the rows, although i think I maybe went a bit too hard on the first one, as it kind of knocked me back for the rest of the workout. Not so happy with the other numbers, but I was actually getting larger sets of the PUs this time than the last time I tried these, so there's that.
For the cash out I messed around with the 36kg kettlebell and did 8 Russian, and then 8 American swings, and then did 8 Russian with the 40kg. Heavy times. Also :30-ish of the hand stand holds in between.
hi cfsbk!
just wanted to stop by and say thanks for all the kind comments on my lil love letter the other day. ugh i miss you all. things are going well in texas though! i was hoping to have a workout from some new austin area gym to report but my days are pretty booked up with sitting at car dealerships and running around to look at apartments.
when i do get to some wods i'll be sure to write up the gyms in the travel recs, i noticed there's nothin' on austin in there. (unless i'm looking in the wrong places, i'm in the south west now right? south middle? where am i you guys?)
Hey Katie, I think if we mean someone who has a bad attitude, we maybe should just say "someone with a bad attitude." Otherwise we are kinda helping perpetuate misconceptions, not only about people living with disabilities, but also what actually helps people become better athletes. Imagine if everyone at Crossfit only wanted to have lifting partners who were 'better' at that day's movement than they themselves were. It wouldn't work. It also assumes that because someone is skilled at performing a movement that they are also skilled at inspiring or teaching others. This we know to be untrue. Some of the best coaches in the world are amazing coaches precisely because they struggled to perform well as athletes and conversely some of the best athletes make the worst coaches because they don't understand why others struggle with things that they have already mastered. It also seems to fly in the face of ideas like supporting injured vets, and helping people gain functional movements to make their real lives better. Not only can we not all be champion athletes (by definition), many of us (especially those of us who have performed at really high levels in the past) do not want to be champions. Personally, I wouldnt want to play college sports ever again. Because I know what that means and what it did to my body in the real world. But I do like playing with my dog. You know?
I'm on a mini between-jobs-staycation, so was able to go to the 10am class with Noah today. Love classes during the day, and getting to jealously watch the AM Olympic lifting class.
Cleans At 83×2 103×2 123×1 138x1x3, and then clean pulls at 168x2x3. Did the metcon in 10 minutes and something (I think :23? But could be wrong?), but didn't write down my time. Running is the worst.
forgot to post last night:
-mash: forearm, lat, tricep
-was able to put a bit of weight on the bar with minimal pain in R hip. yay.
45×5, 95×5, 110×3
-stayed with a light load that didn't hurt and focused on perfect form and staying braced.
-shim under R foot
WOD: 143 reps, RX'ed
Row: 13, 14, 16
Ring Push-Up: 14, 17, 20
T2B: 17, 16, 16
I accidentally sandbagged that first row a bit. I also just sort of suck at rowing for calories, i think. Ring push-ups got a bit more dialed in as the rounds went on (stabilized, tight). T2B started with 5 linked each round and then as it went on, just kind of lose that ability to stay in a tight kip. I start hinging at hip and losing the lat pull.
Cleans today at 113#, then clean pulls at 133#, which I was worried was going to be too heavy but actually felt great. Then beat the Wonder Twin (by a measly 10 seconds) with a 10:35 WOD. Like some of the other folks, I was worried that the box jumps would kill me but I was able to go pretty much unbroken with step downs, which felt good. It was fun to do a running WOD that didn't involve lifting any weights.
Regrading the quote from the Lyceum (if I may join the discussion), I certainly can see how the words "lame" and "limp" might be offensive, especially when the quote has to do with athletics. I interpreted what the author said as meaning that one should surround themselves with people who are working towards the same goals as them (actually, he did say that). I don't feel it was a comment so much on a person's ability to do an exercise, but a person's intentions in doing the exercise. Maybe it wasn't the best analogy, but that's what I saw it as. For example, imagine for a minute that CFSBK was filled with members who, instead of saying things like "Man, I really need to start foam rolling more to improve my mobility" or "I can't wait to come to open gym and work on my cleans", said things like "OMG, I'm SO glad we're running today because I ate soooo much last night and I need to burn some serious calories for my weddingggg" or "I'm going to skip the push ups in this WOD because I REALLY don't want my arms to get big". When I read the quote today, this was what I immediately imagined in my mind – running with the "lame". As you know, if people are surrounded by this kind of mentality, there is the danger of starting to believe it (ever been to a Soul Cycle?). Of course, we can't always train with people that are more athletically inclined than we are – nor would we want to. I imagine that that would be discouraging after a while – but I, for one, have never been a fan of CFSBK because of all the amazing athletes here. I am a fan of CFSBK because of the amazing athletes AND the like-minded people who I've met who exercise for the same reasons that I do, and who understand where I'm coming from when I have a great day at the gym or a terrible day at the gym. Just my thoughts, Billy, on the worthwhile discussion. I thought all your points were really interesting and made me think a bit deeper about the quote. At least, as deep as I could think on a half hour break at work.
Setting aside the un-PC-ness of the quote itself, I am in agreement with the spirit of it. I find that crossfitting with fellow athletes who are a bit more skilled, strong, fit, etc. than me helps motivate me, push me out of my confort zone a bit and gain a better understanding of my potential. That said, I don't expect/need to do this this every single time I walk into the gym and clearly one has to be thoughful about the individuals you benchmark yourself against (i.e, I don't think that Jeremy or McD are appropriate targets for me). I can say that I definitely became a faster runner when I watched my friends/training partners put up great 10K or marathon times. It helped me expand my conception of what I was capable of achieving. I loved doing strength cycle with Serene, Charlie, David D, Becca etc. for the same reason. Its cool to watch them perform and drives me to train harder to (fruitlessly) keep up with them.
Billy – are you really a terrorist or is it a Halloween thing? ; )
We are monitoring this situation closely.
Noon w/ Noah, and a bit of DO:
Cleaning, working up to that 1RM.
1×155, 1×185, MISSx205, 1×205=PR, MISSx205
I didn't like having 2 misses flanking my new +5# PR, but it's an improvement none-the-less. I was thinking about making my 5th attempt back down to 200 or 195, but thought maybe I could hit 2 at 205. Next time I'll approach the final 3 attempts with more foresight and planning.
WOD with 24" box @ 7:59.
Ran around the obstacle course twice in exactly 4 min. Steady pace jumping up and stepping down. The final 10 were burning my quads, but knowing that the WOD was so close to completion allowed me to maintain pace and finish quickly.
The bathrooms are very nicely done. Now seeing the front desk will match is very impressive. Will be nice and warm during the Winter months with all that wooden interior!
12pm w/ David & Noah:
Clean: 148#x4, did an extra for David, who pointed out that I landed a bit forward. Realized afterwards that I wasn't focusing on keeping my weight in the mid-foot during my setup so that could be the reason. Speaking of foot… @David Osorio hope that little pinky toe feels better soon!
Clean pulls: 2×2 173#
Ran out of time for the last clean pull. I've never done these before so I was a little hesitant to try something new with this heavy weight. Was still able to get the bar moving though
WOD: 8:27 RX
Felt like this workout was like playing a level of frogger…between all the jumping and the fact that i was dodging busses/cars/heavy duty machinery/people with canes it was quite the experience.
I am relieved the NSA is involved.
Mixed bag of oly and gymnasticky stuff today
Did some cleans at noon w Katie H
123# x 4 felt good
110% of 1 RM was practically unbudgable, so did some sad clean pulls at 163# x 2 x 3
Push press and split jerk complex up to 103# — finally nailed the dip drive
MU practice/reality check — some strict some kipping attempts
Dragon flags which turn out to be harder than T2B
1 hour power nap, ready for round 2!
10:00 am class
750m row
Clean and jerk
Only worked up to 75kgs. Everything felt creaky, slow and heavy.
Run/bj/run WOD
My running was slow as molasses
5×5 dragon flags. Holy smokes those are hard
Then I rolled with Cali and she broke my toe!!!!
PRd my 1 RM clean by 10 lbs at 100# even.
Thank you to Arturo for forcing me to catch it lower. Turns out he's right and it does feel lighter 😉
Metcon in 10:30 with a 20" box. So exhausting
@Gina – Check out CrossFit 78702 in Austin. I visited a few times during SXSW this year and liked the owner and the other athletes I met.