Fitness: 3 x 5 Linear Progression
Add 5 pounds to last week.
Performance: 5/3/1 3 Week
70% x 3
80% x 3
90% x 3+
Percentages are based off your TRAINING MAX (90% of a recent 1RM). Aim to hit around 6 on the rep out, but save 2 reps in the tank.
Post loads to comments.
3 Rounds:
1 Minute Max Calorie Row
1 Minute Rest
1 Minute Max Push Ups
1 Minute Rest
1 Minute Max AbMat Sit Ups
1 Minute Rest
3 Rounds:
1 Minute Max Calorie Row
1 Minute Rest
1 Minute Max Ring Push Ups
1 Minute Rest
1 Minute Max Toes to Bar
1 Minute Rest
Post reps and Rx to comments.
The top fundraising team from Fight Gone Bad 2014, Wall Ball Me, Maybe!
News and Notes
- TODAY IS THE FINAL VEGGIE CSA PICK-UP! Dry your tears, and come get your greens. Eggs will also be for sale, $6/dozen, exact change only.
- Weekend note: Because of the New York City Marathon this weekend, 4th Avenue will be closed off and you won’t be able to cross the street in the morning. Please plan ahead!
- Daylight Saving Time ends at 2am this Sunday morning, meaning we gain an hour, so also plan ahead for that (or let your smartphone plan for you).
- Coach David recently visited Rhode Island and dropped in on two gyms. Check out his write-ups in the Travel Gym Recommendations tab, and post your own if you’ve visited other affiliates recently.
- Happy birthday, Nishi U.!
Catching Up With CFSBK Classifieds
- Michele W. wants you to know that Chameleon Cold Brew is hiring Area Sales Managers in NY.
- JJ is subletting her large, studio apartment with fully equipped, separate kitchen from December 24-Jan 5. Perfect for holiday visitors!
- Joel W. was giving away a couch last week, check out his post if you’re interested! He also brilliantly created a thread for holiday car-pooling—check out his post about traveling to Portland, ME over Thanksgiving!
- Stella Z.‘s choir is performing Haydn’s Die Schöpfung (“The Creation”) at Carnegie Hall on November 3rd and she would love for you to come!
- Ruth P. wants to help you celebrate loved ones in a meaningful, nonmaterialistic way (intriguing, right?).
- Dan Rx’ed‘s company is hiring a web developer.
- Erin Mc. posted a reminder to come check out Threes Brewing around the corner from CFSBK, if you haven’t yet! (It’s awesome!)
To the CFSBK Fight Gone Bad 2014 Teams, from Brooklyn Community Foundation
Thank you for another incredible year of Fight Gone Bad. Your strength, energy, and teamwork are truly inspiring and it shows. This year you raised over $38,170 for your Brooklyn communities. Our Board of Directors recognized your leadership and initiative with a match, bringing your total fundraising to $64,510. Congratulations to all of you, especially to the top team, The Paleo Breakfast Club, and top fundraising team, Wall Ball Me, Maybe.
CFSBK is an amazing community and we are proud to have you as a partner in our work to support other amazing communities across Brooklyn. It is evident in your teamwork and camaraderie that you know how to bring out the best in one another. Brooklyn Community Foundation believes in this model. Our mission is to spark lasting social change for a fair and just Brooklyn. We do this by listening and engaging the community, funding and supporting successful programs that are working, and investing in new and innovative ideas. Since 2009, we have directed over $20 million to over 300 of the best and most effective nonprofits across Brooklyn. We have spent the last year talking to residents and leaders from across Brooklyn to identify our borough’s most pressing needs. On October 30th, we will release the findings from this project and talk about how what we heard will translate into an actionable plan for how we can best support our Brooklyn communities.
We cannot do this work without the support of donors like you—thank you. Your support is helping us build a fair and just Brooklyn not just for today, but also for the future. We invite you to join us on the morning of Thursday, October 30th at the Brooklyn Museum to hear about what’s next for the Foundation. You can also check out the following resources to learn more:
From all of us at Brooklyn Community Foundation, thank you for all your hard work and support!
The Cold Logic of Drunk People The Atlantic
10 Hours of Walking in NYC as a Woman Hollaback!
Help Save Brooklyn’s Double “D” Pool by Signing This Petition
How to Eat Real Food for Cheap Barbell Shrugged
Are you running the NYC Marathon this weekend? The CFSBKers we know of are Rob U., Eric E., Aileen, Lily, and Evan.
Don't we gain an hour? Fall back – we get an extra hour of glorious, glorious sleep.
Yes, we gain an hour, which I'm sure all the marathoners who have to be at Staten Island at an ungodly hour are happy about.
Today's workout yesterday
HBBS (Performance version)
205×6 (probably had a couple more in the tank).
Per JB's cues, I was experimenting with my foot position to try to solve my knees in instead of knees out problem. After x number of years doing this I have a hard time driving my knees out when I come out of the hole even though I am actively thinking about/trying to do this. Very frustrating but I'll keep at it. Many anatomy has something to do with it but I won't use that as an excuse.
Performance WOD:
Row: 25, 23,23
Ring Push Ups: 12, 12, 12 (Probably could have done a few more Round 1)
TTB: 9TTB, 5TTB then 13 situps, 3TTB then 18 situps
Kipping TTB are very much a work in progress. I did a LOT of flailing around. Switched to situps when it became too comical so that I would not have to stare at the high bar for the remaining time. I'll keep practicing.
Cash out with 2 pood KB. Cheated on the wall walk because I had to get home but I promise to make this up in Rings class on Saturday.
Guys, sometimes I make mistakes on the blog to test you and make sure you're paying attention. Today, you passed.
7am McRo,
HBBS @205x5x3, moving ok, felt heavy, not sure how much more there is in me.
WOD: row 22,22,23, PUs 12, then banded 23, 23, SUs 33,33,35, total 226
Underwood on the 3rd platform and Michelle on the first platform on SC, all is right with the world again.
6:30am Strength Cycle (woop woop!)
Another glorious morning of lifting heavy shit before sunrise.
LBBS: 90lbs 5 x 3
A little disappointed to see where such a big drop in weight. I am still sore from day 1, so I guess it's ok. Also, I can feel my depth has definitely improved so I'll take it.
Bench Press: 65lbs 5 x 3
Easy peasy
Clean: 53lbs 3 x 3
These practically do themselves. Probably because I've been at the same weight for about a year :/
PS: Adele and Mel, get your butts back into Cycle C lifting shoes.
Pigeon, I'm predicting that you'll be back in SC after Crash-B. I'll bet you an elephant.
Also posted in Classifieds under Pets:
We are heading back to Colorado for Christmas (Dec 21-28) and need a dog sitter for our great pup Oliver. He looks like Falcor from the Never Ending Story and is a friendly cuddle monster that gets along great with dogs, kids, and adults. Perhaps you have family coming in and they need a free place to crash? Maybe you just want a staycation in a modern apartment in South Slope. Or in exchange we can take your dog over Thanksgiving or any other time you are in need of a dogsitter. I’ll even throw in a bottle of great small batch whiskey from Colorado to sweeten the deal. Email hgerkin (at) if you are interested or know of any friends that need FREE accommodations in exchange for dog sitting over the Christmas.
I seem to have misplaced my jump rope and it is not in Lost and Found or where the jump ropes are kept. It is rogue with red rope and black handles and is wrapped in two green twist ties. If anyone sees it, please put in lost and found or give to front desk. Thanks!
10am today
HBBS Perf – 110×3, 125×3, 140×5 for repout. I was planning to try and grind out another few but Jeremy stopped me at 5 which was smart.
Perf WOD – Row 16/14/15, Ring PU 19/18/18, TTB 16/16/17 for a total of 149
Then KB swings – I went with old reliable heavy for me, 20 kilos for first round. Charlie then said, oh I'll leave the 24 kilo one for you here for your next round. I have never even attempted to swing the 24 kilo one! I did 12. Then she encouraged me to try the 28 kilo one for the last round, which was a grind for 8. But thank you to Charlie for helping me get over my fear of heavier KB swings!
Toes to nose – love going up, hate going down.
6am with McD and Ro
Performance HBBS: 45×5, 135×5, 225×3, 265×3, 295×3, 335×6 for the rep out. Felt good. Had one more in the tank for sure, maybe two.
Performance WOD: Erg calories were 21-22-22, Ring PU were 20-20-18, and Toes to Bar were 15-15-12. The rounds on the erg and ring push-ups were fine, but I felt tired and inefficient on the toes to bar. I think it's all the crap I've been eating the past few days… time to clean up the diet – again.
Had to skip the cash out to get to work on time, but I have promised myself I'll do some wall walks with nose & toes hold in the apartment when I get home… my neighbor will love it.
6:30am strength cycle.
LBBS: 170lbs x 3×5
Bench: 90lbs x 3×5
Power Clean: 103lbs x 3×3
I checked out the new bathroom this morning and it looks awesome!!
Thinking about doing crash-b's (but also thinking I may be crazy for contemplating it)
Thanks DO for postings about the gyms near Providence! I'm usually in that area for the holidays, so it's helpful to have some insight into the options.
10am with Jeremy,
45 x 8, 115 x 4, 160 x 3, 185 x 1, 195 x 5 x 3- belted.
Since I seem to keep running out of time, today I pre-planned and wrote down my warm- up sets complete with which plates I would be using, which helped.
Thanks Jeremy and McDowell for the spotting and coaching. Happy with how high bar is going.
Row- 20/21/21, push-ups- 19/18/17, sit-ups- 36/ 38/35. Wish I had toes-to-bar!!!
Cashout- 24kg, 28kg, 34kg…12 each. In the last round I tried the 34kg and swung it twice but had to stop, then started again and got 12! Michele- happy to be of service, strong lady!!! Thanks for returning the favor. I wouldn't have gotten that last 12 if you hadn't stayed with me. Wall walks are no fun for me.
100 x DUs afterwards and some handstands and kipping swings.
Nice bathroom…. but are going to get showers in future construction projects?
Sad to say that I'm deferring my marathon entry due to a very, very unhappy IT band. Can I save my blog shout-out for 2015? Because I'm running it then, no matter what happens!
Having to defer just a few days before the race is painful, but the upside is that I get to come back to group classes on a more regular basis. I've been so homesick for CFSBK and upper body strength!
Thanks to MeLo and Fox for their help dealing with the injury. You guys are awesome and make the most frustrating things seem manageable!
GOOD LUCK to everyone running! Aileen, Rob, Evan, and Eric! I will be cheering!!
From last night:
Split Jerk x 5 123–128-128-123-123
Whit gave me some good pointers about not "tight roping" with my feet. Didn't have much success fixing it last night, but it's something to think about and work on!
Really wasn't feeling this. The combination of being in sick and in caloric deficit (from being sick) made this very difficult.
Performance Metcon w/115—8:something?
Again, the jerks were not great. Hit myself in the chin in the first round (I've never done this before), and then was just plain neurotic about it. Felt weak, had to decrease down to 105 for the last couple. Blah. All muscle-ups unbroken though. They felt on point.
Working out made me feel a little better at the time, but then I woke up with a 101 fever this morning! A good reminder of how important rest is. My body is not inured to these weather changes and all the subway filth!
Good luck to all the runners! You guys are so crazy. What do you think about during all that time that you're running? That's what's always baffled me.
6am class
HBBS, Wendler '3' week: rep-out was 8 reps at 235
Last three reps were a little forward, with my chest collapsing somewhat. I was pretty happy with this since I've been sick with flu for a week and not eating much.
Row cals: 25, 24, 26
Ring PUs: 19, 17, 12?
TTB: 18, 18, 10
TTB felt great at the beginning, but fell apart on the last round. I had a couple of misses in the last round. Went hard on the last row.
Hi Joy! Your rope is at the Front Desk!
Lily I am sad you will not be running! Good luck to everyone who is!!
The Hollaback/catcalling vid is really such a bummer/good wake-up call for people, and not surprising. Also, once again how terrible society can be, the woman in the video just got threatened via social media. Awful times.
Marathon tip, you can cross 4th ave underground by ducking through the subway station at 4th and pacific… No swipe required.
@jb i find running long is meditative / alone time / burns out all higher brain function. It's… nice. A little like hiking, only you're running and you can't breathe.
@Camille. Thanks so much!
JB: I don't do marathons any more, but (I can't believe this now) I used to enjoy training — it was my "me time" and I would often work on a problem that was eating me or just enjoy the changing views of running across the Manhattan Bridge and then along the West Side Highway.
During the race itself, I would similarly try to be mindful of the neighborhoods I was running through — more effective in NYC and Berlin than in Chicago and Philly. (The first two have courses that have visual interest and/or cheering crowds the whole way through, whereas Chicago and Philly have much more interesting first halves than second halves.)
I don't miss it, though. I like not having to get up at 7 AM (or even earlier, if the forecast was for a hot day) on Sunday mornings in the summer and then run for two or three hours!
Also, Packer is right — cross 4th underground at Atlantic Terminal if you need to do so to get to class. BUT, allow yourself A LOT of time to do it, as everyone and their mother is trying to do the same thing. Learned that one the hard way — I live on the east side of 4th and a friend was running on the west side last year. I missed him in Brooklyn because it took me about 25 minutes to cross. Ay yi yi!
HBBS: 260x5x2, 260×8
WOD: Forgot my numbers. Duh.
4:30 pm w/ Noah and McDowell
Scapjack before class
Then altered the warmup a bit: subbed push-ups for strict HSPUs, got 5 in a row with one abmat! Which is already better than last week. So that was neat. Then Noah suggested I do strict pull-ups with a false grip on the rings. So I did that too which was also neat.
HBBS: 160×5, 165 2×5
Chickened out with my first set and did last weeks weight. Really wish i would've done all 3 at 165. GRRR
WOD: perf RX
60, 40, 55
The push-ups on the rings felt good. May have had a slight advantage because my rings for some reason weren't as low as everyone else's (if were being completely honest). But this is my weakest movement so it was probably best I was at a slight incline anyway.
5:30 class.
HBBS 125×3, 140×3, 160×4. I got in my head on the rep out for weird reasons and didn't stay tight, and hence these were ugly. Mental fail.
WOD, didn't add up my numbers. Got through the first round with some T2B, then switched to a version of K2E that really wasn't K2E, and Noah called more tuck-ish. I really wanted to work on T2B but should have done what Laura did and stuck with sit-ups. Strict push-ups, not ready for the rings.
Some handstands afterwards and got a solid four step walk in addition to the wall work.
Felt like I got hit by a truck this morning. Low expectations for today's work out were met.
Thankfully, Jess Bailey is the best, and I kept on moving
550m row
Varied DROMs and spattering of mountain climbers and v-ups
HBBS – really distracted and feeling generally sapped of my will to live
45×5, 95×4
124×3, 145×3, 163×2 womp womp — really fought for that second one too..
3 rnds, 1 min on 1 min rest of:
Ring push ups: 15/17/17
T2B (hand issues): 18/12/14
Row for cals: 11/12/13
No KB cash out for me… Did a bunch of mobility before class on back, triceps, lats, hips, and I hope to continue that tonight before bed.
Worked up to 125 x 7 today with a new training max of 155. Rep #6 went up so fast that I went for 7 but that was for sure all I had in me.
Oh my God, those eggs from the farm are inSANE. I visited my aunt's farm down in VA last year and she raises chickens that root around all day long, eating grubs, their yolks are fluorescent orange with barely any whites. I got so hooked that when I returned to NYC, I was ready to pay top dollar for amazing huevos. Despite having many eggs from different farms, the Coop's selection is lacking. Tello Green Farm at the GAP greenmarket are pretty good. These ones are right on the money! I should have bought out the store!
Fun 8:30 with Melissa. Hit 265x5x3 on the squat which left me winded for a while but was otherwise pretty doable. My goal for this cycle is 270 = 150%bw, should definitely hit that next week!
Fitness WOD, 227 reps. I was thinking about trying perf but then I was like, do I want to stare at the bar or work consistently? And I'm happy I did fitness because I managed all the situps unbroken, which is exciting in my world.
Cashout – that white kb is something else. Actually swinging it wasn't that bad but then I kept feeling more and more tired afterwards, like a hard erg set that keeps hitting you after you're done. Left feeling great / really tired.
My last workout before Halloween! Love the decorations, by the way.