Fitness: Power Snatch, On the Minutes x 10 minutes
Work at the same heavy weight you worked up to last week, or slightly higher.
Performance: Snatch 5 x 1
Hit 5 singles between 80% and 90% of your recent 1RM. If you’re feeling good then work at the 90% end, if you’re feeling off then work at the the 80% end. Your work reps must be no lighter than 80% and no heavier than 90%.
Post loads to comments.
In 10 minutes:
200 Double Unders
As Many Rounds as Possible:
20 Kettlebell Swings
20 Lunges
Mainsite WOD
As Many Rounds as Possible in 10 minutes:
10 Triple Unders
15 Kettlebell Swings 53/35
20 Lunges
Post rounds and Rx to comments.
Coach Fox recounted his performance at October Iron Fest in the comments last night, but he forgot to mention that he WON the Masters division, in a tie with CrossFit Gantry owner Jay H. He squatted 375#, pressed 175#, and deadlifted a lifetime PR of 490#. We’re so proud of you, Coach Fox! Brad D., Rob U. and Mike also competed and kicked ass!
- Happy birthday, Megan D.!
Want to Improve Your Snatch and Clean and Jerk?
**We won’t be able to run the cycles if we don’t get enough participants. The deadline for the PM cycle is Monday at 12pm and the AM cycle is Monday at 7pm.**
Here’s a testimonial from Front Desk and Social Media Strong Man Matt K.:
“Frank helped me work on all the tiny nagging issues with my snatch and clean and jerk, showing me how to overcome all the issues I’ve had for years. I look at Olympic lifting in a completely different way now, and I’ve already seen Frank’s coaching make my lift more efficient during WODs. Sign up for this class, you won’t regret it.”
And another testimonial (and mild threat) from Funny Strong Man Jay R.:
“SIGN UP FOR THE OLYMPIC LIFTING CLASS. Personal coaching from two national-level lifters (the man can clean and jerk like 400lbs or something). You will develop a deeper understanding of all of the lifts and and be able to show off to your friends. I don’t know of anyone who did not improve after finishing a cycle. Plus you get to mock the 8:30 class. If you are on the fence DO IT–or else you will have to see more of me in gen pop for the next eight weeks . . .”
What: An 8-week Olympic lifting cycle meeting twice a week with Coach Frank Murray and/or Heather Farmer in addition to 2 Open Gym or group class per week.
When: Tuesdays and Thursdays 10:30am to 12:00pm from 10/28/14-12/18/14 or Mondays and Wednesdays 8:30pm to 10:00pm from 10/27/14-12/17/14. (see full details below)
Price: $300 per 4 weeks, first bill due at sign-up and second bill charged automatically to the card on-file 4 weeks later.
AM Cycle
Tuesdays and Thursdays 10:30am to 12:00pm from 10/28/14-12/18/14
PM Cycle
Mondays and Wednesdays 8:30pm to 10:00pm from 10/27/14-12/17/14
Frank has competed in weightlifting for over seven years. During that time, he has medaled at five separate National Championships, most recently a Silver at last year’s Nationals. His all-time best lifts in competition include a 151kg (333lb) Snatch and a 182kg (400lb) Clean and Jerk at a body weight under 200lbs. He has worked with many athletes, from multiple CrossFits, including: CF Garden City, CF Queens, CF Great Neck, CF 516, CF King of Island Park, RADD CF, CF Greenpoint, CF Manhasset, CF L.I.C, among others.
Coached by Arthur Drechsler, former world record holder, chairman of the board of USAWeightlifting, and author of The Weightlifting Encyclopedia, Frank has learned from the many years of experience that Artie has had over his coaching career.
USAW Level II Advanced Sports Performance Coach
Level 1 Local Referee
B.A. Physical Education
2013 American Open Silver Medal: Clean & Jerk
2013 Nationals Weightlifting Silver Medalist: Snatch Clean & Jerk and Total
2011 Nationals Weightlifting Bronze Medalist: Clean & Jerk and Total
2010 Nationals Silver Medalist in Clean & Jerk
2010 Empire State Games Champion in Olympic-Style Weightlifting
2009 Nationals Bronze Medalist: Snatch, Clean & Jerk, and Total
2009 American Open Bronze Medalist: Clean & Jerk and Total
The 50 Funniest Puns In The History Of Funny Puns Distractify
Cake Left Out In Break Room With No Instructions
SERIOUSLY. if you have any problems with your olympic lifts – and we all do – take Frank's class. It's amazing.
Last plug for Frank's class (at least until tomorrow morning) because I really think it would be tragic if this cycle was cancelled . . . . Some potential Q's and my A's:
(1) Why should you take some time away from Crossfit – the greatest sport in the history of sporting greatness – to take this class?
Olympic lifting IS basically crossfit in capsule form – from a constantly varied functional movement at high intensity standpoint. It requires a tremendous amount of balance, explosiveness, speed, body awareness, leg strength, core strength, choreography and mental focus. You need this stuff to do WODs!
(2) But if I take this class, won't I lose all of my (powerlifting or endurance) GAINZ?
Well, the course comes with 2 bonus classes or open gym sessions so you can stay diced and swole.
(3) I am kinda new to crossfittin' will I be mercilessly ridiculed by Frank and everyone else in class?
If your name is Rob Underwood the answer is yes. Otherwise NO. Everybody gets personal attention and follows their own programming based on their experience, mobility issues, areas for development, refinement etc.
(4) The 8:30pm start is really late, I am worried it will mess with my TV, Drinking, Dinner, Childrearing responsibilities.
Tivo, Flask, Kettlebell Kitchen, Cough Medicine. The late start really isn't that bad. Usually it gives us a chance to spread out a bit beyond the platform area. Would be hard to do if the class was earlier in the day.
(5) But I am already an expert at these lifts so why waste my time.
So I guess I should call you Klokov now right, comrade? Get the F*&* outta here.
(6) My olympic lifting shoes make my feet look ugly, what can I do?
The Adidas Adipower white on black shoes that I wear are dope. Pair them with black socks, black shirt, grey shorts and red wristbands to look even dope-er.
(7) I find it hard to say the word Snatch with a straight face.
You don't have to!!
Seriously, hit me up on the board if you have any more questions. – Jay
Ha! Jay that was great. I have other commitments at these exact times and I am now working on canceling them.
And, yes, canceling this program would be tragic. You will solidify your positions, hear new perspectives on how to tweak things that have been going wrong and get expert tips on what to work on on your own.
And Frank and Heather are great people.
Do it. Com'on do it.
I signed up for the AM Oly cycle (thanks Charlie for the nudge) and I am so excited! I think about a year ago I really thought that I would never be able to do any of these lifts at all and avoided them at all cost, but I'm so glad that I got over my Oly anxieties, because now they are my very most favorite thing about Crossfit. Balance, strength, coordination, speed, finesse, adrenaline, they really have it all. Really can't wait to learn so much more this fall!
I cant believe thats there are more people for the am cycle then the pm this time….
Snatches on the fitness side OTM x10. had setup the bar with 115# (25plates and a bunch of 5s) so that I take some weight off when these get ugly. Ro convinced me to swap everything for the 35 plates, and thus hit 8 rounds @115, and 2 @120 (matching my PR from last week) It felt really really really good to catch the bar at lower than my usual muscle snatch position.
The WOD was a special kind of mess today, took the whole 10 minutes to work up to 120 DUs, they sucked, im in pain, and im frustrated.
PS: I dont have a solid reason not to take the night session Oly classes other than sometimes I have to work late and if Im gonna miss a class itll stress me out all day.
PPS: I want to thank Ro for his solid coaching.
10am with Fox and Ro. I feel I should mention that every single person in the 10am class prefers dipping to drizzling… Anyway, performance snatch at 83# with strong Laura as my partner. Still need to work on a faster turnover and pulling myself under the bar. Then the fitness WOD with 4 rounds even. Finished my doubles somewhere between 2:30 and 3:00, and got the first 100 unbroken – PR! Then actually did the cash out and treated myself to brunch at Bar Toto in Park Slope before strolling past the mayor and his wife on my way home. Now time for a nap on this beautiful No Plans Sunday.
9am drop in at CrossFit Lewes, DE.
5 rounds
7 squat clean 135#
10 heavy Russian twists 55#
10 (5e) KB push press 55#
15 hollow rocks
100m run
1 rope climb (Rx+ legless)
20:54 Rx+
Congratulations to Fox and the other lifters!! Nice job.
Off topic question for anyone out there: My external hard drive crashed and I was able to restore some of it through Crash Plan. But I'd love to restore the whole entire drive (lots of errors came up in the restore process). Does anyone know of a service that might be able to open up the portable drive and resuscitate my data?
Dropped in today to CrossFit providence. It was.. Ok. I'll write formal reviews when I get home and am on a computer, not my phone.
500m run
30 partner wall ball shots
10 tire flips
30 medball sit-ups
250m row
AMRAP 5 min
5 deadlifts 185
10 wall ball shots
4 rounds + 6 reps
Then they had open gym so I did more handstand practice and rack jerks up to 215
Sign up for the oly cycle dammit!! 😛
Congrats Fox! Nice performance! And an awesome pull.
Congrats to yesterday's competitors! Loved reading the comments posted by Rob and Fox yesterday.
Lauren! Does that mean you will be joining me and Amanda??!! I am so excited for the Olympic lifting cycle. I really need this!!
Make-up post from yesterday.
10am class with McDowell, Melissa and JB.
Front squat- 45 x 5, 95 x 4, 135 x 3, 150 x 1, 160 x 3 x 3. This felt super-heavy and my right knee was caving in so I need to really watch that.
WOD- 9.34 with 25# DBs. Should have pushed harder on the row. Thrusters broken up 11, 10, 5, 5, 3, 2, 3, 2, 3, 1!!! Argh! These felt so heavy!!
Came back for rings afterwards. Lots of fun!! Good to be back.
Today- 11am with MelRo.
Snatch- fitness @ my usual weight, 73#. Watch this space. 🙂
Fitness WOD with 20kg KB. 140 DUs and 145 reps. Not 85 as I wrote on the board. This was fun. KBs were American and unbroken for two rounds and broken in two for the rest. Getting those DUs, slowly but surely.
Jay, that was amazing. I bow in the face of superior talent.
Worked at 135 on the Snatch today. Felt pretty good overall. Caught reasonably well but need to work on being more upright in my overhead squat
WOD was interesting. Got my first triple unders in warm ups so I gave them a try. 3 rounds plus 6 TU
I've had one of those "in the zone" periods the last few days, athletically speaking. Has felt really great, and has me reenergized to push a bit harder for the next few months en route to the Open. To recap:
Friday: Came into Open Gym to test a 1RM Squat and Press after a 6 week program MeLo and I did together. My squat was a bit in shambles before, and a main reason I wrote the "Own It" article- I had an inflated concept of numbers that were tenuous at best. Atmosphere at OG was great, as always, good support from Melissa, The Gathering Storm, and Toddzilla.
Squat: Planned to open at 305, but my last warmup at 295 flew, so I started at 315. 315 also shot up, so hit 335, which was pretty smooth. Missed 345, and bailed it punk-style, with spotters, a major faux pas on my part, with many apologiez. 335 is both a high bar and low bar PR for me, so I was pretty psyched. Moreso, it means I have got my squat #s back on firm footing with a solid conceptual understanding of my ability.
Press: 165F, 165, 170F. I am a terrible presser, I basically try to bench press the bar away from my face all the time, its ridiculous. Still 165 is a 5 pound PR. My press was stuck at 155 for 2 years (for realz), hit 160 a few months back, I am like a desperate college student with the press, I'm awkward and will literally take anything I can get. So yay for this.
Comp Team practice on Saturday was fun. We did ALL the fitness, and I nearly snatched 195, hit 185 solidly to keep a bodyweight snatch on the table. Fun working with all the heavy hitters, and I'm trying to stick to my resolution to not belly ache and be a good team player (semi successful here.)
Then today the CFSBK Fighting Tacos decimated a pretty decent team, 7-1 (possibly 8-1?) 2 games left before the playoffs and we are playing very very strong soccer.
I signed up for morning OLY, excited to improve these lifts!
Yay Michele!!!
BTN Jerk
341×1, failed second
Front Squat, 3RM
This was a pretty good estimate. I didn't have one more KG in me
BTN push press, 5RM
264×4, failed 5th
Alright, Jay. Your FAQ pushed me over the edge and I'm signed up for PM class even though it's past my bedtime… looking forward to it.
Made it back from Florida in time to hit OG for 30 min and deadlifted with Katie.
195x4x2. Great cues from JB, as always. I need to keep the bar closer to my body during my set-up, and keep my butt up higher. Pull up in a straight line.
Then Katie and I did the 5K loop with 5 burpees at every corner, and 10 more when we pulled back onto Degraw. Perfect running weather.