Fitness: 3 x 3 Linear Progression
Add 5 pounds to your last exposure.
Performance: 3 – 3 – 3
Work up to a heavy set of 5 reps. No failing.
Post loads to comments.
For Time:
500m Row
21 Dumbbell Thrusters
400m Row
15 Dumbbell Thrusters
300m Row
9 Dumbbell Thrusters
Post time and Rx to comments.
Lavender Lake Swim Team’s got ups!
News and Notes
- ACTIVE RECOVERY IS CANCELED TODAY. Check out Yoga for Athletes with Coach Whitney at 10am instead!
- Threes Brewing, our post-Fight Gone Bad host, is having an event from 2pm to midnight, with a food vendor from 4-9pm and some music. Follow them on Instagram to learn more, spread the word and come hang!
- Coach Fox is competing today at the IronFest strength lifting meet organized by Starting Strength coaches at CrossFit Gantry from 8am-4pm. He will have three attempts to establish a one-rep maximum in the squat, press, and deadlift. We’re cheering for you, and can’t wait to hear how it goes!
Let the Body Rest, for the Sake of the Brain The Atlantic
10 Best Stretches for Runners SparkPeople
BOO! Where did AR go? *cries*
Brad D, Rob U, and Mike (newish guy) will also be lifting today…go SBK!
Good luck everyone!!!! Woo hoo !
PS still love this pic forever
8am with MelRo
FSQ – Warmed up with 45×5, 95×5, 135×3, then workset at 155x3x3.
Accessory work – Did the chinups, first 2 sets with no band and then the last 3 sets with a red band.
WOD – Used 25# db's, 9/7/5, 8/7, 9, maybe could have gone with 30. Finished in 9:18.
Good luck Fox and crew!
FSQ Triples: 205, 215, 220
WOD with light thrusters (25lbs) – putting a toe in the water here: 8:02
Lovely day. Supposed to be good till Thursday at which point the weather will revert to the usual East Coast shittiness. Enjoy it.
Sorry Stella! I'm meeting the GFs parents in providence 🙂
Dropped into CrossFit optimize in Attleboro. I was the only person in class and the WOD was Isabel so they told me to warm up and let them know when I was ready. Did three rounds of our SWUs and then barbell prep. No prs today, just hit it and moved well, finished in 9:30, about 3:00 slower than my best. Finished with some handstand practice. Everyone em was very nice but pretty hands off. It could have been because I was the only one or that I was a coach but I was pretty much on my own. Will have to take a formal class at some point to reassess.
First FSQ exposure since I've been back. Worked at 165, which felt nice and light.
WOD somehow didn't feel as bad as I thought it would. 7:07 at 40# which is almost exactly 45% of BW.
FSQ @190, back felt good, squat was a bit too forward. 3×3
Wod in 9:33, with a 30# db , that 45% of my weight, on the moon. As expected, i saw 2 movements and i knew it was going to be harder than I thought.
Stayed after to practice some dus, i decided its time to get the form correct, so just forget however many i can get with bad form. Started with 3, lets see where this goes.
Fun 11am with Whitney, Jessie, and McDowell. Experimented with the crossover activation whatchamajig before class because Wednesday, That Guy Whose Names I Should Know By Now But Don't said it really helped him with his shoulder problems, and I have… multi-problems. Let's hope.
Anyway none of that mattered today! Continued FSQ 3×3 LP with 240#. Starting to slow down but moved fine, felt good. Sometimes I need a little cue to hit depth – I got a little intimidated by the weight and short-changed a rep or two. It's not really easier to short-change them, it feels better when I know I hit depth, and I know I can do this weight. SO I should knock it off. Definitely adding 5# next week.
WOD – I'm no longer afraid of thrusters! This was a long (8:35) negotiation for me. I knew 40# would get hard later on so I didn't push myself very hard on the erg (1:50 then 2:00 pace for the next two rounds). Broke up thrusters 11-10, 8-7, 5-4 with 5-10 breaths between sets and in transition. I think I could have done any one set unbroken but it would have gotten sloppy later. At that pace only the last rep or two was sloppy… def should have no-repped myself on the last one.
Now that I'm rested, I feel like doing another WOD, like the first one wasn't enough of a stimulus. Generally feeling really positive today. Must be the spirit of Halloween.
Going well over here at Gantry. Everyone is nice, the vibe is super positive and the sun is shining. Also were lifting some weights. Brad had a smooth PR squat at 410. #nbd
Did this yesterday with the 12pm class.
Front squat:
(45×5, 95×5, 135×3)
165×3, 185×3, 195×3
-surprised by how well these moved. I still hate front squats though.
9:47 with 30# db's
-the combo of rowing and thrusters is gross.
Fun watching our boys lift out at CF Gantry. #strongboyz
110# for the front squat. Slow moving but not as ugly as it sometimes is
WOD made me just miserable. So out of breath
20# dbs..finished in around.. 8:45 i think? Too tired to care/look.
12noon w/ Coaches McDowell, Whitney & JB
Front Squat:
165, 185, 205
Since it's been a while, I underestimated. I'll try to get to 215 next time.
8:39 w/ 35# dumbells
At FGB, we won a couple cases of delicious Chameleon Cold-Brew coffee, and I left a bunch of bottles in the fridge for everyone at CFSBK to enjoy. Thanks, Rory M!
Good luck guys at Gantry!
This morning, my mom, cousin, and I did a bunch of tabatas with 1-min rest between each. Sets of burpees, knees-to-elbows, jumping squats, push-ups, jumping lunges, and planks. It was fun. But let's be honest, I'm mainly working on my tan.
workout at 2pm after coaching
A couple rounds of:
25 ft handstand walk (assisted)
10 strict T2B
10 burpee to target
Power Snatch:
53: high hang, knee, and floor
63, 63, 73, 83, 83, 83
Power Clean:
63, 83, 113, 123, 123, 123, 128
-last two were a bit crash-y. didn't let the bar go enough and didn't aim shoulders to bar. but 128 is the most i've power cleaned, and is close to 90% of my best clean, so that's cool.
I really want my shoulder/elbow and hip issue to be resolved, and am thinking I may just need to take a legit 2 weeks off from everything. I can't remember the lsat time I was 100% pain-free. Going to the cobbler this week to get my shoes lifted.
Skip ahead if long posts annoy you 🙂
Great day at IronFest today. Dana ran a solid event with the help of some of the Starting Strength Staff and CF Gantry volunteers. Brad, Rob, and Mike made some impressive lifts but I'll let them tell their own stories. Suffice to say I was proud to be lifting alongside them. My lifts were as follows:
335 – 355 – 375
Had toyed with asking for 365 on the 2nd attempt but Jess said the first one was a bit slow so I took 355. 355 went up very smooth so I took 375 and made it pretty smooth. 10 pounds off a lifetime PR so I'm very happy to post that number. I hadn't squatted more than 355 in almost 2 years.
155 – 175 – 185m
Declared my opener too low at 155 so after I made the first attempt I asked for 175 and did 165 in the warm up area. 175 went up smooth. I knew 185 would be tough and would have matched a lifetime PR and I actually "made" the lift, but was red carded on e technicality. The bar apparently did not maintain consistent ascending motion and came down a bit at one point during the 10 or so second grind of a lift. Still glad to get it overhead alongside the cheers of the crowd. I really thought I had it.
Was most anxious about this lift since the deadlift is the lift I threw my back out on. Warmed up to 405 and was thinking I had declared too lofty of an opener but adrenaline (and C4) made it feel light. Asked for 465 but Jess bumped me up to 475. Easy peasy. Thought about asking for 500 simply because it's a really cool number to lift but stayed humble and asked for 490, since I was 99% sure I would make it and it would still be a 5# conventional deadlift PR. Nailed it.
This all works out to a 1040 CF Total which is a PR by 30 pounds from my last on 6/9/2013.
Very happy to have done this event and felt good to move some heavy bars around again. I've learned a lot from being injured and am in a good place now. The fact is that I probably wrecked my back by doing training such a limited movement pool for a while and getting back to CF at lighter weights and moving through more ROM made me a stronger lifter. Funny, since we always say that being stronger will make you a better CFer. For me it was the 180 degree turn that got me healthy again.
Thanks so much to my best gal, Jess, for being there to support me and push me when I needed it. I am stronger with you around.
Way to go FOX!! C4!!!
Follow-on post to Fox's post — this is cross-posted at
Coach Fox wrote a great post (above) about today's Starting Strength – The Aasgaard Company October Iron Fest at CrossFit Gantry. Thought I'd take a moment to follow up with my story re today.
Today was an indulgence and an excuse for me. It was an indulgence in that I wedged this in as the 4th in a series of 5 back-to-back weeks of events: a half marathon, another half marathon, Fight Gone Bad, today, and – crucially – next week's TCS New York City Marathon. An excuse in that I'm hooked on the Starting Strength program and I didn't want to lose too much of my gains in my last Strength Cycle with Jeremy Fisher, which concluded in September with the total on 9/14.
In July I did a 300lbs squat, a 150lbs press, and a 370 deadlift – 820 total. In September (9/14), I did 310, 155, 385 – 850. Between the end of last cycle and today I was back in regular CF classes, doing my long runs for the marathon, and doing some SS stuff during open gym – mostly a few extra squats along with press and deadlifts.
The plan today was simple. Fox wisely advised that I'd have almost no chance of repeating September given the training mix I was doing since. So I decided to shoot to repeat July, which I still thought would be aggressive.
Squat: 265-280-300. Straight repeat of July. Couple curve balls — I couldn't use my belt, which is 6", so I had to borrow a 4" belt, which was quite thick. They also announced that depth would be a key criteria and there were two side judges. The combination of the belt and going that extra inch or so to be sure was a bit uncomfortable, but I made it.
Press: 135-145(f)-150. Similar to the squat, I was obsessed with a performance standard, in this case getting my head through and the bar far enough back given my terrible shoulder mobility. I am also used to Jeremy's prompt at the top, which wasn't there. So on the 2nd attempt I just sorta hung out at the top to make extra sure the side judges had seen my ears, and during that second or two had a foot fault. On the 3rd rep I was fine though, which was at 150.
Deadlift. 345-360-375. I got greedy and off-plan of a straight July repeat with my last rep by going to 375 instead of 370. The right side judge failed me, but the other two passed, so it was a passed lift. The right judge thought I had not gone to full extension at the top.
Really great day. Gantry is a sweet gym — that would be home for sure if I lived in LIC. I am glad I did this — I feel like I kept momentum going into a new strength cycle. This in mind, it'll be a gentle start to Strength Cycle falling the week between a CF Total and the NYC marathon!
I also concur with Fox's observation that CF makes a better strength athlete as much as it is the other way around. My "strengths" are endurance and strength. Speed, mobility, coordination, agility, balance — not so much. Clearly my spread eagle squat (to Melissa Loranger's chagrin!) shows that to really take the next step on my lifts will require me to work on things like mobility which are weaknesses and limitations for me.
Thank you to Fox, Brad, Mike, and Jess from CFSBK for the support and love throughout. Thanks too to Dana Zilber and the rest of the crew at Gantry and Aasgaard for a great day. And thanks to my son Toshi for the support and taking great photos!
All our scores are post here, btw:
Congrats to rob and fox – and others.. Great write ups!