Fitness: 3 x 5 Linear Progression
Add 5 pounds to last week.
Performance: 5/3/1 5 week
65% x 5
75% x 5
85% x 5+
Percentages are based off your TRAINING MAX (90% of a recent 1RM). Aim to hit around 10 on the rep out, but save 2 reps in the tank.
Post loads to comments.
AMRAP 10 Minutes:
10 Chest to Bar Pull Ups
15 Push Ups
30 Squats
Post time and Rx to comments.
Jason M. was so frightened by Val shouting at him that he did enough reps (331) to take second place at FGB on Saturday
- Happy birthday, Aileen!!
Construction for the Next Two Weeks
Construction is being done on the two downstairs bathrooms from 7am-6pm over the next two weeks, and only one will be available at all times. Some work is also being done to a couple pull-up bars. You can use the bathroom upstairs (on the way to the annex). We apologize for any inconvenience, but we promise we’ll be prettier by the end!
4 Remaining Options to Augment Your Training at CFSBK
Along with all our regular programming, we love providing you with additional ways to augment or push your training at CFSBK. We offer Pilates classes on Tuesday nights at 7:30pm with KH, Yoga for Athletes with Coach Whit on Thursday nights at 7:30pm and Saturday mornings at 10am, and Active Recovery classes on Tuesday nights at 6:30pm, Saturday at 11am and 12pm, and Sunday at 11am.
We also offer the following four programs, which are all about to start new cycles either this weekend or next week. Ken’s Rings Class and two sections of Strength Cycle already sold out, so check the other options out, and look forward to challenging yourself in a new way!
1. Strength Cycle with Coach Jeremy
We all want to get stronger. That’s because we implicitly understand that building strength is the foundation for increasing overall physical capacity. It has been proven again and again that lifting heavy primes our bodies to be more effective and efficient at metabolic conditioning workouts. Strength is the only mode of training that supports everything else we do in the gym and in life. Plus: it’s pretty badass.
We are offering five 8-week strength programs that will involve the following:
* Small group training designed to increase your competency with the lifts.
* Consistent and repeated exposure to the powerlifts along a linear progression of weight
* Short and intense complementary conditioning workouts.
* Group discussions on lifting topics including: planning warm-ups, the mental aspect of lifting, and elements of the adaptive response to strength training.
* New PRs.
Upcoming cycle times and dates:
A cycle: Beginners, 7pm Mon/Wed and 6pm Fri | Monday Oct 27th – Friday Dec 19th
B cycle: Intermediate, 7pm Tues/Thurs and 10am Sun | Tuesday Oct 28th – Sunday Dec 21
E cycle: All levels, 10am Mon/Thurs Monday Oct 27th – Thursday Dec 18th
The C and D cycles are FULL.
Each cycle will culminate in a CrossFit Total on Sunday, December 21th.
Class Sizes: Space is limited to 4-8 participants
Class Length: 90 minutes
3x Per Week Cycles:
$300 paid upon registration and then another $300 at the halfway point
2xW Cycles:
$200 paid upon registration and then another $200 at the halfway point
If anyone is confused as to which cycle they belong in or has any questions, they can contact Jeremy directly at Jeremy [at] to discuss placement.
2. Competition Team Practice with Coaches MeLo and Arturo
CFSBK Competition Team practices will recommence this Saturday, October 25 at 2pm. Practices will be held every Saturday at 2pm going forward. Participation and eligibility requirements are outlined below.
Participation / Competition Requirements:
Register for and compete in the Open, and submit scores for all workouts.
Register for and compete in at least 2 other CrossFit competitions per year.
Eligibility Requirements / Performance Standards:
Athletes must possess all of the Strength and CrossFit Benchmark requirements, seen here.
Athletes must possess 1/3 of the Skill requirements, seen here.
Please email Coach MeLo at Melissa [at] if you are interested in participating or if you have any questions.
3. CFSBK Endurance Program with Coach Mike O.
What: An 8-Week intensive program based in the form and endurance needs for CrossFit Runners
When: Thursdays at 7pm and Saturdays at 11am, starting October 30th
Where: Determined each week between Prospect Park or Red Hook Track
Schedule and Pricing: $175 full-access to the 8-week program (including bi-weekly coached group sessions, benchmarking, training data, and full plan support and guidance)
What to Expect: This will be 8 Weeks of 2x/a week Running, Drill Work, and the basic biomotor requirements to become a more fluid runner and increase your endurance relative to Crossfit training. We will work on everything from basic balance and stability, to some run-specific single leg plyo training, and power production specific for the needs of a strong athlete. This program will NOT be a Half-Marathon or Marathon Training program, but it will enhance your ability to absorb any program like that, or simply to increase your metabolic energy systems to help you absorb higher and more intense work loads in your training
Program begins on Thursday October 30th, 2014. Due to the progressive nature of the program, athletes will not be permitted to join after November 6th, 2014.
4. CFSBK Olympic Lifting Program with Coach Frankie Murray
What: An 8-week Olympic lifting cycle meeting twice a week with Coach Frank Murray and/or Heather Farmer in addition to 2 Open Gym or group class per week.
When: Tuesdays and Thursdays 10:30am to 12:00pm from 10/28/14-12/18/14 or Mondays and Wednesdays 8:30pm to 10:00pm from 10/27/14-12/17/14. (see full details below)
Price: $300 per 4 weeks, first bill due at sign-up and second bill charged automatically to the card on-file 4 weeks later.
AM Cycle
Tuesdays and Thursdays 10:30am to 12:00pm from 10/28/14-12/18/14
PM Cycle
Mondays and Wednesdays 8:30pm to 10:00pm from 10/27/14-12/17/14
Learn more here.
Into the Streets (People’s Climate March + Flood Wall Street)
The Primal Blueprint Transformation Seminar
Abtanium: Available Now!
How to Spend the First 10 Minutes of Your Day Psychology Today
Hiring a senior project manager; looking for someone with at least five years of experience in an interactive or software development environment. Interest in educational software a plus. Email me your resume at mignyc at gmail dot com.
6am with McDowell and Arturo. I did 3×5 at 175 on the fitness back squats. That's a PR by 5 lbs, but still felt like it was moving pretty well. On the metcon, I did 3 rounds plus 10 pull-ups. I scaled the pull-ups to regular kipping pull-ups. This was my first time using kipping pull-ups in a workout and while I'm sure they weren't pretty, I'm super excited to have done them. Also, my records tell me today is exactly a year since my first foundations class, so it's milestones all over the place for me today. Thanks for a great year, CFSBK!
6am with McDowell and Arturo
Started the morning with a great shower/bike ride combo but thankfully remembered a full change of clothes.
Hit 240# for the 75% of the perf set. My left knee has been hurting since FGB on Saturday so I passed on the 3rd set today.
Metcon was fun and way harder than Cindy (IMO). I broke up the C2B from the beginning into sets of 5 and I think that helped keep me going on the pushups. Chasing Peter was fun as always. Hit 5 rounds + 6 C2B's.
In job hunting news, our tech company is looking for a Director of Design to join us – if you know any rockstars please send them my way. My email is m (at) Thanks!
Nice wet 6am-er. Every part of me wanted to roll over and stay in bed today but I knew that I would be awoken by thunder anyway so I came in. Plus I wanted to squat.
Hit all ten reps on my 85% which was at 215#.
WOD: 10 squats shy of 4 rounds,
HA I love this photo! I mean, if Val were yelling at me I'd be scared too 😉
So much for waiting out the rain this morning, still got soaked on my way into the gym.
Up my training max by 5#.
160×5, 185×5, 205×7
Still getting comfortable with the Wendler scheme.
5 rounds + 10 push-ups
The 1 & 2 rounds went quick and then things started to slow down. The first round of C2B unbroken and then decided to break up 5/5. I was a bit surprised I had to start breaking up the pushups towards the later rounds. Just kept a steady and reasonable pace on the air squats.
6am. HBBS (linear progress): 135×5, 225×3, 265×2, 270x5x3. This was a 5# jump from last week. Got woken at 3am by the thunder (and my son) and never got back to sleep and my right hip and glute have been bothering me. With that wonderful preparation the weight moved without problem. Metcon Rx: 4 rounds + 4 push-ups. Interesting how Michael A says he was chasing me when in fact he was almost lapping me.
7am with McRo.
HBBS linear prog. 5# jump @200x5x3, I believe I had good form through all of them, the bar felt good today.
WOD banded C2B, PUs 5/5/5 squats 10/10/10, got 3 rounds, didnt push these at all given I had a total of 4 hours of sleep. Got woken up at 4am by two cats who knocked over everything and who also think I can protect them from the god of thunder. Weirdos. Considered coming to the 6am class, but it was raining too hard.
CSA veg pickup and egg sale today, 6-8:30, and the FINAL veg pickup of the season is NEXT WEDENESDAY, Oct 29.
Guys! That was me on the blog yesterday! Asta I don't know if I need to hug you or pinch you for that photo.. amazing and I'm still laughing at it. Figures my first SBK blog lead in photo is me being a dip as usual. Sigh. Thank you so much for having me up, pretty freaking awesome, and glad my post FGB was fun! I all but wrapped myself in bubble wrap 2 months prior to stop from busting myself up in some way. This is truth and not a joke. Love the comments, made my day today. All the JB hugs!
Noon class
Final LP exposure prior to Saturday. Happy to have made it to 3 wheels un-belted.
Skipped the WOD to get in my last press exposure.
Rested too much (chatting about the Allman Brothers Band, good enough reason) before the last set and missed my last rep.
Perf HBBS: Added 10 to my Training Max. Then 105×5, 120×5, and 135×10 for rep out. These felt solid other than my knees (Valgus).
WOD: I subbed 5 Kipping PUps for 10 CTB. 4rds + 1 Kip PU. Push-ups were the hardest part.
make-up post from yesterday:
4:30 with Whit & Noah doing today's work
Back Squat #215x5x3, the 4th rep of the 3rd set i shifted into my toes a bit but everything else felt solid.
WOD: 3rnds +10 jumping C2B + 15 pushups +15 sqauts. I moved consistently throughout the 10 minutes but in hindsight i could have moved quicker through squats.
Whit, thanks again for all your help yesterday!
Happy birthday Aileen!!
10am with Arturo.
45 x 5, 115 x 4, 155 x 3, 180 x 1, 190 x 5 x 3.
Really heavy but I am happy to say I achieved depth on all of my reps so I think this new warm-up scheme worked for me. However I did run out of time due to slow barbell math. I'll know better next time.
WOD- 4 rounds but took an extra 3 seconds to finish the last squats. Scaled to 5 x red banded C2B chin-ups.
Broke the push-ups up into sets of 5 and broke up the sets of 5 into 3, 2, as needed in the later rounds. This seems to work for me, mentally.
Cash out- the hollow holds were really hard.
Worked on DUs afterwards- total of 100- I got 25 unbroken and then I lost it a bit and could not get more than six in a row after that. I broke up my 'sets' with handstand practice, followed by some kipping swings and much quad mashing.
Ooh happy birthday Aileen!!! Xxx
4:30 group class
3 rounds NFT
10 DB Thrusters 25#
10 ring rows
130m run
5/3/1 HBBSQ: 5 week (240 training max)
10 CTB pull-ups
15 push-ups
30 air squats
4 rounds + 10 reps
Recap from yday and today:
Push press: 95# 5×3
KB 24kg: 3:38
Row: 1:58.8
Burpees: 2:40
5 strict HSPU w/ 1 abm + 25 25# pp
handstand push-ups were tough but they felt ok! Playing around with a wider hand placement than I used to in order to avoid impingement.
HBBS: 160# 3×5
WOD: 4 rds + 8 C2B
Chest to bar felt great. Was playing around with my kip. Think it could be a little bit more organized, especially when I get tired. Kinda feel like I just aggressively thrust whatever I can around in mid-air just to get those last few reps in…which probably ain't so pretty
Did the push-ups at an incline on parallettes (sp?) this time…took my time with these. Focusing on going only to neutral in order to avoid the anterior shoulder soreness in my bicep. Nothing bothered me during the workout so we shall see tomorrow!
12pm-ish today…finding parking delayed my group class involvement. 🙁
HBBS: (added 10# to training max so my new TM is 248.5)
65% x 5 @ 161.5
75% x 5 @ 186.5
85% x 5+ @ 210 –got 10 reps.
-only the last work set was belted.
-3 rounds plus 10 c2b, 15 pushups and 15 squats, rx'd,
Should have pushed the earlier rounds a bit to have at least 4 rounds. Always different when you do these wods solo though…
HBBS: 250x5x2, 250x10x1
WOD @5 strict pull-ups: finished 4 rounds + 5 pull-ups.
Today's class kicked ass — from warm-up to cash-out — have i told you lately that i love your programming cfsbk?
I still feel crappy and now am losing my voice. But I will be better by tomorow.
HBBS w Eric — I increased 10#, so new training max is 181… that might be ambitious
45#x5, 95#x3
117# (65%) x 5
135# (75%) x 5 feeling good
154# (85%) x 7 last couple of reps knees really coming in and felt compressed by the bar so stopped there. not really what i was hoping for
10min AMRAP — Rx 4 Rnds + 10 C2B
Came down from the bar a bunch to make sure I wouldn't fail reps
Push ups deteriorated faster than I thought
Quads were burning from pistols yesterday I think..
Held the cash out for the full minute each time. Thanks for having us do the cash out while the other group did the work-out — I usually can't fit the cash out in on a Wednesday
In conclusion, cfsbk, you rock
L elbow, forearm, and bicep feeling a bit strange, probably due to my 5-6 muscle up attempts yesterday.
big orb to lat/armpit/lateral arm
lax ball to forearm, bicep
Row 3 min
warm up 33×5, 43×5, 53×3
work 58x5x3
commit to LP for next 6 wks
3 sets of 5 with the bar, shim under R foot. just focused on even weight-bearing and knees out.
70%x2: 209
75%x3x2: 220
77%x2: 231
80%x2: 242
85%x2: 253
88%x2 : 264** Failed second. Would have been a PR double…
70%x(2+1): 253
75%x(3+1): 275
80%x(2+1): 291
85%x(2+1) 308
88%: 319
90%: 330
**Might have pushed it a tad too much with the shoulder and come back a couple days too soon with the CJs. From experience I know I should have waited. Hoping I didnt really screw myself.
Pause Snatch Pulls:
88%x2x2: 264
96%x2x2: 286
Dips and abs
8:30 awesomeness. Sorry I sweat all over the gym 0_p
260x5x3 HBBS, a new personal best! Pretty confident my depth was good. This was very doable, I really think I can hit my goal of 270 this cycle [emoji][emoji]
WOD – my right arm is still a candidate for amputation, so I subbed ring rows for pullups. High rep anything-but-air-squats-and-long-slow-running is rough for me so this was still a good lat & arm activation, but it didn't push my heart rate as high as I would have liked. Maybe I should have done goblet squats or db thrusters instead of air squats?? Anyway finished 5 rounds + 4 RR, pushups very broken up but everything else unbroken.
Cashout was all kinds of amazing finding of new ways to feel weak. Amazing.