Fitness: 3 x 5 Linear Progression
Add 5 pounds to last week.
Performance: 5/3/1 1 week
75% x 5
85% x 3
95% x 1+
Percentages are based off your TRAINING MAX (90% of a recent 1RM). Aim to hit 3 plus on the rep out, but save 2 reps in the tank.
Post loads to comments.
For Time:
500m Row
50 Push Ups
50 Box Jumps 24/20″
50 Pull Ups or Ring Rows
550m Run
Post time and Rx to comments.
Check out Matt U.’s video from Fight Gone Bad 2012. We’ve got 3 days left, CFSBK! How can you get weird and up your game in the next couple days?
Fight Gone Bad Fundraising Updates
- WE’VE PASSED 50% OF OUR FUNDRAISING GOAL, AND ARE ALMOST AT 60%! The best part? Since we hit $15,000, Brooklyn Community Foundation’s Board has been matching our contributions dollar-for-dollar. You or your friend puts in $10? The Board puts in $10, doubling your impact on Brooklyn’s communities. We’re so close! There will be another surprise when we hit $35,000, and we only have three days left!
- Also, HEAT ASSIGNMENTS ARE AVAILABLE HERE! Team captains, please email your teams to keep them in the loop about when they need to be at the gym. The upstairs annex will be available all day for the two teams in the upcoming heat to warm-up.
Congrats to those teams and individually topping our leaderboards on CrowdRise! Below are our top fundraisers from both the individual and team divisions (as of 5pm Tuesday 10/14):
Top Five Teams:
- Wall Ball Me, Maybe $2,561
- Swoldiersoffortune $2,345
- Wodtoberfest $1,935
- Menace to Swolbriety $1,740
Top Ten Individuals:
- Erik B. $1,170
- Peter M. $950
- Matt C. $870
- Asta F. $795
- Scott M. $730
- Michael A. $724
- Chris Y. $711
- Richard G. $700
- Asha B. $656
- Michael R. $600
Send a last-minute email to your friends and family! Maybe something like this?
Dear ______ [insert name],
I know you probably think I’m bananas for doing CrossFit, but I love it so much–largely because my gym, CrossFit South Brooklyn, is so freaking awesome and doesn’t just care about getting “swole” (defined by the Urban Dictionary as the state of being very muscular and/or buff and in good shape), but we also care about helping our neighbors in Brooklyn.
That’s why I need your help! Through this fun competition we’re doing on Saturday, we’re raising money for a local organization called Brooklyn Community Foundation. BCF supports tons of great and important programs in Brooklyn.
Donate here, and I promise to send you a photo of me drenched in sweat after I crush this workout on Saturday. Also, I’ll love you forever!
XXOO _______ [your name]
In The Dust Of This Planet Radiolab
What Near-Death Experiences Can Teach Us About Consciousness Science of Us
How to Walk Like a Ninja The Art of Manliness
Dog Teamwork Retrieving a Ball
Make-up post from yesterday:
7:30 w/ Jess and Noah
Jerks @ 128—did not feel stellar today. Shoulders felt meh and I never felt entirely stable underneath the bar. Still having trouble bending that back leg and keeping my weight back.
WOD A 3:57. Again, shoulders felt meh on the Thrusters, but I was able to do them all unbroken. Nice little burner!
7 AM!
Squats 160×5, 185×3, 205×5. I don't think I'd have tried for 5 without McDowell's encouragement, since I missed last week's exposure and week 1 was a bit of a mess. Thanks McD!
WOD 16:22 with 25 strict chins. I did try doing a couple of kipping pullups to warm up but I didn't think I'd have them consistently, especially after all those pushups. From past experience I become an emotional basket case when I start f*cking up kips in WODs, so more practice before I try them in a WOD. Of course this means I was slow as hell (do a single, shake it out…do a single, shake it out), but I'm okay with that.
Not so interesting article about the pitfalls of CrossFit for dancers. Very one sided -as in only person's experience.
6am with McD and Arturo
HBBS: 190×5, 215×3, 240×5
Tried to keep my hips forward more this week than last week. I think I had some success at that. These weights are the same as last week because I realized I haven't been basing my percentages on my _training_ max. I also didn't want to load up until I got my HBBS mechanics down better.
WOD Rx in 12:47
I finished the pullups at around 9:50 and then I kind of caved on the run, mostly because my arms felt like huge bags of sand. A normal moderate pace for that lap would have been 2:00. The first half of this was more of a waddle than a run.
Prior to that the workout was:
row: 1:50,
pushups: 10, 10, 10, 10, 10,
box jumps: they were box jumps,
pullups: 7, 7, 7, 9, 7, 6.
cashout was a sweaty mess, but fun as always to share the pain and jokes with my mat mates.
6am with McDowell and Arturo. I hit 165 on the 3×5 fitness squatting. This was heavy, but I think I still have plenty of room to add weight this cycle. The mechanics of the movement felt particularly dialed-in today. Hopefully that sticks.
15:45 on the metcon scaled to a 20" box and ring rows. I briefly thought about trying this with pullups to give my newfound kipping ability a workout. But then I opted to be reasonable and scale to ring rows. I made the right choice. After the pushups, my arms were in rough shape. I'm pleased to note that it was shoulder and bicep endurance that were the limiters here, rather than lung capacity.
The cash out was physically quite unpleasant. I was a sweaty mess – my glasses were half covered in sweat, half fogged up, so I looked like Dr. Bunsen Honeydew and was essentially blind, to boot. Good times. But cracking wise with Alex and Linda did indeed help.
Make-up from yesterday at 7:30pm with Noah and Jess
For jerks I did 165×1, which is 85%, and then finished the remaining work reps at 175x1x4 (90%). Having issues punching my back leg out way to far and not extending my front foot quite enough. Got some good cues from Noah here, and I think I started to come around towards the end. Also, Brad mentioned widening his grip just a tad helped him on the jerk as well, so I played with that a little bit. Definitely felt a good difference by moving each hand out an extra half inch or so.
For the WOD, I did it rx'd in 6:55. Failed at doing the first set of thrusters unbroken, and it totally threw me off. Should have pushed a little harder here, but fine with this time overall. Something to improve on. Felt smoked after this, so I only did one round of the cash out.
Monday's work-out after 5 debaucherous days off
Warm-up 2 x 3 – so sluggish
Rack Jerks – these have not been good this cycle
Plan was to get to 118 (little less than 90%) and to start w some push jerks to dial in the dip
33# press x 5, 63# push press x 3
83# push jerk x 3, 93# push jerk x 1, split jerk x 1
113# split jerk x 1
123# split jerk x 1 – bar math error
133# split jerk x 1- bar math error compounded
118# x 1 x 3 – dropped back but these got progressively uglier
Shoulders not feeling great, which shook my confidence getting under
For time: 15-12-9-6-3
Thrusters @ 63#
KB OH @ 16kg
5:31 – unbroken but thrusters got slow
2 rounds of:
:30 wall-facing handstand hold
20 v-ups (10,10)
Make up 7:30pm with Noah,
HBBS LP 195x5x3, going well, still getting used to HB, but I like it, and I have high hopes to bring my #s up without losing form.
WOD, scaled the push ups to 25, 50 box jumps 24" (all jumping), and 25 banded kips. finished in 12:42, stayed on the floor for a long time after that.
Stayed a bit after class and worked on DUs, started to get a good feel of what the wrists need to do, but my legs are still stiff and I keep piking at the hip instead of having softer jumping knees.
5:30 yesterday with Noah and Whit.
Back Squats
Grinders today. Glad to be finding the upper end of my range here.
WOD: Don't remember time only how much my kipping pu suck. Did 15, then switched to green bands.
10am class
Playing with eating some food prior to am workouts. It proved to be a bit of trouble later on.
Felt pretty good. Gettin back to low bar has been sort of like getting back on a bicycle after a long time off it.
Row in 1:45
Push ups 10-10-6-6-6-6-6
Box Jumps 15 bounding then all consistent step downs. This is where my breakfast affected me. Almost had to take a bathroom break 🙁
Butterfly pull ups 10×5 with liberal rest took forever.
Run Schmun
Finished in 15:14
10am with Arturo.
45 x 5, 95 x 4, 135 x 3, 165 x 1, 185 x 5 x 3. The first set was really hard and I was a big shallow on a couple of the reps so I got my belt. The following sets were much better but still a little shallow on the fourth rep of the last set. Arturo advised me to change my warm-up scheme so as not to have such a big jump at the end, which makes sense so I will try that next week.
16.08 with 25 banded chin-ups. Push- ups broke down fast. I started with sets of 5 but after 20 had to do them in 3s and 2s. I did manage to jump up and off the box for each box jump but took more breaks than I should have allowed myself. Chin-ups- started with the red band, switched to the blue band for 10 and finally added the orange band. These were happening in 1s and 2s by the end. The run was a nice cool down after all of that. The cash out was pretty awful.
DU and handstand practice afterwards.
Comeback day 2:
HBBS – this is how I hurt myself, so I am planning to keep it super light (< 50% of old 1RM to start) and add slowly until I feel any deviation of form. Started at 155x5x3 – nice and easy
Went into the metcon planning to take it slow and move well, but not worry about time. Ended up surprising myself by finishing in 11:38. I guess I kept my lungs in shape by biking and doing some bodyweight stuff during my time off.
10am class with Ro.
(45×5, 95×5, 135×3, 165×1)
-used my belt for the last set. Probably had a couple more but I'm not good at pushing these repouts. Once I get a number in my head, I'm happy being done once I hit it.
16:39 rx'd.
-row in 1:55.8. Push-ups in 5's then 3's then doubles and singles. I will forever hate push-ups. All box jumps bounding and unbroken. Pull-ups in sets of 5 except twice when I fell off at 4. Run was a run.
-shoulders were superfatigued and I didn't look forward to the cash out. Did it anyways.
That video gets me every time.
Noon class today
HBBS 110×5, 125×3, 140×6 for rep out. Knee really caving on that 6th one so called it quits there.
WOD RX – 16:47. Row was slow as usual, one of the last ones off the rower. Pushups were hard. Broke them into sets of 5 until 35 then had to start breaking them into smaller sets. I must admit that I probably didn't touch my chest to the ground on every rep, but I have never done such high volume in a WOD strict, so I didn't no rep myself. Was just happy to not be on my knees!
Box jumps up, step down. These were steady, not too hard.
Kipping Pull-ups were in sets of 5 at first then down to sets of 2 by the end. My hands ripped around 45 but had to finish. Finally have kipping pullups in higher volumes like this is such a major accomplishment!
Run was fine. could have went faster but treated it more like a cool down.
30 min of AR: quads, calves, hip flexors, hamstrings, shoulders, traps
Warm up x 3 of 15 air squats, 15 hollow rocks
HBBS w/ Keith and Artie
45×5, 95×3, 115×2
125 (75%) x 5
145 (85%) x 3
160 (95%) x 7 — first 4 were pretty good, last 3 didn't really have a bounce, felt like I could have kept going but was losing integrity of HB. And we can't have that
For time:
500 row (~2:10, last 150m ~2:05)
50 push ups (5s, 3s, 2s, – last 5 singles)
50 box jumps (20" unbroken)
50 pull ups (5s, 4s, 3s – no tearing)
550 run
Cash out: 8 million things to do tonight
HBBS: 155# 3×5
Same weight as last week. Everything was moving slow/felt heavy til the last set. Which felt exponentially easier because I went faster due to the time crunch. So now I'm confused about my whole approach. Trying to find a balance between building tension/maintaining speed on the way up is really hard for me. Will try to go heavier next week while keeping all of this in mind.
WOD: 14:57 RX
row- somewhere around 1:50
Pushups- broken up into sets of million. I've got a long way to go with these. Hit the brick wall of pain at about rep 7
BJ- unbroken
Pull-ups- haven't done high volume kipping pull-ups more than twice since my injury. Pretty thankful that I can even do these again so hooray!
Mucho mobilization after. Trying to avoid any anterior shoulder soreness at all costs, which only seems to crop up when I do push-ups. Regardless I feel great overall.
HBBS Wendler 'One' Week
185 x 5
225 x 3
245 x 16
Had to skip WOD.
7:30 – McDowell – JB
Wendler –
I know I need to be 3+, but I've treaded slightly behind this Wendler 5-3-1 on all the rep outs…I think the 315 my training max was based off of, which was only 6 weeks ago, was me firing on all cylinders (had a good last cycle. 20 sets were feeling great and the day I hit it I was well rested). Regardless, I'll be sticking the same for the next 5-3-1…and will hit the proper #'s
Metcon – 13:30 Rx
The run sucked.
Row – 1:40
Pushups – Right @ 4
Box Jumps – 6
Pullups – 10:30
Run – 3min
My pullups need to get better
Cashout: 2rounds of planks + 500m row
Big 8:30 with JB. Hbbs 255x5x3; got called out on depth on the second round which surprised me but made sure to hit it on the 3rd round.
Missed Monday because I was sick; the fact that I still feel awful 25 minutes after finishing today's wod makes me think maybe I still am? Finished in 16:00 flat with 24" jumps (15 total step ups) and ring rows subbed for pull ups. Not so great today but glad I came in.
What is now a minor tweak in my shoulder limited me to only Front squats today.
Front squat, 5rm, -5%. -10%x5
339×4 (failed 5th?)
Quick office workout before a big dinner.
HBBS heavy triple (Unbelted)
95×5 135×5 185×4 225×3 255×3 275×3 295×3 315×3
This is my previous max triple belted, I believe, so glad to see all this unbelted work has gotten me up to around the same area. Going to try some belted doubles and singles after the next week or so to see where I'm at.
Pendlay Row
135×5 175x5x5
Max Chin-ups
DB Curls
Will be (and have been) getting lots of "conditioning" with all the hiking I've been doing on the weekends so just complimenting my main lifts with some bodybuilding-style assistance work during the week lately. Sure is fun chasing the pump.