CFSBK Pilates Maven KH shows perfect extension at the top of her deadlift. Note the vertical line between her ear, shoulder, hip, knee, and ankle. Check out her Pilates class tonight at 7:30pm!
News and Notes
- Fight Gone Bad Fundraising Update: CONGRATS! You guys solidly hit $15,000 yesterday, which means Brooklyn Community Foundation will begin matching any and all donations. Congrats to team Wall Ball Me, Maybe who pulled into first, and to Erik B. who continues to crush it on the individual side (though Peter M. is hot on his tail…). FGB IS 11 DAYS AWAY. Keep it up!
- Schedule Changes: Remember the GYM WILL BE CLOSED from Friday evening through Sunday evening this weekend. Below are a few more options to add to the roster of fun things you can do instead…
Coach Noah’s Kipping Pull-up Workshop on Saturday and Sunday
Coach Noah’s Kipping Pull-up Workshop is back with a vengeance and some added wrinkles! This weekend, he will be holding two BEGINNER kipping workshops:
Saturday (10/11) at 11 a.m.
Sunday (10/12) at 11 a.m.
Register here!
This is for folks who have yet to accomplish their first kipping pull-up or need significant work organizing the movement and linking them together. Buy-in for the class is 3 CHIN-UPS for both men and women. By the end of the hour, everyone will have gotten their chin over the bar, will likely have strung a few together, and will definitely have a plan for practice and perfection of their kip.
Noah will also host two intermediate pull-up workshops:
Saturday (10/11) at 12 p.m.
Sunday (10/12) at 12 p.m.
Register here!
This is intended for folks with solid kipping pull-ups who want to refine their technique and learn advanced skills. The class will cover the gymnastics kip and smoothing/optimizing the kip swing, chest-t0-bar pull-ups, and butterfly pull-ups. Buy-in for the class is 10 UNBROKEN KIPPING PULL-UPS.
Each class will cost $20 and run one hour. Meet in the annex. Email Noah [at] if you have questions about which class to select. If there is significant interest, another class may be added on the same day or the following week.
Endurance Coach Michael O.’s Running Clinic on Saturday
What: 2-Hour Running and Endurance Clinic
When: Saturday, Oct 11th from 9am – 11am (the gym will be closed this weekend for the Starting Strength Seminar)
Where: Red Hook Track
How Much: $12
What to expect: This will be a mobile educational clinic to assist a CrossFit athlete in their running technique and how to train it. We will start with the basic requirements needed for an athlete to run, what might hinder that development, and what to do in order to progress that development. We will actively go through a large series of mobility and activation work specific to producing a strong and replicable running stride for each athlete, yet take the time to discuss why this is important.
After the first hour of educated-movement, we will then go into a sample session and its design based on CFSBK’s Endurance Program. This will give some insight on how the program will work and can show what to expect during an actual endurance session.
We will finish with some basic Q&A for the last 5-10 minutes as needed.
ALSO: The next cycle of CFSBK’s Endurance Program with Coach Mike begins on October 20. Check out the event page for more info.
A 75-Year Old CrossFitter vs. Ezekiel Emanuel The Russells
Research Provides New Insights Into Preventing Shoulder Impingement Breaking Muscle
Everything Dies, Right? But Does Everything Have To Die? Here’s A Surprise Radiolab
Thug Kitchen Cookbook Trailer
Wednesday's Programming
Back Squat
Fitness: 3 x 5 Linear Progression
Add 5 pounds to last week.
Performance: 5/3/1 3 week
70% x 3
80% x 3
90% x 3+
Percentages are based off your TRAINING MAX (90% of a recent 1RM). Aim to hit 6 plus on the rep out, but save 2 reps in the tank.
Post loads to comments.
10 Rounds for Time:
3 Deadlifts 225/155
3 Dumbbell Hang Cleans + Push Presses (Rx 45%xBW)
5 Rounds for Time:
5 Power Snatches 135/95
3 Muscle Ups
Post time and Rx to comments.
6am. HBBS (linear progression): 255x5x3. This was a 10# jump from last week and generally felt good despite a good deal of soreness in my legs. I think I don't drive up hard enough out of the bottom and instead have a tendency to just let the weight crush me into the hole and then slowly crawl back out. Going to work on that next week.
Perf metcon Rx: 9:07. Was toying with scaling the snatch weight, but glad I decided not to. 135 was heavy and there were some questionable reps in there. Need to do a better job about letting the bar get all the way to my hip before exploding up. Was having the same problem on Sunday. MUs felt surprisingly good today given that my biceps and triceps are still thrashed from Sunday and Monday's workouts. Did all but the last set unbroken and think I could have had that one as well except for losing my grip after the second rep due to sweat.
6am with Jess and McDowell
Worked at 185 for Jerks. Was able to get through all of them with relative ease due to this being light for me, but still had issues with short stepping and the weight being out in front a little bit. It was better this week though – hopefully that will be a recurring theme.
Run/burpee WOD was predictably miserable after a long weekend of eating and drinking like a complete fool at college football tailgates in the Midwest. Got through 5 rounds even by pushing hard on the last 20 burpees as the clock was winding down.
My mom is in the hospital ๐ so, went to Crossfit Rising Fire, a new box near where my family lives.
Clean — worked to 110 for a double, then 100x2x3. I don't always make 110 with perfect confidence but I had it today and I kinda wish I'd gone heavier.
70 goblet squats 24kg
70 med ball slams 14#
200m farmer carry 24kg/side
I sandbagged this one a little bit because it was NFT, not gonna lie. Definitely rested longer than I needed to.
Today is my four year anniversary with CFSBK. I had my first day of foundations on 10/07/2010 with Coaches Fox and Shane, and I sucked at everything. I was terrified of Fox and I couldn't even come close to getting below parallel on my air squats and I couldn't jump high enough to make it to the top of the 16" box. Now I can jump onto a 24" box and get all the way to the bottom of the squat, but I'm still terrified of Fox. Seriously, have you guys met that guy? He is very scary.
JK, 4 years later, I am not afraid of Fox, and I have reached "mediocre" status at everything. This morning was no exception. My whole body is sore as fuck from last week (yep, that never stops happening) and my rack jerks felt really wonky and all over the place, (though I am really glad they are decoupled from the cleans this cycle so I can really focus on each movement individually) and then felt really sluggish through the whole wod. So, I guess I'm going to have to keep coming for another 4 years, until I can successfully move my body in a way that more closely resembles a burpee.
I was kind of hoping for flowers or chocolates or something this morning, but whatever. Maybe tonight there will be a romantic bubble bath or something. I'm not getting my hopes up.
6 am with Jess and McDowell. I did Monday's push press work. I went 115x5x3, which felt a little heavier than I expected. I'll chalk that up to having been burning the midnight (and early morning, afternoon, and evening) oil at work for the last week or so.
I got through 4 rounds plus a fifth run on the run/burpee wod, which sucked indeed. I only did one round of the cash out because I had to get home to get the kids off to school, but I wasn't too bummed because those prone T's and Y's were a little more like "prone flails while dripping sweat onto my glasses."
I'm sorry your mom's in the hospital, Stella – I hope they treat her well and get her fixed up and out as soon as possible.
6am with Jess and McD.
BSQ: 185×3 / 215×3 / 240×8
I took my time on that last set but they felt pretty good.
Fitness WOD: 5:26 RX (40# DB). This one was fast. Bump it up to 5 reps and I think this would have been perfect.
Tried to finish up with some banded MU practice but it just wasn't happening today. I think I'm still beat up from the Bone Frog Challenge on Saturday plus the last 2 workouts. Looking forward to rest day.
Sorry to hear about your mom, Stella. Hope she recovers quickly.
Stella so sorry to hear about your mom. Hope she will be ok soon!
JJ, 4 years!! CONGRATS that is awesome!! Just approaching year 1 here (graduated foundations halloween 2013) and i definitely have GREATLY improved since but I still think I have ways to go haha
stella, i'm sorry to hear about your mom as well. i hope everything turns out ok, my thoughts are with you!
6:30p last night with noah & arturo.
push press, worked up to 88#, got to 4 sets of 3 before time ran out.
wod: subbed rowing for the run and did 5 full rounds +40m
and happy 4th crossfit anniversary JJ!
@Stella – hope your mom is okay!
Two make-up posts:
Sunday at 11:00am with Ro and Nick
Snatches at 95x1x3, 115x1x2, 120x1x5, 120m, 120m. The 120 is 90% for me. These felt great today, the best they have in weeks. Making sure to look straight ahead and get tension in the hamstrings really have been helpful cues as of late that i have tried to internalize. Last two misses were probably just fatigue at that point, and most likely didn't need to be attempted, but oh well. Partnered with Brad for the WOD, and got 20 rounds. The last time I did Cindy on my own I got 11 rounds, so I feel like this is a marked improvement. Kipping pull-ups felt great, push-ups sucked from round 5 on. I am jealous of Brad's endurance and strength here – he never had to break them up at all.
Monday at 7:30pm with DO and Ro
For rack jerks, I did 45×5, 95×3, 135×2, 165f, 165x1x5. Feeling a little smoked from the weekend, kept it at 85% of my 1RM. Not sure what happened on the first fail – definitely didn't get low enough, just kind of half-assed it and didn't commit overall. The rest were better, but I still struggle a bit with getting my front foot out far enough, and at times making sure I finish with my head through. I thought the WOD looked terrible yesterday (my two least favorite things), but I surprised myself a bit by getting 5 rounds. The burpees were okay, done with minimal rest. I felt like I got faster on them in the last two rounds, although I think in some cases I wasn't fully extending on my way up. Ran by Kristen Schaal during one round, so that was cool. I think she is my favorite voice on Bob's Burgers.
@JJ – happy anniversary! That's awesome ๐
Congratulations. ๐
It's funny, whenever I get down on myself with the whole "I have been here FOREVER why have I not transformed into Rich Froning yet (or even like.. Annie T.. )?" I remind myself that during foundations I couldn't press a 15# bar more than once, I couldn't squat below parallel, I couldn't do a pushup, pullup, front squat, etc. So when it's put in terms of where I was then and where I am now, it's pretty night and day, which does feel really good.
Keep on keepin' on.
Congrats, JJ!
7am w/ Jess and McD
Squats–worked up to two heavy sets of 5 LBBS @ 185 to prep for Starting Strength this weekend. Still figuring out the low-bar, but this felt better than last week. I do not like the way the bar feels on my back (I could probably get my shoulders up more), but the 185 actually felt much easier to move for 5 than it does with high bar. Good cues from Jess and McD to get lower (I don't have this problem on high bar) and to keep my chin still.
Metcon–9:34 (or 9:54?) w/ an 83# barbell. As always, struggled a lot with the snatches. All muscle-ups unbroken.
Full of complaints today! My shoulder was a little achy during the WOD and my knee was tweaky during squats, though this resolved itself when I reminded myself to keep my knees out. Generally feeling a little under the weather. I'm glad next Monday is a holiday!
Happy anniversary buddy! Wendler HBBSQ, 130# x 9 for my rep out. Feeling great today. Fitness WOD rxed, 35# DB. 9:24. Woof. Those dumbells sure felt heavy! Feeling good and sore going into my Wednesday rest day.
Don't let Jenna lead you all to any false conclusions, I am and will always be extremely terrifying. I am a force of dark nature to be reckoned with. I mean, 5'8" and 175 lbs of tattooed NYC Irish is bound to be eternally scary. No? Not really? But I also have 2 pitbulls and a motorcycle!… Still no? OK then.
Here's to another 4 years and beyond, TFBA. Time flies.
Finally completed the next step on the LBBS linear
Progression – 310x5x3. This was my third attempt at this weight – last week I failed on the 15th rep! I think it had become mental as much as anything. I find these multiple reps of heavy squats kind of intimidating and my negative thoughts can run amok.
Also dead lifts 325x5x1 and rack jerks 165x1x5
6am with Jess and McD. I'm excited to be doing the wendler performance work this cycle. HBBS: 150×3, 175×3 and 190×6. Fox called me out and said I could've done more on the rep out, which is probably true, but still getting used to doing rep-outs.
WOD: fitness version in 6:43, using 30# dbs.
Stella – So sorry to hear that. Sending positive thoughts your way!
I'm growing increasingly unimpressed with Breaking Muscle, as the last few articles we've posted have been bunk. Today's article explains a few journal findings and then shows a poor way to stretch the external rotators of the shoulder, and says it is a great way to stretch the internal rotators. This should not be that hard to get correct for some writing about movement. They have "articles" from multiple authors which seem to often be simply regurgitated, and sometimes misinterpreted or simply misunderstood, information. This seems to be the case with our Jeff Barnett form today's post.
To correct: shoulder (generally supraspinatis) impingement is often accompanied by a lack of true shoulder internal rotation, weak/lengthened/stiff external rotators, forward head posture, an over-kyphotic thoracic spine and the resultant anterior tilt of the acromion and coracoid processes, beneath where (and atop the humeral head) are where impingement occurs. The stretch shown in the article can help improve true shoulder internal rotation (NOT EXTERNAL ROTATION!), but there are some better ways to do this than in the video they give.
opens breaking muscle tab6:30 – Lady Fox
Perf – Jerk – 175x1x5
This was 10lbs off what I was doing last week. I don't know if Sunday destroyed me (shouldn't have)…or what, but it took me forever to get this warmed up…I probably should've pushed it on the 4th or 5th rep, but this where I was. fwiw, 4 and 5 felt great tonight. Jess wanted me firing under the bar faster, so it goes in the vault.
Metcon – 5rounds + 1 BP
This is one of those workouts where's there's no where to hide…I felt mentally tired after. In these types of workouts I tell myself some portion is where you need to focus on breathing and catch your breath…not go slower, just control yourself…for me it was the run. It reminded me of long shooting drills in college…you rested while you were shooting. then you ran. maybe I'm f'd up in the head, but that's the way I approached it.
A day that was not without volume.
2 Snatch push press+1 OHS
Snatch, 65%x2, 75%x3x2, 80%x2, 85%x2, 88%x1
**The doubles at 80, and 85% were rough
Clean+Jerk, 65%x2, 75%x3x2, 80%x2, 85%x2, 88%x1
**The double at 308 felt great. I missed that last week.**
Snatch Pause at 2 Position pulls, 100%x2x3
Another office workout:
135×5 185×5 225×4 275×3 295×3 315×3 330×3
I think this ties an old 1RM for 3, which is great since I've deadlifted maybe once a month since getting scared by a tweaked back during a deficit deadlift last year.
Pendlay Row
135×8 165x8x4
DB Lateral Raise
DIY Crossover Symmetry Recovery (set up some rogue bands to simulate the real deal and printed out the guide online)
Awesome shot KH
Yoga today — sweaty, solid handstand work, good focus.
2-hour Oly Session tonight — Snatch only
Lots of barbell warm ups followed by some new drills:
Strength stance, no hook grip, feet glued to the deck
24kg x 3
28kg x 3
31kg x 3
– don't segment
– don't short the pull
Strength stance, hang snatch, jump back onto plates
24kg x 3
28kg x 3
31kg x 3
– get head through
– aggressive
Hang snatch singles:
35kg x 1
39kg x 1
40kg x 1 x 2
42kg x 1 x 2 – felt the best of the night
45kg x F,F,F – really wanted it but really wiped out. by this point it had been a LONG day
this is my snatch PR from the deck, so very exciting that this felt like a possibility.
– jump back an inch
Feel exhausted and great at the same time
Was surprised to get one on the first set bit it felt great so went for another. Probably should have done a triple, hence the second set.
Power Snatch
Surprisingly good night.