Fitness: Push Press 5 x 3 Linear Progression
Start light enough to leave room to go up, about 80% of what you did for a single last week.
Performance: Rack Jerk 5 x 1
Hit 5 singles between 80% and 90% of your recent 1RM. If you’re feeling good then work at the 90% end, if you’re feeling off then work at the 80% end. Your work reps must be no lighter than 80% and no heavier than 90%.
Post loads to comments.
AMRAP 20 minutes:
400m Run
20 Burpees
Post rounds to comments.
Dave shows Samir how to use the Crossover Symmetry system.
- There’s a fun new post over on Inside the Affiliate, spotlighting CrossFit Oahu in Hawaii. Learn tons from owner Bryant Powers about how they run their five facilities. At the very least, your eyes will thank you for all their colorful photographs. Or maybe you’ll decide to move to Hawaii.
Fight Gone Bad Fundraising Update from Brooklyn Community Foundation
Congrats everyone! We’re almost at $13,000—which is 31% of our fundraising goal for Brooklyn Community Foundation. Erik B. and Peter M. are crushing it!
The best part? Brooklyn Community Foundation is thrilled to announce that they will match the funds you’re raising! Once overall fundraising hits $15,000, the Board will match contribution dollar-for-dollar. You or your friend puts in $10? Our Board puts in $10, doubling your impact on Brooklyn’s communities. We’re so close! There will be another surprise when we hit $35,000, so KEEP IT UP!!
Congrats to those teams and individually topping our leaderboards on CrowdRise! Below are our top fundraisers from both the individual and team divisions (as of 2pm Sunday 10/5):
Top Five Teams:
- Wodtoberfest
- Swoldiersoffortune
- Menace to Swolbriety
- Wall Ball Me, Maybe
Top Five Individuals:
- Erik B.
- Peter M.
- Scott M.
- Asta F.
- Michael A.
Another Brooklyn Boulders Session Added for Next Weekend!
Cruise Director Mare L. was able to get another climbing session for us at Brooklyn Boulders next weekend. The Saturday class is sold out, but there is now a class on Sunday at 4pm.
The session is a special one-hour course that teaches climbing techniques. You’ll use your gymnastics-heavy, explosive-lifting skills on dynamic cave-esque walls like The Beast, and get to connect with the climbing community at BKB! The course has been specially designed for CrossFit South Brooklyners AND discounted (their 30-minute Learn-to-Boulder class is normally $45).
When: Sunday, October 12, 4pm
How Much: $30, includes day pass and gear rental for the day of the class (a $36 value)
Sign up here!
The class is capped at 10 people, but if you find this 4pm class is sold out, please email Mare at mare [at]
High-Fives, Not High Reps: CrossFit Programs for Preschoolers Focus on Fun New York Times
21 Mouthwatering Taco Recipes You Need To Try Buzzfeed
4 Things You Probably Didn’t Know About Honey Huffington Post
51 Paleo Snacks Anyone Can Love Greatist
What kind of pre-class movement prep do you do?
6am with Nick and McD.
Brisk bike to the gym this morning. Love this weather.
Partnered with Alex and Peter on the rack jerk. Warmed up, then hit 185#, 195#, 205# x 3. My 1RM is 215#, so I climbed outside of the 90% but it was feeling crisp so I went with it.
My legs were pretty toasted from soccer yesterday so the the conditioning WOD was fun. Did exactly 6 rounds with about 5 seconds left over.
For pre-workout prep, I do some foam rolling on my shoulders (especially my left) and then mobilize my calves and achilles.
A timid 7am with NicDowell and 4 people,
Worked with 145x1x5 on the racked jerk, hit a couple of good ones, and finally after some words of wisdom from McD, got briskly under the bar on my last rep and made it feel effortless. This is the second day I get under the bar faster than my normal pace and it feels like a million bucks.
Wod 4 rounds + 400m, Just kept moving, slow but steady.
I usually mobilize whatever is sore on my body, and the few times that im not sore, i mash the areas that will be affected by the following workout, so if its a snatch day, i mobilize my shoulders and back…
6am with McDowell & Nick
Rack Jerks: 175x1x5. Received a couple of good tips from McDowell. Widening my stance in the catch made it much easier to get lower and a much sturdier position. Also, need to keep my dip vertical and my front foot was a bit shallow. I like this cycle since it keeps the weight constant and focuses on re-enforcing good movement at a moderate heavy weight.
WOD: 6 rounds
Not much to say about this metcon. As Peter mentioned at the end, this metcon was designed for me. This is all about keeping the burpees moving. Michael pulled away but I was able to keep him in sight. Shoulders are hurting after this morning and this past weekend.
Pre workout / evening: lax ball on scapula, roll out my glutes, and box shoulder stretches, shoulder stretch w/ green band.
6am. Rack jerks: 205-225. The rep at 205 felt light. The reps at 225 felt heavy. Shoulders were stiff and arms were tired from being brutalized yesterday. Metcon: 5 rounds + 270m. I couldn't hang with the burpee bunnies (Michael A and BK). My shoulders and arms are now masses of useless meat.
Pre workout I usually get the small orb into my hips and glutes as I have perennial tightness in those areas. I also do a little first rib mobilization against one of the racks. If time permits, I'll do a some lax ball work on my shoulders.
6am class with McD and Nick
Great to be back with the 6am class.
rack jerks: 165, 185, 185, 185F(press out), 185F(press out)
Wrists have been bothering me in the rack position, and this was pretty distracting today. Press-outs were caused by not dropping enough on the last two.
WOD: 6 rounds, with four or five seconds to spare. Kept a pretty moderate pace throughout. I could have pushed the running harder.
6am with Nick and McDowell.
Push press: 145x3x5. Still moving well although I always struggle with push press. Shoulder to overhead movements are my weakness.
WOD: 5 rounds + run (ok, maybe I only hit 390m by the time the clock ran out…). I enjoyed watching Michael and Brad crush those burpees!
Pre-workout I work on shoulders, quads, wrist.
10am with the birthday boy.
Push press- not entirely sure what I did here. It was supposed to be 90 x 5 x 3 but I couldn't do it and there were misses and bails and even 85# was too much today. I've had this weird pain/ tightness in my back- ( maybe teres major or minor?) and that felt funny and everything felt imbalanced and off. What a mess. This was so frustrating and I was very close to tears. Thank you Cage and Scott (I think?) for taking care of plate changes while I tried to regain my composure between sets.
I really did not want to do the WOD at all because I was still fighting back the tears and I kind of had decided that I should not have been there at all today, and the burpees sounded like hell but Serene made me come with her for the first 400 and talked me into doing it so I stopped whining and just kept going. I took Maisie with me on three of the following runs which helped a lot. Somehow burpees were exactly what I needed! 4 rounds and 13 burpees in the end.
Monday has been a rest day for me recently and it is probably better that way. Today was one of those days I was happy to even complete the workout and I felt a lot better leaving the gym than I did when I walked in. Thank you, friends. And puppy.
6 am w. Nick and McD.
Push Press @ (45 x 5, 65 x 3, 85 x 2 and) 100# x 5 x 3. I feel like the "push" part of this hasn't been very effective/powerful for me, so I played around with dipping to different depths and consciously keeping elbows up from the start and all the way through the dip and drive. That seemed to help a little, but I should have also worked on moving my head out of the way of the bar faster on the drive up…ouch. No bruises on my chin yet, but still a little sore. I think for this cycle I need to really focus on form and technique on the push press, and not worry about the weight quite yet (while still making it challenging).
WOD w. strict burpees: 4 rds + 400 m run + 18 burpees. I really should have fought for those last 2 burpees…blurgh.
I am so sore from yesterday. Probably going to be at the 80% realm for jerks tonight.
110# on the jerk today, felt better after Noah cued me to get my front foot more forward in the split. I am enjoying working on this lift without the clean. Then the metcon for 4 rounds even. As Denae pointed out, it's usually the wods that don't look that bad that end up sucking. She was right.
Noon w/ Fox & Ro:
PP 5×3 @ 135#, a +5# from last week.
6 rds+ 200m
Despite this being the ideal workout for me, the weekend plus soccer had me spent. Was hoping to get 7 rds, but felt rough after the first 10 burpees. Hope to do this one again to see it straight on.
4:30 class
217 is 90%. Felt pretty good today, despite being pretty sore. Working on faster turnaround, both on the dip-drive and the drive under. Came in about 20 minutes early to roll some of the stiffness away and get my t-spine ready. Glad I did.
5 rounds
10 strict HSPU instead of Burpees. Still sucked.
I have a heavy bench day tomorrow and am hoping to salvage it
Afternoon office workout:
Front Squat
85×5 135×5 185×5 205x8x4
45×5 75×5 105×5 117x8x4
KB lying tricep extensions
5 rounds
15 push ups
250m row (48.7, 49.0, 48.8, 49.5, 48.1)
1-2min rest
7:30 with DO. Not a good day for my jerk, 145x1x4 with only 1 or 2 good ones. Not going up next week.
WOD was interesting… My sole goal was to do the burpees strict and unbroken so I'm happy I kept that up. Finished 4 rounds + run + 12 burpees, could have finished 5 pretty easily if I had pushed on the runs. Still, happy I kept the burpees going. Looking forward to Wednesday!
6:30pm class, 5 rounds +270 . I think I started too fast and definitely didn't drink enough water today. It's always a great day when you really feel your heart pumping though.
More importantly, I think I'm going to join crossfit LIC so I can take their toddler classes. And I'm never calling them box jumps again! They should be known forever as Superhero Leaps.
I love foam rolling my IT band and the lax ball on my shoulders. It hurts so good and apparently has benefits like preventing injury, so…why not!?
30 min of much needed AR today before 6:30 class
Lax ball on hamstring insertion problem area
2 min super couch ea side
Lax on traps and calves
Warm up lap and #2 x2
5 pull-ups each round!
10 push ups
15 KB OH 16kg
Rack Jerks
45×5 PP, 75×5 PJ
95×3 Jerks, 110×2
120 x1x2 these were great (same weight as last week ~90%)
Then, on third one don't know what I did, sort of pressed out and crumpled forward and re-racked
Upper body just felt tired and soft. Time was up
I don't know
20 min AMRAP
400m run
20 burpees
5 rounds plus 400m and 12 burpees
12 ea x 2 rounds of floor trap things and v-ups. Finally fit on a cash out
More rolling out will be necessary tonight
Lots of make-up posting today!
Felt like doing a little sumpin after open gym so busted out Diane at some point between 8pm and 8:15pm. Was not warmed up, and broke things up more than I should have. 4:33. Listened to Blessed Union of Souls "Hey Leonardo" on repeat then entire time (appox. 1.3 times through.)
Feeling a little off (I think I'm fighting off some sort of sickness). Worked out after class.
Front squats at 145, 155 and 155.
WOD: 7rds +10pp. Broke up the SDHPs more than I would have liked, all unbroken on the push-presses. This was not a workout to do one's own.
Today: 7:30pm w/ DO and Ro
Jerk: some bar math fails–60kg, 55kg, 55kg, 60kg. Still not bending my back knee enough.
WOD: 6rds+300m Just focused on keeping a steady pace the entire time. No sprinting, no stopping on the burpees.
5:30 class tonight with Noah and Ro.
125x5x1 on the rack jerk. Higher end of the percentage, but still felt easy.
The WOD, on the other hand, did not. Not my brightest 20 minutes by any stretch. I did 4 rounds + 400 M + 9 burpees… I think? I really just sucked at this.
Pre-class prep is usually thoracic spine and hip mobilization, and lots of stretching my shoulders. Also been hitting the handstands more.
Get excited for the Day of Noah tomorrow.
10am group class with fellow Libra, Noah. Happy B-day buddy!
(45×5, 95×3, 125×2)
145, 135, 140, 140, 145
-my first lift at 145 was a barloading mistake. thought I was at 135. oops. it wasn't sharp so after I realized my error I dropped back down and worked back up. the last rep at 145 felt the best.
-5 rounds even.
kinda treated this as a NFT so no real push on any movement.
I'm already hella sore from 120 pushups yesterday so can't wait to see how these 100 burpees feel. Also, my legs felt like lead on all of the runs today.
7:30 pm
Came in feeling really drained.
Focusing on push press this cycle. Really hoping to see improvement here because this is my biggest weakness:
45, 65, 75, 85# 5×3
This was the perfect starting weight for me. Felt like I had good control of this weight. A little bit unstable in my low back in the last set.
WOD: 5 rds + 400M + 4 burpees
-I need to clean up my burpees