Fitness: Snatch Deadlift + Hang Power Snatch
Work up to a heavy load on the complex and perform 3-5 reps there.
Performance: Snatch 5 x 1
Hit 5 singles between 80% and 90% of your recent 1RM. If you’re feeling good then work at the 90% end, if you’re feeling off then work at the the 80% end. Your work reps must be no lighter than 80% and no heavier than 90%.
Post loads to comments.
Partner Cindy
5 Pull Ups
10 Push Ups
15 Squats
Partners alternate rounds for 20 minutes.

What Are You Doing Today?
CFSBK has three fun options for your Sunday:
- Active Recovery with Coach Fox at 11am.
- Coach Frankie Murray’s Olympic Lifting crew has their mock Olympic lifting meet at 3pm.
- Learn More About the Park Slope Babysitting Coop during their fall meeting from 3:30pm-5:30pm.
The Workout: A Star Chef Finds Inspiration New York Times
Missing Lifts in Training Catalyst Athletics
hey cfsbk!
Stoop Sale Sunday 10/5
Red Hook (Wolcott St between Van Brunt & Conover)
11am – 3:30pm
Air Conditioner
Small furniture (end table/ shelves)
Wii console
Misc electronics
Kitchen items
Clothing & coats
Purses & bags
Free things & more!
8am. Perf snatch work at 132 and 144. Over corrected from last week's snatch shit show and wasn't finishing the pull. At least I was getting down decently for most reps. Partnered with the visiting Greg for the metcon. Greg proved to be a bad ass. I wrote 37 rounds on the board, but this was really 36 + 7 push-ups (post-wod math is difficult). Fun way to do Cindy. We were sprinting every round.
Good luck to my Olympic Lifting comrades!
11am – Nick/Fox
Snatch – 145x1x?
First day doing snatches! I say that, as it's one of my goals this cycle to stop power snatching everything and actually catch in the proper position. I really warmed up to the catch by the 3rd or 4th lift (need to warmup more next Sunday).
WOD – Tall People Team – 20rds + change…
All unbroken, everything felt good today. Jealous of Mike C's butterfly PU's gotta work on those.
Noon class
Missed two actually at 165.
WOD with Rickke
32+5 pull ups
Decided to stick with butterfly today and learned a few things about it.
Oh my god 30 anything- wow you guys are amazing.
10am with Fox and Arturo.
Snatch- fitness complex- 63#
WOD- 17 rounds plus 12 but my partner said she did not mark all of her rounds, so who knows! The first ten minutes went on forever.
I scaled to red banded chin-ups, strict push-ups which I had to break up sooner than I would have liked. I felt bad about slowing us down by shaking it out but I had to. Need to watch my foot and knee positions on my air squats. Same old problem.
Finished the 18th (?) round after the time ran out.
11am with Mc Ro,
Fitness Snatch Complex. This was a day where everything clicked and I got some stellar coaching from Ro, keep the bar away from the knee on the DL, shoulders back on the pull, contact around the hip area, and a low catch position, worked up to 115 and it felt effortless. I loved it, I really did. This matches a PR i had for a full snatch. Its so satisfying to have a good snatch day…
Wod: longest first 10 minutes of my life, green banded, and still only managed 9 reps myself and 9+ my partner, so i'm blown away by anyone who got in the 20s and 30s.
1pm group class. Good tips from Ro re snatch. Still my favorite lift but wish it wasn't so finicky. WOD with Pablo. Kipping pull-ups throughout. Still a work in progress but was great practice today. Danae generously donated some of her rounds to us to make me feel better so not sure exactly how many we got (but who cares if you are working hard, right).
Good luck again to Frankie's crew. Post some numbers on the blog y'all!
11 AR:
Felt it necessary after taking a week off, and trying to jump back in full-force. A lot of hip opening and hip movement.
12 Class:
Snatches @ 95 – 105
Forgot the wrist-wraps, so I stayed a bit lighter and focused on technique. Worked specifically on opening the hips before beginning the pull, and noticed the difference.
WOD w/ Luke:
27 + 1 pull up
These felt fine, and a workout with bodyweight elements I adore. Ro kept telling me to go lower on the squats. Now I'm curious as to how low I have been going on my air squats…
4PM Fighting Tacos Soccer Match:
Supreme win, 2-0. Another shutout for our defense and keeper, and generally good play all-around. I felt we communicated together well and controlled most of the game. The ladies played very well and kept their defense spread and scrambling. And I scored a goal!
2 for 1 posts (and trying a new goal of posting more often):
Saturday: Super fun front squats with Charlie & Katie!! 135x3x3, kept it conservative with plenty of room to grow, form felt strong. WOD was a real gasser and i'm glad we only do Sumo-Deadlift High Pulls once a year. I remember Fox's advice from last year's Fight Gone Bad to use a wider grip to prevent the bar from looking like you're rowing a boat; it helped but i think i used too much arms and not enough hips. As much as i'm not a fan of these, i'm glad we did them before FGB in a couple of weeks.
Sunday: Focused on form for fitness snatch, hit #83 nicely for a couple then tried #88 but it was not pretty so backed down. WOD with Freddie, finished with 19+5+10+5.
Fun & crowded OG tonight, I hadn't worked out since Wednesday and was going a bit crazy. Did two lifts and 0 conditioning but that's way better than nothing.
Make-up front squats from yesterday: 225x3x3. Heavy but fine. So far this lift is mostly about not having the bar on my clavicle, and making sure to not pitch forward. I'm sure things will get more real as the cycle progresses. If we do 3×3 again next weekend I might add 10#. JB said I should get some oly shoes last week, I think I'm going to get my first pair…
Then I hit some cleans b/c I was so sad to miss Thursday. I haven't been oly lifting much because my right arm has been falling apart but it's slowly getting better & cleans seem to be OK. Hit 155×1, 165×1, 175×1, 185×1, 195×1 – 90% of my old 1RM and it really felt fine. I think I can do better than 215 now. When my shoulder gets better and I figure out how to jerk properly, I'd like to try an oly meet for fun…
Nice fitnessy day today.
Noon group:
Snatch: 155, 165, 165, 165, 170. Felt decent, 170 was the best of the day. Been a while since I've snatched so this was nice. Enjoying the 80-90% work, interested to see the results.
WOD with Jess Fox, we got through 24 rds and 6 pushups RX. Did the first few rounds with C2B butterfly pullups which didn't feel super hard but still aren't perfectly dialed in.
Then soccer and another big win for the Tacos, 2-0. A bit of lackadaisical play to start, but after some strategizing during the half we really took it to them and pressed the attack for the rest of the game. Could easily have been 4-0.
And the Giants won. SPORTS.
Missed snatching today but great to spend the day outside. A little less darting around aimlessly on my part during the soccer game — even participated in some "plays"
Lots of great playing today and really fun to be part of it!
No time to warm up my hamstring before the game.. Will do that now if I can stay awake
OG on a night that felt very much like Fall has arrived with great fury.
2 Position Pause snatch pull+Snatch+OHS: Find a Max, -10%x1x2
2 Position Pause Clean Pull+Clean+2 Jerks, Find a max, -10%x1x2
3 second Pause HBBS, 3RM, -5%, -10%, x3
Clean Deadlift from deficit, 3RM, -5%, -10%x3
Back in action at CFSBK.
Make up post from OG Friday:
High hang > hang snatch double
40 50 60 70×1,1,1,1,1
Rack jerk triple
40 60 80 90×1,1,1
Hbbs (unbelted)
135×5 185×5 225×5 245x8x4
And then had an unplanned max out day today:
40×3 50×2 60×1 70×1 75×1 80xM,1 85xM,M,M
Snatch Second Wave
70×1 75×1 80×1 87xM,M
Got under both 87 attempts easy, just lost them out front coming up.
Clean and jerk
70×1 80×1 90×1 95×1 100×1 105×1 110xM,C
Glad to finally have cleaned that mystical 110 again. I think this ties my PR total.
Snatch grip pull, pause below and above knee
DB curl
Open Gym
Fran practice:
40 Thrusters NFT 95#
Kipping PU practice (cut short due to shoulder pains)
Muscle-Up practice:
5 rounds NFT
MUs, 5 blue-banded
10 Wall balls 20#/10'
12pm class today:
80-90% work: 37kg, 37kg, 39kg, 40kg, 42kg
-all felt like legit snatches except for the very last one that was a little high.
-like Noah mentioned, we got 24rounds and change, so I got 12 full rounds.
-Pushups definitely slowed me down, but I tried to make up time with squats.
Then Soccer! Thanks to the tacos for inviting me to be a back-up girl. It was fun to kick the ball around and have my lungs get their ass kicked!
Fun and very crowded OG tonight.
Bench 110x3x5. I failed the 5th rep of the last two sets, so I'll do this again next time.
Deadlift 200x4x2. Great cues from Ken and JB about focusing on keeping my shoulders down and tight. I love working on this.
Then K. Harpz and I crushed the sled and stairs. Missed my conditioning buddy.
Sled by itself to warm up, then sled +45, +90, +135, +185 x 2, +135. Ooooof. How much does the sled actually weigh?
5 sets of stair sprints each.
My traps are so tender from Saturday.
What she said!^
-It wasn't even the weight though I swear. The pavement legitimately turned into quick sand in the same exact two sidewalk squares. Really fun tho. I love sled pushes.
Snatch 80-90%: 95#x5
First 4 were solid, got disorganized on the last rep, failed, then got it the second time. These are getting much better!