Fitness: 3 x 3 Linear Progression
Start a bit heavier than your heavy 8 from last week, light enough to add weight for the next 6 weeks.
Performance: 5 – 5 – 5
Work up to a top set of 5 reps. No failing.
Post loads to comments.
AMRAP 10 minutes:
10 Push Presses 95/65
10 Sumo Deadlift High Pulls 95/65
10 Box Jumps 24/20
Post rounds and Rx to comments.
Rob U. pulls 275 during the Deadlift Burpee WOD
News and Notes
- SCHEDULE CHANGES TODAY: Yoga for Athletes and Active Recovery are canceled.
- Come check out Coach Frankie Murray’s Olympic Lifting crew crush their mock Olympic lifting meet tomorrow at 3pm!
Learn More About the Park Slope Babysitting Coop TOMORROW
CFSBK parents, are you looking for affordable and convenient babysitting? A way to get to to know other CFSBK/Park Slope families? The Park Slope Babysitting Coop—currently headed by CFSBK’s own Coach Nick (president) and Erica N. (secretary)—allows parents to trade babysitting shifts with each other, and is currently recruiting! The fall meeting will be held at CFSBK on October 5th at 3:30pm-5:30pm. If you are interested in joining or just want to learn more, please plan on attending!
About the Park Slope Babysitting Coop
The Park Slope Babysitting Coop is a convenient way to trade babysitting time with your neighbors! Babysit others’ children to earn points, and trade those points in when you need a night off. You have complete control over who you sit for and who sits for you. Scheduling and point management are handled though an easy-to-use website.
Best of all, trading babysitting is affordable. Annual coop dues ($10) pay for managing the website, and there are no additional costs for trading babysitting hours.
The Park Slope Babysitting Coop meets quarterly to ensure that all participants have a chance to get to know their potential sitters and children. Attendance at a meeting prior to joining is mandatory. If you are interested in joining, please plan to attend the summer meeting at CFSBK, October 5th, 3:30pm-5:30pm! RSVPing is appreciated, but not required.
Contact Erica N. with any questions and to RSVP: erica.nofi [at]
Your Paper Brain and Your Kindle Brain Aren’t the Same Thing PRI
Find Your Beach Zadie Smith, for The New York Review of Books
lady fox says
No comments??? Or is the blog eating them???
lady fox says
Ok that worked.
Front squat:
(45×5, 95×5, 135×3)
165×5, 175×5, 165×5
-175 felt plenty heavy. Wanted one more work set though so dropped for that last set.
-didn't belt any of these but not sure how long that will last. I strongly dislike fsq's!
7 rounds even, rx'd.
-thought I heard Fox call out 3secs left as I finished my last jump so I sat on the box. Really he said 10 secs so I prob could have had a few more reps of push press.
-everything unbroken. All box jumps bounding. Fgb is gonna hurt.
Keith W says
Great WOD today…
First time doing overhead since finding out I have a herniated neck.
Hit the front squat 160. 3×3
WOD went well. Subbed muscle cleans for the sumohighpull
65 pounds 24 box
5 RDs +5
I left my Cfsbk sweatshirt in the shoe room hanging. Will get it tomorrow.
Laura Mc says
140x3x3 on the front squat. These felt much better than front squats usually do! We'll see how the rest of the cycle goes.
6 rounds plus 7 push presses on the wod, rx'd. Tried to move steadily and deliberately so as to avoid burning out. Cash out was embarrassingly difficult. Abs of putty!
Lauren says
Really felt like today was a rest day when I woke up. It took a lot of self-convincing to get to class. I have to practice not over-scheduling
Missed most of the warm up but got 4 pull ups in each set (usually stuck at 3 if I'm not doing chin ups) so there's that..
FSQ with Mare who modeled impeccable form for me
45×5, 75×3, 105×2
115×5, 120×5, 125×5 – hard but solid
10 min AMRAP
10 PP @65
10 SDLHP @65
10 BJ @20"
5 rounds plus 10 PP, 10 SDL and 1 BJ
(Plus 2 SDLs before realizing we were starting w PP and 2 no-reps where it slipped from my hands and bounced.)
Real sweaty one
Feel great now
Lauren says
Can't find my triangle necklace 🙁
I had it at the gym yesterday, took it off by the racks on the far right. Thought I put it back on but can't find it or remember.. If anyone finds it please let me know
Dark metal chain, small brass triangle
Charlie says
12pm with McD and JB.
Front Squat- 45 x 5, 95 x , 135 x 3, 150 x 3 x 3. Maybe a tad aggressive for the first week but it all felt good and moved fairly fast.
WOD- Rx – 6 rounds and 5 push press. I, too, made the mistake of beginning on the SDLHP and did two reps there before realizing what was going on.
Push press- these are so hard to cycle through fast. SDLHP- strangely light but imbalanced. By the time I was getting the eight rep in each round the left side was moving at a completely different speed to the right and it was almost like I was canoeing. A few people said to try a wider grip next time, so I will. Not sure I was getting the bar high enough either. Box jump- I actually jumped up and down for almost all of the reps. I probably won't for FGB as I have a tendency yo land really hard which hurts my feet a lot. Plus it is exhausting and the other movements are so hard too.
Handstands-I did 30 secs the way we were supposed to do it and then switched to regular handstands and I held one for 10 seconds which is by far the longest I have ever managed. Loving these little cash outs this week.
Charlie says
Also welcome back Katie Harper! Fun lifting with you and Becca today.
K HarpZ says
Front squat: 95, 115, 135, 145 3×3. Felt purrty good.. forgot my lifting shoes today. whoopsies!
WOD: 4 rds +23 reps RX
took my sweet time with this. but then again just didnt feel like i could go much faster either lol. kinda lost my mojo after the front squats. The 65# push press felt like 100,000 pounds. praying for the day these actually feel easier. woooof.
OG last night:
Clean 5×1: worked up to 140#
Not sure what my 1RM is but these didn't feel too bad! so I would like to think this was in my 80-90% range. JB gave me good tips for a better set up so I wont over-extend my low back. which foils me everytime…its a never-ending battle.
K HarpZ says
@Charlie thank you thank you! had fun lifting with the gurls today
JakeL says
Front squat, 5RM , -5%, -10% for 5
Behind the neck press, 8RM, -5%, -10% for 8
150 says
1pm class today.
Front squat: 115×5, 125×5, 130×5.
WOD: Rx, 5 or 6 rounds (forgot to count), plus 10 PP, 3 SDHP.
Haven't been hungover in the gym in a while. There was a very real possibility of throwing up the last four minutes.
Jay says
1pm class. Going to be away next week so opted for high bar back squat to stay on track with 5/3/1. 150×3, 175×3, 195×8. WOD: 5 rounds plus 7 push presses (75#/24" box). Felt really tired when I woke up this morning. I think the 40 overheads squats earlier in the week did some damage to my nervous system. Surprisingly, felt really good during the workout. Strange how you can feel great and have a horrible day at the gym and feel awful and somehow perform well. Someone smarter than me should figure this out. I guess it means that it is always ok to get wrecked the night before?
Rio says
Noon Class with McD & JB:
First class back since sinus surgery (8 days off).
F. Squat 155×5, 185×5, 200×5
WOD Rxd: 4 rds + PP + 5 SDHP.
Took a lot of rests here, trying to pace myself, as 95# overhead and pulling is a lot for me. Broke every round into 5/5, 5/5. Jumped comfortably on all the box jumps.
Glad to be back, and looking forward to Fighting Tacos game tomorrow! says
Noon with McD and JB
For front squats, I hit 205×5, 215×5, and 220×5. These felt good. My max here was 235×3 a few cycles ago, so I feel like I'm in a good position to better that this time out.
I got 5 rounds + 8 push presses RX'd on the WOD. Came out of the gate very quickly (for me, anyway), and hit two rounds in about 3 minutes, then had to slow down considerably. All push presses were unbroken except for the 8 set, and the sdhp's got broken up starting in round 4 for me. Glad to see these don't suck as much with a barbell, as compared to when we did these with a kettlebell a few weeks back.
After the regular cash-out (only did one round of that, as my shoulders were a little smoked), I also threw in a slow 1000m row, keeping it in between 18-20 strokes per minute. Good day of fitness overall. says
Honored to have my dead lift featured on the blog!
Stella says
10 AM rainy-day WODfest.
Front squat 145×5, 155×5, 160×5. Keith was there to call me on any bullshit reps, of which fortunately there weren't more than one or two.
WOD 5 rounds + 2 SDHP Rx. I would get through the push presses unbroken every round (thank you strength cycle!) and then end up breaking up the SDHP even though those should be easier, because my conditioning is still not what it was (thank you strength cycle!).
Then I came back a few hours later for rings class, which was fun. My shoulders are quite nicely toasted now.