Fitness: Clean Deadlift + Hang Power Clean
Work up to a heavy weight on the complex and perform 3-5 reps there.
Performance: Clean 5 x 1
Hit 5 singles between 80% and 90% of your recent 1RM. If you’re feeling good then work at the 90% end, if you’re feeling off then work at the 80% end. Your work reps must be no lighter than 80% and no heavier than 90%.
Post loads to comments.
Spend 15 minutes working one of the following options:
A) Strict Muscle Ups. Use a manual assist as necessary.
B) Muscle Up Progression:
-5×3 Box Humps (use a false grip, reset after each rep as necessary)
-5×3 Band Assisted Transitions (finish the dip as able)
Perform all reps of one then the other.
C) Upper Body Strength Work
-1a) 5×3 Strict Chin Ups, as difficult as possible
-1b) 5×3 Matador Dips, or Close Grip Push Ups
Alternate between exercise A and B.
Post what you worked on to comments.
CFSBK Public Service Announcement: Please don’t store your phone or keys on the cinderblock ledge. Though there might be a happy ending if you’re Coach JB and have fishing line, a hook, and a talented significant other…
News and Notes
- ATTENTION FIGHT GONE BAD TEAM CAPTAINS! All team shirts will be ordered on Friday, and you must get your info to Jess by 5pm Thursday. Any team that doesn’t provide this info will all get large t-shirts and the color of her choosing! Also, if your team has not heard from their team captain, contact Jess ASAP. Info [at]
- We’re at $8,662 as of 10:30pm last night! Nice job, FGB fundraisers! Special shout-out to Peter M. who pulled in first yesterday and Erik B. who continues to crush it! Team Wodtoberfest is in 1st Place!
- Happy birthday, Emily V.!
Catching Up With CFSBK Classifieds
- Pigeon is selling his iPad Mini retina 64gb, and is asking a great price for it!
- Mrav is selling a road bike!
- Mare has a furnished 1-bedroom condo in Crown Heights available for short-term stays, discounted to $95/night. Fully-equipped kitchen, washer, and dryer in the unit and private terrace, along with access to the shared roof.
Photographing the Extreme Transformation of the Meatpacking District Citylab
Swedish Scientists Square Off Over Who Can Sneak In Most Dylan Lyrics NPR
Mattias Adolfsson’s Manically Detailed Sketches and Doodles Colossal
Missing Lifts in Training Catalyst Athletics
Road bike sold within 12 hours last week! Thanks CFSBK classifieds…
Yesterday worked up to 225×5 on the HBBS. My first exposure to that lift in probably 18 months or so… felt happy because it was a definite indication thatI've increased my mobility and strength..
Fun 6am class with Jess and Nick
Cleans – Hit the performance version of 5×1 at 185# which was 90% of my 1RM. Need to work on maintaining tension throughout the lift. I tend to lose it at the bottom and then try to tighten up again before I stand it up.
Muscle Up Work – Elliott and I were going to do the transition work but then opted to hang out with the cool kids on the high rings and just assist ourselves through the movement. We both had a couple of very good attempts with limited assistance but assistance nonetheless. Some good tips from Jess, Peter, Brad and Michael. I think we are both close. Watch out cool kids.
Cash Out – Not bad at all.
Heading to New Orleans tomorrow through the weekend and then to London next week. Looking forward to working out entirely in KGs.
6am with Jess and Nick.
Still feeling all of those squats on Tues!
Worked up to 165 on the cleans. Felt pretty good today although Nick pointed out that I need a more aggressive hip extension.
MU work was fun. As Matt said, we're both close. Hopefully we'll continue to practice on those rings.
7am with Jess and Nick. Worked up to 103# on the performance programming for the cleans, which is about 80% of my 1RM. They felt pretty solid, need to keep working on fast elbows and dropping under the bar faster. Just, you know, being faster in general would be good for me. Then chin ups with the red, then green band, and matador dips with the blue band. Then mad abz, yo.
8am with Ro.
Fitness hang power clean worked up to 145, and hung around there, I just cant get myself to catch anything in 3/4 squat as that kills my left knee. So mostly muscle cleans, maybe i should go for a deeper squat and see if that hurts.
Chin up work with the white, red/red/red, blue band, and the matador mostly on the blue, with one red in there.
The cash out was the hardest part of today's workout, those last 2 rounds the abmat became useless.
6am with Nick and Jess
Performance: 185x1x5 (90%) After the 1st set feeling heavy, the bar got magically lighter with each set. I probably switch to dropping faster instead of muscling up the bar.
Muscle up practice: Strict MU practice was good, it forced me to pay attention to form. Including keeping my hands close to my chest and then pushing my head through fast and aggressively. The "cool kid club" discussed how the movement was much more aggressive then it looks from the ground.
Jess, <golf clap>, nice clock trick this morning.
Last Olympic lifting session of this cycle. Unfortunately, I am going to miss our mock meet on Sunday for business reasons. Hit 170 for a clean PR. Almost, almost hit 110 for a legit snatch PR. Actually got the bar up in a great position several times just could not stand it up (in other words, SN- was good, -ATCH was bad). I came to class really sore and beat up from squats the day before so this was unsurprising. Also, I think I am not far enough back on my heels when I OHS. I am happy though because 100+ snatch always seemed daunting and I was psyching myself out before each lift – even though I own 95. Happy to get over the mental hurdle. Credit some of this to visualization practice – picturing myself making the lift smoothly before setting up and grabbing the bar..
Looking forward to signing up for one more cycle to see if I can achieve some personal goals: 135 snatch and 190 clean in next 3-6 months.
Who is with me?
6am. Cleans: 220, 220, 232, 232, 242, 220. Yeah, I did 6 reps cause we had a bunch of time. Doing cleans without the jerk is so much easier. I did not find these taxing at all. MU work: 1, 2, 3, 4, 2. Felt good. I like strict MUs. Cash-out work was sweatier than I expected.
OMG she's got a drone and a go pro, the possibilities are endless. I wish I had her "not give a shit how stupid it looks" attitude.
@Jay, nice work buddy, Im right there with you with those goals. What was your clean PR before the seminars?
UM, I think we should change today's QOD from "what's your preferred exotic pet" to "what's your preferred animal to Prancersise alongside?"
7am with Jess and Nick
Cleans @ 133—felt a little asymmetrical for whatever reason.
Strict Muscle Up Work with Jake–somehow in 2.5 years of doing muscle-ups, I've probably done about two strict ring muscle-ups in my life. These were kind of trippy and I was probably a bit to aggressive with kicking my feet out in front of my during the transition (not totally a kip, but not totally strict either), but I could definitely feel myself getting the hang of them! Jess mentioned I am bringing the rings out a bit too far from me, and I could certainly feel this at the bottom of my dip. Glad I got some time to practice this!
Great 6am class with Nick and Jess
Cleans: Hit 220# lbs today, which is about 85% of my 1RM. I tried 225# but fell over quite dramatically. Turnover felt fast and crisp, I'm looking forward to working more on this.
Strict MU's: Peter, BK, and I had fun working on these today. Working slow and steady on them is great. For me the trick is to actually stare at my hands while I watch them pull into my chest before the head-butt part.
On a side but-related-to-my-general-mobility note, my legs were smoked from the OHS's in yesterday's WOD. Damnz.
10am with Lady Fox.
Worked up to 103# on the fitness complex, which is a lot more than I have been able to do in recent times. Again, I need to work on faster elbows but I do feel like I am getting somewhere.
Worked on C- strict chin-ups and matador dips. I was not going low enough for the first couple of rounds but I got it in the end. I was kind of surprised by how much easier these have gotten since I last did them in Ken's rings class at the beginning of this year. I miss rings class.
Planks are boring but Tabata format makes them less so.
Practiced DUs afterwards- one minute on, one minute off- 10 rounds- practiced kipping swings, k2e and handstands in the alternating minutes.
Herondale Farm hot Italian sausages are so good. Yum.
I feel like our warm-ups need to incorporate a lot more prancing. Or maybe we could do 400m prance sprints. Just a thought, coaches. I think it could really engender some good will with our neighbors. XpranceXcoreX
@Pigeon – 150
I taught step aerobics for years. I'm just saying, I don't think a prancercise clinic would be an illogical next step…
@Lil JB if you lead a prancercise clinic, I'll bring the peyote.
10am w/ Coach Lady Fox
Cleans: Performance:
155, 155, 165
My pull is weird/lazy and I'm depending too much on my speed getting under the bar.
Muscle Ups: Option B:
blue band assisted
These feel better and better each time, but still no where close to achieving a strict MU. I may have to cut off my legs…
I will attend any and all Prancercise clinics with wild enthusiasm.
Used a shopvac to successfully recover keys in a similar situation a few years ago. You can "borrow" one from Target down the street.
4:30pm class
Fitness Rx
DL to knee + knee hang clean
135×3, 155×2, 185×2, 205x1x2, 215x1x2, 205x1x2
Strict muscle ups
6 sets of 3 unbroken
Plank tabata thing that I thought was really easy (shhhhhh)
12pm class with Jess and DO
Cleans: 184, 184, 184, 184, 194, 194 (weird numbers are the result of using the metric bar with standard weights…)
Like Peter, I did six because cleans without jerks is like being on vacation. Really, though, my first rep at each weight was ugly, but got better on the second. The second rep at 194 felt pretty smooth, actually.
strict MUs: 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1
pretty happy with this since I had never got more than one strict muscle up in a day previously.
Much fun being back in the gym after a pretty long hiatus for various reasons.
4:30 class
Stayed conservative today. Woke up feeling like poop and actually took the morning off so all in all I was happy to get some work in. Had one really good rep at 215 where I felt the bar come into my hips and there was zero shift forward on the catch.
Strict Muscle Ups
Was ripping my hands on the transitions between multiple reps. Not a lot of callous there currently.
Handstand practice afterwards. It's crazy how much more control I'm able to have when I know I have a spot, as opposed to being gripped by my irrational fear of falling over when I don't. I don't commit when I don't have a spot.
4:30pm Group class with Whit:
Performance Cleans:
(35kg, 45kg, 55kg) 65kg x 1 x 5
-all felt relatively easy and smooth.
Muscle up work:
-5×3 box humps.
-3×3 banded muscle-up transition
-2×1 partner assisted strict muscle-up.
Tabata Planks Variations were fun!
Handstand Practice to Cash Out was also fun. Pretty sure I pr'd my freestanding handstand tonight. Now if only I could get comfortable walking on them…
Also, David, Fox and I just checked out the new brewery on Douglass that will soon be open. They were all extremely friendly and it looks like the place is going to be an awesome addition to the neighborhood. They'll be donating some beer for FGB and we're planning on having our after party there too!
7:30pm group class with NoRo
Went for Power Cleans today since I still have pain in my right hip coming up out of a full squat, although it does feel overall MUCH better than it did even 3 days ago.
drills/warm-up @ 33
hang clean @ 63×3
power clean: 83, 103, 113x1x5. nice and light today. this is just under 80% of my 1RM clean
set my feet on a line and focused on not jumping forward. it worked! patient in first pull, may be cutting the second pull a bit short still. catch felt crisp. last rep was the best of the day, super smooth and vertical bar bath. FOCUS on keeping weight mid-foot. was a bit forward at the beginning of a couple reps.
Muscle Up Progression:
5×5 box humps
5×5 banded transitions (red band)
3 assisted strict MU. (Thanks Brad!) These went well and feel CLOSE! Have to get used to the instability of dipping out on the high rings that are so far apart!
3 sets of kip swings (about 3-4)
Tabata planks were fun 🙂 Love this programming!
Did a little today/yesterday mashup:
Perf Cleans: 90KG, 94, 96, 98, 100. All felt pretty good. Best moment of the day was warming up when one of my hands escaped from under the bar and I found myself in 1/2 front rack, 1/2 frankenstein position. Good times.
Did yesterdays WOD in 10:22 RX. Thoughts this would be a good one for me, but some high volume squatting and pressing yesterday left me feeling pretty juiced immediately.
Speaking of, yesterday was HBBSQ 255X4X8 and Press 132.5X4X8. Thought they would be awful after almost a week off, but felt pretty good.