Fitness: 3 x 5 Linear Progression
Start a few pounds lighter than where you ended the previous cycle. 10 pounds off is enough if you were still moving well, up to 20 if you were really grinding through reps.
Performance: 5/3/1 5 week
65% x 5
75% x 5
85% x 5+
Percentages are based off your TRAINING MAX (90% of a recent 1RM). Aim to hit 10 plus on the rep out, but save 2 reps in the tank.
Post loads to comments.
For Time:
1000m Row
50 Goblet Reverse Lunges 53/35 (25 each, alternating legs)
30 Ring Rows
For Time:
800m Row
40 Overhead Squats 115/75
20 Chest to Bar Pull-ups
Post time and Rx to comments.
It’s CSA bonanza day from 6-8:30pm—meat/fish/veg/eggs! If you want to pick up your goodies before then, please be SURE to leave your name (and what you took) with the Front Desk. Eggs will also be for sale for $6/dozen. Bring small billz!
- ATTENTION FIGHT GONE BAD TEAM CAPTAINS! FGB t-shirt information is due on Thursday (10/2) by 5pm. If you didn’t receive an email from Jess, email Info [at] ASAP.
Need Help with Emails for FGB Fundraising?
Guys, we’re at around $5,000—which is only 12% of our fundraising goal for Brooklyn Community Foundation. We posted some great fundraising tips last week, and below we’ve included a sample email template for you! Make it your own, and then send it off TODAY!
Take a moment to learn more about The Brooklyn Community Foundation and all the great work they’ve done. They support a variety of artistic, agricultural, environmental, social, and educational programs helping people of all ages. No doubt there are several programs they’ve helped that you identify with. Here is a quick list of ALL their grants.
Congrats to those teams and individually topping our leaderboards on CrowdRise… But who’s ready to knock them off? Below are our top fundraisers from both the individual and team divisions (as of 6pm Tuesday 9/30):
Top Five Teams:
- Menace to Swolbriety
- In WOD We Trust
- Gatto Vattos
- Swoldiersoffortune
Top Five Individuals:
- Asta F.
- Scott M.
- Erik B.
- Matty C.
- Kate R.
Sample Fundraising Email for FGB
It’s almost like a Mad Lib. Select, replace, or delete adjectives as you feel led…
Dear/Salutations/Greetings/Hola/Aloha/Beloved [insert name],
As you probably know, I’m really into CrossFit. It’s helped me/I love it because _______. Every year at my gym, CrossFit South Brooklyn, we have an event called Fight Gone Bad, where we do this crazy/hard/weird/incredible/soul-crushing/soul-enhancing workout (which you can see here).
What makes the event even more cool/inspiring/sweet/meaningful is that it’s not just a competition for highest reps, but also a competition to raise money for a local organization called Brooklyn Community Foundation. BCF supports a variety of artistic, agricultural, environmental, social, and educational programs in Brooklyn, helping people of all ages.
So, why am I telling you all of this? Because I need your help! [Insert any crazy story or incentives for hitting certain fundraising markers, i.e., If you donate $XX, I will do X, Y, and/or Z.] Donate here [insert link to your page]!
I will be sure to let you know how the event goes, and probably send along a sweaty/hot/sexy/revolting photo of myself post-workout.
Sincerely/With love/Gratefully/Be well/Shalom,
[Your name]
Get motivated, and get weird!
Whole9′s Budget Guide to the Grocery Store
Before Blindness Sets In, Boy Sees Northern Lights NBC News
The Man Who Made Jogging a Thing The Atlantic
The Thing You Do Everyday That’s Setting You Up For Shoulder Injuries Breaking Muscle
6am with McD and Arturo
Great start to the Wendler cycle today. Hit the following for my lifts:
65%: 205 x 5
75%: 235 x 5
85%: 265 x 5
I wanted to hit 7-10 on the 85 but was feeling very unstable today (thank you massive head cold). I will try again next week and drop my training max if necessary.
Hit exactly 10:00 even on Perf WOD at Rx. Kept an even 2:00m pace on the row and broke the OHS into sets of 5. I had it in my head that the C2B was 40 reps, so I drop off the bar at 18 and BK starts yelling at me "what are you doing?! You only have two left." Lost a good 8 seconds asking "I thought I was almost halfway!". Hilarity ensued. Now I will be left to wonder what my time would have been had I paced it for 20 instead of 40.
In BK's very sage advice afterwards, "Part of Crossfit is knowing the workout."
6am with McD and Arturo
Back squat: 235×5, 275×5, 310×7. All based on a brand new training max after last weeks heavy single. Rep 7 was tough. I might have had one more in the tank, but definitely not two.
Performance WOD in 8:52 rx. Row in a little over 3min, but just coasted the last 150m. OH squats were supposed to go 15-15-10, but ended up 15-10-bar racked on back-5-10. C2B pull-ups in sets of 5 with 1:1ish rest. This was probably about right as I'm pretty sure rep 21 would've been a no rep. Maybe could have gotten away with 10-6-4 or something, but I probably would've been slower back on the bar after the first set.
Did today's workout at 6:30 last night:
Back Squats: trying LBBS this cycle because I'm doing the Starting Strength seminar in less than two weeks and have never low-barred before. It felt really awkward. Definitely have to hit this a couple more times before the seminar!
5×175 (did 20 with this weight at high bar a couple of weeks ago, but just couldn't rep out here. A mixture of feeling tired today and thinking too much about the bar location and not enough about what's going on with my feet and knees.)
Perf metcon: 10:23 Rx
OHS got really tough, but I'm glad I stuck with the 75 pounds, though I know my depth was questionable on some reps. OHS were slow, did two sets of ten, then mostly sets of 5 but had some smaller sets that were usually truncated by failure. Had trouble getting my butterfly going on the C2B—it's been a while.
Also–for those of you following along, I returned to the gym after classes last night with some fishing line, a fishing hook, a mirror and a guy who apparently knew what he was doing, and retrieved my phone from the crack! Thanks so much to everyone who helped me try to get it, who emailed me about possible phone replacements, and who offered their ideas on how to retrieve it (especially David Packer, who polled all of his co-workers for ideas as well!)
Here's a picture of me looking elated immediately after reunification.
6am with McDowell and Arturo. 145x3x5 to start the fitness squat progression. I think there's a lot of room for me to add weight here. I finished the fitness version of the metcon in 9:41, Rx. I did the row in about 4:25, I think. Then those 24kg reverse goblet lunges started to feel rough pretty quickly. I completed them in 15, 10, 10, 10, 5.
7:30 class last night with Noah and Jess.
HBBS: Working from a training max of 215: 140×5, 162×5 (precision!), 182 x 12.
Performance WOD in 12:30? Last to finish. 40 OHS were challenging. I started @80 and then dropped to 75 at somepoint. Really happy to get through them. Also, first time attempting kipping pull-ups in a WOD. They were no the prettiest or most efficient but I did manage to knock out 10 by breaking them into 3s and 2s. Psyched. I am committed to virtuosity in this movement going forward. Thanks Noah and Ro for the help and encouragement.
6am with McDowell & Arturo
HBBS: 155×5, 180×5, 205×6
I left two in the tank but disappointed to rep out at 6. After speaking with McDowell, I'm going to see how next week goes.
WOD: 9:30 @ 95#
Michael and I had a communication failure. He loaded 95#, I was expecting 115#. Nevertheless, this workout wasn't easy.
Row: 3:15
OHS: 15/10/8/7
C2B: 5/5/3/2/2/2/1
JB, well played on the phone!
Low bar squat, 145×5, 170×5, 190x…I'm going to call it 8. I squatted 10 times, but the last two were high. Felt really, really fatigued even though I've hit this weight for 10 before. I think I may have to go back to drinking a protein shake before squat days — once I started doing that for morning strength cycle, I felt a lot better. Just thought I could get away without doing it once I went back to group classes. Sigh.
Performance WOD with 63# on the bar (KH, you win) and strict chinups (not C2B). I was going to do just 10 chinups and then realized that I would have finished first which didn't seem right, so I kept going and I'm glad I did. I can't remember whether I finished in 10:33 or 11:33.
Not only that, but when I went to log my work today, I realized I completely forgot to log yesterday's work. Usually I'm so good about that stuff, too! Mama needs to get it together.
Partnered with Stella on the squats (told ya we'd be paired up:),
HBBS F. 45×5, 95×5, 135×3, 165×2, 185x5x3, after some consulting with the coaches I have decided to start squatting in High bar postion, it feels more natural, but still need to work on shoulder mobility.
Wod F. Rx in 10:40, finished the 1000m row at 3:40, that means I spent a shit ton of time on the goblet lunges. Workouts that involve using only on side of the body at a time make me realize how weak my whole left side is. I appreciate those kind of workouts.
If anybody is interested in buying a meat share htis month, please let me know at joel dot wertheimer at gmail dot com
Wasn't sure if there was a good place to put this in the classifieds, but I'm looking for travel recommendations while in Colombia, especially if you can recommend any hiking/trekking, please email me! Jennajerman a. Gmail
10am with McDowell.
45 x 5, 95 x 4, 135 x 3, 165 x 2, 175 x 5 x 3. This felt awkward and heavy but I am determined to get used to the high bar position. Kinda like the opposite of you, JB. Partnered with Raj who was very encouraging and helpful.
WOD- mmmm ever realize you messed up on the weight after 5 reps and just want to cry and throw it away and run out the door? That happened to me today. I squeezed out 20 reps at 63# but had to admit defeat at that point. Switched to 53# (full plate switch-wimp womp) and got through the second 20 easily enough, followed by 10 strict chins. Got through it in 12.27. This was my first time attempting a performance WOD and if I had scaled appropriately, it would have been great. Arturo noticed a few things while I was trying to get through the heavy sets and helped me with some mobility/ stability stuff afterwards which I am going to try my best to work on daily.
Thanks again Michele W. for helping me through those last reps. I needed it.
First performance cycle for back squat – HBBS 65% (95 x 5) 75% (110 x 5) 85% rep out (125 x 10) I had just about 2 left in the tank so this was the right number for me.
Perf WOD, scaled. 53# OHS and regular Kipping PU instead of CTB. Finished in 9:17.
Broke OHS into 20-10-10. I didn't exactly count how I broke up the Kip PU but did it in about 6 sets of 3-4s and a 2 and 1 at the end.
You are welcome Charlie. Awesome job!
Nooner with McD and Ro and a giant class of those of us with unusual day jobs and schedules.
Worked up to 120 X 7 on lbbs, this weight may be aggressive for me so I'm going to feel it out next time.
Partnered with Callie on the fitness WOD, did my first RX workout evs, guys! It took me ages but it felt good.
My unusual freelance schedule is now demanding a nap!
I've been to bogota but personally don't think it's very pretty. I hear Cali and Medegin(sp?) are the places to go. People seem to really like the north east coast.
Crossover symmetry activation
5/3/1 HBBSQ: 5 week (240 training max)
For time:
Row 800m (stayed below 2:00)
40 OHS 115 (11-5-small sets)
20 ctb Kipping pull-ups (5-5-5-3-2)
Really fucking hard and painful. Thanks to Arturo for keeping me on it. Admittedly is laid down outside for a while after this
Sage words indeed, BK…
Noon class
WOD Rx'd
9:34? I don't remember now, it's on the board accurately though. This was rough. I made the mistake of thinking I could approximate the rep scheme that McDowell used on the OHS. Broke down to 5 sets total which ate a lot of time.
I'm slightly alarmed by some of the posts so far about the 5/3/1 squats. To the folks doing the Performance squat programming this cycle, especially those who just transitioned. Any less than 10 reps on your first 5 week is kind of unacceptable. Examine the numbers and figure out if you maybe are using too high of a 1RM, not using a TRAINING MAX which is 90% of a 1RM, have significant form faults (in which case following an LP would absolutely be more useful), or simply not pushing hard enough. 10 reps should not be a crazy huge challenge on the first week of the first 5/3/1 cycle. A good initial goal is: 10 on the 5 week, 6 on the 3 week, and 3-5 on the 1 week. It's essentially 1 work set (the last set each week) so make it count.
I did calculate my numbers from my training max. That being said, I calculated my training max from a PR of 250, which I hit on probably the best squat day of my life. It's a pretty recent PR (July), but I was called high hitting that same weight at the more recent Total a few weeks ago.
So should we be calculating the training max based on a PR, or based on a 1RM that you can say you *own*? If that's the case I should probably be basing off a 1RM of 240, which would cut my training max down to 216 from 225, and all weights would therefore drop by a few pounds.
@stella – you're right. Own it weight, not "stars and planets aligned" weight 🙂
12pm group class with Ro and McD
Warmed up with:
-2 rounds of 3 strict pullups/chinups with :02 pause, 10 pushups, 8 pistols
-1 round of calculations getting ready for 5/3/1
(45×5, 95×5, 135×3)
65% x 5 @ 155
75% x 5 @ 175
85% x 10 @ 200
-knew I had to hit 10. could have done a couple more but really didn't want to. Used a belt for 200.
-numbers based off of 265 1RM that I hit a couple weeks ago…so Training Max is: 238.5. Rounding down on weights for this first go-round.
9:40 performance rx'd
-Row in about 3:27…didn't push this at all. Should have rowed harder.
-OHS in 15-10-8-7. Low back didn't like my positioning in these. Also, wrists!
-C2B in 5-3-3-3-3-3. These actually felt pretty strong…though my forearms were a little pumped.
Make-up from Yesterday:
Rack Jerk:
(45×5, 95×3, 115×2, 135×1)
WOD: (3RFT–50du's, 20rKBS @ 24kg, 10 burpees)
6:01 rx'd
-fun having Kate chase me! I probably would have rested more if I knew she wasn't right on my tail. only the first round of du's were unbroken. last 2 in 25/25. kbs and burpees unbroken.
Day 3 of this new program, which is brutal.
Didn't post yesterday. It involved lots of snatching and clean and jerking though.
Behind The neck jerk: 3RM, then -5%. -10% for 3
HBBS: 10RM, then -5%, -10% for ten
Behind the neck Push press, 8RM, -5%. -10% for 8
Bent over rows, 10RM, -5%, -10% for 10
HBBS – Week One of 5/3/1 cycle:
165 x 5
195 x 5
225 x 20
WOD @800m row, 95lbs front squats, 20 strict pull-ups: 9:46
This was BRUTAL.
@JJ – The retreat I want to go on, but most likely will not :(, is in Nuqui and it sounds amazing
@Samir – 225×20 woa!
Good warm up and mobility – couple laps, orb hamstrings, lax quads and calves, 2 rounds of warm up 1 w/ 20# DBs minus 2nd 130m row – can never fit in 3 rounds of this warm up.
HBBS – 5 week: 65%, 75%, 85%
111×5, 130×5, 145×16
For time:
800m row
40 OHS 75# sets of 5, these felt good
20 C2B 5-4-then a bunch of 2s I think and 1 at the end, slight tearing
Ben was a great partner on this. Kept me moving and kept count for me.
Everything about today felt great – which I wasn't expecting
Had to run home but will do the cash out tonight. I think there should always be an ab cash-out.
Fun 8:30, partnered with Joe again for 245x5x3 hbbs. This was a little heavier than I wanted it to feel, but fine. I would really like to hit 270 this cycle (150% bw) but things will have to go very well… ♫ you can dream…
Fitness in 8:24 but I'm grumpy at myself for gradually making the ring rows easier and easier. I always bias keeping moving steadily over increased difficulty, should trade off more.
hey – first, loved the shoulder article – I am a mess there, and so the pointers re internal rotation were very valuable.
More importantly, I was really impressed by the three-part piece on training through pregnancy and thereafter. I really appreciate the candor of the (tfba) interviewees, and while I don't have pulitzers to give out, that was some serious journalism. Inspiring and insightful. Call your mom and thank her if you are reading this.