Performance: Heavy single Snatch
Must be a crisp catch in order to count, no press outs.
Fitness: Pull to knee + Hang Power Snatch
Focus on finishing your entire second pull.
Post loads to comments.
Performance: Kipping Pull-up Practice
Fitness: Pull-up or Chin-up Practice
If you barely have one or two pull-ups or dont have pull-ups at all, do the Fitness work.
Post what you worked on to comments.
Tim J. (Timbo Slice) with an excellent front rack position
News and Notes
- Alex B. and coaches Jess Fox, MeLo, and McD are competing in Beast of the East this weekend, and after Day 1, they’re 12th out of 39 teams! Keep it up! We’re cheering for you guys!!
- Bike parking will be limited today, as the sidewalk is being… revamped? Please plan accordingly.
- Happy birthday, Brandon B.!
Unleashing Their Inner Sis, Boom, Bah New York Times
Cycling’s Greatest Hour The New Yorker
NASA Administrator Resigns After Leak Of Offensive Anti-Moon Email The Onion
Atoms As Big As Mountains — Neutron Stars Explained Kurzgesagt
Shawn says
9am with David and Fox. Worked up to a 95# snatch. My last attempt was 105#, and it went up well, but I caught it soft and had to press it out, so it didn't count. Would have been a pr, though, so I'm not feeling too bad about it.
The kipping pull-up practice was fun. I think I'm on the line between the practicing strict pulls/chins group and the kipping practice group; I can consistently do 2 strict pull-ups in a row, but not usually much more than that. In any event, it was fun to work on kipping pull-ups, which I've never really done before. I'm looking forward to improving that movement.
K HarpZ says
OG: following our programming best I can because I'll be back on FRIDAY!
Heavy snatch: 75, 80, 85, 90, 95, 100, 105, 110 (PR!!)
Haven't tried a heavy single since November last year…105 was my old PR and I believe that was from the power position. Hellz. Yeah.
Can't wait to see everyone soon! 5 days!
K HarpZ says
And good luck to all the CFSBK beasts today!!
Charlie says
11am with David and Arturo.
Fitness complex at mostly 53# with a few wobbly reps at 63# and back down to 53# again, focusing on the bar making contact with my hips. Actually I am fairly happy with how these went today even though I will undoubtably have forgotten how to do them again by next week, but it definitely felt like progress at the lower weight, at least. Hmmm.
Worked on kipping swings but need more strict pull-ups so will continue doing those a few times per week.
Again- if anyone is at Dumbo Arts Fest today, I'll be at 68 Jay St Bar – come say hi! says
Make-up post from Friday, visited CrossFit Generation in Horsham, PA. Great gym, lots of mobility work in the beginning with foam rollers, etc. Good warm-up, lifting component, then a WOD. They have their weekly programming available on the blog, which they write in block cycles.
Floor press, which I've never done before. Wendler, repped out at 105 with 13 reps. I don't really know how to gauge this within my current bench press, which I've been doing on a linear progression.
WOD: 4 rounds of 25 strict push-ups, 400m run. I did most of my push-ups off an elevated bar since they don't allow knee push-ups. It was a good middle line between strict and knee for me. Finished in 16:44.
Came in today to make-up yesterday's work.
Front squat: 110×8.
NFT work, 185# deadlift. I was seeing black and lights. That was way harder than I thought it would be.
Lots of mobilization before and after.
So happy to be back in BK. says
Went to OG at CrossFit Shadyside today. Did the front squat work and got to 155×8 — so much harder than I thought it would be!
Then I pulled an old back-off week KB WOD (one-armed swings, two-armed swings, and goblet lunges) since I couldn't find a medicine ball. Also 3×3 ring dips.
I miss SBK and I wish I were at Atlantic Antic right now! Back home tomorrow and at the box on Tuesday.
Fox says
Noon class
Snatch (kgs)
Not a great day under the bar
Played with butterfly pull ups after and then did
3 Deficit Strict HSPU (Floor-1 plate-2 plates-3 plates-4 plates)
5 Strict Toes to Bar says
1PM with DO. Worked up to 68# on the snatch (fitness), with the priceless aid of the "peanut gallery" of Ro and Fox on the stairs yelling encouragement. This weight is matches my July PR, back when I was a gal with her first pair of lifting shoes and somethin' to prove. Have been to a couple of open gyms between then and now to practice snatch balance so I know I can stand more weight up so I just need to keep working on the dynamics.
Today I learned about arching the back at the start position while getting on tension, and making contact during the pull (pulling up the shirt). As always, I could benefit from being more aggressive, faster and keeping my gaze up.
Carissa and I worked on pullups/chinups after. I like this idea of doing multiple sets of difficult (banded) singles, hoping to practice some times after class in the coming weeks.
I have enjoyed this back off week immensely and lovin' the new cycle already!
Brad D says
9am with Fox and DO
(Power) snatched 175. I have been working to correct my tendency to short the second pull, and as a consequence, I'm now finding myself with a much slower 3rd pull, but I think this is improvement. I'm excited to work 80%-90% this cycle and just focus on making them as clean and perfect as possible.
Played around with butterfly pull-ups a little bit. It made me feel like a fish out of water.
Came in for OG at 6pm to make up front squats from yesterday and was able to get up to 250×8. My arms were shaking something fierce for the last two reps, so I think anything up from there would have been pushing it. Then some muscle up practice and handstand practice.
dave p says
OG to make up some lifts. Great to see so many people there.
Front squat up to 225×6. Stopped there because I felt… unsure. But I think all six were good. Elbows up please. JB sez it's time for me to buy some lifting shoes…
Then some deadlifts, 295×3, and light clean practice up to 145. Cleans felt good, elbows pretty snappy. Too bad about my jerk.
Dan Rx'd says
Squatting at Open Gym
HBBS: 5×135, 5×225, 5×275, 3×315, 3×365(PR), 3×365
Front Squats: 3:135, 3×225, 3×275, 1×315(PR), 1x335F
Back squats felt solid, 365 is feeling very comfortable for reps after finishing a grueling 5x5x345 last week.
Haven't done any front squat specific work in ages, cleaning when doing the olympic lifts is the only exposure I've seen in over a year. The 265 clean from last week felt rough getting out of the hole and I decided to throw a few reps in after finishing the HBBS. 315 felt uncomfortable to rack and easy to list, 335 immediately cut off my air flow when I exited the rack and I couldn't execute my Valsalva maneuver. Failed that squat and see some heavy walkouts in my future.
Did a little FGB burner and then joined in the rescue efforts for JB's phone. #FAIL. Perhaps we'll have better luck tomorrow…
Camille says
Seriously if anyone has any advice of how to get JB's phone, it's between the cinder blocks and the wall by the jump ropes!! Maybe a hockey stick?? Anyone got one? says
@Camille maybe one of those trash-grabbers that you see people using to pick up trash in the parks? Not that I have one…
Camille says
Alex! There was one upstairs in the office but it was still too thick to reach behind there hmmm….