Partner WOD
AMRAP 20 Minutes
Partners alternate rounds for 20 minutes of:
1 Rep of the Bear Complex at 225/155
(1 Power Clean + 1 Front Squat + 1 Jerk + 1 Back Squat + 1 BTN Jerk)
5 Toes to Bar
Partner WOD
AMRAP 20 Minutes
Partners alternate rounds for 20 minutes of:
5 Power Cleans 155/95
5 Push Jerks 155/95
5 Front Squats 155/95
5 Dragon Flags
Post rounds and Rx to comments. Peace out, Crush Week!
Alan L. at Flex on the Beach last weekend
News and Notes
- Jake L. is attempting to re-qualify for the American Open in the 105kg weight class today at the Rudy Sablo meet in Garden City, NJ. His goal is to hit 297# on his snatch and 363# on his clean and jerk. Crush it, Jake!
- People’s Climate March is today! The March takes place two days before the UN meets to decide on key issues regarding climate change. Head over to Central Park at 11am and check it out!
CrossFit Versus Yoga: Choose a Side The Atlantic
The Expanding American Waistline New York Times
Paleo article in the Times this morning:
8am. Perf Wod Rx: 10 rounds. Partnered with BK and Michael w/ BK and I going at the same time and then both of us waiting for Michael to finish. Wow, that was rough. Very pleased I could do this Rx, but it kicked the shit out of me. Can't say there was any one thing that was toughest, just the whole combination. And the rest was not nearly long enough. BTN jerks started off feeling awkward, probably cause we never do them. They felt good in the middle rounds and then fell off again at the end as fatigue set in.
14 rounds fitness at 85# with Whitney. I kept telling her to slow down and she didn't listen 😉
I slowed the team down but hey, I made it in for 3 Crush Week WODs after 4 months of Strength Cycle. So I'm feeling pretty accomplished!
10am with Noah and Arturo.
Fitness WOD with Tyler- 10 rounds.
I really wanted to try this at the rx'd weight even though I knew it was probably too heavy for me but hey, it's Crush Week, so if there was a time to try it, it was today. I managed two rounds at 93# but it was not looking so good at all to say the least. Dropped to 73# by mistake in the third round and then back to 83# which was what I should have done, really.
Still having trouble organizing cleans- the bar was too far out in front of me for most reps and the push jerks were weird and unfamiliar. The front squats were surprisingly difficult too. My hips were definitely too involved in the dragon flags but I will blame the fact that we were using a kettle bell as our anchor.
Not my favorite Crush Week WOD but I am glad I did it and happy I at least attempted the higher weight. Now I know.
8am with Noah and Whit.
Partnered with Scott for the WOD @ 135#. Finished 10 rounds + 15 reps. Scott went first so he had the honor of starting that bonus round. Cleans were mostly broken up as 4/1. All push jerks and FSQ were unbroken except for the last round when I just couldn't keep it racked for that 5th rep. I can't imagine doing this Rx!
10am, partnered with Peter,
Wod at 105#, my plan was to take weight off as we got further in the wod. But surprisingly felt ok. I dint think i couldve done this at 135. Anyhow, 5 or 6 riunds each. And then off to the climate change march. I hate crowds, but respect the environment.
10AM, partnered with Stella!
Like she said: 14 rounds and change at 85#. We were both initially thinking RX, but 85 felt like plenty. Would've been slower and much more of a grind, at least for me.
I took out the push jerks since I'm still not playin' with dynamic S2O. Did T2B instead of dragon flags.
Quick first four on the power cleans, then #5 into the squats. T2B unbroken.
Also, I tweaked my neck (again) demoing something. Methinks there's something unresolved going on in my cervical spine. :-/
fun crush week!!!
1pm class partnered with Kate L.
Got through 11 rnds (me @ 6rnds 68#/63#, Kate @ 5rnds 73#). I was only planning on doing this at 55ish so I am glad I ended up doing the first 3 rounds at 68#. I started seeing stars by round 3 then shaved off the 5lbs for the last 3 rounds. OK, 63# did not do anything for me and felt like it was at 68#. Duly noted I should have just stayed at the weight I was doing haha. I was def the slower partner though :
Cleans went from good to just ok, me tired = getting slow under the bar. Love push jerks, for some reason. FSQ, even at a weight I can normally do this felt really sloggy and heavy to me, bracing got realllly difficult, and this was where I was the slowest. Dragon flags were fine!
I REALLLYYY loved this one, despite feeling a little lightheaded after the workout, and just stared at my lunch today.
Catching up: Congrats to Jeremy and Margie!! Also awesome to see photos from the Climate March today from some of y'all!
and also good luck Jake!!!
1pm with Ro and MeLo
Did the fitness complex rx'd, partnered with Andrew. A little sore from yesterday, my head still 100% ringing from Windhand last night (loudest band!), I started off and set a molasses-like pace for this, and as a result I got through 4 rounds plus 5 cleans and 1 jerk, while Andrew got 4 full. This was tough. The weight got grindy really fast, and I was never able to go from the push jerks into the front squats without dropping the bar. I had designs on doing toes to bar, but opted into the dragflags after my first round on the barbell since that at least allowed me to lay on the ground for a few seconds. The weight may have been slightly above where I should have been, but I set a goal this week of doing all crush week WODs rx'd, and I was not going to give that up on the last day.
Did the fitness workout with Rob, who really carried the team's weight today while I dragged ass through the whole twenty minutes, at 95#. We did 6 rounds each, and I did an extra 7 reps. Tried toes to bar for the first round and then realized that that was dumb so switched back to the dragon flags. I'm real real sore from yesterday's wallballs and Rob did a great job talking me off the ledge on the front squats. Thanks Rob!
That was a killer, but I loved it. I also learned that if you call me a machine I'll keep going no matter what. Thanks Brian 🙂
Fitness Version – 7 RNDs w 95# and T2B
Real tough, real sweaty. Hardest parts were Push Jerks and FSQs
Lots of bike riding today including to and from the soccer game on the lower east side. And lots of fun getting on the field with the Tacos. Another victory!
I definitely got my share of fitness today. Lifts the spirits and I have a feeling I will sleep well tonight.
I beg to differ on Laura McD's account — I actually think she moved much faster than me! It was a fun way to end crush week! I feel like this was the week I held strong women (e.g., Laura, Stella) back!
I need to work on my push press and push jerk. It shouldn't be this way, but I have more confidence in my strict press coming out of strength cycle. I need to incorporate my lower body in now to get my push press and push jerk together. More generally, as Carlos G says, I need to work in my newfound strength. Eager to hear about the programming.