Here is a video David made for Inside the Affiliate. He wanted to show how consistently programming standardized warm-ups allows a large group of athletes to know exactly what do to after the coach says, “Okay guys, get into Warm-up 1 or 2, you’ve got eight minutes.” Also turn the volume up as there is a treat at the end.
Upcoming Schedule Changes
Saturday 9/20: 11am/12pm Active Recovery CANCELED
Sunday 9/21: 11am Active Recovery CANCELED
Saturday 10/4: 11am/12pm Active Recovery CANCELED
Saturday 10/4: Yoga for Athletes CANCELED
Summer Articles in Review
July, August, and September have been full of fresh articles from our coaches and staff, and repurposed articles from Inside the Affiliate. In case you missed any of them, we’ve included this list for your Friday reading pleasure (starting with the latest):
CrossFitting While Pregnant: An Interview With Four Women and a Coach, Part 1 Kate Reece
Guidelines for Training While Pregnant at CFSBK Chris Fox
On the Road, and Sweaty: Visiting Other CrossFit Affiliates Noah Abbott
“Make a Joyful Noise Unto the Lord”: A Poem Dr. Mike Cutaia
An Interview with JB: CFSBK’s New Coach Kate Reece
Failing, Bailing, and Training Culture at CFSBK Inside the Affiliate
Notes on a Solid Position During the First Pull of the Snatch David Osorio
July Athlete of the Month: Janelle Barth
YOU SHALL NOT SNATCH, or, Thoughts on the Absolute Necessity of the Hook Grip Noah Abbott
A Letter to New CrossFitters: Good Training Habits Inside the Affiliate
Returning After a Layoff, or “How Barbella Got Her Moves Back” Noah Abbott
“Mad Abs, Yo!” How Pilates Complements CrossFit, and Getting to Know Kristin H. Kate Reece
What are you most looking forward to this fall season?
Saturday's Programming
Partner WOD
In teams of 2 with one partner working at a time, complete the following for time:
120 Kettlebell Swings 53/35
120 Box Jumps 24/20
120 Wall Balls 20/10, 14/9
80 Kettlebell Swings
80 Box Jumps
80 Wall Balls
40 Kettlebell Swings
40 Box Jumps
40 Wall Balls
Break up sets as desired but split the work up as evenly as possible. An even split would have each partner performing 120 reps of each movement in the triplet.
Post time and Rx to comments.
6:30 class yesterday with Arturo and Whitney. Fitness WOD in 18:43 (R-to-the-lil'-x). Enjoyed the workout because these movements are a bit more in my wheelhouse than others. 50 burpees at the end is diabolical in an evil crossfit programming genius way. Have to respect that. Thanks to Ro for standing over me for the last ten and not letting me slackedy-slack.
6am with Nick and McD, where Nick may have implied that I wear the same t-shirt every Friday. I swear it's always clean but I'll make sure to improve my t-shirt rotation so that he can enjoy a different one every Friday.
Partnered with Peter on the WOD. Finished in 27:35. We broke this up as follows:
round 1 – sets of 20 KBS, sets of 10 WBs and BJs
rounds 2 & 3 – sets of 10 across all 3 movements.
That worked out well and I'd recommend it for those doing this later today or tomorrow. The breaks were short but the work was also short enough to be manageable. I'm pretty worn out after this one.
6am. Partnered with Elliott on Saturday's WOD: 27:35. See his post for the details. We moved smoothly and quickly through all movements. Only area we could have saved significant time would be doing bounding box jumps (we stepped down for all of them). But 120 bounding box jumps doesn't sound very fun. Looking forward to a rest day tomorrow. Looking forward to apple picking, apple crumble and apple pie this fall.
Make up post from yesterday – 7:30pm with Ro and Noah
Did the fitness WOD rx'd in 21:04. Hit the mile in about 7:50. I ended up breaking up the deadlifts in the first two sets 5-5 and 6-4, but sort of realized that the rest wasn't make me any less tired, so I did the last set unbroken just to keep moving. I decided to not count attempts in DUs like I usually do, so each round I actually got 30. Longest set was maybe 7 or 8. I also figured out a new and exciting way to do these with bad form (I was twisting my hips to the right for some reason), so that's another thing to add my list of "DU bad practices that I need to kill with fire." Burpees went 10-10-11, and then 19 straight to finish because I was sick of them. I liked this WOD even though it had three of my least favorite things, but boy was it ever a slog for me.
Oh, and the fall thing that I am always the most excited about is the slightly chillier temperatures. That, and the fact NYC stops smelling overwhelmingly like pee and hot garbage for a little while.
6 am with Nick & McDowell. I did yesterday's workout scaled to 135# on the deadlifts in 20:23 total. Finished the run in a little over eight minutes, all deadlifts were unbroken, but the DU's were a shittier shit show than usual, which is saying something. I just couldn't manage to string these together today, so I wound up doing a bunch of attempts with some singles thrown in just to keep moving. The burpees were, y'know. McDowell's tip to just keep getting back down into another burpee and resting briefly on the ground if necessary was helpful. As was his observation that you can always do one more burpee. That actually helped keep me moving through these rather than stopping to ponder how daunting another 20 or 15 was going to be.
I'm looking forward to not losing 85% of my body weight in sweat halfway through the warmup. I'm also looking forward to wearing cool-weather-appropriate clothing. And putting rye and bourbon back into my hooch rotation. And Halloween. And Thanksgiving. I guess I just really like fall…
I'd be up to do this partner WOD with someone at about 6:30-6:45pm tonight if someone is game during open gym.
Elliott I think Nick just pays too much attention to what people wear to class.
PS, Nick, I miss you but not enough to bring myself in for a Crush Week WOD when a) I've just come out of 4 months of strength cycle and b) I have a cold. Pretty sure I want to do something slow and chill at OG tonight though.
Oops, I just watched the SWU video and suddenly realized that I forgot to return the green bands to their proper hanging place this morning, and I forgot to wash my cup too. I feel like such a bad crossfitter. I am sorry. :,( I will get my morning brain more in gear next time I attempt a 6 AM class.
Great class though, many thanks Nick!
is anyone going to the climate march this sunday?
Make up from 7:30 last night with Arturo and Noah
Performance WOD RX in 19:07. Came in from the run in 7:30, which was about what I wanted to do. Haven't run for a while, so I'm surprised I was able to pace it correctly without a watch or even checking splits on the clock as I passed CFSBK (I ran the opposite block to avoid the 3rd Ave sidewalk mess). The 155lb snatch was HEAVY… there were a fair number of press outs in there each round. First round of doubles unbroken, second round in 3 sets. Burpees were awful x5. I am so glad there are no burpees in Fight Gone Bad.
Gracie, this is from tomorrow's blog post:
Walk for Climate Change Tomorrow!
People’s Climate March is tomororw, September 21. The March takes place two days before the UN meets to decide on key issues regarding climate change. If you are interested in participating in the March (which starts on the west side of Central Park), sign up here. Email Keith F. at keithrfr [at] if you'd like to join other CFSBKers.
Inspired by the "Iron Triathalon" Fox and I took a crack at "Linda"
10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 reps of:
1.5x BW Deadlifts (235)
1x BW Bench Press (155)
3/4 BW Squat Clean (115)
Finished in 35:07
This was all about the bench press.
As David posted, did the one "girl" that I'd never done. I channeled my inner Kalihpa and did…
"Linda" aka Three Bars Of Death
10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 reps of:
1.5x BW Deadlifts (265)
1x BW Bench Press (175)
3/4 BW (power) Clean (135)
Kept moving steady throughout. Low back fatigue was the biggest factor for me. This wasn't as bad as I'd feared it might be.
DL: 6/4, 5/4, 4/4, 4/3, 3/3, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1
BP: 6/4, 5/4, 4/4, 4/3, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1
PC: All drop and grip singles
Coaching my son's soccer team.
Not sweating on the subway platform.
Trip to London for work.
Trip to New Orleans for pleasure.
Standing atop the platform with my team at Fight Gone Bad. (Oh no he didn't!)
Came back in for my first SBK group class in just over 4 weeks. This was my longest hiatus from consistent training, I have a rotten cold, and the work-out from yesterday looked and sounded ugly.
Rx fitness version 17:47 (run in 7:33)
Started slow from the beginning and was actually able to pick up my burpees a bit at the end (more like pathetic flop downs with a hop). First 2 sets of DUs unbroken (probably a first for me in a work out). Deadlifts in sets of 5. 155# is tough for me.
So much fun, and I'm pretty sure this will cure my cold. Happy to be back to SBK programming, and it was great to see everyone today.
This fall I'm looking forward to crisp weather and new projects.
I'd also like to try Linda
6 am with Nick and McDowell.
Yesterday's fitness WOD in 18:36 with 145# DLs. McDowell gave some great pacing advice to get through the WOD, which really helped.
Finished the mile at ~8:20. I was targeting to go a little slower than my normal 8 min pace on the last 1/2 lap to save some energy for the DLs, so was happy with this time.
Deadlifts all unbroken with 145#. This was the heaviest I've deadlifted so far (so I guess technically this is a PR!), as I try to gradually add weight with each exposure. I averaged 1 or 2 DU misses per round, so I guess these were roughly broken into 15 – 17 per round, except for a few false starts in the beginning of the first round. I felt that I moved through these cycles of DLs and DUs pretty well (better than I anticipated).
Burpees were tough and I didn't have a good strategy going into them; just tried to keep them slow and steady. Having McDowell stand in front of you with crossed arms for the last 10 reps is probably the best motivator for not slacking on the pace.
6:30p last night with whit & arturo
i took both the rowing and slamball substitutions on the wod which felt awful!
mile row in about 6:50
deadlifts at 135# 10, 5-5, 6-4 // slamball 15 per round at 20#
burpees, um yeah
QOD: today was a very exciting fall milestone for me because it was the perfect storm or non-storm of temperature and lack of rain in the forecast for me to wear my leather jacket for the first time. this is applicable to approximately 5 days per year. hopefully it will be more relevant in austin.
Dropped in on CrossFit Pallas in Ithaca this afternoon to make up yesterday's WOD, en route to Cleveland. 18:20 Rx. Mile in 7:10, doubles unbroken. I thought I'd be able to do the deadlifts unbroken but didn't adjust well when that wasn't possible. The burpees took me around 5 minutes?
I really liked this little gym. They're moving to a bigger location soon but the guy who owns it was super friendly and a very experienced coach. I'll write it up when I get back.
QOD: Everything. I camped last night after a show in Jim Thorpe, PA and seeing all the changing leaves on the drive from our campsite to Ithaca made my heart feel huge.
Heading out of town for the weekend so took the 8am class to get in tomorrow's wod.
25:42ish partnered with Joy.
-we did sets of 20 for all kbs and 10's for wall ball and box jumps.
-my box jumps were bounding and unbroken, except for 2 no reps where I was falling off the box at the top.
– kept my wall balls to a 10ft target, zero no reps.
-this is a workout where you should keep moving. Transitions should be fast so there's no time for sitting and resting. Push yourselves on this one. It's fun!
Qod: looking forward to hoodie season, mulled wine, a trip to Aruba and football Sundays.
OG. Last Workout before the meet.
Snatch, Worked up to 90%
Power Clean+Jerk, 70%x1x5
Front squat, 60%x3, 70%x3x2
….we'll see what happens. I need to PR both lifts (I think) in order to qualify in this weight class.
Love me a good crispy Fall day.
Tried for 1RM press again. 90, 92.5F, 92.75 (PR) which was a Jedi mind trick, AKA me thinking I was loading the bar to 91.5. I accidentally left a 1.25 plate on one side of the bar. Fought for it like hell and made it, then I realized my mistake and that I actually PRed by more than I thought.
Then I let Rob U talk me into tomorrow's WOD. I was going to do something nice and easy, say a tabata mashup, but nooooo. 29:33 Rx, not exactly speed demons but hey, both of us are just coming out of two strength cycles in a row. I can definitely feel the effects of SC — the KB and the WB both feel so light!
Yeah, tomorrow's WOD was done cruiser style (mostly by me — Stella kept a good clip), but I can tell you that I am beat from it. Good luck to everyone tomorrow!!