For Time:
1 Mile Run
2 Rounds:
7 Power Snatches 155/105
50 Double Unders
50 Burpees
For Time:
1 Mile Run
3 Rounds:
10 Deadift 225/155
30 Double Under
50 Burpees
Score load and total time.
Post time and Rx to comments.
Todd (or Scott Ian?) dumbbell bench pressing like a boss
CFSBK Classfieds and Travel Gym Recommendations
Some recent highlights…
- Amy M. is looking for a physical therapist.
- David and Rachel run a pet care business, and want to help with your cute creatures! They offer a variety of services including boarding, walking, off-leash romps, and raw food delivery. Check out their website.
- Matty C. visited River North Crossfit Chicago, which he recommends, and Scott visited Reebok Crossfit BCN, Barcelona Spain, and shares some interesting thoughts.
Check it out, post your own!
Come Roller Skate with CFSBK on October 12th!
What: All-ages roller-skating, admission for the first 25 people that RSVP is compliments of CFSBK
When: Sunday, October 12, 2-4pm (Note: this is the weekend the gym is closed for the Starting Strength Seminar)
Where: the newly-opened Pier 2 Roller Rink at Brooklyn Bridge Park
Event is a go with a minimum of 10 people. Skate rental is not included. The same pier also has bocce and shuffleboard courts we could play on. Afterwards, we’ll head to 68 Jay Street Bar (where Charlie works) for some post-skating drinks. Stella Z.‘s SMART in DUMBO trivia night is also happening later that day at 7pm, in case people want to stay for that too.
RSVP to mare [at] by Friday, October 10.
The Ghost Trains of America The Atlantic
5 Common Mistakes New Athletes Make CrossFit Invictus
Are We All Unique Snowflakes? Hyperallergic
Hydration by CrossFit Endurance CrossFit
How much water do you drink everyday? How do you gauge your intake?
6am with DO & JF
Wow, didn't see that one coming. 18:01 on the Perf version at Rx weight. The opening mile actually wasn't terrible, came in at 7:07 in a tight pack with Elliot and Matty. The power snatches were a mess though; at one point I think it caught one with totally bent arms and legs. Double unders were good and the burpees were insulting.
I welcome tomorrow's Day of Rest.
Uh, yeah, you guys have fun with that. I'll be back for OG tomorrow, thanks.
I probably drink about 100 oz/day (counting unsweetened iced tea, which I love, in the total). I just track it by feel. Back when drinking a full ounce per pound of bodyweight was part of the Paleo challenge, I got used to drinking more than that, so now if I'm not keeping pace for about 100, I get thirsty pretty quickly and fix it.
6am with David and Jess
A nice cool morning for some running outside. The mile run was done at a smooth easy pace. Ran with Michael A. and Elliott the whole way and came in at 7:14.
Deadlifts were okay but I wished I took the time to chalk up because the run left my palms pretty sweaty. Double unders were unbroken the first round and then they fell apart quick. Some frustrating false starts until I fell into the groove.
Burpees were burpees.
Fun cheering on the Everett/Rytas throwdown at the end.
good morning cfsbk!
i've got a little adoption post for my sweet lady (cat) lyla garrity up over on facebook i would greatly appreciate it if you would like to share it to yo friends on there in case there's any cat lovers looking for a feline in your fb circles.
also, if we're not already fb friends, friend me yo!
see post here:
6am. Perf version Rx in 18:03. Michael A fouled at the end by cheering me on without telling me I was within seconds of beating his team. Did the run in just under 7 min, though was properly humbled by Nishi (sp?) who floated past me on the third lap. Power snatches were alright. I think my form got better as I got tired. Last rep felt pretty good. DUs were a nice break. And the burpees sucked.
QOD: I thought the whole drink 1/2 your body weight in pounds in ounces of water recommendation was debunked. Perhaps I'm misremembering. For pure water, I drink 2 8oz glasses in the morning before the workout, about 12oz during the workout, and then 2 16oz glasses during the day (sipping them at my desk). That totals 74oz. But I also have a little bit of water at lunch, a 12oz protein shake after the workout, a few glasses of milk and a few cups of coffee. I'm guessing my total liquid intake is about 100oz, maybe a little more. I don't force the intake, just follow habit.
QOD – Somewhere in between 100 – 150oz. I just keep filling my blender bottle up when it's empty.
8am – Fox
First 8am class ever…different lighting.
16:57 – Perf – 145#
Damn, I really would've liked to have done this Rx as all these movements are right in my wheelhouse…but in retro, 145 was the perfect weight, considering 165 is my PR, I pretty pleased w/ 145 throughout…they actually felt more organized as I progressed through the WOD.
Mile – 6:27 was pissed when I saw the time, thought I ran too fast, but my wind was fine throughout…
Snatch – sets of 2's then a single
DU's – unbroken. Felt really good today
Burpees – maybe a few breaths after 20 and 40. Fox noticed I'm doing an extra kick on my way down to the floor that's costing me some extra effort…will definitely watch that moving forward.
I'm out for 10 days. Doubting I'll find a crossfit gym in the north woods of Wisconsin…so I'll sub chasing deer or something and add it to the travel gym recs 😉 Planning on doing a lot of cardio…gotta stay right for FGB coming up.
6am with Jess and DO.
Fitness WOD in 15:47. Mile was 7:10, running in a pack with Matty and Michael. Felt good to run a longer distance than usual. Deadlifts were all unbroken. Had some trouble with the DUs today, mainly at the start of each round. Broke up the burpees into 3 or 4 sets.
Finished up with some white-banded MU practice, although they were feeling pretty weak today. 2×2 then 3×3.
7am, with Jess & DO,
Smallish class, 4 rounds of warm up made me scale the WOD @155# for the DL, My back didnt have anything else in it.
WOD @ 20:18, I didnt check how fast I ran, but it was a gingerly pace for the first 2 laps, and an all out sprint on the third one, instigated by DO on a bike Rocky/Mickey Goldmill style. The DUs, I counted legit 30 attempts on the first round, then 60 singles on the second, and then a string of 5-10 dus on the third. (needs work). The burpees were where things slowed down quite a bit, but kept it steady-ish.
I drink about 3 liters at work measured through a 750ml Camelbak bottle, and another 750 in the morning, and a 750/1000ml of sparkling with dinner. The girl that sits behind me at work gave me an awesome tip about water, whenever you look at your bottle you have to drink.
Sorry for the second post, but a huge thank you to our Leader DO, who spent a good 15 minutes showing me how to do crossover symmetry work, aaaaaaand now im sore in the shoulders. Awesome morning.
Pigeon, that tip also works extremely well for ice cream. Any time you walk past an ice cream shoppe, you have to go in.
I still have 2 tix to the Black Keys on sept 24. Section 213 row 3. Selling below cost. email me at loguercio at gmail if you're interested
My coffee is made with water. Does that count?
Oh and my water intake!
I don't measure it but I would guess over 100 oz/day. It's enough that I can't make it more than an hour between bathroom breaks during most of the day! I guess that's a good thing??
QOD: I have an 18 oz water bottle that I keep on my desk at work and generally fill up 4 times a day, plus 16 oz before work, 16oz after work and 20 oz of sparkling, so total around 128oz.
WOD – 6am with Jess and DO. Fitness version in 18:51. Finished the run around 7:30, then all deadlifts unbroken. I was planning on doing 30 du attempts, but ended up scaling back to 15. I surprised myself by getting 10 in a row in the last round, so I'm at least making some progress there. Burpees were by far the worst. My triceps were already sore and had trouble doing more than 5 at a time. It was great to have some encouragement from the rest of the crew to get to the end. I also enjoyed the Rytas vs Everett burpee-off!!
Fitness version in 16:16 with135# DLs. Run in 7:19. DLs unbroken and heavy! DUs a mess the first round, better the second round and unbroken the last round. Burpees were awful and felt like they took forever. Legs are fried now.
QOD: I don't track it but well over 100 oz a day.
Noon class with J Fox.
Fitness RX at 14:49
Finished the run in 6:07.
Deadlift @ 225 broken into 4-3-3 for all rounds
All DUs unbroken (huge achievement for me that lead to good time)
Burpees were a hard grind from the very first one.
Lots of water all day.
Nooner with Lady Fox
Fitness Rx in 16:42
Run in 8:43
DL @ 155# unbroken each round (even though I really wanted to put it down in 2nd and 3rd)
DU's: 18-12, 30, 30
Started the Burpees around 12:45… tried going in fast sets of 5 and then resting, but Jess reminded us to just keep moving, even if it was a slog. So, I just committed to the misery of slowly splatting and peeling one burpee at a time. Was happy I did because I would've rested too much otherwise.
This was a fun one and a killer. Loved it! Looking fwd to the rest of the week 🙂
Fun teaching classes today! Loved cheering folks on through those last burpees and getting on my bike to goat the 7am'ers through the mile. Is "goating" people an expression? It sounds like it's right?
No worries, Pigeon, Im always happy to show anyone CS as long as I've got the time.
Had to head out of town Monday/Tuesday so I was behind on training, tried to make up some work before class:
Crossover Symmetry: Activation
Strict Deficit HSPU
Did Level 2×3
2 DC Blocks + Abmat 2×2
3 DC Blocks + 1 Abmat
Did one every :30 for 5:00
Then I started to grind and pulled back to 1 OTM for the remaining 5
12:00 Class with Lady Fox
Did the Fitness version of today's WOD which was a real bruiser. I thought I was going to crush it, but indeed I ended up the one being crushed. I thought I could do all the deadlifts and doubles unbroken but was so gassed from the run that it threw my plan in the garbage.
Fitness WOD as Rx'd
Mile time: 7:07
Deadlifts: 5/5 for the first two rounds and unbroken on third.
Doubles: just as many as I could and then used misses as rest periods. Last round unbroken
Burpees: Non-strict burpees. just kept going until 50 were done.
I felt like shit afterwards. Loved today's workout!
I tend to not drink enough water, I think. I try to drink two nalgenes a day or that larger water bottle that I adopted. I've been bad about quantifying it and need to get back on it. Good video!
QOD answer:
i think i drink a lot because i am a flavored seltzer FIEND.
i try to drink 2-3 of my 32oz nalgene every day and then i get all that added water from the coffee i drink!
Noon with Lady Fox.
Fitness WOD in 19.35. Yippee- I rx'd it!!!! I am always so proud when I am able to write those two letters on the whiteboard. It is still rare enough that I can.
I treated the run like a warm-up. Deadlifts were unbroken. DUs- first time ever stringing any together in a workout. It is so much faster when you can do that! I managed 20 at one point. So excited that I did not have to count attempts.
I loved this WOD until I got to the burpees. I could not keep them going and I actually felt like I might puke, which has never happened before. But I got through them eventually and without incident.
Solo Pull-up Club- 10 sets of 1 pull-up. Starting over with pull-up grip. Tried to practice kipping with a blue band but I just can't seem to get the motion right with a band. I will try again tomorrow.
I drink a ton of water. I am not measuring at the moment but I am a seltzer addict and I also drink regular water and a lot of green and herbal teas.
DO: You mean goading. But "goating" sounds better.
I inadvertently chose crush week to jump back into SBK. I'm. Not. Ready!
I drink black coffee all day long, which I heard on NPR is just as hydrating as water, so it must be true.
I'm excited about Olympic lifting again in general (!!) and about playing soccer with the tacos this weekend.
Also, I'll miss the roller skating event, but I wanted to mention that I went at Lakeside in the park recently — I was a speed demon and a menace and it was realllllllyyyy fun
4:30 class
Performance WOD Rx;d
I'm a slow runner (8:30). Took the power snatches as singles with "rest" in between. Doubles were very fatiguing, and burpees were a slog. I'm happy even with my slow time because when I wrote this I was not sure I'd do the power snatches at 155. After warming up I decided to throw the reds on and deal with it. No misses and I felt that I was was moving well on them. Melo said "nice, Fox" a few times so I must have been moving well…
QOD – I drink a lot of water…2-3x32oz Sigg in the gym, 20oz upon waking every day, 20oz with my BCAAs, plus a pint or two with meals at home or out. Add in my 2-3 coffees and the ice in my drinks and I'm probably at almost an ounce per pound.
6:30pm class with Whit and Ro
Performance WOD:
17:25 scaled to 93# power snatches.
-run in about 8:08
-all snatches in 2-2-2-1. I have a much better time on the touch and go snatch than that first pull from the floor. My very last rep (#14) was a split snatch hybrid so I no repped myself. I need to get away from that shit…and I think I hit my best power snatch after that.
-doubles were in 2 sets. Burpees were slow but steady. I was sweating so much that either my face lotion or remnants of my conditioner were dripping into my eyes and making them burn. That was not pleasant but I didn't want to stop since I told all of my classes to keep moving through the burpees. Instead, I was just a hot mess of sweat and tears.
Really fun WOD and it was really fun to Coach so many classes through it. I love how each class stuck around to cheer on those that were finishing up burpees. Really great energy all day long.