21-15-9 Reps For Time of:
Thruster 95/65
Pull Ups
Post time and Rx to comments.
Compare to 10.2.2013 and 2.13.2013.
Coach DO and Dan go to the video for further analysis. (Or are they just Googling cat memes?)
Fight Gone Bad 2014 Reminders
- ATTENTION FIGHT GONE BAD TEAM CAPTAINS! You should have received an email yesterday inviting you to sign up for CrowdRise. Jump on it! Also, if anyone got assigned to multiple teams, email Info [at] CrossFitSouthBrooklyn.com ASAP!!! We’re also still accepting registrations for anyone that missed the boat but still wants to participate.
- We are still on the hunt for super awesome (or just awesome) donations for prizes. If you own or work at a business that wants to provide some sort of prize (no matter how small!) for our top performers (for the WOD and fundraising) please email David [at] CrossFitSouthBrooklyn.com.
Upcoming Schedule Changes
Saturday 9/20: 11am/12pm Active Recovery CANCELLED
Sunday 9/21: 11am Active Recovery CANCELLED
Saturday 10/4: 11am/12pm Active Recovery CANCELLED
Walk for Climate Change this Sunday!
People’s Climate March is this Sunday, September 21. The March takes place two days before the UN meets to decide on key issues regarding climate change. If you are interested in participating in the March (which starts on the west side of Central Park), CFSBKer Keith F. would love if you’d join him. First, sign up here, then email him at keithrfr [at] gmail.com.
Everything: You’re Doing It Wrong The Atlantic
Seeing the Invisible New York Times
Artist ‘Bordalo II’ Brings Trash and Found Objects to Life on the Streets of Lisbon Colossal
Fitness Through Sports? The CrossFit Journal
m@michaelaffronti.com says
6am with McD and Arturo
Fran: I could not think of a better way to start a Wednesday.
Attacked Fran this morning while partnered up with Peter. Hit 5:04 at rx; the first round was awesome-feeling with unbroken thrusters and pullups. Second round was 11/4 on thrusters and 8/7 on pullups, then that last round was unbroken thrusters and a hot mess of 4/2/1/1/1. I managed to keep my butterfly through the second round of pullups, but the last one was a mess.
Now I just have to explain to my co-workers why I appear to have kennel cough.
KH (a.k.a. Cage) says
P to the R on Fran today. Looking back in my notes, in Oct '13 I did Fran with rxed thrusters and 15-9-6 on the kipping pull ups in 9:43. Today, same scaling, 8:18. Woot.
I would like to point out that the first time I did this WOD with banded pull ups several years ago, I cried and it took me over 12 minutes. You've come a long way, Hoesl.
Brad D says
Make up from 7:30pm last night with Jess and Noah.
Fran in 4:34 rx. Was going to go unbroken on thrusters, but Noah suggested breaking up the first set so as not to redline too early. I wasn't sure and felt great at thruster 11, but then at 15 I could tell I was going to hit a wall so I set the bar down for a few seconds and then finished up. Pull ups were 11/10, and the rest of it went 11/4, 5/5/5, 9, 4/3/2.
Linda says
6am with McTuro. Scaled to 55# for the thrusters and 15-9-6, with green and blue bands for the pull-ups. Finished around 6:16. When I did this last October, it was at 45# and ring rows in 6:36, so I'll take it. I've been making progress with my thoracic spine mobility and was happy with how the overhead positioning felt today.
MattyChm says
*hacking cough*
6am with McTuro
This was my third Fran-iversary and I celebrated with a new PR of 7:13 Rx-ed.
*hacking cough*
Broke up the thrusters into 11/10, 8/7, 3/3/3.
Pull ups were 7/7/7, 5/5/5, 5/4
Brad D!! 4:34? Kiss ass!
*hacking cough*
BK says
6am with Arturo & McDowell
5:51 Rx (PR by 54 seconds)
This is my 2nd time Rx'ing Fran. I've avoid the fran cough, but my forearms are on fire. It was a sight for sore eyes watching everyone cradling their arms after the partner A round. I never got uncomfortable today, probably left a lot on the floor.
1st round: 11/10, 11/10
2nd round: 8/4/3, 8/4/3
3rd round: 3/3/3, 3/3/3
ginacatto says
i fran'd last night at 6:30p with jess
65# on the thrusters // green + blue 15-9-6 strict pull-ups // 6:29
when i fran'd last october it was will 65# and full-volume jumping pull-ups in 5:45, so i guess slower but harder this time?
biggest regret: i was in the same heat as coach jb so i didn't get to see her annihilate this wod
least regret: screaming out "am i done yet?" when jess told us we were 2 mins in, probably added a second to my time, but totally worth it
Shawn says
6 am with Arturo and McDowell. 7:23 scaled to 75# and jumping pullups. I was contemplating going rx'd on the thrusters, but on the warm up with the unloaded bar, they felt like garbage, so I scaled down – wisely, I think.
Pigeon says
7am with McenRoe,
Fran @95# and thick green band kips 21/15/9. finished in 8:49, under cap = win.
I went slow on the thursters and made sure i kept my elbows up and locked at the top, i remember having garbage form last time which i had done @95# 15,9,6 and box jumps in 8:00. I call this one a better effort.
round 1: 8/7/6 – 11/10
round 2: 5/5/5 – 8/7
round 3: 5/4 – 9
Peter says
6am. Fran Rx in 5:21. Not a PR and not even equal to my last go at this girl. Been putting on some weight recently which is good for strength movements but not so good for bodyweight stuff like pull-ups. Thrusters were 21, 11-4, 9. Pull-ups were: 14-7, 5-5-5, 3-3-3. Thrusters felt really good today. Probably should have gone unbroken on the second set. Note to my future self, try to cycle the thrusters faster. You never redlined on them.
Afterwards, Arturo asked why I was doing a regular kip instead of a butterfly kip. I explained about how I'm full of weakness. He said I should just set a goal of doing butterfly kip throughout a workout even if it causes me to go slower and that it will pay off in the long run. Ok. Advice taken. Goal set.
The Fran cough is even better if you already have a cold. My coworkers are looking at me strangely. Good times.
Jacques says
Fran yesterday at 5:30
First time in 9 minutes
Rx on Thrusters 10-6-5, 3-3-3-3-3, 3-3-3
Green band on Pullups 10-5-5, 5-5-3-2, 3,3,2,1
Thrusters felt very heavy at RX, probably would have had more success at 85, but felt major growth going on afterwards. Would have liked scaled regular kips…next time:)
Lauren S says
Baby's first Fran. 7:21 at 55#.
I had completely unnecessary anxiety over what weight to do for this for a few days – I wanted to do it rx, but i talked myself down to not needing to kill myself on it – do the more manageable weight and have a first time learning experience. I kept my eye on BK to keep a good pace in the first round, then lost him somewhere in the 15 round. happy with it overall.
Thrusters went 10/11, 5/5/5, 9. Pull ups were 5/5/5/6, 5/5/3/2, 3/3/2/1.
micheleaw@gmail.com says
3rd time doing Fran:
Sept 13th 2013 (2 months in Crossfit) – 40lb thrusters, black band PU – 6:24
August 21st 2014 (last month. at a visiting gym) – 55lb thrusters, blue band Kip PU- 5:25
TODAY – RX thrusters, blue band Kip PU – 6:04
Very happy with this progression! New goal is RX all the way next time… Better start some sort of pull-up program.
neal.padte@gmail.com says
6 am yesterday w. Jess & McDowell doing today's workout.
First time doing Fran; finished at 9:43 w. 65# thrusters and kipping pull-ups broken down (approximately) as follows:
-Thrusters:10-5-6, 7-5-3, 4-5
-Pull-Ups: 12-5-4, 5-5-3-2, 3-3-2-1
I started the pull-ups with a vengeance and kipped so hard I surprised myself with a solid and crisp 6 or 8 chest-to-bar pull ups, which felt awesome. But then I started to gradually deteriorate through the rest of the workout, losing a lot of time trying to catch my breath between reps and making all sorts of exasperated grunts and gasps to get myself through it.
Some goals for the next time I see Fran:
-Thrusters: 1) bump the weight up, 2) finish the last set unbroken, 3) break each of the first 2 sets into groups of 2 rather than 3, or 4) any combination of the above.
-Pull-Ups: Break the last 2 sets into groups of 2 rather than groups of 4.
I had a serious case of the coughs after the workout. Thank goodness Jess explained the Fran Cough to me so I wasn't as freaked out when it lasted all day. What the heck is that about?!
Chrisfoxnyc@Gmail.com says
10am class
Fran Rx'd
PR by 14 seconds!
Thrusters: 12-9, 8-7, 9
Pull Ups: 12-9, 6-5-4, 4-3-2
I've done the round of 21 unbroken the last few times but Noah got in my head about breaking it up. McD concurred and kept me on track. Recovery was faster this time than previous. I only sat and saw black for about 2 minutes this time. This is entirely a pull up work out for me. I'm gonna have to press JB for some pointers.
Also, tied the wife down to the second. How cute is that. The couple that PRs Fran together with a matching score, goes for huevos con chorizo and margaritas together. It's barely noon and I've won Wednesday.
Charlie says
10 am with Jeremy.
'Fran' in 5.10 @ 65# with red and blue banded chin-ups 15, 10, 6 ( I did one extra pull-up in the second round just for funsies- my partner was counting backwards and I was counting forwards and it got all sorts of confusing) Oops.
Last October it took me 8.14 with full volume jumping pull-ups. I can't even begin to describe how much easier the thrusters were for me this time. I remember really wanting to die the last time I did this and my lungs hurting but today, I didn't feel like that at all. Maybe that means I did not push myself as hard as I could have but I am really happy with the improvement, regardless.
Worked a bit on the beginnings of kipping pull-ups with Arturo afterwards. I would love to be able to have a go at this rx'd next time it comes up.
Spent a little time on DUs also and I managed to string together 14 which was a PR and then 27!!!!!!!
Rio says
10AM class.
Fran RX @ 4:58
Thrusters 11-10, 5-5-5, 5-4
Pull-Ups 11-10, 8-7, 3-6
For my first Fran, I was pretty excited about this. Plays to my strengths (pull-ups). Also a nice opportunity to watch the all-star cast of coaches go at it.
lady fox says
10am date with Fran.
4:51 rx'd
-yes this is exactly what Fox finished in (#twinsies). How'd he do that? Really thought he was going to beat my time by 1 sec and then brag all night. ๐
-for me, it's a 30+sec PR. Goal today was to go sub 5 and I just made it. Happy about that.
-All thrusters unbroken, pullups very broken. That's clearly where I could make up alot of time.
-great energy in the 10am today! Always fun to workout with the fellow coaches!
My lungs and forearms were on FIRE for about 10mins after. I didn't like it. But, I actually end up feeling recovered much faster than in times past. Well except for the slight feeling that there's chalk stuck in my throat/chest…yes even 7 hours later.
Congrats to all the Fran PR's and first time Fran-ers! Also a fun/scary one.
Thomas says
The first time I met Fran was 10.2.2013.
It was love at first site 6:54 at 65# with jumping pull ups onto a high bar.
I rx'd it today in 7:56. Super happy. Great coaching from Noah and McDowell.
"Stay on the bar", "If you aren't on the bar, you aren't working", and from Alex, something like "If you don't feel like shit right now, you're not doing it right."… I was doing it correctly.
Alex great job. He did it so fast he didn't let go of the bar or even break a sweat until afterwards…
stellavision@gmail.com says
Oh peer pressure, what you will do to a gal.
7:25, Rx thrusters and 15-9-6 strict chins with a green band for the round of 6.
I realize this is slow as f*ck but hey, for the last four months I've been taking 5-minute rests between every set of everything I do…
JakeL says
@Fox….from what I recall you bet that i could not go sub 6…I bet i could go sub 5. I say, if i go sub 5, you buy, if I dont go sub 6 I buy. If I go in the 5's its a draw!!! wed/thu/fri of next week anytime from 530-7 Ill be ready to rock and roll…
Snatch, 75ish%x1x5
Clean and Jerk 70%x1x5
Front squat, 90%x1
Some dips and ab wheel rollouts
Got see some good post fran fetal position decimation. Good job everyone.
katharinereece@gmail.com says
5:30 class tonight with McD and Noah.
Fran in 6:44, decided to do what Charlie did with 15-9-6 chin-ups, with red/blue bands. Similar to her, last October it took me 7:30 with full volume jumping pull-ups. I'm stoked that the thrusters didn't feel nearly as heavy as I remember them being. Just glad I showed up today. ๐
rgreenspan@me.com says
It was great to be back at the 6am class with McD and Arturo.
Third Fran for me. I sort of misspoke during intros when I said that I've been getting slower. Well, yes, technically slower, but my first Fran was jumping pullups full rep scheme and second attempt last October 15-9-6 pullups blue band – both with 55lbs.
This morning I used blue band for the first 21; green for the second round (which I only did 13 pullups); then green & blue together for the last round of 9 (and I added three – two makeups for second round one because Jill no-repped one of them ๐
My increasing times have been 5:36, 6:04 and 8:30 today.
michael.crumsho@gmail.com says
First Fran ever, rx'd at 8:44-ish. The thrusters felt fine until the last round. Did these at 12-9, 8-7, 6-3. Pull-ups were a bit of a mess. I need to work on getting bigger chunks here – I think the largest set I got was 6, so there was a lot of unwanted rest on those. Apropos of nothing, really, I felt like I could do this faster the first time out, but I am glad to have done it rx'd and to not have felt too miserable at the end. Room for improvement, as always.
dave p says
8:30 class… been ruminating about trying this all day. Thanks coaches for being encouraging.
I was just able to do this RX in around 9 minutes, didn't quite catch the time. Broke thrusters up 8-7-6, 6-5-4, 4-3-2. Kipping pullups are still a work in progress and I shouldn't have counted all of my reps, but my chin was at least bar-adjacent each time. Spent about a minute staring at the bar before the last few pullups.
I feel guilty about only being able to spend much time cheering my partner on. Spent about 15 minutes doubled over outside after finishing. +1 for post-Fran chalk-throat, although I was a little "meh" coming in. Pushing myself to try this RX was the right thing to do, even if I'm still vibrating.
K HarpZ says
ALRIGHT fran! go everyone!! MISS YOU ALL!!!
chulz@mac.com says
The Late Show w/ Coach Melo & JB
Tonight's guest: FRAN
RX w/ strict pull-ups 15-12-9
The first time I did Fran, I counted in hours. This time, I mistakenly did 6 extra pull-ups. I hate you Fran. I hate you. Thanks to both coaches for sticking around post 10:00 and cleaning up my weights and what was left of my soul. Good night, everybody!
Camille says
7:30 pm class and also my first Fran ever!
8:55 with 44# thrusters because everyone took the baby weights!
Pull ups with the green band and did the full volume on both movements. Had Johanna help me up on the last few reps on each pull up set though! Thrusters were broken up very minimal. I didn't feel like dying on those but felt like utter crap on the pull ups. So maybe next time I can go up to 55#?
What I learned from this: need to work on pull ups more and also try not to gas myself on the pull ups and break them up a little more! Interested to see how I will do next Fran… hmmmmm
Did not get the COUGH but instead Fran just made me really hungry???
jenniferclairemichaels@gmail.com says
Scaled Fran beyond belief but it was a good idea for my first time.
42# thrusters because my persistent shoulder pain. Felt pretty easy so I guess that's a good sign for going up to 55# when my shoulder improves?
jumping pull ups… lottttt of jump behind those.
Samir Chopra says
My own version of Fran: 115lb front squats and 15-9-6 strict pull-ups: finished in 6:18