For Time:
Row 250m
9 Muscle Ups
9 Push Jerks, 135/95
Row 500m
6 Muscle Ups
6 Push Jerks, 135/95
Row 750m
3 Muscle Ups
3 Push Jerks, 135/95
For Time:
Row 250
21 Dumbbell Push Presses
21 Ring Rows
Row 500m
15 Dumbbell Push Presses
15 Ring Rows
Row 750
9 Dumbbell Push Presses
9 Ring Rows
Use a heavy-ish load on the dumbbells that you can move through in sets of at least 7 when fresh. Make the Ring rows hard. No pull up scale today.
Post time and Rx to comments.
Ever Wanted to Compete in a Strength Competition?
Now’s your chance—and you don’t even need a singlet (but you can wear one if you want)! On Saturday, October 25th, eight gyms across the US and Canada will hold a strength lifting meet organized by Starting Strength coaches. Three attempts to establish a one-repetition maximum in the Squat, Press, and Deadlift. The competition will be both local and international. Coach Fox and others will be attending the event in Queens from 8am to 4pm, and there are still a few places left if you want to compete. Learn more here.
Each meet will have its own winners, but the results from all the meets will also be combined and the best lifters announced. Each best lifter wins a spot at a Starting Strength Seminar.
News and Notes
- We recently updated our Membership Policies (and included some advice for choosing between Fitness and Performance programming). Please review this page in case you need to make any changes to your membership!
- There’s a new post over on Coach David’s blog, Inside the Affiliate, about CFSBK’s standardized warm-ups. Geek out about body temperatures and the fragility of cold tissue!
- Lost something and want to find it? Check out the items in our recent found collection, and grab your stuff by 9/25 in the bin by the sink, or we’re going to donate it!
- Congrats to everyone who PRed their lifts this past week. We saw some awesome numbers in the comments and on the white board!
- CFSBK’s soccer team won their first game yesterday, 4-0, with goals by Coach MeLo, DH3, Moe, and someone on the other team, forced by Murat. In Coach Noah’s illustrious words, “We are awesome.”
Calling all Food and Wine Geeks!
Resident CFSBK sommelier, Brian S., is looking for some help pouring wine at his fundraiser, Sip for the Sea, this Thursday (9/18) at the Central Park Zoo. No experience necessary as long as you can open a bottle of wine and are over 21. Sip for the Sea is an upscale food/wine pairing event to benefit the rebuilding of the NY Aquarium in Coney Island, which is still recovering from Hurricane Sandy (can you believe it?). All the details are here.
Brian is looking for 5-8 people to help pour wine from 6pm-9pm. You will be fed and have plenty to drink! If you are interested, please send him an email at bscott [at]
Your Body Is Not Your Masterpiece Huffington Post
On Resetting Wellfesto
Scrabble Versus Crossword Champs: Who’s Smarter? Science of Us
Yes, The R Train Will Connect Brooklyn and Manhattan Once Again WNYC
Not my best day at the Total yesterday, but I realize I'm now at a point where I can't expect a PR every time I put on my lifting shoes. I ended up with 605 (240/90/275), which is 15 pounds less than the last Total.
Really frustrated with how the press went — that was the one I really cared about, because it's the only lift that last cycle I didn't increase my PR on, and I *know* I'm stronger than when I started SC in May! I'm not sure why 92.5 seems to be such a brick wall for me.
But, small victories: at least my first two squat attempts (225, 240) were deep enough that no one, myself included, can question whether they were legit. I got 250 in July and I KNOW Jeremy's not in the business of calling a not-spade a spade, but I still wanted to go back and hit those heavy squats and BURY them. Although I didn't bury 250 this time (got called high), I did the other two.
And I can't be too disappointed about a cycle in which I bench pressed 150 freaking pounds 🙂
PS, crossword puzzle people are obviously smarter than Scrabble experts. One of these things is about being good at anagrams and memorizing strings of characters without knowing their meaning as words. The other is about pattern recognition, knowing facts and the meanings of words, and being able to figure out tricky wordplay.
But I'm not biased or anything.
6am. Perf WOD Rx in 14:01. This one is lost on the row and won on the MUs. I failed about 5 or 6 MUs. Could have shaved a minute off my time if I'd just rested a bit more between sets. Hard to do that pacing. Rows were all around a 2:00/500m pace or a little slower. Push jerks were unbroken and by far the easiest part.
6am with McNick.
Perf Rx @ 15:23 (32?)
When an olympic rower tells you that you went out to fast on the rows, then you know your strategy was not good. Row splits were around 1:53/500m, should have been around 2:05/500m. I had a difficult time organizing MUs, failed my first one. I reverted to singles after the first round to keep on moving and avoid failures. The push press were the less daunting of everything. 5/4, 3/3, 3
7am, NcDowelll,
Fitness w/ 30#DB, @10:49
35 DBs were taken and I did not want to go to 40s. I went a little too fast on the 250, but it felt great and it kinda set the mood for the workout. The 500 was around 1:50+ and the 750 @2:00 splits. DBs & RR 11/10, 8/7, 9
I went in today with a defeated attitude after a garbage C+J day yesterday, and ended up having a really great workout where I went all out.
Shout out to all the Totalers yesterday, some mad crazy people, cant wait to read everyone's comments.
6am with Mc Nick
Well this was a doozy. MUs fell apart pretty much immediately. I had to stick to single for the rest of the WOD after the first 5. Thanks to Peter and Brad for encouraging me at the end as I really struggled in the last 750m row and set of 3 MUs.
Time:21:05 not very happy with the time but I lived to fight another day.
Congrats on the win, Fighting Tacos!!
6am with Nick and McDowell. I did the fitness version in 12:20 with 30lb dumbbells. This didn't feel so rough while doing it or even in the immediate aftermath, but the soreness snuck up on me over the next couple of hours. After yesterday's workout and this one, I'm feeling pretty sore in my arms and shoulders and I'm not bummed that tomorrow's a rest day.
Congrats to all of the total athletes. Tom's post yesterday was fantastic. Love the training – that's what it is about. Agree with Stella re crossword puzzle people.
Not braggin' but I hit a 1,000 lbs snatch over the weekend. In shoes. Inside a carnival tent. New PR. Jacqui T, Adele and a slew of 6 – 8 year olds totally saw it. Matt Ch was also around but apparently missed it. Surprisingly, a bunch of these kids also landed 1,000 lbs snatches (some for doubles and triples). Hmmmm . . . .
Super-fun ‪‎CrossFit‬ Total yesterday.
I PR-ed each of my lists, and hence the total over all.
310# Squat
155# Press
385# Deadlift
850# Total
Here's my last lift of the day, a 385# deadlift, with my patented high dive move, and "Nick Peterson" soft touch down.
A couple folks said – "You've gotten so strong" and I guess I have with out much noticing it over the 3 strength cycles on a row I've done. I've made steady gains each cycle — my total at the end of the last cycle (mid July) was 820#, and I added 30# to do that in 7 weeks. It's a testament to the Rippetoe Starting Strength method (get the book – it's been really useful) and – especially – Jeremy's excellent and dedicated coaching. What's interesting is that you have these tough days along the way, where you can't break through, and you feel like you'll not hit your goals in the total, but I think those are the days that make you the strongest, both mentally and physically.
BTW, the highlight of the day in my view was Eric making a 405# Deadlift on his 3rd attempt after a 365# 2nd attempt. Pretty amazing.
"BTW, the highlight of the day in my view was Eric making a 405# Deadlift on his 3rd attempt after a 365# 2nd attempt. Pretty amazing."
YAAAAASSSSS! Watching Eric and Ian go from "guys I squat more than" to "guys who squat all the weight" has been amazing! Nice work morning crew!
6am with NickDowell. Fitness WOD in 12:31, using 25# db. This wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. I was happy to use reasonably heavy weights overhead without any shoulder issues.
Congrats Totalers!! You guys are so strong!! I know it's not part of the total, but hitting 150 on the bench during the cycle is AMAZING, Stella!
10am group class:
Performance WOD:
14:50 with band assisted muscle ups.
-first round of push jerks in 5-4, last 2 unbroken. forearms were fried. definitely didn't push it on the erg.
-didn't have a lot of go in me today. I blame my husband for making me too many delicious cocktails. 😉 let's just say that I'm glad that today didn't include handstand pushups or I might not have made it through.
@ Jess Fox, you can always blame your husband for being a bad influence. I will back you up on that.
Today's Fitness WOD in 13:13 with 30# DB, which were plenty heavy for me. Broke it up 8-7-6, then 8-7, then 9. The real crusher in this workout, for me, was the ring rows. What. The F. My biceps were all like, yo, wassup brah? Don't even remember how I broke them up but rest assured none of the sets were unbroken.
I am sooo sore from the clean extravaganza yesterday. Ouch.
Congrats totalers. Eric, make sure to throw that 405 deadlift in Mike's face! 4 Plates!
10am class
Performance WOD Rx'd in 13:25 (a few seconds faster than last time.
Muscle ups were not super organized today and I had 2 misses which cost me probably about a minute. I was a bit dehydrated coming in and the 750 row sucked, I actually thought about grabbing my water bottle during the workout. Jerks were by far the easiest part.
Rows splits were about: 1:50, 2:00, 2:05
MUs: 4/3/2, 3/2(F)/1, 2(F)/1
Jerks unbroken
6am with Nick and McD.
Fitness WOD: 11:33 with 45# DB.
Rows were just under 2:00/500m. DB push press 15/6, 9/6, 6/3. Rings rows broken up similarly.
Congrats to all Totalers!
Such a fun total! It was really fun, especially since I won. I felt bad for those guys who got like over 400 since the total is scored like golf right? Where the smallest number wins? teeheehee.
But seriously folks, it really was great. It was my second one, so I didn't have the same kind of nerves, and I was able to add 30 pounds to my last total which I'm super happy about. All of this comes down to Jeremy's consistent coaching and the whole cycle program in general which I am so glad that I did. I'm not overly excited about coming back to group classes during crush week, but I am curious to see how strength gains will come through in class. Thanks Jeremy!
Congrats strong Totalers! Impressive numbers on the board. Well done!
Noon today with both Foxes.
WOD in 13.03 with 30# DB.
Worked a little on DUs and handstands after. No major breakthroughs.
10am class
Fitness version – I need a rowing class, I really hate it and wish I didn't. I don't know what splits are or anything on the face of the machine except the meters which I stare at waiting for them to be over.
So 11:55 with 20# DB. I should have went heavier on dumbbell, 25# would have been the right number.
congrats to the totalers!
6 am w. Nick and McDowell.
Fitness WOD in 12:35 w. 25# DBs broken down as follows:
Row Splits: ~1:50, 2:00, 2:05
DB Push Press (25#): 15-4-2, 5-5-5, 9 (unbroken)
Ring Rows: unbroken for first two sets, then 10-5
Yesterday's total: 435
150 Squat, 70 Press & 215 Deadlift
Third cycle in a row, I've bitched and complained and loved every minute of it. Thank you Jeremy for encouraging me to 'get over myself' and just lift. As someone who has never been an athlete or have participated in any sports, I've learned to develop the discipline and mentality to train. I've also learned to trust my fitness level -something I heard DO say a while back and it stuck with me. I PRed on my Press and Deadlift, which was amazing. Can't wait to get back into SC AND Crash B in October.
PS: Thanks to everyone who showed up yesterday to cheer on the Totalers, especially Coaches DO & Nick, Joy, Keith & Nandita, Amy, and Charmel. I'm sure I speak for everyone when I say it was awesome to see all you guys there.
And Pigeon, I knew I had forgotten someone! See y'all in October -I'm on strike until Jeremy gets back.
5:30 with Ro and Noah
Did the fitness WOD in 13:48. Rows were at 1:45, 1:50, and 1:55 paces in that order (give or take a couple seconds). I decided to go a little heavier than usual on the dumbbells at 55#, and ended up doing all rounds in descending sets (8-7-6, 6-5-4, 5-4). These were kind of a slog, but I got through them. Same rep scheme for the ring rows, which were tougher than I thought they'd be. Props to Samir for cheering me on and pacing me all throughout. Really liked this one – tough, but manageable. Probably took a little too much rest in between sets, but oh well. Great start to Crush Week!
Oh, and congrats to yesterday's totalers and to the Fightin' Tacos!
Days when you have a lot on your mind are always the best days in the gym.
6:30 – Roah
10m flat – Perf w/ banded MU's
In retrospect, my times were pretty good on the row…but I don't really remember how it felt , so don't know how much harder I could've pushed. Did splits of 1:33 – 1:38 – 1:45. MU's and Jerks were unbroken and felt strong…really focused on setting my false grip and staying tight on my pull. I'm setting a goal of un MU next cycle…I don't care if it's only thing I do the whole next cycle.
Cashout – 5min of the worst DU practice of my life (sometimes your feet just don't want to lift off the ground.)
5×10 V-Ups
Snatch, 75%x1x5
Clean and Jerk, 75%x1x5
HBBS, 90%x1, 93%x1, 95%x1
Snatch Pulls, 90%x3x3
45 Hollow rocks
7:30 with Ro & company.
I think I did this wrong? I paced the rows at sub-2:00 splits and used 40# weights which I thought would get heavy, and split up the first two sets into 7-7-7-, 8-7 with a few seconds between sets… but then it never got really hard and the push presses never melted down (push presses always melt down on me – last Wednesday's FGB teaser went south quickly at 75#). Lots of "push" for each "press" today. Finished in 12:08 with the last set unbroken, probably only in z4. Should have paced 1:50 & used 45s or maybe 50s. I'm not worried, I'm sure the rest of the workouts this week will knock me out.
Good to be back in the gym tonight.
Was away in Toronto from Wed-Sunday. Managed to drop into Crossfit 416 on Thursday. Other than that it was all eating and drinking and lounging around.
Press (2RM): 35×5, 55×5, 65×3, 70×2, 72×2, 73×2, 74×2
-This is definitely a weight I haven't hit before!
WOD: 5 rounds, 3 min each:
Row 150m
12 Slamball (20#)
Max rep bench press in one set (85#)
(Rest remainder of 3rd minute)
Score was total bench: I did 40 (10, 9, 8, 6, 7)
-Snatch: blergh. drills/positions, 63x1x3, 83x1x5 (the last two were power snatches). right hip flexor is sad and angry from squats last week and then not doing REAL a/r on it.
-Muscle Up work:
5×5 transitions (white band!)
5×5 ring dips (white band!)
Was lucky enough to have a teeny 8:30pm class to coach, so I did the cooldown with them:
3 rounds: 400m run, 15 kb swing @ 16kg.
cash out: 150 double unders. took like… 8 sets?! woof.
Double under practice and all kinds of kettle bell things tonight, two of my least favorite Crossfit activities, followed by some at-home AR and meditation.
Fun to see pics and read about the totalers' experiences and so happy to hear about the soccer tacos' win! Congratulations to all participating athletes. I can't wait to join the soccer team on the field next weekend.
So I did banded MU's for the first time last night b/c I really want to start being able to do them consistently. I can string 2 together on a really good day, but I haven't had a really good MU day more than once or twice. I did not realize how hard they become!
Finished in 11:10 I think. Kept my rows around 1:45 to 1:50 for each row which felt good. It's amazing how much more power you'll get with good form on the rower, anyone who hates rowing just watch a few tutorials and it'll pay off in lowered splits instantly.
The push jerks were the easiest part. Overall like everyone else has said a real gut buster but fun workout.
Did some snatch work afterwards b/c my back and legs were feelings pretty good. I have been hellbent at hitting a new PR (80kgs) for a while and I worked up to it and had 3 very good looking fails. I feel it coming soon but I'm going to back off and work on a little more volume. I want to hit a 200lb snatch by end of the year. Boom… goal set!