McDowell lifts MeLo up at the final Subway Series event
Do You Run or Work for a Cool Business?
We are still on the hunt for super awesome (or just awesome) donations for prizes for Fight Gone Bad 2014. If you own or work at a business that wants to provide some sort of prize (no matter how small!) for our top performers (for the WOD and fundraising) please email David [at]
Come Roller Skate with CFSBK on October 12th!
What: All-ages roller-skating, admission for the first 25 people that RSVP is compliments of CFSBK
When: Sunday, October 12, 2-4pm (Note: this is the weekend the gym is closed for the Starting Strength Seminar)
Where: the newly-opened Pier 2 Roller Rink at Brooklyn Bridge Park
Event is a go with a minimum of 10 people. Skate rental is not included. The same pier also has bocce and shuffleboard courts we could play on. Afterwards, we’ll head to 68 Jay Street Bar (where Charlie works) for some post-skating drinks. Stella Z.‘s SMART in DUMBO trivia night is also happening later that day at 7pm, in case people want to stay for that too.
RSVP to mare [at] by Friday, October 10.
How to Heal Shoulder and Lumbar Spine Injuries Breaking Muscle
How Heavy is Too Heavy? Choosing Training Weights Catalyst Athletics
The Truth We Won’t Admit: Drinking Is Healthy Pacific Standard
Understanding How Grief Weakens the Body The Atlantic
Saturday's Programming
Back Squat
Fitness: 3 Rep Max or 1 Rep Max
Only more experienced lifters (3+ cycles consistently following an Linear Progression) are allowed to go for a 1RM. Start at about 5% above your 3 x 5 weight. Add about 5% to your next attempt and go from there.
Performance: 90%x 1 x 5
Post loads to comments.
4 Rounds Not for Time:
25 Wall Balls 20/10, 14/9
25 calorie row
Focus on developing a rhythm on the wall balls and doing them unbroken. Rest as needed between movements. If you can perform the Rx for wall balls easily unbroken, consider scaling up by using a heavier ball or a higher target.
Thanks to Noah-pologies for a very helpful kipping pull-up training session yesterday.
6am with NickDowell
Snatched 170, which is 5lbs below my PR. McD commented that I'm not finishing the second pull and that leaves the bar out in front. I know I do this, and I try to combat it, but when the weight starts getting heavy I switch all my focus into getting under it FAST, and end up short on the second pull. I need to work on this.
Got through 5 muscle ups in the WOD. I thought I'd do better on this, but Double Unders were spotty (10-20 at a time), and the burpees felt like I was doing them with a vest on. I blame it on too many drinks at a coworker's goodbye party last night.
Rest day 5/3/1
6am with Nick and McD.
BSQ 255×3 / 265×4 / 275×3 (PR)
I hit an ugly 275 last cycle doing LBBSQ, so it felt good to get a clean 3RM at 275 this cycle using high bar. Nick encouraged me to take my time and I think that helped me get that last one up.
Did the WOD with KB swings as the workout must have been changed after our class. I was wondering why Fox would torture us with 100 more KBS after yesterday's WOD…
Finished up with some banded MU practice. 3×3 red-banded and 4×3 white-banded.
Sorry :0
I changed tomorrow's NFT this morning. I had gone through a few versions of yesterdays Fitness WOD and eventually went with the KBS…I missed looking ahead and changing the NFT. DOing them two days in a row was not my intention.
However, an old SBKer and friend of mine once said, "That's CrossFit. Sometimes you do some shit, and then you do it again the next day!".
8:30 – last night – Noah
Snatch –
While it is written as a snatch in the programming, I am power snatching everything. Definitely need to go down in weight and practice catching lower…I don't have mobility issues getting down to that snatch position, I'm just not doing it. Power snatch felt good last night though.
Finished DU's + burpees in 4min. Which left 6min of banded muscle-up practice…need to focus more on setting the false grip correctly and keeping the rings closer together. Good day overall.
@Fox – Don't worry, I'm not really complaining ๐
Now if you had programmed thrusters 2 days in a row, that's a different story.
Is that article about drinking from the Onion? Or have I been vindicated?
OG- Last heavy lifts until the meet next wknd
Snatch, Heavy SIngle
286**Felt really sold. This will be my opener.
297X**Missed behind!! So close
Clean and Jerk
352X *Failed the jerk… ๐ This will be my opener.
Drinking Gin and eating pizza for dinner last night at 12am probably didnt help my cause today. Felt pretty good nonetheless.
@JakeL – What meet are you competing in next weekend? I thought it was December. Is anyone else from SBK competing as well?
I stopped at Virtuosity on the drive home from work. Really needed that.
Lax on left hamstring insertion point (which has been problematic), also traps and lats
Warm up
200m (?) run
10 front squats 45#
5×2 lat activations (which they call turtle-giraffes)
10 supine band pull aparts
3×2 c2b pull-ups w 3 sec pause
10 front squats 45#
Alternating FSQ / Barbell Row:
FSQ – 65×5, 95×5, 115×5, 120x3x3 – felt great. It's been a long time
BBR – 45×5, 53×5, 73×5, 78x3x3 – really liked alternating these lifts
100 burpees for time – 6:12 (sets of 20-10s-20)
Went in feeling so down, and left feeling great!
I heart Crossfit.
What's the thruster sub for Saturdays WOD?
OG tonight.
Bench 105x3x5 Still feels awesome to solidly be moving something at and above 100. ๐
Deadlift 195x4x2 This also feels awesome. I lose my positioning a bit on the second pull. Need to stay active.
Then made up Wednesday's WOD. Fuck, that sucked so bad.