Fitness: 3 x 5 Linear Progression
Add 5 pounds to last exposure.
BSQ e11/12
Performance: 1 x 20
Add 5-15 pounds to last exposure. Use spotters.
BSQ e6/6
Post loads to comments.
4 Rounds, As Many Reps As Possible:
1 Minute Kettlebell Sumo Deadlift High Pull 72/53/35
1 Minute Box Jumps 20/16
1 Minute Push Presses 75/55/35
1 Minute Rest
Post reps and Rx to comments.
Katie… holds a barbell. We just think this is a nice picture.
Are You a Strong Woman Who Wants to Flex on the Beach?
Two pretty cool dudes, Alan L. and Mike F., are looking for a girl to compete in the Flex on the Beach this Saturday, Sept. 13th. If you can Rx the WODs and want to have a shit ton of fun, email Mike ASAP at mfiore319 [at]
Learn More About the Park Slope Babysitting Coop
CFSBK parents, are you looking for affordable and convenient babysitting? A way to get to to know other CFSBK/Park Slope families? The Park Slope Babysitting Coop—currently headed by CFSBK’s own Coach Nick (president) and Erica N. (secretary)—allows parents to trade babysitting shifts with each other, and is currently recruiting! The fall meeting will be held at CFSBK on October 5th at 3:30pm-5:30pm. If you are interested in joining or just want to learn more, please plan on attending!
About the Park Slope Babysitting Coop
The Park Slope Babysitting Coop is a convenient way to trade babysitting time with your neighbors! Babysit others’ children to earn points, and trade those points in when you need a night off. You have complete control over who you sit for and who sits for you. Scheduling and point management are handled though an easy-to-use website.
Best of all, trading babysitting is affordable. Annual coop dues ($10) pay for managing the website, and there are no additional costs for trading babysitting hours.
The Park Slope Babysitting Coop meets quarterly to ensure that all participants have a chance to get to know their potential sitters and children. Attendance at a meeting prior to joining is mandatory. If you are interested in joining, please plan to attend the summer meeting at CFSBK, October 5th, 3:30pm-5:30pm! RSVPing is appreciated, but not required.
Contact Erica N. with any questions and to RSVP: erica.nofi [at]
QOD: When you were in grade school, what did you want to be when you grew up? What do you do now?
What I Find Myself Doing When I Watch CrossFit Videos
A Sure Sign of True Love at the Box
See the Irony?
What Do You Look Like When You Swing a Kettlebell?
6am with McD and Arturo
Great lifting session with Mo and BK. Hit 225# for my 1×20, which was 10# more than last week. First ten felt crisp, 11-15 were 2x harder, and then 16-20 were very wobbly singles.
The Almost-Fight-Gone-Bad WOD was fun, hit 264 and managed to stay fairly consistent across rounds and exercises. The KB sumo deadlifts were way harder than barbell ones IMO.
Make-up post from yesterday:
Push Press: 128, with a slow lockout. This is either my current 1rm or two pounds less. Had my nike frees on—not the best shoes to be lifting in!
WOD: 10:39 Rx. (5:15ish on the row, left for the run around 6:40.)
@Coaches: On Sunday, I suffered a mild ankle sprain. Nothing too bad; I can walk on it but it feels a little unstable and painful without a brace. I'm guessing this means no trying for a new 20RM today? Does it also mean no squatting? I'm sure it means no box jumps.
6am with McTuro
Partnered with Chris and James on the squats. Hit 165# on the 1×20 which felt fine until the last five. Now that the cycle is pretty much over I am thinking I should have taken larger jumps through this. Hopefully 1x20s show up again soon.
232 reps on the WOD. Nice little practice for FGB.
Last strength cycle class before the Total:
Squat 165x5x3, unbelted and got low.
Rack walks 275×3. Felt heavy but not panic-inducing.
Bench 127.5x3x3. I've done this weight at this rep scheme before so it wasn't too bad.
I'm so sad it's almost over!
7am with McRo
Squats @180×20, felt the same as the 170, the 160… its hard, but doable.
WOD Rx with Box steps, got 62, 54, 52, 62, 230 total. I found it much easier to string 5PP and rest 5 seconds as opposed to singles and a bit of rest in between.
Today's WOD yesterday @ 7:30. HBBS 200x3x5. Have to remember to narrow my stance a bit so my knees stay out. Both Coach JB and Coach Noah pointed this out to me – but I am slow learner. Enjoyed lifting with Alan and Paul. WOD was hard – leave it at that.
I haven't posted much about Olympic Lifting class lately. It is my second go around. I definitely think that the lifts are going smoother. I am hitting more than I am missing which is great. I have some things to work out on my clean in the transition from the first to second pull. Going to focus on this for the next few weeks. Also, have been trying to inch up my work weight on the snatch. I hit 105 on Monday which I was pleased about. I want to stay over 100 from now on. Would like to hit 115 (legit, good form) by end of the year.
The biggest think that is impeding my progress is confidence. Frank spoke to the group about mental preparation on Monday and focusing on the positive vs. negative. It definitely resonated with me. He referenced a book written by a riflery competitor about his approcah to shooting. His practice was to visualize himself making the shot first. Then taking the shot and then visualizing himself making the shot again immediately afterward. Therefore, in his mind, he was always hitting 2 of 3 shots minimum. Psychologically, this enabled him to view himself as someone who "makes shots" when he sets up on the taget vs. missing them. I am going to try to incorporate this visualization approach into my lifts as I try to get my numbers up in snatch and clean/jerk.
6am with Ro and McD
Squat: 220×20 (+10 from last week). My legs were a little jelly-like this morning and I had to shake them out with the barbell on my back at several points during the 20 reps. Other than that it felt pretty good and I think I could have handled a bit more.
WOD: 280 reps total. I was very surprised with how well the bar moved at the push press station. When I did FGB last year I remember getting my ass kicked by that 75# barbell. Best round was 35pp/20sdhp/25bj. Worst round was 25pp/15sdhp/22bj. Also, I agree with Michael A. The kettlebell high pulls seemed way harder than I remember the barbell version being.
6:30am Strength Cycle
Last day of the cycle *sniff*
LBBS: 95 5 x 3
Why did these feel heavy?! Ugh…anxious about the total after today
Walk out: 185lbs
More ugh and more anxiety
Bench Press: 57.2 3 x 3
PS: Love SC, counting until the next one starts late October
Psst Michelle, you benched 77.5, give yourself more credit ๐
6am with McRo
190×20. I made 10# jumps each week during the cycle. I was dreading this exposure. I'm glad to say that I got the work done and didn't give up on it.
WOD: 259 reps. I always struggle with this format. I tried to find a good cadence on the push press but it was difficult to keep up. I agree with Michael, KB SDHP was just awkward. I can't wait to add wall balls and a row to the mix.
For those in the babysitter coop, here is an interesting academic paper to discussing the monetary crisis in a coop in DC.
6:30p last night with jess!
lbbs: 1×20 at 120# went for a 10# jump from last week and it all worked out just fine! i really enjoy these 20s and i want to keep doing them.
wod: lil fgb, reunited with asta & aileen from my 2012 fgb team, 1.21 gigawods, for this one.
push press: 21/20/20/20
kb sumo: 20/20/21/21
box (steps): 25/26/22/20
total: 256 rx
that workout was pretty gross, fun, but gross.
i'm not sure what i really wanted to be when i grew up, maybe that's why i ended up as an accountant. cautionary tale, kids, this is what happens when you don't decide! i'm working on shaking that whole accounting/auditing thing now though. i always wanted to be a funny person and i've done some of that unprofessionally (recreationally? unsupervised?) and want to get back to doing more of that, but i'm sure we can all agree i'm totally nailing that in regular life, so.
See the Irony? — hahaha
When I grew up I wanted to be a rock star and now I'm well on my way to becoming one (if you count singing accompanied by friends on acoustic guitars and percussion to an audience of about 3 at best)
@ginacatto – yes! you are nailing it!
Stopped in at Crow Hill this morning with Kurt and Jordan. Skin the cats and a couplet of box jumps and C2B pull-ups. Eventually I'm going to have to start getting my butt kicked again. The prospect is scaring me.
@Jay – thanks for sharing your Oly class exeprience and Frank's anecdote. the mental aspect is my bigget problem, too. maybe that will help me when I get back into it.
@Katie – nice picture ๐
An old Paul Krugman aritcle on the babysitting coop @bk. This is one of my favorite articles ever. I hope Coach Nick is keeping inflation in mind for the coming winter.
QOD – I wanted to be a cement truck operator, a firefighter, and a rock star when I was growing up. As of yet I've only managed to be the latter.
10am class
Back Squat
Tough but not deadly. Made 20# jumps throughout and the last 2 weeks were 20RMs. Legs were fried for…
WOD at "A" Rx
65-70-64-55 = 254
This was tough. I was especially thrown off at the start of the 4th round, when I thought I was done after 3. Had one shoe off and was ready to bounce. I should remember what I write?
Check that…10# jumps each week ๐
10am class with Jeremy.
(45×5, 115×5, 145×3, 165×2)
-this felt like it took at least 3 mins. Never a point where I thought I'd fail. Just heavy and uncomfortable having the bar on my back for that long. All of my 20's this cycle unbelted.
Fgb preview wod:
293 rx'd
-hit 25 for each movement, each round except for the last round. Only hit 23 sdhp and 20 push press then.
-sdhp and push press in 15-10, all bj's bounding unbroken with a slight pause at top to try to regain composure.
-Fight Gone Bad is going to hurt…but I can't wait!!!
QOD: I wanted to be a veterinarian until I realized I couldn't deal with the fact of animals dying. Thank god my dogs are forever puppies. I follow a lot (too many?) animal rescue groups and still see myself doing something like that in the future. Dream goal is to have a mini rescue center. I've always wanted to have a dog of every size.
10am class with Jeremy.
LBBS 197.5 x 5 x 3
I had only planned to do a 2.5# jump but this was 5#…oops. It happened though, so yay!
WOD – 271 reps. Yow. Consistency is not my forte.
SDLHP- 24/30/27/23, Box Jump- 25/24/24/23, Push Press- 24/16/17/14
Clearly my push presses need a LOT of work. That was a real limiter for me at FGB last year. And the wall balls, obvy.
I checked to see if I could really string together DUs and I could! Yippee!! Not many, mind you, but it's a beginning!
Chin-ups- 4 x 3 EMOTM, then 6 x 1 every 30 seconds.
When i was growing up i wanted to be the woman who rode the elephant in the circus! This dream came true when i was about 7 or 8 years old. A small circus came to town and kids had an opportunity to ride an elephant before the show started. As i grew up i wanted to be a teacher, a taxi driver, and go to clown college. Now i'm a Special Education teacher!
LBBS: 295x3x5. The first time I tried this weight (2 weeks ago) I bailed on the final rep. The second time I tried it (last week) I did 2 good sets, but didn't have time to try a third. Finally this week I achieved this weight. All three sets were fine, with a couple of really good reps and a couple of so-so reps. I think the cooler weather helped. I didn't feel quite so much like Bruce Wayne trying to climb out of The Pit in the Dark Knight Rises… On to 300!
WOD: 227 reps. It was hard to find a fast cadence with the PP where I was using my legs, not just my arms.
6am at Lalanne Fitness CrossFit in San Francisco.
8 attempts at a max height box jump. These had me a bit freaked given the recent ITA post on the subject. Worked up to 45" (30" box + 3 45# plates) which is a PR since I've never done this before. Definitely takes a mental leap to try and jump up to something you don't know if you're going to make. Noticed others in the class having the same issue.
Then, every 90 seconds for 4 rounds: 3 weighted box jumps (25# DB in each hand) to a 24" box. Movement felt awkward since you can't use your arms, but was otherwise not particularly difficult.
Then, Elizabeth (w/ squat cleans): 10:39. Not my favorite girl. This was only 2 seconds faster than a month ago, but I'm pretty happy with that given that due to noise complaints from their neighbors they don't allow dropping weights at this gym (at least not next to the rings where I was doing my cleans).
Nooner – McD + Ro
Squats – Perf – 215
Thrilled with this…started the cycle @ 155…and last week @ 205 wasn't fun at all. This week was tons of fun! Felt great, feel like I definitely could have 225 in me if we did this another week. Loved the hi-rep/low-rep mix up this cycle.
FGB Teaser – 293
Felt good throughout…went in with a plan of 18-24-30 (SDHP – Push – BoxJumps) and ended up doing 79 – 72 – 72 – 70
Mentally blacked out on my first set of push-press and did the majority strict. Not sure if this helped our hurt me later on. Definitely getting excited for FGB next month.
Cashout: some DU practice + actually kicking the bar on T2B
Easy…growing up I wanted to be Kevin Costner in Tin Cup, play golf everyday, chase Rene Russo around…now since he made that crap Draft Day movie, part of that dream is dead.
When I grow up I want to be a diver and explore coral reefs, ocean caves and swim with whale sharks on the reg.
45x5x2, 135x5x2, 185×5, 205×2
225x5x3 ^230
185x5x2 paused
1:00 KB SDHP 72 (25. 25. 18 15)
1:00 BJ 20" (17. 17. 14. 15)
1:00 push press 75 (15. 17. 22. 14)
1:00 REST
Total: 204
I wanted to be a pilot. Then I wanted to be a fashion designer so I worked towards that. Then my twenties happened and things got a little crazy and I ended up in NYC, starting over. Now I don't know what I want but I'll figure it out some day, I guess ๐
Back Squats: 200 lbs 3×5. Same weight as Wednesday, but I failed on my penultimate rep last time, and felt strong the whole way through tonight.
WOD: 200 reps, Rx.
QOD: I think the first thing I wanted to be was a chef. But now I'm a lawyer womp womp.
Fun 8:30 with MeLo – 255x5x3, moved pretty well! Going to try for 260 on Saturday. Thanks for spotting me classmates, definitely helps with confidence.
Went heavy on the wod and did the 2pd, 20", 75# scheme but subbed KB swings for sdhp because I was worried about my shoulder at that angle. 225 total reps, arms are on FIRE.
Wasn't feeling great coming in today but super glad I did!
7:30 pm class 2nite with melodowell
HBBS 105#, wanted to work on this one more time with better form, and this looked better/felt better than last week.
lil fight gone bad RX B with erin and laura:
total of 199, forgot to write down the reps for each movement. first time doing this ever (and my first cfsbk class RX'd wod) so i will take it!!
sumo deadlift high pulls are weird and mysterious to me and my first time doing this ever ha. push press went well, and did box step ups. excited about FGB, and a tad nervous. i might come in for a friday OG before this and practice these sumo deadlift high pulls?
I have begun taper for my upcoming meet. Less volume, less heavy pulling, and less heavy squatting…
Snatch, 70%x2x4
CJ, 70%x2x3
Front Squat, 80%x2x4
Weighted dips and Ab wheel rollouts f
When I was young I wanted to be the #1 Tennis player in the world.
I am now a psychiatrist.
One day I will climb big walls in Yosemite and live in the mountains.
HBBS: 142# 3×5 …admittedly after having a big glass of wine at happy hour. Oops!
I guess it's the fuel I needed to get that big 2 lb jump from Saturday's weight. Pretty happy since I ended last cycle at 135#.
Did not enjoy a single moment of the WOD today. 196 reps, RX b
Stayed at the same weight for the 1×20 hbbs, it just felt heavy and my hip joints felt really stiff. 1×20 @ 215 still felt good. The first 5 actually went slower then the last 5, i think that means I need to want up a little more.
Really liked this WOD, box jumps and push presses I can cycle through pretty quickly. Total of 310 reps which I was psyched about. Kept a consistent 30 box jumps and 25-30 push presses every time. The kb sdhp I thought were going to suck but I wound up liking them more then the bar version, an so did my wrists! Bring on FGB!