Fitness: 3 x 5 Linear Progression
Add 5 pounds.
Performance: 85%x2, 95%x1x3, 80%x2
Rest two minutes between sets.
Post loads to comments.
5 Rounds or 15 minutes:
6 Dumbbell Bench Presses, as heavy as possible
12 V-Ups
400m Run
The pace on the run should be conversational, so run it with a buddy and well, have a conversation.
Post time and Rx to comments.
Bend, Stretch, and Mobilize Today
- Yoga for Athletes with Coach Whitney at 10am.
- Active Recovery is back on at 11am and noon today with Coach David.
Make a Friend from Crow Hill CrossFit in Class Tomorrow!
During the 9am and 1pm classes tomorrow, members of Crow Hill CrossFit, along with one of their coaches, Robin, will be dropping in to WOD with us. They will be wearing their Crow Hill gear. Please go out of your way to show them the CFSBK love!
Marshawn Lynch Working Out with Skittle Weights Kissing Suzy Kolber
From a Young Age, Kids Punish ‘Them’ More Harshly Than ‘Us’ Science of Us
Tommy Hackenbruck (CrossFit Games Athlete) Takes on Steve Austin’s Skull Buster Challenge
Lauren says
Ended up with plans in downtown Manhattan Friday night after a rough day, so I decided to stop at Brick NYC first
Quick warm up followed by 10 rep max Hang Power Clean. Had no idea where I'd end up w this. 93 felt light, so 103×7 Failed on 8th rep. Put bar down, then another 103×3. Needed to dial it in more when fatigue set in
15 min AMRAP:
3 HP Cleans @95 (this was Rx, but they also had a super Rx and a super-duper Rx option)
6 ring dips (after 1st set, I used thin band alternating one leg in)
9 Box jumps @ 20"
20 DUs (I did some rounds of 40 singles to keep moving bc the rope wasn't my size and it was driving me batty)
7 rounds plus 3 cleans. Mixed feelings about the work out overall. Highlights were having a very friendly coach (Dell), good partner (Kelsey) and taking a shower (!!)
Right front delt has been very tender when I do anything. Dips didn't feel great, but I was being very careful about positioning. I attacked my entire left side Thursday w balls of varying sizes. I'd been having all sorts of wonky-ness especially in left hamstring and hip flexor and, happily, that area felt fine today. AR works!
Joel w says
Robin is awesome. You should say hi to her. (Hi Robin.)
Fox says
9am class
Back Squat
Sweaty in the gym today.
Shawn says
8am with DO & MeLo. 160x4x5 on the squats (had a little extra time because there were two of us and we moved quickly, so I got in an extra set of 5). These felt inconsistently good. I'm at a point where I can feel better and worse reps and usually diagnose problems based on that, so I think inconsistency is actually doing me some good. I'm looking forward to seeing how close I can get to my body weight by the end of the cycle. I worked up to 45# on the db bench press. I think I could have gone higher, but I ran out of time. In any event, these felt good – it's a fun movement.
Peter says
8am. First time at the gym on a Saturday in a long time. HBBS: 265x5x3. Still moving. Feel good about 270 next week. Not sure about 275. NFT 90-100!-100!-100!. Sweaty!
dave p says
10am & AR. Definitely hit my goal of 250x5x3 hb today, very happy with that. I did this weight Wednesday but it was squirrely and I didn't hit depth on at least one rep, today I think was much better. 252 on Wednesday!
Only had time for 3 rounds of accessory work before AR. 50#, 60#, tried 75# and failed, 65#.
@charlie – somehow I don't think the authors of "it starts with food" are going to approve, but check out this article:
Yes, I'm justifying have a glass of wine at a birthday party last night 🙂
Samir Chopra says
Unlike Ice Cube, I didn't have a good day today. A bad day squatting never is. I was shallow at least three times, and of the two attempts I made at my 95% I failed one (the second one was shallow).
And I couldn't do the DB work because of my shoulder.
Anyway, I'm glad I came out and sweated a bit. I mean, a LOT.
lady fox says
9am class
(45×5, 95×5, 135×3, 175×2, 205×1)
-used a belt for the reps above 205. Honestly the hardest reps were the last 2. Overall very happy with how squats have been feeling!
Got through 3 rounds of the accessory work before making room for the next class.
-30#, 35#, 40# should have started heavier.
Hot damn was it sweaty in there today!
Jay says
HBBS 195x3x5. Great sharing the bar with Mike and Chris. Weight was challenging and my squats were adventurous as always. Would like to hit 2 bills on Tues.
I figured out that wearing the all black kit sorta masks how disgustingly sweaty I am during the summer months.
K HarpZ says
@David Osorio had a crazy run in today! Was just getting into my warmup at Crossfit Boynton Beach and was approached by your friend Brandon who used to coach at Columbia st that I was shadowing with briefly. He was dropping in for the weekend because he has family nearby. What are the odds! Small world.
WOD: 20 min AMRAP all at 75#
5 DL
5 power clean
5 front squat
5 push press
5 back squat
Finished with 8 rds+13 reps. I felt slow today but it was a fun workout. Kinda reminded me of the bear complex. Tried to pace it out right so I could keep good form through the end. Kinda felt a little sloppy but my lower back wasn't sore AT ALL at the end and with a workout like this it normally is. So YAY. Push press is a grind for me but I had good control and I can tell these are getting easier.
Had a 5 min rest followed by:
Annie. Finished in 7:44. No PRs here. I was smoked.
Pigeon says
11am AR, lots of foot stuff,
Nooner heavy squat day
45×5, 135×3, 225×1
260×1, 275x1x1, 230×2, stayed till I got all my reps for the first time, which only left time for 1 cycle of the accessory work. Im not too sad about that. My shirt weighed a ton during the run.
Charlie says
Seriously sweaty 11am class with Noah, Whitney and JB.
LBBS- 192.5 x 5 x 3
WOD- 3 rounds only- 35#, 40#, 40#
AR- wonderful and needed, as always.
You guys, my chin-ups have improved already!!! I did 10 x 2 after AR. Last week I could not do more than 5 x 2. Time to try sets of 3 🙂
@dave p- I almost caved last night in work. The pink bubbly stuff looked so delicious and refreshing. 18 days to go… says
@Katie.. cool! Brandon R? Chatty guy about my height?
I ended up watching the entire episode of Steve Austin's Skull Buster Challenge. All the forced posturing by the contestants aside, I actually found it pretty entertaining and it was fun to root for CrossFit OG Tommy H. The skull buster at the end is no joke, I could never finish that sub 10.
Crossover Symmetry: Activation + Iron Scap
Snatch DL to Knee + Snatch
Worked up to 70kgs then did 60kg x2x3
Focused on my weight distribution off the floor which has tended to shift forward lately.
180x3x3 Paused
DB Bench Press
30×15, 45×12, 50×12, 50×12, 50×9
Did 20 Hollow rocks between the last four sets.
K HarpZ says
@David That's the one! Very friendly and just the right height
Lauren says
Got some squats and deadlifts in today with Dolce and Olzinski. Felt great to lift heavy things with friends. There is no substitute!
45×5, 95×5, 115×4, 125×3, 130×3, 135×3, 140×3 – started too conservative and should have ended up heavier
95×3, 135×3, 165×3, 185×3 – heavy, pretty good speed, good back position
Also coached Siena's first soccer practice and game this afternoon, and it was so much fun! — which is a huge relief. There's a lot of enthusiasm at 6 and 7 years old. I really enjoyed showing them how to do stuff and running up and down the field giving them tips, strategy and encouragement. They try so hard and are tireless. It's really cute. They were much more skilled than I thought they'd be. And they named themselves the Blue Thai Fighters