Fitness: 3 x 5 Linear Progression
Add 5 pounds.
Performance: 88%x1, 92%x1, 96%x1, 92%x1, 88%x1
Post loads to comments.
For Time:
60 Kettlebell Swings 53/35
500m Row
400m Run
30 Overhead Squats 95/65
Overhead squts should be a light weight. Kettlebell swings and overhead squats are meant to be minimally broken.
Post time and Rx to comments.
Matt R. got his first muscle up at OG last night, with Coach JB’s help!
- Happy birthday, Lisa C. and Matthew C.!
Schedule Changes for Today and Labor Day
There is no Yoga for Athletes today, as Coach Whitney is out of town.
Monday is September 1, 2014. We are observing a modified class schedule:
Don’t Miss Out: Sign Up for Fight Gone Bad 2014
Guys, we keep bringing it up because it’s that important and that fun. You now have until Monday to sign up for FIGHT GONE BAD 2014. Read more here, sign up here.
Also, we are now open for any and all donations for prizes. If you own or work at a business that wants to provide some sort of prize (no matter how small!) for our top performers (for the WOD and fundraising) please email Info [at]
Rest Day – “23″ By Joe Kearney Misfit Athletics
Fantastic Fungi: The Startling Visual Diversity of Mushrooms Colossal
Heard the Matt muscle-up moment while on the platform last night. Inspiring! Makes me want to come to OG more often so JB can get me to do one too 🙂
11am class
Back Squat
Backed off a bit on the way down, back was pretty fatigued from yesterdays deadlifts.
WOD Rx'd
All unbroken. Wasn't going to go unbroken but then Jess was, so…The overhead squats were the hardest part.
11am with Noah, McD and JB.
Squat- performance-ish.
220, 230, 220. Got the warm-up timing wrong again but also this was heavy and I did not feel I could go any heavier today so I left it at that. Kind of a mini-pyramid. I was a bit nervous as this was the heaviest I have squatted by far in quite a while and this affected my depth a bit so I need to watch that. In retrospect I should probably have taken a lower '1RM' number to work from seeing as I am just getting back.
WOD -(45# OH squat)
This was hard- still new to American swings and the row almost made me pass out. The run was like a little break and the OH squats were difficult because of my mobility challenges so these were broken into way more sets than I would have liked, but again, I am happy I can actually get into the correct positions.
First class with JB coaching- awesome presence. Thanks for the tips and encouragement.
AR afterwards was exactly what I needed.
High bar back squat
45×5, 135×5, 205×3, 260x5x3
The 5# weight jump from Wednesday to Saturday has been no big deal this whole cycle. The Saturday to Wednesday jump, though, can go suck eggs.
WOD rx'd in 11:12. Did the swings 40-20, OHS 10-10-10. Could have been a touch faster here – rested the bar on my shoulders in between sets one and two, but dropped it before three. When I went to pick it back up, my shoulders felt too smoked to handle it, so I immediately dropped it again. Oh well.
HBBS 190x3x5. Always an adventure.
WOD in 14-something. 20lbs KB (3-4 sets)
Non-fashion-related shoe change after run. Started OHS at 75. Did somewhere between 12 and 18 (forget how many) before realizing that I should drop down to 65. Held up my partner Nino so he grabbed the 95# bar and knocked some out until I got everything sorted.
Congrats, Matt! Glad I could be part of it. 🙂
Slept in this morning so didn't get work out until after coaching. It was a lonely WOD.
88%: 190
96%: 207
and back on down.
was feeling tired today but the 207 felt pretty smooth. Had a bar math fail and did one extra rep at 202 while working up to this. Glad that anything over 200 is no longer traumatizing.
WOD: 8:03
Got through everything quickly but had some trouble on the OHS. Broke them up into 20-10, which was truly a struggle.