News and Notes
- Please remember that all classes are canceled on Sunday and Open Gym hours are extended to start at 5pm.
- Our Spartan Race friends want you to know about two upcoming events: the 2014 Spartan Race World Championship Race in Killington, VT on September 20, and the upcoming Spartan Race Cruise in March. They’ve created a giveaway for two people, which includes airfare and the cruise out of Miami. Just add your info here. They’ve also shared a code with us that will give you 10% off of any race. That code is (shocker): SPARTANBLOGGER. Get your Sparta on, CFSBK. Aroo!
- LADIES! Coach Noah and the Fighting Tacos still need 1-2 more women to play for CFSBK’s soccer team on Sundays on the Lower East Side. (The registration for guys is capped and already full.) Know that last year’s games and practices came with the bonus treat of copious handstand practice, such that this award-winning video was made. Email Noah [at] for more information about how to have a shit ton of fun.
Catching Up With CFSBK Classifieds
Have you checked out CFSBK Classifieds recently? Jess M. is still available the next couple weeks as a date night/weeknight babysitter. Jude wants you to know about L&M Foreign Auto, who she highly recommends after they helped her out with her 2002 Mini Cooper. And Gina G. still needs to find a new home for her beloved felines, Tim Riggins and Lyla Garrity. Yes, those are their names.
Have You Traveled to an Affiliate Recently?
Tell us about it in Travel Gym Recommendations. Dan L. recently visited CrossFit 404 in Atlanta and really enjoyed his experience, and our beloved Rebecca C. (who left us for New Jersey) wrote about her new home, CrossFit Speakeasy, in Belmar. Share your travels with us, CFSBKers!
Check out Pilates with KH TONIGHT at 7:30pm!
Feeling like your core could be stronger? Visit Kristin H.‘s world-renowned Pilates class tonight. Drop-in rate is $20, 5 class punch card is $85. You should also attend her class if you want to know what it’s like to practice Pilates while also attending a comedy show. Seriously. K-Dawg is damn funny, and our interview with her in July is proof.
QOD: Are you on Instagram? We are, @crossfitsouthbrooklyn! Include your handle in the comments and share a few of your favorite follows.
Dmitry Klokov: Hercules complex of 21, 15, 9
Do You Really Need a Lifting Belt? T Nation
How the Sun Sees You Thomas Leveritt
Take the “No Ice Bucket” Challenge Slate
Wednesday's Programming
Back Squat
Fitness: 3 x 5 Linear Progression
Add 5 pounds to last exposure.
Performance: 1 x 20
Add 5-10 pounds to last exposure.
Post loads to comments.
AMRAP 10min
5 Push Ups
10 Dumbbell Hang Power Cleans
15 Sit Ups
AMRAP 10min
8 Box Jumps 30/24"
4 Handstand Push Ups
2 Muscle Ups
Scale is banded muscle ups. Buy in for scaling is 3 Chest to Bar and 3 Ring Dips. Folks close to a muscle up have the option of performing the Outlaw Muscle Up progressions, or doing ONE of the exercises below as a cash out as space and time permit post-WOD. This is entirely up to the coach. Please view this video, starting at around 4:30.
5 x 5 Box Humps (use a false grip)
5 x 3 Banded Transitions (use a false grip)
In both of these movements be sure to set the rings high enough that the arms are fully extended at the bottom.
Article that appeared yesterday in the NY Times, An Insider's Guide To Crossfit
Hola from San Sebastian Spain where there is one terrific box, Crossfit Donostia (Donostia is the Basque name for this town, a lovely, prosperous resort town on the Atlantic, down a ways from Biarritz – epic foodie town, but that's another story). Two great classes yesterday and today. Clean, airy, organized, well-stocked box, excellent coach, a hard-nosed but kind Basque man named Inaki, and 8-10 athletes, all very into it, including a former professional rugby player named Yogi who was my personal translator, bless him. I had a good vibe going in b/c the person who answered my initial email said he'd visited CFSB and loved it and followed David's blog. Vast improvement over Madrid, where I registered on line for a class at Crossfit Krig-Retiro, arrived at the appointed hour, and found a locked and gated storefront and no class. So much for the confirmation email. (Travelers to Madrid: avoid Crossfit Krig-Retiro.)
Back squat 3×10@65%
8 minute AMRAP: 8 thrusters + 8 C2B
WOD: 3 rounds: 400m run/30 wallball/10 T2B
3×10 push press @ 65%
WOD: 10/20/30/20/10 power cleans/hand release push ups/box jumps.
This was a spicy workout – I did the power cleans at 40kg, and the round of 30 was a real burner.
Moe N. has 2 tickets to the NPGL at Madison Square Garden tonight (August 19th, 7pm). They're up for grabs if anyone wants them! Email moe(at)badpopcorn(dot)com.
Yesterday's Home Workout:
10×3 HBBSQ at 122# (yep – Smolov is trying to kill me)
** this wasn't as bad as the 5×7 and the 7×5, surprisingly. Then again, the weight is about to go up, up, up.
3×3 press at 60# (this felt really smooth)
And then I completely crashed and my legs felt like they were filled with lead. Squatting 4x a week is rougher than I imagined in terms of crash factor.
IG: @astafivgas
Fave follow: @crossfitsouthbrooklyn (DUH)
and right now I'm totally creepin' on… @hide_ham_tank (basically I'm a dog stalker).
I have an Instagram account, but I never use it. Basically, the only IG photos I see are ones my Facebook friends also post to FB. Most of my social media activity is via FB and Twitter, which I realize means I am behind the times.
@stellavision27, but don't bother following me — I *really* don't post anything!
IG: yojjsavemeawaffle. I creep on the #beekeeping hashtag way more than I'd like to admit.
And I know I am late to the game on this one, but I wasn't particularly inspired by "you will cry at the gym" advice. Yeah, no kidding; I didn't cease being an a human being with feelings when I walked in the door. I will cry in every place I possibly can–at home, on the subway, at work, at the movies, at restaurants, at weddings, at your mom's house, etc etc. Why would I expect the gym to be any different? I'm basically like a dog that has to pee on everything to make myself known, except with tears. Most of you have never noticed this about me, though, because I'm usually sweating so profusely that the tears just blend right in.
7am sesh w Lady Fox,
Worked up to 105# on the p, pp, pj complex, noticed I wasnt picking up my elbows when I was stringing the pps and pjs, and Coach Jess, pointed that I wasnt locking my elbows on the pps, so didnt find the need to go higher with that until I fix the problem.
WOD at 95, which wasnt too heavy, and was getting a consistent 12, 7, 6, but had to stop after the 3rd round to rest a previously hurt ankle/foot, I'm glad I'm being mature enough to know when to stop and to scale correctly to mend an injury.
My instagram is @PIGEON_BK (shocker) and i like following @miserable_men when I'm having a shitty time, because they look like they are having a shittier time. Also @mensweardog and @jermzlee, mostly dogs, not cats, because I got two comedians at home that fill the funny cat quota everyday.
Belt article was really good. Almost think it should be pinned somewhere on the site.
IG: wertwhile
last night at 6:30p with arturo & noah
press complex: @ 75# might have been able to go higher but ran outta time.
wod: @ 70# 59/39/34 this weight felt right to use sometimes my push jerks get wobbly and these felt pretty solid overall. also i completely forgot how to cycle the hang cleans until the third round and was able to pick up the pace on those.
ig me: @ginacatto
fave follows
aspirational tattoos: @realcatmagic
aspirational food: @food52
ceramic cat: @adventure_kitten
nerdy obsession: @thrillingadv –> see also for favorite podcasts
6am with Jess and McDowell.
BSQ 220x5x3
Jess pointed out that my grip was too tight and I was dipping my chest forward. Loosening the grip helped a lot although I still need to focus on keeping my chest up.
Performance WOD with blue-banded MU and 1 abmat with kipping HSPU. Thanks for Jess for the intro to the kipping HSPU. It helped me get through those after I did the first set strict. Banded MU felt pretty good. I'm really appreciating the opportunity to work on the MU and I hope this continues. Maybe I'll get one in before my 1 year CrossFit anniversary in Nov.
Finished 4 rounds + 1 BJ.
and im all about that @thefatjewish
6am with McDowell and Jess. Back in the gym after a few weeks off fighting a gnarly chest infection. I did Monday's press work and damn, I felt weak. So be it. I worked up to 95# – tried to hit 100, but crapped out after a couple of push jerks. I did the WOD at 85# and hit 89 reps. I'm looking forward to getting my strength and lung capacity back up.
I'm on IG @thomasshawn with pretty much all pics of my daughters because they are cuter and cooler and weirder than anything else I can take photos of.
Aside from various friends and family, I follow @rdiobscurities, which showcases the strangest album covers from, and @nicamille, which features photos of the beautiful flower designs of Nicolette Camille Floral.
@david0sorio (That's a zero in the middle)
Fav IGs
itsabandoned (Awesome abandoned stuff from around the world)
interstellarhd (exceptional space account)
Davedurante (Cool gymnastics tips and feats)
crossfitsouthbrooklyn 🙂
And then anything with animals/insects/nature shots
Scott, fun to hear he's been to CFSBK and follows ITA! Please remember to put your reviews in the "Travel Gym Recommendations" forum located on the left navigation bar of this page!!
I was so stoked to get a chance to Stand up Paddle board this weekend. I've always been curious about it so I couldn't resist a chance to do it with SBKers. My goal was to do a handstand on the board, and I think I got one, for about, 2-3 seconds. Overall it was a really fun way to spend an afternoon with great people. Thanks so much to our cruise director, Mare for organizing!
Made up yesterday's work:
145 and 155 on the complex. 155 was a little tough. Might have gotten 160 if my attempts were 150/160 but after 2 times through I was pretty much spent.
Tried to get a full DT on the interval work and succeeded (barely) plus 1 extra rep on each movement in the first round – so 139 reps.
QOD: my instagram is @dlangevin though I don't post much
10am class with lady fox and McDowell, brought my old friend Matt visiting for the GRID league game!
Worked up to 63# on Monday's complex which moved well. Did the wod with 53#
72/29/33 I think I should've gone way higher but that is ok!
My Instagram name is cammed (I post a lot of cats and stuff Michael C. and I are doing)
I like following:
cashcats (which are pics of cats surrounded by money)
jodyhighroller (RiFF RAFF the ridic rapper)
jodyhusky (RiFF RAFF's husky dog)
thesimpsonsig (Instagram vids of old Simpsons clips)
bootlegbart (weird versions of Bart Simpson art on shirts)
fakewatchbusta (mysterious guy who tries to catch rappers with fake rolexes)
Oh and obv:
Totally on the instagram game: @jennymichaels
I realize how predictable and lame I am now, but I love three classics….
@puppypalace <<<—- SO CUTE
Noon w/ Coached Jeremy and McDowell
Yesterday's Press & WOD
Press / PP / PJ
My wrists suck.
Playing catchup yesterday:
(45×5, 95×5, 135×5, 175×3, 205×1)
212.5, 225, 231.5, 225, 212.5
-used a belt for all and these were definitely harder than last week.
Press Complex:
(45, 65) 80, 95
-didn't have anything left for one more attempt.
Then we practiced the Comp Wod for this Sunday's Subway series. It's going to be a tough but fun one. You all should come watch us exercise.
IG: @lady_fox_
I love the grams! My favs:
-dog related–@pitbullsofinstagram, @newyorkbullycrew..for when we get a 3rd, and @bettemidlerthedog 😉
-tattoo related:, @inkedmag
-awesome photos: @natgeo, @samhorine
Also, my favorite hashtag might be #sbkgoeswest. Sword Fight…check it out.
This is so fun! I'm @kreecespeeces and my favorite follows are @natgeo, @itsabandoned (David showed it to me on Sunday and I'm obsessed), @judithsupine, and various photographers (@claytoncubitt, @nicole_franzen, @tkmadden).
Also, JJ, still laughing.
Jess Fox, still trying to get "Sword Fight" to go viral…love it.
I'm HeyNabbott on the IG
I follow:
Motorcycle and car stuff, some people I know, but none of it compares to:
Which is the Iron Sheik, Hulk Hogan's 1980's nemesis, who is still in character after all these years. Warning: not for the faint of heart, Justin Beiber/Miley Cyrus fans, or people with no sense of humor. NSFW, probably NSFHome too.
Recent favorite, from CFSBK LA alum Robin Reed: @thatlookslikeadick which is exactly what it sounds like.
David & Jeremy: I started a thread in the Starting Strength coaches thread with a link to the ITA article on the strength cycle. It would be cool if you guys could check in there later this week in case there are questions.
I wrote a long post about the belt article, but lost it. Here is the short version:
The article was pretty good but i wouldn't use hard and fast percentages– personally I do it by feel these days. Jeremy taught me to belt up on my last warm-up (once things had gotten heavy enough in my training to warrant wearing a belt at all) which makes sense almost all of the time. Interestingly, my program currently includes a "squat with no belt" which creates a built-in deload. This is a good way to get in some additional volume but not get crushed by doing two high-intensity squat days….
Make up post from last night at 7:30pm
Got up to 135 on the complex. I made an attempt at 145, but failed immediately on the press. Bummer. Honestly, though, this was too big of a jump given my difficulties with the press. Should have gone for 140 at most. I scaled the WOD to 135#, and go through 141 reps – 70 deadlifts, 44 cleans, and 27 push jerks. This was tough, but didn't feel that bad all the way through. Each round was surprisingly consistent for me. I think I could have handled another 5-10 pounds here.
You can find me on the 'grams @mcrumsho. Follow me if you like pictures of cats and dumb stuff I see on the street. Cam already mentioned most of my favorite accounts to follow. Add to that:
@easymoneysniper and @russwest44 (Kevin Durant and Russell Westbrook) for their excellent contributions to both basketball and fashion
@deathtraitors (sick artist Alexander Heir)
@lancebangs (Spike Jonze/Jackass/Odd Future camera guy/acolyte)
@goldyhusky (RiFF RAFF's other dog)
@jensenward (runs Iron Lung Records, keeps time in Iron Lung the band)
Nooner with Jeremy doing yesterday's press work.
I worked up to #95 on the press complex, really like this complex! Everything felt solid but the last push-jerk of the last set, it was not the prettiest. Taking Jeremy's advice to move my feet faster on push jerk.
instagram: @beccs1010
fav: @thefatjewish
Great article about using a belt — even better that it was consistent with the advice I had already gotten from the coaches at SBK when I had asked in the past.
Any recommendations out there for a good belt that will stay out of the way of the bar on Olympic lifts? Some of the heavy duty belts have buckles that seem like they could get in the way on the rare occasions I actually keep the bar close to my body.
I second Jess' suggestion to watch the Subway Series teams this weekend. The switch to a team format has made it more exciting and easier to spectate. Plus, the comp team has put in some really inspiring performances thus far.
Two weeks into CFGC programming. Lots of work on the ropes and rings. Have hit some new PRs on the press, push press, and both O-lifts. Missing regularly scheduled lifts, though, particularly squat day.
@mistahjoyce on IG
@thefatjewish is hilarious for all its offensiveness, as is The Iron Sheikh. (Good call, Noah!) @typographyinspired for gorgeous examples of hand-drawn type. I should probably find an account of beautifully designed spreadsheets to follow, too.
Hello CFSBK!
I'm in the middle of panic packing for the big move to Abu Dhabi (Scott, on the other hand, is relatively calm). My last day is Sunday and I guess my last class will be Saturday morning, before the movers come. I already miss the gym.
We still have many things to sell, I'll post on the classifieds soon.
Find me on Instagram at: @5882300
Scott's: @dirtyfitz
I also really dig @artcrank (bike posters) and my friend @donny_tsang (food/nyc).
Came in this afternoon to cram in a serious catch-up workout after hiking 30 miles this weekend and needing to rest yesterday.
Hang Snatch > Just Above Floor Snatch > OHS
40×1 50xM,M,1 60×1 65×1,1,1,1,1
Took me a couple reps at 50 to get the positions and breathing right on the second rep from just above the floor (these were all done from the hang, no dropping).
Power clean > squat jerk
50×1,1,1 60×1 65×1 70×1 75xP,1
Too hesitant getting down once it got heavier.
Snatch Grip RDL
50×10 67x10x3
20×10 50×10 77x10x3
Pendlay Row
50×10 67x10x3
Supine GHD holds
@tcavallo on instagram. I mostly follow weightlifters, fashion people, and Crossfit friends from around the world. For feats of strength from the US: @buffmendes, @ooosorio (no relation), @iwilson1894; and from worldwide: @hookgrip, @ilyailyin4ever, and of course @klokovd. Oh and @dianefu has some of the best technique and training tips on there.
7:30pm class with Jess.
HBBS: 105×20 Good cues from Jess and Whit about not letting my elbows go backward when I get tired, and not to punch my chest forward before squatting… keep core tight, chest up!
WOD with 25# DB and knee push-ups (started strict). Almost to six rounds; I finished my last few sit-ups to make it even in my head.
Just realized that the QOD on the blog was different than the class…guess i'll start playing by the rules.
@rei – makes me want to go camping daily. really solid photography.
@bluebottle – IG is just alright, but their website is incredible if you're at all interested in home-brewing any type of coffee. Would highly recommend…great information for any brewer, beginner or expert.
6:30 – Jessit – Monday's work
Press Complex –
Same goes for both the complex and the WOD but, I don't think I've done a regular jerk (no-split) in a while…so getting that timing right took a few reps. The push press felt the best it has in a while…I've had this nagging pull in my right arm that only happens on the push press and the jerk (doesn't happen on the snatch, or strict-press)…and it's more of an annoyance than anything…but it felt really good tonight. I was happy with 145 for the last set…I think I could've gotten (150/155)…but it would've probably been sloppy.
Rx 9-6-5 (all 5 rounds)
I went in with a plan of 9-6-3, but the push jerk felt really good and I was able to keep forms I was comfortable with throughout, so 5 jerks it was. Jess pointed out I need to bring my hips through and lock out a touch more on my deadlifts, so I'll watch that moving forward.
Cash out – 5×15 abmat situps
Fun day of press work.
The blog advertisement for Pilates definitely worked on getting me to class. Totally worth it– I could really use the core work, and Kristin is indeed hilarious. I second the recommendation!
I am now a huge fan of @thatlookslikeadick and @itsabandoned. Thank you.
Snatch, some waves at fairly high percentages…
220, 242, 253
231, 242, 253
242, 253
Front squat, 90%x2x5
SnatchDL, 105%ishx3x4
I only really post pictures of food, Penny the pup, and… yeah that's really most of it at this point. I like following my friends and and surfers/surfing photographers.
7:30PM group class tonight
warm up 1: traded 8 pistols/round for the db thrusters.
HBBS: 45×5, 95×3, 125×2. 145x5x3
every week at this point is a PR for reps on the high bar squat! feelin good!
Decided to do muscle up work instead of the wod.
5×5 box humps
5×4 banded transitions (blue)
3×5 dips on matador
looking forward to mobility and yoga practice time tomorrow!
I'm @_lil_jb on Instagram.
My favorite user to follow is @oprahnsha. It's just bunch of pictures of bulldog puppies. Oh, and @beardsandbarbells, because those are two of my favorite things.
I can really only post about the QOD it seems these days since I've had a stupid crazy travel schedule this summer, but I suppose that's the more fun part anyway…
I don't have many cool follow suggestions.
I like following my bay area sports teams: @sfgiants, @49ers, and @sjearthquakes.
Guilty pleasures include @friendstvvideos, @halfadams from one of my favorite TV shows Suits (he's funny and takes some pretty sweet pics), and @sklessard from DMB who takes some pretty rad photos as well.