Fitness: 3 x 5 Linear Progression
Add 5 pounds to last exposure.
Performance: 1 x 20
Add 5-10 pounds to last exposure.
15-12-9-6-3 Reps for time:
Deadlift 185/125
21-15-9 Reps for time:
Clean 135/95
Ring Dip
Post loads and times to comments.
The whole crew from the Subway Series at CrossFit Queens on Sunday
Goodbye, Jen S.!
Jen S., a three-year veteran of CFSBK, is leaving us next week for Chicago. She’s been an integral member of our community. She competed in all four events of the 2013 Subway Series and in three Tough Titsday meets (she won TT3 in the Broads division). She also participated in Hail to the Queen in 2013 and on CFSBK’s Ragnar relay team. From Jen herself:
“SBK made it so easy to call Brooklyn home. I’m grateful to have been a member of such an awesome, crazy, wonderful community. You guys are the best and also why it’s hard to leave. Don’t worry, though. I’ll be back soon. My next box has some pretty big weightlifting shoes to fill.”
Meet the 4 Women Who Will Join the FDNY This Year New York
Upcoming Volunteer Opportunities in NYC Parks
Lifted Up CrossFit
5 Funny Things About CrossFit Kettlebeard
7:30 class yesterday with the seemingly repellent Coach Noah. Amazing that 90% of the attendees (including the three visitors!) opted for an erg sprint WOD with Coach Melo over squats, deadlifts and burpees with us.
(Now that I think about it some more, I can't pin the blame on N. Abbott. Folks were probably too skeeved out by my new haircut or general appearance to share a bar with me. My kind partner Andrew M. clearly did it out of pity, realizing that he could flee after doing his one set of 20 reps).
Aaaaanyway, HBBS 190x5x3. KNEES. OUT!
Fitness WOD Rx in 7:12.
6am with McD and Lady Fox
Arrived slightly late after a slow bike ride in the rain. Did #185 for the 1×20, did the mental split of 4 sets of 5, the last few burned as expected.
Elizabeth in 14:07 rx. I haven't done this in a few years and forgot how taxing the squat cleans are on your lower back. It was fun sprinting with Brad and Peter on this one.
Oh yeah, I think I strung together three kipping pull-ups last night. This is unconfirmed because Melo said she was "looking away" or looked away when she saw me flopping around the bar like a bluefish on the deck of a Sheepshead Bay party boat. Curiously, Tom S. and D. Fung also claimed that they were " looking away" on Monday as well. Hmmmmm…..
Strength cycle:
Squat 207.5x5x3. Jeremy informs me several of these reps were high and that my legs were looking fatigued. I definitely panic when I feel tired and when I panic I don't hit depth. Sigh.
Bench 117.5x5x3. I failed last rep at this weight last week, but then I had benched for 3 exposures in a row. Glad that this indicates last week's fail wasn't about a loss in strength.
Clean 103x3x3. I think…I hope? these are finally starting to look better? Still catching a little too far forward, but I seem to have the timing of the jump down a bit better. (Jeremy: "Deadlift, jump, and squat!" Me: "OMG things I know how to do!")
NOPE. NOPE. I refuse to accept this.
i have posted a post over in the classifieds. i have to look for a new home or homes for my beloved felines, tim riggins and lyla garrity.
read more here!
6:30am Strength Cycle
LBBS: 117.5 5 x 3
Was shallow, got dizzy, repeating same weight next time. Blame it on the rain ♫♪♫? sigh*
Bench Press: 60 5 x 3
Clean: 60 3 x 3
Felt a little better, Jeremy says they're actually starting to look like cleans. I'll take that as a compliment.
6am. Back squat: 115×5, 165×5, 180×20. Weight moved well. No real problems. Elizabeth Rx: 10:41. Did this last November in 10:31. Squat cleans were the limiter then and now. Need to find a way to cycle them.
Just a head's up that there's only one spot left in Ken's handstand class!
I have poor eyesight
Glasses only help so much
It's not you; it's me
Per our Friday talk
I have fashion issues too
My pants don't fit right
Jen – best of luck in Chicago!!!
Continuing a linear progression on the HBBS – 230 today with no problem. Starting to come a little forward on the later reps so I may start making smaller jumps to dial in that movement.
Power Elizabeth in 5:05 – I looked back and apparently I did this in 4:50 last November. Relatively happy with that nonetheless.
Hi all! Anyone have advice on strained a Trapezius muscle? I pulled the left one from clean and jerks. I took to icing and ibuprofen for the first 3 days and rowing and shrugs seem to help for now. Is it okay to back squat? I'm assuming deadlifts are a no. Ow.
HBBS: 205×20
Elizabeth @115lbs: This got all mixed up. I did 21-9-6 on the squat cleans after I realized the first round of 21 took forever. I did 15-9-9 on the dips. The squat cleans were murder after the 20-rep squat set, and the dips gave out quickly too. I finished in 13:4x – I think.
@ginacatto–just curious about either of the orange cats, how they feel about lasagna? Didn't see it listed in their turn-ons/turn-offs sections, and I thought that might be helpful for a potential adopter to know.
After a strain, the muscles around your neck and shoulders often take a little longer to heal completely since you're regularly using them and even small ranges of motion can feel uncomfortable to move through. For a typical muscle strain, you should be 100% in 1-2 weeks and well enough to start training again in a few days.
In regards to training, let pain be your guide. You shouldn't do anything that causes sharp or sudden pain. If there is some dull discomfort you should be good to go but start in slow, see how you feel and gradually titrate in more movement/activity as you see fit. As long as you're getting better over time, you're on the right track. You might want to take another week off more dynamic movements like cleans, snatches and kettlebell swings and substitute more "category one" type movements. Of course, any of the coaches can help you modify and work around your issue until you're 100%
Squatting should be fine and Deadlifts are probably okay too, but I would pull back on weight in your deads to see how they feel before attempting to follow along your previous linear progression. Again, in class, tell a coach what's going on and they can assist you and modify anything so that you're not exacerbating anything.
Finally- when Cleaning, make sure to focus on bracing your upper back and lats so that when you pull the bar off the floor there isn't any passive muscle suddenly being pulled on tension, which I would assume would be what happened that led to your strain.
Let me know if you've got any other questions, you can leave a comment or email me directly at David@CrossFitSouth….
@JJ i appreciate you pointing out this oversight on my behalf. yes, tim riggins will 100% swipe your lasagna, catch it in his gaping mouth mid air as it sails across the room, or dive into it face first like the tiny steaming hot pool of italian goodness that it is.
Snuck into today's group work between the 10 and noon classes.
HBBS: 195X20X1 Felt good, not slowing down significantly yet.
Did some handstand work with Melissa in between. Mine are still firmly in the "pitiful" category.
Elizabeth RX in 9:48. First time ever doing this workout, messed me up pretty good. Far far far too much rest on the cleans, dips were all done in 2 sets per round. I did singles on the cleans, which was likely a bad strategy- based on my poor mental ability to get back on the bar I think next time I'll try bigger sets unbroken with longer but less frequent rest periods. Would really like to go sub 8 on this.
Noon class
45×5, 135×5, 165×3, 185×1
Felt good and bouncy while going. The after effect is always fun.
Elizabeth Rx'd
This is a PR so I'm glad I did it. I was half planning to do the power version so thanks Alan and Noah for the small push to do full cleans. I opened up feeling great with a set of 5 on the cleans then luckily remembered who I was and slowed down a bit. Ring dips were broken up more and so took longer than in the past.
I just discovered the Mike Patton collaborative effort named Peeping Tom thanks to Spotify suggestions. Why didn't I know about this before?! It's amazing!
The internet can be a great place sometimes.
7:30 last night with Noah and the 2 guys. Loved the small group 🙂
127# 3×5
Finished the WOD with 105# on the DL in 6:40. Probably should have just done the 125# RX and struggled through a little slower.
8am class with Jess. HBBS was 110#, 3×5. I am liking doing squats 2x/week. The jumps are small but steady. Did the fitness WOD with 115# DL in 6:23. Probably could have Rx'ed, although I don't think I could have done all of the DLs unbroken.
Good luck to you Jen!!! Kick some ass out there in Chicago! Maybe if I ever get my butt to Chicago to visit the new in-laws, we can WOD together!
Best of luck Stopka. I'm sorry to see you go. Come back and visit us!
little bit a lifting
Clean+Jerk, 75%x2, 80%x1x4
Front Squat, 90%x2x5
Clean DLs, 113%x4x5
<3 <3 <3 StopKA
This was hard, I didnt warm-up enough pre-squatting. While I got all the reps, I'm going to redo this weight next exposure.
15-12-9-6-3 Reps of:
Deadlifts 185
Strict Burpees
Everything unbroken, burpees werent super fast as I was using them to catch my breath.
Im very sweaty.
6:30pm w/ Coaches McDowell, Noah & JB
Do not attempt Elizabeth while on Benadryl
2 day post
today – 6:30 Noah/McDowell
Squat – Volume Day – 1×20 – 170
Went up 10lbs from last week so was pretty happy with that…also am proud owner of some new weightlifting shoes, so squatting in these was definitely different…I would say I learned that my feet move a lot when squatting sans lifting shoes (I felt my feet were in cement with the new kicks)
Elizabeth –
Got through 2 of the cleans on the round of 9…I'm kind of mad at myself I didn't finish…I think I had 10min in me…easy to say now though…that last round is where the money is made.
Having another crack at it I'd say I wouldn't have gone 7-7 touch and go to start…I felt when I got back from the rings I had nothing left.
Tuesday – press/torture-row
Press – 125-135-145×4
ended last cycle with a 5rm @ 145…so would've liked to have seen myself get that 5th rep @145.
Row – 127.4 – 135.7 – 141.2 – 138.2
First off, thanks to Noah and Brandon for sticking with me on this…it was definitely a learning experience…I've gotta pace myself to an extent in those first 300 so I can finish those last 200 strong. First row I just sprinted through…maybe lost a little on the last 100…rounds 2/3 I blacked out halfway through…it was embarrassing…I honestly can't remember the last time I felt like such a turd during a workout…and the worst thing about the row, is you're already sitting down and tired…how much lower can you go? You just resolve to hugging the ground and hope you can breathe…
I feel like each workout I have no ideas what's coming during this cycle, which I like a lot…keeps it fresh.
Jen was in my Foundations so this news is making me emosh. We will miss you, but have fun in Chi-town!
Today 10am class:
(45×5, 95×5, 125×3) 140×20
-up 15# from last week and still felt good. will prob make a 10# jump next week.
Fitness WOD: rx'd at 125#
-everything unbroken. should have moved a little faster on the burpees to go sub 4…which was my goal.
Monday solo session:
(45×5, 65×3, 75×2) 80×5, 85×5, 90×5
-moved fairly quickly. still some room to go.
Then did the 1000m Row, 100 du's and 1100m run from the other day. Completed in a little over 12mins.
Good luck in Chicago Jen, you'll be missed!
Noon class today with McMeLo
45×5, 95×5, 125×3, 140x5x3
good times
ankles/shins/calves feeling really tight after hiking sunday and A LOT of double unders and jumping around on Monday, so took some time to do banded ankle distraction. so helpful.
Elizabeth, not Rx'ed…
21-15-9 Power Cleans @ 95#
15-9-6 Dips on the matador, strict
So glad I did power cleans on this. McDowell reminded me that I tweaked my back last week and that this one had the potential to wreck me a bit if I wasn't feeling up to it. This version allowed me to focus on the dips and staying in as good of positioning as possible. Haven't done that much volume at once before so expect to be quite sore tmw.
@Chris Y… the only thing I've ever done after taking a benadryl is SLEEP for about 10+ hours at a time!!
Make-up post from Sunday – jerk practice, got the same advice from Noah and David: back foot shooting out too far, gotta reign that sucker in. I was worried about thrusters in the WOD, but my group ended up deciding to do sets of 5 @ 75# and this felt really light. Overall I think we broke it up too much because I never really got into the "hard work" zone on any of the sets. I did do american kb swings at 32kg for the first time, those were not easy. There is something wrong with my kip.
Totally flaked and didn't make Monday's workout. I swear it wasn't the erg workout, I love the erg. We went to the prom together and that one time we got really drunk together at that party was a blast. I often think of all the good times we had together.
Pretty good day today. Sweaty. I'm happy I got my 235x5x3 HBBS in but it was a little harder than I wanted it to be. Maybe I'll start wearing a belt since I'm nervous about bracing going forward. Meanwhile I'm still scared of high-rep deadlifts so did the fitness WOD @ 135… but did everything unbroken and finished in 4:48, with only a few breaths between rounds as I set up for DL. Felt wobbly ending the 12 and 9 rounds but it's easy to rally knowing that you're 60%, 80% done. Flew through the 6 and 3 rounds. Could have done a better job locking out each DL 🙁
I don't know if this attitude is CrossFit certified or not, but lately I've been telling myself to choose a lighter weight and do each set unbroken. There's nothing wrong with catching your breath in a WOD, but I think I've leaned on that too much in the past and it feels good to work on unbroken sets for now, at least for shorter workouts. And by "good" I mean it feels like the apocalypse, but in that good way.