Fitness: Clean + Knee Hang Clean + Jerk (1+1+1)
Work up to a heavy single on the complex.
Performance: Clean + 2 Jerks (1+2)
Work up to a heavy single on the complex. Press outs are considered missed lifts
Partner WOD
In teams of 3 with one partner working at a time:
AMRAP 4 Minutes each
Thruster 95/65
Pull Up
Box Jump 24/20
Kettlebell Swing 72/53
Post loads and rounds to comments.
Highlights from Day 5 of the 2014 Commonwealth Games
The 2014 Subway Series Resumes with its Second Week!
Another year has gone by, and it’s time once again for an NYC affiliate throwdown: the 2014 Subway Series! The second competition continues this morning at 9:00am at Crossfit Queens. All are invited to spectate, so come cheer on your fellow South Brooklynites as they compete against 12 other local gyms.
This week, the gym is sending the following five teams to compete. Best of luck, teams!
Camille Cruz
Brad Devendorf
Alan Lynch
WOD-y Count
Kristie Flynn
Michael Crumsho
Alex Cox
Roy G Buff
Shaye Lefkowitz
Ryan Joyce
Matt Jasinski
Dragon Wall Ballsy
Jess Moss
Brett Ferguson
Jay Reingold
CFSBK Competition Team
Melissa Loranger
Jess Fox
McDowell Myers
Alex Burrowes
WOD Descriptions can be found on the Subway Series Facebook page here and heat assignments are posted here.
If you are interested in competing in future Subway Series events, please contact Coach MeLo (Melissa [at] CrossfitSouthBrooklyn).
A More Pseudonymous Internet The Atlantic
What Fish Does to Your Brain The Atlantic
Excited to compete!!! 😀
Good luck today everyone! Remember who loves ya. Can't wait to hear how it goes.
12pm class with Noah
Competed in the subway series before this, and got 60 reps with team WODy Count, which is about what we expected. It was a great time. Team coaches were amazing. Hoorah CFSBK!
C&2Jerks: 88, 111, 132, 144, 155, 165, 165, 165
Could have gone up but I stayed at 165 and tried to make the jerks feel snappy, but they felt sluggish today, maybe because of the workout in queens. Although Noah says it was my bare feet.
The WOD was fun: 415 reps with Brad and James. I did everything RXed. Thrusters were the slowest movement. Pull-ups felt great. I think I did 40 in 4 sets and they all moved well.
Nooner with Noah
C&J fitness had it's ups and downs today. Worked up to 103, failing the Hang-Clean on the first attempt but got some good advice from Noah, "Lord knows you can squat, so get under it". The Clean & Hang-Clean of the second attempt at 103 was solid, took Noah's advice and got under it, then i failed the Jerk. I definitely didn't commit and got caught up in my own head so next week will shoot for the same number (maybe a few pounds heavier) but with confidence.
Really fun WOD today: 398 reps with Katie & Jess!!
Hello from a little island off the southern coast of the Emerald Isle!
Been spending some time with my family and have so far managed to remain fairly active.
Went for a swim despite the cold, rainy weather yesterday. It was freezing but amazing. Today I attempted a run- I only managed 3K. I find it harder to breathe here (is the air too clean?!) and the road was all uneven and I got to the end of the island and there was a bull in the field so I had to turn back.
I then attempted to design a workout but it went a bit awry as it is very difficult to do double-unders in the wind but this is what I did.
20 DU
5 push-ups
30 squats
5 push-ups
100 single-unders
20 squats
5 push-ups
20 DU
20 squats
200 single-unders
5 push-ups
There really was no rhyme or reason to it haha. Thank goodness I don't have to design my own workouts very often. Went for another swim this evening. The weather was better but the water was still hella cold. But once you're in there it's always worth it.
Tomorrow I'll be checking out CrossFit Cork.
Congrats to the comp team for winning today!
CONGRATS to everyone who tore it up at the subway series today!!! mighty proud.
Weekend update:
Friday WOD w/ Kate:
-did the Triple 3 but we broke it up into rounds of 3. Finished in about 45:27… hollllyyy shmokes. that was a whole lotta fitness.
-Squat: got into my warmups and my hip just wasn't having it. i was so stiff/overall uncomfortable when i started putting weight on the bar. I have had this huge knot in my hamstring for a few weeks now which i think is the culprit behind it all… which i think i FINALLY got to go away this afternoon.
-due to fridays events Noah gave me a different workout so i didn't have to repeat…which was very much appreciated. Finished in about 8:20
5 rds:
3 DL @ 225#
20 box jumps 24"
This afternoon:
-C&J Perf: 103#…everything just felt a little gross today…suppose i had one too many tecates yesterday evening…..or watermelon slices. not sure which one did me in
-WOD was hilarious. got a good ab workout in if anything bcs i felt like i was laughing the whole time. Thrusters 65#, strict chin ups, 20" box, 53# KB. FInished up with 398 reps with Jess and Becca. great day!
Congrats to our team who WON today's Subway Series event!
Snatch, 75%x2x4
Jerks, 87%x2x4
Squat, 87%x3x3, 90%x2x2
**90%'s felt great
Clean Pull off risers, 85%x4x5
Congrats to the Subway Series competitors!
A few workouts from this week in Lewes, DE at CrossFit Lewes:
3 rounds:
200m sandbag run
10 push press 115#
15 weighted sit-ups 45#
20 ball slams 30#
25 KBS 55#
30e walking lunges
then 200m run
10 burpees
Weighted sit-ups were surprisingly the hardest part of this WOD.
Fight Gone Bad:
WB 25#
box jump overs 24"
hang cleans 155# (scaled to 135#)
bastard (burpee over bar)
sit-ups (straight leg)
Finished 240 reps. First time doing a Fight Gone Bad style workout. Killer.
T2B work. Finally got a pretty good swing down and knocked out a unbroken descending sets – 5/5/10/9/8/7/6/5. Hands were wrecked after this. Finished with 2 RNFT of 50 DU, 10 SDHP 115# and 15 T2B.
7 min AMRAP:
7 KBS 70#
7 pull-ups
2 min rest
7 min AMRAP:
7 shoot-throughs
7 burpees
2 min rest
7 min AMRAP:
7 goblet lunges 70#
7 box jumps 30"
210 total reps. Shoot throughs were the toughest part of this WOD.
Nancy (5 rounds of: 400m run, 15 OHS 115#)
2 more days of vacation then back to NYC.
Lots of fun at the subway series this morning. Congrats to my great teammates Jess and Brett and our competition team for killing it!
Spent a little time at open gym practicing double unders and kipping. Thanks again for the tips JB.
first lifting session in 9 days, felt like 9 years
i swear i lose 10% strength for every day i take off from lifting. my legs felt like jelly after the first set
you ever notice how the only people who give a shit about overhead pressing are the ones who have big overhead presses? something to think about…
trying something new for deadlifts this cycle which is VOLUME. i got really lightheaded after the last rep on set 2 and almost fell, it was hilarious
then we did half of the wod that you crazy kids did the other day: 500m row, 50 double unders, 500m run. nice to know i still have doubles. the run took 7 minutes and mostly consisted of me crying, panting, questioning my life choices, etc.
cool down was a bag of cool ranch doritos, a string cheese and a diet cherry pepsi.
First time back at the gym in a week. Felt so good to be back!
Clean + 2 Jerk complex: worked up to 130. Felt good, especially because I haven't jerked for at least six weeks (not sure how that happened?)
Squats–was gone all week so added a little volume to yesterday's.
5×175 (~80%)
3×185 (~85%)
Had 5 minutes left before open gym, so did a quick little metcon based off of today's partner WOD (which looked FUN): 3 RFT: 10 HSPU/10 PU/10 BJ/10 KBs (4:02)
Noon class
Clean + 2 Jerks
Worked up to 220. Felt ok. Need to focus on locking out sharper.
WOD woth Brett and Greg was 16 min of fun. We killed it.