Fitness: 3 x 5 Linear Progression
Add 5 pounds to Wednesday. If you didn’t squat on Wednesday then start a bit below your last 3 x 5 weight.
Performance: 80%x1, 85%x1, 90%x1, 85%x1, 80%x1
For Time:
Row 1000m
100 Double Unders
Run 1000m
Post loads and time to comments.
The 2014 CrossFit Games highlight reel is live! Get ready for some chills…
Bend, Stretch, and Mobilize Today
- Yoga for Athletes with Coach Whitney at 10am.
- Active Recovery at 11am and 12pm with Coach David.
W.H.O. Declares Ebola in West Africa a Health Emergency New York Times
Email Is Ruining Us: A Brilliant Solution The Atlantic
9am class
Felt great, able to bounce again.
WOD Rx'd
Had to break doubles up more than I'd have liked.
9am class. HBBS: 185x3x5
13:22 for the WOD. Organizing the DUs after the row was more difficult than I thought it would be. I think I got a couple of legit lipping pull-up singles at OG last night. Tried to practice today before and after class but my hands were kinda sensitive.
Looking forward to the Subway Series WOD tomorrow with Jess, Brett and the rest of the crew.
For those of you not in the know, a "lipping pull-up" is just a creepy version of a kipping pull-up – and that's all I am going to say about it.
10am Yoga and then 11am class. It's been a while since I did any yoga, and I've barely even been doing much MFR. Sometimes, we have to drift for a while.
Anyway I was feeling sore this morning and thought I'd take it easy in class, but after an hour of Whit's Mad Swole Yoga (t.m.) I hit my 232x5x3 squats and the sets just kept getting easier. Yes, I used the micros to get to add .9% to Wednesday's weight, which made it just that much more awesome. 235 on Wednesday for sure, maybe I will make it to 250? Going to have to start eating more. Again.
The WOD, was. 12:30. I went medium hard, and chose a rope that was way too short. Not that I'm amazing at doubles but, next time: make better decisions. Ujjayi breath got me through the run, or at least thinking about it did.
Active recovery today. Operation get my shit together is moving along splendidly.
Took part in most of noon class, which means warm up 2, followed by 5 squats. High bar: 155, 162, 170, 162, 155. So limber and loose from aforementioned activities I bounced right off the floor — felt fast and not heavy.
Skipped the run/jump/row to get a snack, and holy crap soccer is hard and exhausting. But the team is looking good.
Thanks for organizing, Noah. And I swear I don't plan on leaving the field every few minutes to blow my nose or make phone calls during future games or practices.
I was so sad when I was walking to class and saw people running. I thought it was Row-DU-Row. I cried inside but I made it through in 12:09 did only 50 DU though because I suck at them.
I haven't been lifting since 6 weeks up until the beginning of this Strength Cycle. Excuses galore: trip to Istanbul, not missing a rare opportunity to learn to row on water and then doing it 8 times in a couple of weeks, etc.
I am on 2 x week Strength Cycle, and of course giving such a long break put me back into lifting relatively low numbers (once again) in the beginning -which is both pretty demoralizing, and thought provoking (why the body pulls us back to it's "normal" so quickly? why the acquired "strength" is not more sustainable? is it because the process is sort of against the "nature" of our bodies? etc).
So this Wednesday was my 4th class of this cycle and I was sharing rack with Tom and Steve.
45 x 10
95 x 4
135 x 4
185 x 2
200 x 5 x 3
45 x 5
65 x 5
80 x 5 x 3
BW x 4 x 2
Blue band x 5 x 2
Aaaand then today here comes the soccer, the futbol at park -many thanks to Coach Noah! A total of 13-14 guys from the box and some are really good in this game. I was a bit surprised to see only 2 girls though – and one being Coach Melissa.
After a short drill we splitted into two teams and had a friendly game. Haven't been played in an adult futbol game for really long years, it was a mental -and physical- challenge for me, and damn it was too hot at 2 pm under the sun. However, I am looking forward to playing more practices and games together with the team, if that happens. If not, I am sure Coach Noah will make it happen!
Noah and the crew graciously accepted my son Derin (10 3/4) to play with us in the drill and in the friendly game… and he was very happy about it -that really matters to me, so thank you all! Of course, the personal highlight of this 7×7 (then 6×6) game was when Derin passed the ball to me in front of the goal and I have had the chance to score a one-touch goal!