Have you met Coach JB yet? Check out our interview with her!
Last Chance to Paddleboard with CFSBK
Where: On the Hudson River, launching from Croton Point Park in Westchester County
When: 2-4pm, Saturday, Aug 16
Cost: $99 per person, cost drops to $89 per person with 6+ participants
Sign-up: Email Mare at mare@crossfitsouthbrooklyn.com TODAY! It’s your last chance!
More information: Check out our event page!
Write a Haiku
Today’s Rest Day WOD is to write a CrossFit Haiku—now an annual CFSBK tradition! Nothing like a fun little project to get the creative juices flowing. What’s a haiku, you might ask? A haiku is a traditional form of Japanese poetry characterized by three simple lines. The first line contains five syllables, the second contains seven, and the last again contains five. Think about the images, emotions, and experiences you have at the gym and see if you can’t write your own. Below are three examples courtesy of Mobility WOD:
Psoas unfolding
Like the lotus blossom
I just vomited
Way of the painball
There are no days off
Leopard is supple
My leg is aflame
A sliding tunnel of meat
I shall punish thee
Post your CrossFit Haiku to comments.
Compare to 6.12.2012 and 7.28.2011
NJ Bears Wandering Around Upright Like They’re Cartoon Characters Gothamist
Growth Happens At Our Limits: Embrace it. Nerd Fitness
Is Your Relationship Making You Fat? US News & World Report
8 Life Lessons I Learned From My Near-Death Experience MindBodyGreen
Saturday's Programming
Back Squat
Fitness: 3 x 5 Linear Progression
Add 5 pounds to Wednesday. If you didn't squat on Wednesday then start a bit below your last 3 x 5 weight.
Performance: 90% x 1 x 3
For Time:
Row 1000m
100 Double Unders
Run 1000m
Hey guys! Sorry for the delay, post was set to publish at 12am, not sure what happened. :/
6am with NickDowell doing Saturday's programming. Switched to HBBS this cycle after doing low bar since Jan and was pretty sore after the first go-round on Tuesday. I backed off the weight a bit and did 150# x 3 x 5.
WOD in 14:59. Finished the row in just over 4 minutes and then substituted double unders with lashings from the jump rope. My legs felt pretty heavy after squatting and rowing and double unders were not my friend today. Settled into the run and was able to pick up the pace on the last lap.
My haiku attempt:
A tiger attack?
Did you encounter a bear?
No, my foe, jump rope
My shoulder in pain
Impingement syndrome oh no
No overhead now
Five Rounds Not For Time?
Then I will do three today,
and two tomorrow.
Tired, pensive, stressed
Warm-up, DROM, lift, work-out
Energized. Ready
Haiku Fridays are the best!!!
Question of the day:
Lift, WODs, dogs, potlucks, friends, laughs?
Crossfit South Brooklyn
Oh, I hate the erg.
"Lies! There’s more than 5 pulls left"
Fuck you erg. Fuck you!
Attempting toe taps.
“Hahaha” My hamstrings laughs
Hamstrings wins again.
What did the Fox say?
"Big chest, eyes straight, dip and bounce"
Teaching his dance moves
Classic one from Shawn$:
sleep, sleep, sleep, sleep, sleep,
sleep, sleep, sleep, sleep, sleep, sleep, sleep,
sleep, sleep, sleep , sleep, sleep
Jay – Awesome
hello there my quads.
we squatted Wednesday morning
soreness arrives NOW!
Time to wash dishes
Fuck! Ow ow ow ow ow ow.
Ripped callous still ripped.
Haiku are supposed to be written in Japanese. Here you go:
bacon bacon bacon bacon bacon
bacon bacon bacon bacon bacon bacon bacon
bacon bacon bacon bacon bacon
Yesterday's snatch work
Fitness, seventy-eight pounds
And then forty-three.
Daydream through the day
Fall asleep when the hours end
Vacation envy
Double unders fine!
Oh no, Fox says otherwise:
Just fast ones. Rethink.
alarm clock sounds, wake up
bar complex at Jersey Shore
miss eighties Fridays
Not sure I figured out the right syllables …. anyone else clapping out their Haikus? I should ask Bates and GW for a refund!
@Rebecca I put my hand under my chin as I read them out loud.
Fun times reading these,
Composing them takes effort,
Kudos to every-one.
Woke up expecting quad soreness to be alleviated, no such luck, wednesday's workout was killer, i hope im in better shape tomorrow to try the 90% squat.
Rob wins Nerd Medal.
JB gets a foul.
Hiking with my friends
They can barely keep going
Another smoke break?
The jewel of the gym
Everyone wants to hold you
Eleiko barbell
6am group class
Grab an abmat and blanket
We're napping for time
7am yesterday at Crossfit Kitsilano in Vancouver BC – a beautiful place, either incredible outdoor stuff – kind of an urban paradise of beaches, biking, yoga on standup paddle boards at sunset etc…
Wod: pauses front squats 4×5 @65% of 1RM (145#)
Then: overhead lunges with 75# barbell
10 minute amrap of 8 OH lunges/12 t2b – 4 rounds even
Ripped my callouses for the first time ever
Haiku for the day:
AMRAP thrusters and burpees
Fleeting ten minutes
A taste of eternity
i think jay has my favorite one so far hahaha im dyin'
burpees, oh burpees
oh my god when will they end?
same goes for wall balls
A mix of haiku and skakespeare and not new, but what the hell.
Hail Gluteus Maximus!
Is it not enough that you exist
My dearest hamstring
How I miss
your silent splendor,
replaced with
violent outcries of distress
Tis better to squat
than not to squat
For the WOD god
eyes us sternly
hahaha, these are so great!!! Michael C's really resonated 🙂
catching up on posting:
Wed 4:30pm: did not eat enough during the day before class so was feeling weird and dizzy while warming up. I need to plan my nutrition better; it's getting away from me.
HBBS: 45×5, 95×5, 125×2, 135x5x3
Feelin' snappy
WOD: did not push this at all due to the general dizziness and feeling out of it
Made it thru 25 WB and 10 K2E into the round of 25's.
Focused on a proper grip (with bar near knuckles instead of in the center of palm). This felt good and is getting a bit easier, but I could only hang on to the bar for 5 at a time this way. Couldn't really string/kip the K2E except for a few times.
Thursday's work today at 10AM:
Snatch Balance: 33# (a few push press + OH squat to warm up) x3, 63×3, 73×3, 83×3, 93×1 (donkey kicked the second and landed with weight too far back to hang on to the second rep). 93×3
This was fun and useful but having not done PVC droms and/or any barbell drill stuff, I actually didn't quite feel ready to just jump into it. Should've known better and done my own work — tweaked my neck a bit, which is on top of or related to a tweak lower in my back that I felt yesterday. L side.
Doing some reset work later today.
HAIKU time!
Penny the pup pup
loves coming to the gym, too.
BARK! BARK! Must train more.
We come to practice
General physical skills
Lest we forget them…
Endurance, power
Flexibility, strength, speed
Plus stamina, and
Balance, accuracy. With
agility… TEN!
How many burpees?
Did I hear 75?
No cashout for me
Sundresses won't zip
Pants are too snug on the thighs
Strength cycle in bloom.
Hahaha! Composed 100% on the walk home:
I write these daily
Principally on the subway
This gym is awesome
Big time Derp today
I loaded the barbell wrong
Trust but verify
Failed on bench tonight
I passed the New York bar exam
But can't add my weights
I can blame my math
And I do fear the bench press
But I should blame me
Petrarchan sonnets
Would be pretty hard for me
But cleans are harder.
My footwork needs work
I split my feet like a jerk
Then I felt like one
Lift with me next time
Then your weight will be correct
I'm bar math police
OG madness
Snatch, Heavy Single
297X** PAINFULLY close. Had it locked out but just a bit forward.
Clean and Jerk, Heavy Single
352PR. The jerk felt perfect on this lift…like that first line of great cocai…anyway…
HBBS, 85%x4x5
3Rds, NFT
15 dips
5 strict chins
5 strict pullups
10 ab wheel rollouts.
Great day.
Tendons tight and taut
fear not the weight over your head
I lift the barbell
that was 5-8-5.
Tendons tight and taut
Fear not the weight overhead
I lift the barbell
Guys, you are all so talented! I'm loving these. I wish every day could be Haiku Friday. I've made a couple attempts, but I've got nothing. I did work on a short story that has a weightlifting scene, so maybe that counts…
Katie Harpz and I decided to try a version of the row/DU/run chipper from the Games at OG tonight. The only change was splitting it up into three even rounds to minimize getting super bored. I finished in about 51 min, oof. One of the hardest things I've done in the gym in a long time. I also tested out one of my old 6-mile routes last night. Def. not in the conditioning shape I want to be.
Great week of fitness so far! I loved Mon and Wed's programming and am excited about this cycle.
I go to crossfit
To drink as much as I want.
Piña colada.
hmm.. my rhyme scheme was all wrong – i did 7-5-7. Serves me right for thinking up haikus while following my 1 year old around the Vancouver science museum.
OK one more try:
Sweaty lifting shoes
Breathe in their dank aroma.
Fragrance of crossfit