Fitness: 2 Behind-the-Neck Snatch Push Press + 2 Overhead Squats
Work up to a moderate load on the complex.
Performance: Snatch Balance
Work up to a moderate 3 Rep Snatch Balance.
5 Rounds Not for Time:
5 Hang Muscle Snatch
5 OH Reverse Lunges, Left
5 OH Reverse Lunges, Right
130m Run
Post loads to comments.
Eight dogs (and their owners!) were trained last Saturday at CFSBK
- Happy birthday, Sidney M.!
We Will Miss You, Miranda B.!
Miranda B.‘s last day at CFSBK was July 31, as she is moving to Boston, MA. She wrote this testimonial below about her time with our community.
For the past year, I’ve seen myself get stronger, more confident, and more excited every day about the progress I have been making. I cannot thank you enough for your support and professionalism that made me excited to make CrossFit a major part of my life.
Before I started with you, I was fifty pounds heavier and terrified of the fact that I was at acute risk of developing diabetes. While I started working on my health independently before finding SBK, CrossFit has driven so much progress in my physical health and also provided an outlet for the tough days at work, stressful relationships, and anything else that came across my path.
Finding an activity that I have grown to love has enriched my life in so many ways, and I know this is something I am going to continue for years to come. I really will miss you all from Boston, and hope to come back to visit frequently!
Stress and Cravings: Why Changing Your Food Isn’t Enough Paleof(x)
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About This Feud Between O-Lifting and CrossFit Performance Menu
6am with Jess and DO. I really enjoyed the snatch accessory work today! It was nice to have dedicated time for the snatch balances. Worked up to 83#, with the reps at 78 and 83 looking better than at 73. WOD – finished 4 rounds before having to go and used 43# on the bar.
6am with David and Jess
I agree with Linda. I like being able to spend real time focusing on the different elements of the more complex lifts. Especially since dropping down underneath is the trickiest part. Worked up to 135# on the set of three.
Partnered with Peter on the WOD and we were able to squeeze in all 5 rounds. I was at 75# which is 50% of Snatch 1RM weight. The first round was pretty wobbly on the reverse lunges and then I got the hang of it.
This is for DaveP re. the Fighter Pullup protocol.
Dave, I've done the fighter pullup programming in the past for regular pullups and currently doing it for C2B. It works better than anything else I've tried. I usually set a timer for 3 minutes between each set.
I managed to get to 20 unbroken strict pullups in about 3 weeks of following the program have since switched to C2B but have yet to test a max. My recommendation would be to do strict pullups (not C2B) until you can easily get 10 – 15 with perfect form. Then start on C2B and keep yourself honest. If you need to crane your neck or use momentum then the rep scheme is too high and you should drop down a week or so back in the programming.
Good luck "Comrade"; the Russian way builds both muscle and willpower.
7am with Jess and DO,
Worked on both the perf and fitness versions, doing a snatch push press followed by 2 OH squats, and then taking a break and going for the snatch balance. Heaviest we got to was 105, and Im ok with that. I like that we are breaking down the snatch movement to very small fragments and concentrating on those.
WOD @75, which probably was a little too heavy given I had to switch to a front squat back lunges on the 5th round.
Still sore from WallBalls and squats from yesterday.
6am. Snatch balance: 95×3, 115×3, 135×3, 145×3. Haven't done snatch balance in a while. Hit a nice pattern where the first rep was a bit stunted and the next two felt great. Probably could have done 155 but ran out of time. WOD @ 85#. Balance on the lunges started off bad and got progressively better.
Glad to see snatch accessory work. It highlights my weakness in the catch position, bent arms and soft shoulders and back. 75×3, 95×3, 105×3, 115×3, 125×1.
WOD: 75#. There were some re-bending of my knees,null and voiding the muscle snatch. Just struggled to generate the speed with my arms. The OH lunges went better than I suspected — a fun triplet. As a few us discussed while walking out, it would be fun to see how that WOD would go for time.
Loved the programming today, I haven't done snatch balance in a long time. Worked up to 95# for the performance version, which felt good and challenging. Then did 4 out of 5 rounds of the accessory work at 53#, which was pleeeenty. Those lunges were hard.
Good luck in your next chapter, Miranda!
miranda!! it was fun having you in classes and also thank you for helping me out with my handstand work/spotting me in ken's last handstand class, hehe. BEST OF LUCK!!!
Simple AM sesh with DO:
High hang snatch double
40×1,1,1 50×1,1 55 60 65 70
Clean w pause at knee > 2 jerks
60 70 80 85 90 95
Sled sprints
5x50m at 145#
Sled sprints made me want to puke after the third one. Also learned that I can load the sled up more than I thought, last time I did half that weight and it felt almost the same.
Noon class with Lady Fox and DO.
Fitness- worked up to 83#. Snatches, oh squats etc. are really difficult thing for me. I guess it's mainly for mobility reasons and also due to lack of practice. I look forward to working more on this type of thing when I return from my travels.
WOD- wow this was interesting. I had to switch the 10# plates for 5# plates because 53# felt like 153#, so started at 43#, did two rounds there and only then felt comfortable enough to add weight. I then managed 53# 58# 63#. It felt like it was my first time ever trying this and I found it really difficult to organize. Thanks David for calming my brain down and talking me through it when I started to fret about not being able to do it.
Now I have two hours to kill at the airport and I have a ton of links on my reading list from this blog, so thanks Kate R!
Also, traveling when strong is so much easier.
@DanRX, thanks for the comments (today & yesterday!). You're right and I switched to just doing strict today, c2b isn't really working great for me yet. Much easier to keep my neck in line. I'll stick with it for a while and see where it takes me… I currently seem to be on course for the land of huge traps.
A very sore 6:30 class today for me with coaches Whit & Jess. I'm liking being back in group classes regularly, and I like that there is conditioning programmed for every day this cycle. I enjoy the two-lift days as well but I usually leave them wishing for some HIIT.
My right shoulder is still messed up so I kept the snatch balance @ 115 today, which was pretty heavy anyway. Then I did 3 rounds of the accessory work with muscle cleans & front-rack reverse lunges @ 95… this weight wasn't bad, but those lunges really, uh, activate the glutes like nothing else.
Snatch Balance
15kg, 25kg, 30kg, 35kg, 40kg, 45kg
-all successful triples. they definitely started to feel better once they got heavier.
25kg for the first 3 rounds, then 30kg for the last 2.
-really happy this was not for time. My wrists did not like this at all. Also, I hate OH lunges.
125# for the 20 reps. Mistakenly went a little shy of what my 55% should have been. Ok with that since it has been at least 2 weeks since I've done a barbell squat.
-Got into the 25 round and completed all WBs plus 20 K2E. My hands hurt after this one.
Bench Press:
-worked up to 120×5
-All rounds were completed Rx'd except the 3rd when I gave up and stopped at 11 burpees. I had time to complete them but I just wussed out. Silly how that little extra jump on the burpee takes so much more out of you.
All caught up with this new cycle!
7:30 – Foah
3 days in a row I've really enjoyed the workouts (they're always great, but I like where this new cycle is starting)…
Snatch Balance – 145 – Heavy 3…
Need to work on the catch back down more than anything. Also need to do more squats warming up on OHS/Snatch days…feel like I'm hitting my depth, but it just comes easier on those 3/4 sets.
Accessory Complex – 85lb
Loved this…left with solid burn. Power Snatches felt really strong today…and I was a little over my 50% 1RM Snatch.
Cash Out – 100 hollow rocks
Noon class. It was fun to partner up with Courtney of the Icredible Deficit Handstand Push-ups and Other Amazing Feats of Strength.
Today's workout was exactly the kind of thing I'd choose to do at OG or something.
Snatch Balance – the bad news is I didn't get as heavy as I wanted (83×3 good, 88×2,F – dumped it forward), the good news is I pulled all the way down without hesitation on all. There's nothing more frustrating than when I just can't get myself to commit. Felt fearless today.
5 RNDs NFT (love NFT) – 42# first round then switched to 52# which felt better.
More of this stuff please.
Kicked the morning off with a bike ride around Brooklyn and passed out on my sofa with windows flung wide open when I got home from the gym. I feel like treated myself well today!
6:30 class
Snatch Balance went better than I feared.
Honestly I would have considered 135×3 a success so stoked with the 165.
Acc work at 95. BB work unbroken. Runs avoided.
Glad to hear the positive feedback about programming, I'm digging it as well.
7:30pm w/ Coaches Fox & Noah
Snatch balance: Performance:
90×3, 125×3, 115×3
Definitely moved up to 125 too quickly, so dropped to 115 for the last set.
75#, all unbroken, no inhaler required.
Once again, a week of rest does my body good.