Work up to a heavy 5 rep on the bench press.
Use spotters. No failing.
EMOM 15 Minutes:
1) 25 Kettlebell Swings 53/35
2) 15 Burpees to a 45# bumper
3) Rest
On the start of the first minute, perform 25 kettlebell swings, then rest until the second minute. At the start of the second minute, perform 15 burpees, then rest through the third minute. Repeat for a total of 5 cycles.
Post loads to comments.
Our fearless Subway Series competitors yesterday at CrossFit Long Island City!
News and Notes
- CONGRATS to everyone who competed this weekend, from our Subway Series badasses, to our gentlemen in the USAPL New Jersey State Powerlifting Championship, to Pavel M. who PR-ed his NYC Triathalon time from last year by 22 minutes, in large part due to Michael O.‘s Endurance Program.
- There’s a new bundle of Lost and Found belongings, including some interestingly-shaded towels and an Elizabethan dog collar. Could today be your lucky day? Click on Photo 1 and Photo 2 to find out!
- Men’s Fitness interviewed our very own Samir C. about his CrossFit experience. Check it out: CrossFit Confessions: “I reject the militaristic aspects of CrossFit.”
- Happy birthday, David G.!
Wanna Flex on the Beach?
Mike B. and Greg A. are looking to put a team together to compete at the Flex on the Beach event on Saturday, September 13th. Teams of four athletes complete three WODs on, well, the beach. Each team consists of two men and two women, and the guys need two women for their team. Rx’d and Scaled divisions available. Additional details can be found here. Email Mike if you’re interested in competing (Michael [at]
So You Like Watching Soccer… What About Playing?
Coach Noah is organizing a crew of CFSBKers to play in another late summer/fall soccer league. There will be a fun kick-around session this Saturday (8/9) at 3pm to get a sense of interest level and discuss potential leagues to join. Email Noah [at] for more details if you’re interested.
In case you missed it, THIS happened last year when CFSBK’s soccer team, the Fighting Tacos, banded together. They didn’t have a great record (think 0-8-1), but perhaps you will be the force that changes that and elevates them to something approaching Germany’s status.
QOD: What’s on your bucket list for the remaining weeks of summer?
Why Would Anyone Want to Work Out Until They Puke? The Atlantic
Stop Failing Lifts CrossFit Invictus
The CrossFit Case for Equal Pay The Huffington Post
What Do You See When You Look in the Mirror? The Atlantic
I've been saying this for years, but I really want to go to a Coney Island Cyclones game before the end of the summer.
Dunno if you've been before, but it's good fun. There isn't a bad seat in the house, you get an ocean view, and the beers and food aren't bad (even if overpriced, as might be expected.) And you mean Brooklyn Cyclones, right?
As a real treat, CFSBK'ers might want to go for one of the games on August 20th or 21st against the Staten Island Yankees. (The Cyclones is affiliated with the New York Mets).
6am with Fox and Nick
Bench Press went well. Hit 185# for the heavy 5 and felt pretty good about how the bar was moving.
The WOD was a fun one. Grip became the limiting factor for KB Swings and being tired was the limiting factor for Burpees.
@Matt Katz. – Definitely do the Cyclones games. Its a great time.
Personally I am just looking forward to a week away from the office at the end of the month.
Congrats to all of the Olympic Lifters yesterday. It really was a fun event to watch. I am still a little unclear about the rules regarding the order of lifts in a meet. It seems to be a bit like poker – "I see your kilo, and raise you a kilo, now lift!". "Well I see YOUR kilo and raise YOU a kilo – now you lift!". or something . . .
I am looking forward to taking part in the next one in October.
7am fun,
Bench @155×5, this was a good weight and wasn't a real struggle, My feet weren't engaging as I felt them slide around a bit.
I hit all 25s on the KBs with some Murican swings when I had more energy in the first 2 rounds.
I only got 1 full set of burpees on the first round next 4, were between 10-12 reps and lots of stepping back… was still fun, now I need to rest my forearms.
Great effort from all the athletes who were competing this w end.
6:30am Strength Cycle
LBBS: 110 5 x 3
Press: 47.5 5 x 3
Deadlift: 155 5 x 1
Good day on the platform, things are running smoothly.
Fun times on Sunday doing a mock meet of Olympic lifting. Looking forward to the next one in 8 weeks with more competitors and attendees.
PR'd my snatch at 85kg
C&J'd 106kg
@Jay — thanks to you and Steph for plate loading. My favorite moment was Leo's "please" on his final clean and jerk. #hilarious
drop in at CrossFit Lewes in DE.
5 rounds:
400m run
15 OHS 95#
all OHS unbroken except that I broke my arm lockout on the last rep so I had to drop, regroup and finish the last rep. Bummer.
Yesterday's drop-in:
run 400m
2 rope climbs
3 wall walks
5 TGU 35#
11 ring dips
13 tire flips
15 burpee pull-ups
17 walking lunges
19 WB sit-ups 20#
23 mtn climbers
37 squats
100m run
then reverse through the sequence.
Great but tough WOD. Finished in 30:27.
I'm still hoping to sell my meat share this month! Anyone interested?
20 pound share for $160; pick-up is this Wednesday evening
So much delicious, grass-fed, local meat… and it could all be yours!
Have mercy on my fully stocked freezer and hit me up! lvs3h(at)virginia(dot)edu
@ Lily… I shot you an email and would like to buy your meat…. tehehe.
Also, where are the lost and found items, I checked the bin yesterday and didn't see anything in there. Those black and red smelly wrist wraps are mine! woohoo I thought I lost them!
6am. Bench press: 185×5, 235×5, 255×5. Was thinking I was going to do another jump, but the set at 255 was shaky. Metcon was good for the first 4 rounds. Was finishing both the burpees and swings right at 50 sec. Barely finished the burpees on the 5th round and only got through 22 swings. Grip was the limiter.
I'm looking forward to the beach this weekend.
Ben bought my meat!
Blog to the rescue… thanks!
10am with Noah.
Bench press 45 x 5, 75 x 4, 90 x 2, 100 x 5 x 2… Ran out of time but the weight felt as it should.
WOD with 25 x 16Kg KB and 10 burpees because I did not feel like dying today. I survived my first burpees in five months!!!!!! The KB swings were really hard as I am trying to do American swings only from now on so I was really just focusing on practicing these today. The burpees were just something I had to get through in between. Thanks Noah for the tips on how to actually do these. Must remember to think snatch, not swing. I managed 25, 25, 25, 20, 20 and completed all 10 burpees each round, though they were slow and not pretty.
I am heading to Ireland and France on Thursday for two weeks to see family and friends. I have been waiting to be able to make this trip for three years. Very excited.
8am with Funk Master Fox. 92# x 5 on the bench – a 2# PR for a set of 5! Then the WOD, which I attempted to do rxed, but didn't even come close to finishing the reps in each round. KB swings were roughly 25-25-22-20-20, burpees were 13-11-9-8-10. All over the place. Left a big sweaty mess today.
I'm really sorry I missed the mock Oly lifting meet! I either missed it on the blog or it wasn't on the blog, but would love to attend the next one. So please post the date for the next one. Thanks!
10am class
Bench 195-205-205
WOD Rx'd with 24kg American Swings
All unbroken. That was hard.
hi just wondering what the programming is for this cycle?
4:30 class, worked up to 160# on the bench, which I'm pretty happy with. It was heavy but moved OK. Definitely couldn't expect more. I did an upper body exercise! Hooray! I could feel my right shoulder but it didn't hurt so much as make its surly presence known. I can deal with surly.
WOD was quite amazing. My weekend was the opposite of strength & conditioning and I definitely felt it today. 24kb, started with American swings in the 1st round then swung lower & lower until I hit Moscow. Burpees were medium sloppy @ 14-13-12-11-11 per round, and I will never forgive myself for not starting the 12th burpee in the last round with 3 seconds left. Started wanting to throw up in the 3rd round. Kept wanting to throw up after it was over.
6 am w. Fox and Nick.
Bench Press at (45 x 5, 95 x 4, 115 x 5, 120 x 5 and) 125# x 5 (PR). Form felt good throughout; just barely made it through the last two reps and am happy about the PR!
WOD with 20 kg Americans. This was tough; back-off week is definitely over! Did all the KB reps for the first 4 sets, and then only 20 in the last set because I took a small rest halfway through the set. Burpees were 10 reps in the first set and down to 6 or 7 reps in the last set. I just couldn't get these moving any faster; not sure why.
I did close-grip bench press and went light to save my shoulder: 115-125-135
WOD @24kg. Finished the swings at about the 35-40 second mark each time Burpees didn't go so well: 14-13-12-11-13.
That was hot and hard.
Hang Clean(above knee), 73%x3x3, 73%x2x2
Push Press, 87%x4x2, 89%x2x2
275×1, F
275×1, F
**Then i just went for it
286(I think this was a PR)
GHD weighted situp, 3×15
@JJ – good question!
6:30 class – one big happy sweat fest picking up where the 5:30 class left off and dripping right into 7:30.
Bench with Gina and Whit H who are bosses at this lift.
90×5, 95×5, 100×4 – fought for the 5th rep but gave up just as right glute started spasming.. Guess I should read the stop failing lifts article
Jeeez. That work out. I'm pretty sure I got all the reps in (with last burpee after the clock ran out). First 2 rounds unbroken but things deteriorated rapidly. Heart pumping, out of breath, quads and all arm muscles burning, plus some painful raspberries on each knee. That was a good one.
6:30 class. Benched 115×5 125×5 130×3… Failed on the fourth rep. Really thought I had that. Trying to keep in mind what Noah wrote in that article about coming back to the gym after some time away: you don't "own" anything.
That wod almost killed me. Kettlebell swings were fine, 16kg and American swings, but the burpees were a hot mess. 15 reps in the first round, then between 10-11 reps for the four subsequent rounds.
QOD: Man, I just want to not work any more weekends. Pathetic that this is my big aspiration, but working on a new product launch has just about killed the rest of my summer.
Oh, and I'm going to make it to Hudson Warehouse doing Shakespeare if it kills me.
Strength cycle — visited the evening class since my flight back from SF was delayed and there was just no way I was going to wake up for 6:30 AM. It's amazing how different the weights feel lifting at night vs lifting in the morning. Again…I am going to have to learn how nutrition works in the AM.
Squat 200x5x3. Need to watch my depth; apparently I was high a couple of times. Boo.
Bench 115x5x3. Worked for it, but never in danger of failing.
Deadlift 225×5. Still hook gripping.
Then chins 3×5, although the last rep of the third set involved a lot of kicking. I was going to be annoyed at myself because didn't I just do 3×7 last cycle? Then I realized I hadn't just deadlifted before doing that. Duh.
I went to the gym!! First time since April I believe. 4:30 class with Noah. Nice to see some familiar faces and meet some new folks. Bench 115-125-135. 135 last rep was a fight but winnable. WOD Rx'd. Really thought I would make it through all five rounds but the last set of burpees was CNS shutdown time. I could not move my body faster. Got to 11, spinal tap style.
Ooph. Woke up feeling crummy this morning, just not right for a few hours. Got better throughout the day so came in for 6:30p class with MeLoNoah before coaching.
Bench: 45×5, 65×5, 85×3
95×5, 105×5, 110×5
I thought 110 was a PR for 5, but I looked back just now and I finished the cycle in May with 110x5x3. Oh well. For not having benched in a couple months, it felt great.
WOD: holy shit, guys.
Did this RX'ed. First 3 rounds unbroken on both movements. Finishing swings around :45-:48 and burpees anywhere from :40-:50.
I think I was nervous and pre-emptively competitive with myself about not finishing all the reps each round so was really pushing my pace, and when I got to the fourth round I fell apart BIGTIME. Swings were unbroken but I completely redlined, got super dizzy/black-out-ish/nauseous, and had to go stand over a bench in the corner. Waited out that whole minute of burpees and the rest minute. Went back in for the 5th round, where I broke the swings up into two sets and went slower on the burpees.
I did not feel right after this for a full 45 minutes. Didn't eat enough protein at lunch today and just got really overheated, too. woof.
That being said, it was a pretty awesome challenge!