1) Rope Climbs
Perform 5-10 ascents on the rope
2) Back Squat 3 x 1
Fitness: 3 singles at your 3 Rep Max
Performance: 3 singles at 90% of your 1 Rep Max
Post notes and loads to comments.
Sun’s out, guns out for the former PM cyclers of CFSBK’s new Olympic Lifting program
News and Notes
- Happy birthday, Lyssa H.!
- In case you missed it: Coach David has a new post over on his blog Inside the Affiliate, called “5 Things I Know to be True About Running a CrossFit Gym.” Check it out, share it with your CrossFit friendz!
- Did you know that there is an American Kettlebell Alliance? Did you know that they have competitions? There’s one coming up in NYC on August 23rd! Check out the deets on the event’s Facebook page!
CFSBK’s Olympic Lifting Program
The first cycle of our Olympic Lifting Program with Coach Frankie Murray went so well that we’ve brought it back for a second round! But there is only ONE space left in the PM cycle and a few spots left in the AM cycle, so SIGN UP NOW!
What: An 8-week Olympic lifting cycle meeting twice a week with Coach Frank Murray and/or Heather Farmer in addition to TWO Open Gym or group classes per week.
When: 2 options beginning the week of 8/4/14
Price: $300 for each 4-week period, $600 total. The first bill is due at sign-up and the second bill will charge automatically to the card on-file 4 weeks later.
AM Cycle
8/5/14 – 9/25/14
Tuesdays and Thursdays from 10:30am to 12:00pm
Register Here!
PM Cycle
8/4/14 – 9/29/14
Mondays and Wednesdays from 8:30pm to 10:00pm
Register Here!
Each cycle is capped at 10 athletes. Learn more here and sign up now to secure your spot!
Coached by Frank Murray, “participants can expect to build a strong foundation focused around proper technique, mobility, and attention to individual weak points. Building this foundation will not only help lead to higher lifts, but also set the base for continued and consistent progress. Moreover, by developing proper technique, mobility, and focusing on weak points, participants will become more confident, less prone to injury, and more consistent lifters. All of this giving you the tools for a longer, healthier, stronger career with the Olympic lifts.” —Next Level Weightlifting
An Illustrated Guide to CrossFit Exercises for Beginners Funny or Die
How the Internet Puts You to Sleep New York Times
Burnout: The Enemy of Sleep The Atlantic
What CrossFit Athlete Are You? Buzzfeed
I'm late to the party… Welcome, JB!
Re: hiking. I second Laura Mc's recommendation of the AT stop on the Metro North, but that's not your only option! The NY-NJ Trail Conference (the organization that maintains many of the trails and writes the maps) has an awesome hike-finder tool on it's website: http://www.nynjtc.org/view/hike. You can search by hikes accessible by public transportation. Also, our very own Mat Katz writes an annual post for dna.info on hikes accessible without a car and it’s always great.
6:30am Strength Cycle
Second exposure of week 1, so weight is still on the lighter side (enjoy it while it last, says my inner voice).
LBBS: 107.5lbs 5 x 3
Bench Press: 65lbs 5 x 3
Cleans: 53lbs 3 x 3
WOD envy today watching everyone climb up the rope 🙁
Morning strength cycle was a lesson in humility today. I learned that a) I cannot go out drinking the night before I lift heavy and b) I cannot lift heavy on an empty stomach. When I got to the gym at 6:25 my stomach was already growling. I shrugged it off but clearly neither of these things were good.
Squat: 195×1, failed SPECTACULARLY on the second rep. As in, I let the bar drop to the floor. Fortunately no one was hurt, and I was able to do my next two sets of 5 at the same weight. It's a weight I have done before for 3×5, and one that I should have had no problem putting up. Thanks to Michelle for giving me her protein shake, which I think helped me through the rest of the lifting session. Will get my own before Monday rolls around.
Bench 110x5x3, no problem. Cleans, 100x3x3. I'm sure these weren't the most beautiful cleans ever but I wasn't all over the place either.
6am. Fun morning doing rope climbs. The new ropes are a pretty white, though a bit slick and stiff which made using the spanish wrap challenging. Speed wrap was much easier. Attempted a legless ascent but only made it 60% of the way up. BK schooled me by doing it twice.
Strained something in my low back while playing tennis this weekend. Low back to the right of my spine feels week when doing some movements like squats. And my hips are wicked stiff. Lots of foam rolling and lax ball love for the past few days. Did high bar back squats, but nothing terribly challenging: 135×5, 205×3, 235×1, 255×1.
First time climbing rope. I found the speed one a bit easier to get the hang of, but still only made it half way up a bunch of times because I havent really figured out the descent.
Squats at 135×5, 185×3, 225×1, 260×1+1+1 I would be interested in trying a HBBS but am also interested in finding out how heavy I can squat on Low bar. Fun morning.
Welcome JB!!
Looking forward to meeting JB. I've heard great things. Welcome!
I don't know exactly what it means to paint a town red, but that's what I've been doing to LA these last few days. Between that, lots of beach time and the Crossfit Games, I'm still gliding a few inches above the pavement.
Went to Paradiso Crossfit in Marina Del Rey a couple of times, which I recommend. Especially if you can get in a class with Martina, Jackie or David.
SO nice to be home though and GREAT to walk through the Garage door yesterday. Super chill noon class with McDowell, who you'd never have guessed had taught something like 40 consecutive classes in 5 days.
Perf Warm up #1 w/ 33# felt like a lot of overhead work having not done that sort of stuff in a bit.
Push Press 5-5-5-5-5
63#x3, 83#x5, 88#x5, 93#x5, 98#x5 — these all felt fine… but then 103#x4, failed on the 5th
I was lagging behind the group and I think I rushed the last set too much
Switched to static starts from 93# onward and they felt more controlled.
Farmers Carries – 32kg KBs, 50m x 5
I need to do some AR and have a laundry list of accessory stuff to work on, but no time yesterday…
Came in with Jess to do last Thursdays AMRAP. Found out Noah was about to do the same so we got ready in about 7 minutes…
7 rounds + 21 DU + 7 FSQ
All unbroken with lots of (too much) rest until a trip up on the last round of doubles. Still hate front squats, I would have rather this been cleans.
Also, apparently I'm Julie Foucher
Snatch, 70%x3x2, 75%x2x3
Front Squats, 85%x4x5
Snatch Push Press, @80%x3x5
6:30 with Noah, McD, and JB. Second class this week and it's only wednesday! On a roll.
Hbbs: 45×5 95×5 135×3 165×1 185-185-185
It's been 6 weeks since I did a back squat, so I consider any time under the bar a smashing success. Rope climbs, not so much. I think I got about a yard up on my best attempt. Next time!
@fox, I am Chris Spealler, which is clearly not so… I do love Park City, but the similarities end there. In a similar, but more scientific vein, I have not done a peer-reviewed double-blind study, but I am fairly certain there is a strong correlation between poor sleep, carousing, and bad performance in the gym. Which leads me to:
Strength Cycle II:
Squat @ 220
Bench @ 150
Chins: 4 sets of 3
While the group is super friendly and outgoing, I was a hot mess. My skwaat was about the worst it has ever been – many reps were high, and my left knee collapsed more than once. Unnerving that this is 95 pounds less than my 1RM a year ago. Room for improvement. On the bright side, I did not guillotine myself whilst benching.
Further, the vampire bloodlust hunger has kicked in already. I am continually hungry, which is a cool thing, that I forgot how much I enjoyed from the last time I was "cycling." Already looking forward to Friday.
My word of the day is "discombobulated": the major neg sensation of attempting to climb the rope. Also my first class with JB – I missed posting to the NYC-link-fest yesterday, please accept my late submission: http://www.designfaves.com/2014/07/15-animated-gifs-tackle-nyc-etiquette-hilarious-and-trueanimated-gifs-tackle-nyc-etiquette-hilarious-and-true
Also did some squats @ 275#. Haven't tested any-RMs in a while, except Oly lifts. It was quite heavy but not go-into-the-dark-place heavy.
Also also, sad that my stress headache is back. The warmups were killer and now my neck feels like a sad place between my head and shoulders. Would love to go to class tomorrow since I have off from work but will have to see how that feels in the morning… hello lacrosse ball…
was delighted to be able to get into 5:30 group class tonight!
rope climbs were FUN! truth be told, I'm pretty sure I've never made it all the way up to the top of the rope before. I happily did 5-6 ascents tonight. MUCH prefer the russian/military wrap to the spanish. I understand both, but the russian is so much simpler to organize.
HBBS: 45×5, 95×3, 135×2, 155-155-155
I actually only did 150# as my 3RM a couple wks ago, but that day was cut short by having to go teach, so I knew there was more in the tank. 155 as a single felt plenty speedy with lots of room. This lift is feeling good (after having avoided it for a while)!
Accessory work: 3 sets of 10 GHD sit-ups. This was before I remembered the programming for tmw. Hopefully I'm not too sore.
Went to a great yoga class today and learned that my left arm keeps tracking out to the left when I reach my arms up overhead. I continue to uncover motor control issues on this side. I'm hoping that mobilizing and correcting these things will get me back to full function without pain!
Fox- I am also Julie Foucher. Twinsies.