Introducing JB: CFSBK’s New Coach!
David here! Please join me in welcoming Jessie Brown, better known as “JB,” our new coach, to CFSBK’s staff. JB reached out to me a few months ago and said she was moving to New York and was interested in continuing to work at a gym, since she had been working at CrossFit East Bay since 2011. As many of you know, I’ve never hired a coach from outside CFSBK, but if someone has a great resume, expresses interest, and seems friendly, I’m always open to chatting. When I met JB, I was instantly impressed by her warmth and how well our interview went. She was genuine, engaged, and had a great personality.
After that, I gave her a few free classes at the gym and encouraged her to shop around, to ensure CFSBK would be a good fit for both sides. I observed her in class, engaging other members and embodying the qualities I value not just in coaches, but people in general. I had a great feeling about her and offered her a part-time position with CFSBK.
I’m excited to bring another strong female athlete onto our staff and look forward to getting to know JB even better in the coming months. For starters, her first interview with Kate is below…
CFSBK: Welcome, JB! Tell us a bit about yourself. Where did you grow up, and what are some interesting things we should know about you?
JB: I grew up in Oakland, CA and just moved to Brooklyn from Oakland at the beginning of July! I went to UC Berkeley for undergrad and graduate school (where I studied American Studies and Urban/Architectural History, respectively) and somehow managed to spend an inordinate amount of time at the gym—both working out and instructing—while earning both degrees. If you ever want to nerd out about American popular culture, nineteenth-century history, urban design, or the proper usage of over vs. more than, I’m your gal.
When I’m not at the gym, I like to be outdoors (hiking and camping especially—which seem slightly less accessible here than in Northern California), trying new beers (other than that I eat pretty healthy, I promise!), writing (when I have time), and reading (though, admittedly, I usually get half-way through New Yorker articles before I lose focus, decide I’ve gotten the point, and then move onto the next one.) I can sometime take myself seriously and be a bit hard on myself (especially when competing), but, other than that, I’m usually always smiling. Seriously, I’ve seen pictures of myself smiling while doing burpees.
CFSBK: What’s your athletic background?
JB: I swam competitively from the time I was eight until I was 18, but I was never great. In college, I became a bit of a gym rat, but spent most of my time doing cardio. I also briefly joined the Triathlon team, but couldn’t get used to the idea of getting kicked in the face during an open water swim, so never competed. Still, I spent a lot of time on my bike, in the pool, and running. I also dabbled in yoga and rock climbing, but gave up on almost all of these pursuits up when I started CrossFit.
CFSBK: How did you find CrossFit?
JB: Back when I was living in Oakland, I would rock climb at a gym that ran a CrossFit program in (what I think was) its garage (CrossFit East Bay). I spent months watching all of these fit people lift weights and do pull-ups while I belayed my climbing partner, but was hesitant to try CrossFit for myself. It was actually my boyfriend at the time who signed us up for an on-ramp in December 2012. I joined reluctantly, but after my first workout, I was hooked. He stopped doing CrossFit after the on-ramp. Clearly, I’m still at it.
CFSBK: What was it about CrossFit that compelled you so much?
JB: There were two things about CrossFit that really drew me to it. The first was the physical challenge of it. Certainly, I’d been super active in the years before I started CrossFit (or, really, for my entire life), but, since I’d stopped swimming, I’d struggled to find something that gave me the same high I used to feel after races or hard workouts in the pool. CrossFit provided me with that intensity.
The second thing that compelled me to stick with CrossFit was the community. I was in grad school when I started CrossFit and desperately needed to make friends who weren’t constantly plagued by the stress of their imminent dissertations. CrossFit introduced me to so many amazing people—all from different backgrounds–each of whom was dedicated to living healthfully (usually) and improving upon themselves. I felt very embraced by the community immediately upon joining my box back in California, and, by the time I left, truly felt as if I’d developed an entirely new family.
CFSBK: When did you start coaching? Were you already competing at that point?
JB: I got my L1 Certification in January of 2013 and began a coaching internship at CrossFit East Bay immediately after that. At that point, I’d competed in the Open immediately after starting CrossFit, and participated in a couple of local comps as well. I think I knew immediately upon starting CrossFit that both competing and coaching were things I eventually wanted to try!
CFSBK: Tell us about your move to Brooklyn? How’s it going so far? Need any recommendations for the best place to creep on cool architecture?
JB: So far, my move to Brooklyn has been great! Besides spending a couple of months in Providence and Washington, D.C., this is my first time living outside of the Bay Area, so it’s pretty exciting! I’m still getting settled and definitely trying to explore as much as I can, so yes, recommendations for cool architecture, museums, restaurants, bars, and other activities are all welcome!
CFSBK: Any hidden talents, weird things, or bizarre parts of your life history we should know? Since we’re going to be family now and all.
JB: Hmm. Nothing too crazy. I am left-handed, have an identical twin (she lives in Oakland and doesn’t CrossFit), and have webbed toes. I’ve also never had a growth spurt. That’s about it.
Please join us all in welcoming JB to the CFSBK family, and give her some good NYC recommendations in the comments!
Check out this hilarious (and true!) article that JB wrote for Bustle: “Is Crossfit Worth It? You Bet Your Fine Glutes It Is: 37 Things Only Crossfitters Understand.”
Also, serious props to Asta for yet another stunning photo!
5 Things I Know to be True About Running a CrossFit Gym Inside the Affiliate
Wednesday's Programming
1) Rope Climbs
Perform 5-10 ascents on the rope
2) Back Squat 3 x 1
Fitness: 3 singles at your 3 Rep Max
Performance: 3 singles at 90% of your 1 Rep Max
Post notes and loads to comments.
Welcome JB!!!
Coincidence that one of the pictures from the 37 things link is JB
CrossFit games were amazing. I had such a blast spectating. I want to go back next year already
Welcome JB!
Looking forward to working out with you in class.
Welcome JB!
Dave – could you let me know the status of my friend's application:
@David, JB actually WROTE that Bustle piece. I should have made that more clear.
Welcome, JB! The gym was rumbling on Sunday with people talking about how she crushed the deadlift WOD Rx-ed in like, 4 min. It's awesome to have yet another super strong woman on staff.
And thank you again to Asta for snapping such great photos on Saturday! I love the shot above so much.
Welcome JB!!! It was great to have you in the 1pm class last Saturday and can't wait to see you around!!!
I remember being on the platform for strength cycle a couple of weeks ago and wondering, "Who is this new chick who has all the muscle-ups?" Welcome, new chick with all the muscle-ups! (And a 215# squat, as I found out when I met her for realsies on Saturday morning. Jaw on the floor.) 🙂
An NYC recommendation I just discovered recently (well, I'd known it existed for years, but never got around to it until Saturday): Museum of Chinese in America. It's small but tremendously educational, and made me understand how lucky, as a part-Chinese person, I am that I live here now and not, say, 150 years ago (or even 50 years ago).
Also, take the Staten Island ferry — great views of the Statue of Liberty and the harbor, without having to pay gobs of money (or any money, really!) for bad food on one of those touristy cruises.
Hudson Warehouse — excellent Shakespeare productions outdoors, without having to wait in line at the crack of dawn the way you do for Shakespeare in the Park.
Naumburg Orchestral Concerts — free classical concerts all summer in Central Park.
And one more — this is, IMO, the best deal in the city if you're a classical music fan. Basically, if you manage to get a subscription you get SIX chamber music concerts for the price that ONE ticket often runs you at venues like Lincoln Center. It always sells out for that reason, so if you're into that sort of thing, get on the list now:
@Stella: I think another awesome classical music deal in the city is the free concerts at Julliard. Your last chance to watch tomorrow's superstars at a price that can't beat. A few years ago, I saw a young Chinese-American woman play some Chopin pieces on the piano, and she almost made me cry.
Thanks everyone for the warm welcomes and suggestions! It's been great meeting a bunch of you and I look forward to getting to know everyone better! 🙂
That article was EVERYTHING. It's hard to pick favorites but OK, I will — mine are "you have to stop every two hours for a full meal," and "when the coach tells you to rest on the run." I am dying.
Welcome JB!
6am with Jess and McDowell.
Rope climbs were fun. They sure do leave my hands hurting afterward.
LBBSQ 265x1x3. Will switch to high bar at the start of this next cycle.
Welcome JB! I also moved to Brooklyn from Oakland (albeit almost a decade ago) and if you are like me, you will experience withdrawals from lack of good Mexican food. I recommend the tacos at Reyes Deli & Grocery (4th Ave. and 14th St.) to get you over the hump.
last heavy tune up before the meet.
worked up to my openers.
this was a huge must-make for me as i failed it last week for a bunch of stupid reasons. felt easy this time. food is amazing.
Pause Bench
super conservative opener on the bench for me
I've pulled 365 a few times already and this was by far the most solid. back stayed good. bar got a little tipsy at the top as i started to lose my grip on one hand (because i had to pull without chalk, on dat globo gym life)
if i hit all my openers that'll already be a meet total pr.
welcome JB. saw you at OG last week and i thought to myself 'how can she be cleaning so heavy and be so small?' makes sense now.
Welcome JB! When you take the Staten Island Ferry, be sure to get a beer which are sold at the snack bar. Many of the boats offer Fosters oil cans and you can challenge yourself to finish one before you reach shore. I always finish mine. Once you get to Staten Island, I suggest you go see the Staten Island Yankees if they are playing. They are the single A club for the Bronx team. A short walk from the terminal, good bargain and great views of Jersey and Manhattan at the very cute stadium.
Samir: yes, yes, yes to Juilliard concerts! It's been a while since I made it to one, but they're great. I highly recommend the Pre-College Orchestra and Symphony — the regular Juilliard orchestral concerts sell out in seconds, but those high school kids are GOOD. Plus, if you are like me and not particularly into atonal/modernist music, they usually don't make the kids play that, just the college students. So I actually like the programs the kids play better!
Alright JB!!! CFSBK is so happy to have you : ) I met JB in one of last week's WODs….she was crushing muscle ups like a boss…and when we got to chatting after the workout we discovered we were next door neighbors!
And now that i know about the webbed toes?? Guuuurl! we are soul sisters. I DO TOO! and i've got the tattoo to prove it. (and if you must know, YES, we can swim faster….) Anyway..Welcome!
Recap of past couple of days:
-Saturday: Nancy was a blur, went with 45# for OHS because I felt extremely stiff. completely forgot my time….would love to redo this one when i'm feeling back to my old self
-Sunday: 5:05 with DL @ 175#, box jump 24 "
this was a fun workout. wish i had done RX but i wanted to take it easy on my back after a long week
-Monday: 85#x5 PP…32kg farmers walk (with breaks) neeeeed to re-establish grip strength. i like these…think i'm going to incorporate these into my cashouts much more often.
6am. Push press: 135×5, 155×5, 165×5, 175×5. Probably had another jump in the tank, but Nate, Brad and I were too busy talking about heroin this morning and I ran out of time. 5 farmers carries with the jerry cans.
Welcome JB! From one northern Californian to another, the best thing about living in New York City is getting out of it: if you like hiking and don't have a car, I highly recommend taking Metro North to the Appalachian Trail stop on the Harlem line (the train only stops there weekends and holidays). Head east for a nice little chunk of the trail, with a killer view only a few hours in.
I am officially getting my shit together, and committing to getting in to the gym 3+ times a week again. Starting yesterday, at the 6:30 class:
Push press at 45 – 75 – 85 – 95 – 105 – 115. Felt good. Got some advice from McD about timing the catch better so I can cycle them when they get heavier.
Used kettle bells for the farmers carries. Started with 20kgs, then 24s, 28s, and two rounds with the reds (32kg?). Beautiful breeze last night made these more tolerable.
Since I have basically been doing back-off week for the last two months, I did a couple rowing intervals at the end of class. 3x: sprint for 250m, cruise for 250m.
A non-CFSBK member trolling your site and leaving a friendly comment for you guys…I like to think I'm one of the "family" JB mentioned above.
We were so sad to see her go, but happy she's out spreading her wings…Our loss is your gain. Her knowledge and infectious positive attitude is overwhelming. She'll be a great addition, without a doubt. She's been such a big part of my life since joining CFEB and has supported me in my own CF endeavors.
We miss and love that girl…
She did leave something out though, which is why I felt compelled to leave a comment…You want to see a weird talent. Just play "The Real Slim Shady" the next time she's at the gym.
Keith Lovitt
Welcome, JB! Looking forward to working with you in classes soon!
I recommend eating hamburgers at the Dram Shop in Park Slope and BBQ at Hometown in Red Hook and ice cream at Ample Hills (which is now dangerously close to CSFBK), checking out MOMA PS1 on a Saturday before the summer ends to see some cool DJs before you see the exhibits, and buying records at Other Music and the new Rough Trade in Williamsburg.
Welcome JB! Looking forward to meeting you!
6 am with Jess and McDowell.
Rope climbs were fun. This is the second time I've done them and I still get giddy that I can make it to the top, especially after remembering how I couldn't make it more than a foot or two off the floor in high school gym class.
Fitness HBBS at (45 x 4, 95 x 3, 115 x 3, 135 x 3, 145 x 1) and 150# x 3 x 1. Took some time finding what my 3RM would be and 150# felt about right. I'm looking forward to seeing how this progresses during the upcoming cycle.
Welcome JB
Noon – McDowell & Jeremy
Push Press – 155…definitely was trying too much to strict press it the first two rounds, McD helped me rack it a little more on shoulders, firm up and fire…the last two round felt good…I think 155 will be a good starting point for next cycle.
Welcome JB!
Welcome JB!
Not Oakland buy Socal. I second Reyes Deli. Their Carnitas taco is one of my favorite tacos in the world. Dont love their chicken or carne asada though
Welcome JB!!!!
Welcome to JB!
Clean and Jerk, 70%x3x2, 75%x2x3
Clean DLs, 108%x4x5
Welcome JB! Amazing being partnered with you on Sunday and watching you demolish that workout. Great to read more about you and that article is brilliant. Looking forward to having yet another strong and inspiring woman on the coaching team.
5.30pm today with Jeremy.
Rope climbs- not my thing. I did what I could. I don't like heights.
Squat- (performance) 45 x 10, 95 x 5, 135 x 4, 185 x 3, 215 x 1, 230 x 1, 215 x 1
215 was going to be a warm-up but it felt really heavy and my lower back etc are really fried from Sunday but I still gave 230 a shot, which is 90% of my 1RM. It happened but it was really difficult so I dropped back down to 215 again because ow and Jeremy said so.
In related news, this was my first time choosing the performance option in anything, although I did not actually do it.
AR with Fantastic Mr. Fox on the roof afterwards sorted me out, mostly.
Long time reader, first time poster (on what is approximately my two year anniversary of my Foundations class with Coach Noah)!
5:30pm with Jeremy and Whitney
I did the Wednesday workout with Jeremy since I went yesterday also (and got great feedback from Whitney as always). I started out feeling pretty intimidated by the prospect of rope climbing since all previous experiences were in gym classes as a kid and were complete failures. It was with great excitement that I was actually able to climb the rope! Unfortunately, on my way down from my second climb, I dropped too fast at the end, and landed hard on my right leg. It was kind of frightening and definitely painful, but also a reminder of one of the many things that makes CFSBK so awesome – everybody is so genuinely nice.
Because I spent the remainder of the class icing and elevating my leg, I didn't get to squat, which was very disappointing. I also don't know if I'm going to be able to do Thursday's Endurance Running session, but I'm optimistic my injury is not anything serious and with more RICE I'll be back very soon.
Thanks to everybody in class tonight, especially Jeremy and Dr. Jake, for your concern and making sure I was ok!
Welcome to CFSBK Jessie B!