AMRAP 21 Minutes:
21 Double Unders
7 Front Squats 185/125 (from floor)
3 Muscle Ups
AMRAP 21 Minutes:
21 Calorie Row
14 Dumbbell Front Squats
7 Burpees
Post rounds and Rx to comments.
All our strong Hail to the Queen IV ladies from two Sundays ago
Schedule Changes
Many of our coaches are attending the 2014 CrossFit Games in California this week, so please make note of the following schedule changes:
Thursday 7/24 (TONIGHT): Yoga for Athletes is canceled
Saturday 7/26: Active Recovery is canceled
Sunday 7/27: Active Recovery and the Teaser class are canceled
Saturday 8/2: Active Recovery is canceled
News and Notes
- Happy birthday, Nino D.!
- Welcome back, Crystal!
- Save the Date for Fight Gone Bad 2014: This year, CFSBK’s annual fundraiser is October 18th. Anyone interested in sponsoring a prize should contact Jess at info [at] We’ll have more info soon!
- Civilian Military Combiners: In honor of the 2014 CrossFit Games, CMC is running a discount code through Sunday night, 11:59pm EST. Use the code GAMES for $85 entry fee.
- SOFTBALL LOVERS! CFSBK’s team, the Calaveras, need at least 1 woman and 1-2 guys for their game on Monday (7/28) at 6pm, at the Red Hook ball fields. Pitching softball experience a huge plus! Email Dan H. if you’re interested, dhalioua [at]
Want to Learn to Do a Standing Back Flip?
Now is your chance. Join guest gymnastics coach Ken H. THIS SATURDAY as he takes you through various progressions leading up to doing standing back flips. If you participated in the previous back flip class, feel free to take this one to improve your skills.
Buy-in: Guys: Power clean 125% of your body weight; Gals: Power clean 100% of your body weight
Time: Saturday, July 26th, 2-3:30pm
Cost: $20
The class is capped at 8 participants, so don’t think twice! Register Here!
CFSBK Classifieds Roundup
Are you keeping up with our new Classifieds forum? There are lots of great things happening over there, such as:
- Miranda B. helping to furnish almost all of the apartment now belonging to CFSBK’s new coach Jessie B. (more on JB coming soon!)
- Kim R. and Rob U. collaborating to donate Kim’s 3-D printer to PS/MS 282
- The greatness that is Si Sé Puede (a women’s cooperative cleaning service)
Head over there to post about any services you might have to offer our community, check out housing opportunities, and answer questions for fellow CFSBKers.
If you have any questions about the Classifieds, email Kate at katharine [at] Also, if you want to delete posts, hit her up for that, too.
QOD: What music have you been listening to this week?
FOUND: A curated collection of photography from the National Geographic archives
The Longevity Gap Aeon Magazine
Mean Girl: Why the world’s best female fighter loves to be hated The New Yorker
Why Can’t We Stop Talking About ‘Bikini Bodies’? The Cut
Nutrition question! I have taken fish oil on and off for years and just realized that I think it's the cause of my seemingly random bruising. I read about it online and it seems that it does cause some people to bruise. What I couldn't find any information on was whether that means I should stop taking it, or whether all the positive effects outweigh some bruising. Does anyone know? Does anyone else experience this? Thanks!
6am with Jeremy and Arturo and some exceptionally nice weather (meaning it didn't feel like the surface of the sun during the workout).
Hit 7 rounds + 2 front squats at 185# while trying to keep pace with Brad and Peter. It quickly became a front squat workout, so after round 2 I changed my tactic and sped through the muscle ups and double-unders, then rested before the front squats (instead of after the MU's).
@Ariel – I've been taking this fish oil for four years and have never had any issues with bruising:
6am with Jeremy and Ro. Fitness version using 30# dbs, finished 5 rounds + 1 cal. There was nowhere to hide in this one and I'm still feeling sore from Angie and DT. It was a long, slow bike ride home. Glad crush week is almost over : )
Dreading doing this tonight at 7:30…. why do i still have T Rex arms from Angie? Sad!!
6am w/ JeRo.
7 rounds + 60 single unders @ 155#
Rough morning for me — maybe too much time in the bar car. Peter and Michael kept me motivated and moving through the workout, 21 minutes was a long time. DU's were not there, so reverted to singles to keep on moving. Sadly, the muscle ups was the easiest segment of the WOD. This was a FSQ workout and they got tough real fast.
Huge make up post! Angie in 20:55, scaled to 50 pull ups and 50 kneeling push ups. DT in 9:34 at 73#. Was going to do 83# but got cold feet – in retrospect I should have. And the performance version of the WOD today was 9 rounds even, 83# on the bar and subbing banded ring dips for muscle ups. Kristi was in front of me with 105# on her bar and lapped me four times. She's incredible. My goal is to make it tomorrow morning, which would be my fourth crush week WOD in a row. Between tearing up my hands on Angie and just being generally sore, I am beat!
6am. 7 rounds + 1 front squat @ 185. I was worried about the front squats going into this one and was pleased to have done each round unbroken. DUs felt good today and were unbroken except for a trip up on the 2nd rep in the 7th round. MUs were also unbroken. Quicker, more explosive transition has been the key. A little bit irritated at myself for how I finished this workout though. I got through the final set of DUs ahead of Michael. Picked up the bar with maybe 10 seconds left, did a single front squat and then dropped the bar with 5 seconds on the clock. Michael busted out two front squats in those 5 seconds. Props to him for sprinting across the finish line while I collapsed in front of it.
I am now a mass of soreness. The stairs at the subway were daunting.
6am with Jeremy and Ro. I made it through 5 rounds + 15 cals using the 20# dbs. Crush week is really starting to add up for me. My body is still trying to recover from Angie and DT so today was a struggle. Can't wait to see what's in store for Saturday's WOD 🙂
Love the classifieds, thanks for thinking to create it CFSBK! One of the many things I'll miss when I move to Boston next week.
Welcome JB!
For everyone else, my kitchen table and chairs, and a full bed, are still up for grabs. Email me at mirandabogen [at] gmail if you are interested!
Looking forward to class this afternoon 🙂
Dropped in to the 7:45am class at CrossFit Lewes near Rehoboth Beach, DE.
50 burpees
10 T2B
40 burpees
15 T2B
30 burpees
20 T2B
20 burpees
25 T2B
10 burpees
30 T2B
Finished in 25:37. I can't string together T2B well so this one took a while. Hands are pretty beat up right now.
Dropping into a box that lacks much coaching really makes you appreciate the staff at CFSBK.
Make up post for the past two days:
Came in Tuesday for Angie. I had had sort of a miserable day, and decided that nothing was going to stop me from doing it rx'd. Ripped both hands by about 70 pull ups, and pushed through it anyway. It took a rough 36 minutes, but I got it done. Many, many, many thanks to everyone who urged me on and hung out to do extra squats with me. My hands and lats were a mess for DT, so I opted for 115#. Moved through that in about 11:30, but I definitely feel like I can do more weight on this one with better rest/no open wounds on my palms.
Really, though, I just wanted to answer the QOD. I have been listening to lots of dudes yelling at me over loud guitars (Godflesh, Destino Final/Invasion, In Disgust, Yautja, Iron Lung), a couple of groups of moody Australians with keyboards (Total Control, NUN), a really great indie pop/post-punk band from California (Cold Beat), Trent Reznor's preferred synth dude (Alessandro Cortini), some goofy Norwegian disco guy (Todd Terje), a lady who totally shreds (Hedvig Mollestad Trio), and the collected works of a really prolific beatmaker/DJ/record collector (Madlib). Oh, and the Poppy Family, because…Canada? And that CSNY Live 1974 thing because "The Doom Tour." Anyway, tl;dr: I like music, it sounds good.
Oly Class:
No Jerking for me so worked position stuff in the rack. I don't even know what to call it. Got under the bar in split position , locked it out, and then just stood up and down 5 times. 63×5, 83×5, 113x5x2. Footwork drills and tricep mash in between.
83, 83.
dead hang clean with 33# bar x5.
113, 113, 133
145 – 2# PR!!
150F, 150F
That 145 felt entirely awesome. Smooth pull, met the bar, bounced up without much of a fight. Was just feeling good with this today and didn't overthink it.
The attempts at 150 were good pulls and I dropped right to it, but jumped back a bit on the first one so was a bit forward/down in the rack. Tried to double-bounce it, but no go. Second one was better but just still a bit soft and didn't drive up with the elbows enough. It's definitely there soon though!
Epic acupuncture session afterward, L posterior shoulderrrrrr! Felt drunk afterward.
Thanks again to Kim for the kind donation of the 3D printer to PS/MS 282. We'll make good use of it.
BTW, I forgot to post one last video of the CrossFit total. The one features Jeremy leading the class.
5:30 pm w. Ro & Whitney.
Fitness WOD w. 30# DBs in 5 rounds flat. First 3 rds went well, then they starting falling apart a bit.
that poodle shit what the holy fuck?
I made it to 7:30 class tonight! First time back in 10 days, which might be a record for not working out since I started CrossFit. I've still got a nasty cough so I eased back in, which this workout was perfect for.
Fitness: 5 rounds + 21 cal + 9 squats, 17.5# DB. The DB were light for me but it was a perfect weight to get back into moving.
Felt grateful to be back in the gym. And guys, the sky tonight!!
Also, @Michael C.: thank you for being the only one who answered the QOD today. You win!
In response to Ariel and her fish oil question: fish oil inhibits platelet activation/function similar to aspirin 81mg for the life of the platelet (10-14 days). That's where the bruising is coming from. I guess it's up to you whether it not you want to continue taking it. It's usually taken to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease/coronary artery disease, but crossfit will accomplish that nicely as well!
Also, I've noticed a few postings about people wanting to split their meat shares. If you are looking for someone, I may be interested.
Thanks guys,
Grant (one of the new guys fresh out of foundations)
On 7/30
7 rounds + 21 DU + 7 FSQ