Fitness: Deadlift: 4 x 2
Add 5-15 pounds. It should be getting heavy, but maintain a perfect spine.
Performance: Power Clean + Push Jerk + Split Jerk at 75% x (1+1+1) x 5
Use 75% of Wednesday’s number. Buy-in is 1.25xBW clean and jerk for men, 1xBW for women.
Post loads to comments.
For Time:
50 Calorie Row
40 Thrusters 75/55
30 Kettlebell Swings 53/35
20 Burpees
10 Muscle Ups
If you can’t perform muscle ups, then sub 20 chest-to-bar or jumping pull-ups.
Post time and Rx to comments.
- CONGRATULATIONS to all our Hail to the Queen IV participants, especially Coach MeLo who won SECOND PLACE! We’ll have more pictures from the event soon, but in the meantime, check out CrossFit Queens’ event page for some fun shots of our tough women. Also, this video of Coach Jess owning 170# on the clean complex.
- Happy birthday, Chris B.!
- Active Recovery is today at 11am with Coach Whitney.
WATCH: Giant Undulating Anchovy School NPR
6 Reasons To Lose Weight That Have Nothing To Do With Fitting Into Your Skinny Jeans Huffington Post
Congratulations to all of the CFSBK HTTQ TFBAs! Great job! Killin' it' MeLo! I am going to have to listen to more NKOTB to get my numbers up.
Fun working with Issac today. DLs: 315x2x4. Really happy. Bar moved well. I want to test my 1RM soon.
WOD in 14:03. Rx-ish (jumping pull-ups). Time for soccer!
8am with Whit & Jess.
Glad to be back at the gym after being under the weather the past few days.
Power cleans and jerk complex at 70kg. All went well. I focused on pushing through on the jerk and catching in a strong position.
WOD: 13:29 Rx w/ muscle ups. My bout with illness took a little gas out the tank but happy to be moving and keeping a decent pass. I stayed true to my rep scheme (except for the kb swings). Reverted to single MU to get the work done. Pierre mentioned that I was breaking my core during my kip. That makes a lot of sense since I felt my kip was wild and uncontrollable. Recently, I have found minimizing my kip actually gives me a better pop – most likely due to a keeping my core tight.
First class in way too long! It was great. There was one downside: I misplaced my phone, or someone may have taken it by accident. If you come across a white iPhone, please let me know — my email is nick [at] crossfitsouthbrooklyn [dot] com. Thanks!
My H2Q top 3 favorite moments:
– Jess Moss bolting for the barbell to crank out one more forward lunge with 3 seconds left and her look of surprise, elation and pride when the clock ran out. She had a major victory over some goal. I didn't know what it was, but to recognize that on her face was so cool.
– Jess Fox fighting for the 185# squat and hang clean complex and hitting a million deadlifts at 200# right after that. Amazing feat of determination, skill and strength and so inspiring.
– Melo casually checking out her obstacle course for the championship round as though she were selecting a beverage and then killing it after having completed the prior 3 events that had me still in a daze.
As for me, I did pretty well overall but left feeling a little deflated. I was not up to the task physically yesterday and just too tired to have done any better. But that's part of it. So I did my best to rally and met my goals on the first two events at least.
Event 1: 135# squat clean and hang clean complex, 155# caught in rack but bailed forward, 14 deadlifts
Event 2: 4 rounds + 1 DU, never put the bbelll down
Event 3: Everything + 20-something Wall Balls. So.. DNF. Goal was to finish but I lost myself after the last set of t2b and couldn't get myself back until I woke up to find myself in Val's miracle beach chair.
You can't predict these things.
1pm class
Deadlift (5/3/1 1 week)
Pretty sure that's a 5RM and it's the most I've pulled since throwing my back out training for the meet last year. Nice to feel like I'm back in that regard. Still no belt on these.
11:38 Rx
I finished the burpees around the 9 minute mark but I had to break the muscle ups way more than I wanted into 3-3-2-2. Gasser.
Row in 53 strokes.
Thursters in 15-15-10
KB in 18-12
Burpees were a steady 20.
I am incredibly proud of Jess for throwing around 170 and 185 like a toy. yesterday. That's my girl.
That sounds like it was so much fun! Congrats to all who took part!
Strength Cycle
45 x 10
95 x 5
135 x 4
185 x 2
200 x 1
210 x 5 x 2
These felt great, actually. All that volume work must be paying off.
45 x 5
55 x 4
65 x 3
75 x 3 x 2
67.5 x 8
33 x 3
63 x 3
73 x 3
88 x 3
98 x 3
May have left my notebook lying around somewhere. Sorry!!!
Congrats all you queenly ladies! Wish I could've been there cheering instead of at the office.
Strength cycle, last heavy squat day:
Squat 205x5x2, worked for it! I'm so excited for the Total next week — coming in, a two-wheel squat was my goal, but now I feel like it's where I'm going to *open* because I know I'll hit it. Can't wait! Also, awesome to watch Ruth nail her rep-out and Charlie hit 210 for 2×5, easy.
Press 85x3x2, 67.5×10 rep out.
Clean 105x3x3, not horrible but this'll never be my strong suit.
Congrats to MeLo, Jess, and all other H2Q competitors!
8am with Jess and Whit.
DL 325x2x4. Felt solid today. Bracing my core better than ever, I think.
WOD – 15:08. Subbed 20 C2B for MU. I was surprised at how gassed I was during the thrusters. Whit pointed out that my KB swings didn't have a full arm extension at the top. Thanks for that – I didn't even know that was standard! Good to know from now on because I'm pretty sure I've had a slight break in the arms all this while. That was the first time I have tried to do consecutive C2B and I was happy that I was able to string some together (however sloppy it might have been).
DL: 275x2x4
Came to open gym to make up deadlifts @ 185#. The first round I forgot to switch grip and it was the mightiest struggle ever to get that up 2x. Got through another 2 reps with a switch grip and decided to drop down to 180 for 2 more sets of 2. Maybe psychological? Between practicing cleans on Friday OG, the snatch on Saturday and today, I've been pulling a lot of weight around this weekend.
But…I'm pretty sure 185 is the max I've ever deadlifted, including last year's strength class. I am very psyched about this cycle, and dreaming about a 200#+ deadlift and 100#+ Clean and Jerk that are oh so very close. Will my dreams come true this cycle? We shall see.