Fitness: Mid Hang Snatch + Knee Hang Snatch
Work up to something heavy on the complex.
1) 3 Position Snatch (High Hang + Knee + Deck)
Work up to a heavy single on the 3 position snatch.
2) Snatch Pull (not a high pull) at 110% x 3 x 3
Use 110% of your 1RM snatch.
Back Squat
Fitness: 3 x 5 Linear Progression
Add 5-10 pounds to last week’s weight.
Performance: 82.5% x 4 x 4, 80% x 4 x 4
Rest less than two minutes between sets.
Post loads to comments.
Diligent journalers: you have ONE WEEK to claim your book. Please temporarily transfer your new books to the big bin so we can see which ones are active and which ones are not. Thanks! —Management
News and Notes
- Good luck to all our CFSBK ladies competing in HAIL TO THE QUEEN at CrossFit Queens today! These ladies will take on three grueiling WODs to see who is the Queen Bee of CrossFit!
- There is no Yoga for Athletes at 10am today.
- Check out AR with Coach David at 11am and 12pm.
- So you need something to do after the World Cup final, right? Come to pub quiz with Stella Z. tomorrow! The trivia will have nothing to do with soccer. Smart in DUMBO, 7 PM on Sunday, 68 Jay St Bar, Brooklyn.
Last Chance to Train Your Dogs at CFSBK!
Anthony Newman, New York magazine’s pick for Best Dog Trainer of 2013 and owner of Calm Energy Dog Training, is coming to CFSBK to train your dogs! But you must sign up by today by emailing Mare at mare [at]
When: Saturday, August 2, 2014, at 2:15pm
What: a 90-minute workshop will meet at CFSBK and include obedience exercises in real-world situations, techniques for calm city walking (including a packwalk down to the local dog park), and followed by a Q&A
Where: your favorite gym
Cost: Specially-discounted cost for SBK: $55 per person/dog, which will drop to $45 if at least 10 people sign up
This event is open to CFSBK members and their friends and dogs of all sizes, provided they are basically social and non-aggressive.
Super glad to rejoin strength class again last night. The last week of post-crash recovery was desperately needed. Jeremy scaled the squats back a bit, which I definitely appreciated. It's remarkable how much energy goes into healing.
Looking forward to week 8!
Best of luck to all the ladies competing in Hail to the Queen today! Wish I could be there with you!
Skipped snatches and did weighted pull-ups and chinups.
HBBS partnered with Michael A. Good times.
8am class
Fun lifting alongside The Cage today.
3-position snatch complex: 132, 132F (near miss), 132F
First complex felt decent.
On the second I failed to control the bar overhead on the last snatch of 3, and let it fall after catching it. Not sure what went wrong, just fatigue in my shoulders maybe, and not focusing on receiving the bar.
I tried to hit that weight again for the last complex but rushed it at the end of the period, failed on the snatch from the knee. I think this could have been fixed by concentrating on dropping.
HBBS: 235 x 4 x 4, 230 x 4 x 4
This was hard. Got a good tip from Noah that I'm resisting too much as I lower myself, need to drop more into the bottom.
Cashout: 400m runs were 1:30, 1:24, 1:22, 1:20
Also hard!
nice easy recovery sesh at og last night
paused squats
power cleans
135×1 emotm for 10 minutes
kept forgetting to let go of the hook with my right hand and today my right elbow hates me for it
Can't wait to hear the Hail to the Queen reports!
10am class with Noah and McD.
Subbed benching for the snatch. 90x6x6. Dropped weight and added a set so I knew I could do each set on my own. Moved fine.
HBBS with Jude and Josh, 140x4x4, 135x4x4. Reverted to my previous 1RM for this cycle since I was so out of it the first couple weeks. Things feel back to a good place and these moved fine, almost light-ish. Fox pointed out that I do a weird little bounce forward on the balls of my feet before I descend, which I hadn't noticed. Fixing that made a huge difference in keeping me stable. Also, it's crazy to me how much mentally easier the sets of 4 reps are compared to 6. I look forward to these instead of feeling nauseous about them.
AR afterwards. Alona (sp?) should add calf-mashing to her list of skills.
Worked up to 85 on the performance complex. Great tips from David. HBBS: 170x4x4 then 165x4x4. All good.
Power Snatch+Snatch, @77%x4
HBBS, 80%x5x2, 85%x4x3
Clean Pulls@100%x4x5
Weighted GHD Situps 3×10
Dips- 4×15
H2TQ today!
Clean Ladder: clean + hang clean (full squat)
95, 115, 135 (F on hang clean), + 15 DL @ 135
7min amrap: 24 DU, 12 front rack fwd lunges 80#, 6 hspu
3 rds + 24 du + 3 lunges
-hspu's weren't dialed in. hands too close to wall, legs too wide on kip. had several no reps that i just couldn't lock out
-lunges were soul crushing
for time (7 min cap): 30 WB (20#, 9'), 10 t2b, 10 Box Jump (24"), 9 t2b, 9 bj, 8, 8, 7, 7 + 30 WB…
Got thru everything through 14 WB on second set.
-got some no reps on t2b; judge said my feet weren't breaking the plane of my hip. It's the first time I've gotten called on that and not something I thought was a problem for me, so interested to get back in the gym, get some eyes on, and see what's up.
-box jumps felt great
overall, I felt gassed in the 2nd two WOD's bigtime. with oly class in the last 6-7 weeks and lifting on other days, i have been missing some conditioning and intensity on that front. definitely caught up with me quickly, and I found myself resting much more than I wanted to.
the fwd walking lunges were the hardest part of this whole day, and it really showed me my weakness from side to side. will definitely making some changes/additions in my warm-ups to improve on that.
Great day with a STELLAR CREW of ladies as well as all the folks who came all the way up there to support us. Everyone performed so well today and I think we all contributed to a very positive experience 🙂