Fitness: Hang Clean + Jerk
Focus on having your weight over your mid foot at the mid hang position.
Performance: Hang (knee) Clean and Jerk (1+1) 1-1-1, then High Hang Clean and Jerk
Work up to a heavy single on today’s complex of a clean from the hang plus a jerk. Then back off to 80% for three singles from the high hang.
Front Squat
Fitness: 3 x 5 Linear Progression
Add 5-10 pounds to last week’s weight.
Performance: 82.5% x 4 x 4, then 80% x 4 x 4
Rest less than two minutes between sets.
Post loads to comments.
Wanna learn to paddleboard? We thought so! Learn more below!
- Happy birthday, Luanna S., Front Desk frontman Mirko B., and Endurance Wonder Coach Michael O.!
- Come get your fish, veggies, eggs, and flowers! The CSA deliveries are today from 6-8:30pm sharp.
Get on the Water This Summer with CFSBK
What: Stand-up paddleboard lesson and tour
Where: on the Hudson River, launching from Croton Point Park in Westchester County
When: 2-4pm, Saturday, Aug 16
$99 per person, cost drops to $89 per person with 6+ participants
Sign-up: email Mare at by Saturday, July 26
This two-hour lesson and guided tour is geared toward first-timers and beginners. Instructors will talk about on-the-water safety, decision-making, essential safety gear, selecting the appropriate size and type of board, paddle selection, and basic accessories. The skills covered during this lesson include standing up on a board for the first time, lifting and carrying a paddleboard, launching and landing, paddleboard stance, the forward stroke, basic turning strokes, and stopping. No experience is necessary for this lesson but the conditions of the day (wind, waves, etc.), will determine the difficulty level.
For more information, check out our event page!
Become a Dog Whisperer: Training Your Dogs at CFSBK
Cesar Millan hasn’t got anything on Anthony Newman of Calm Energy Dog Training. Newman was New York magazine’s pick for Best Dog Trainer of 2013, and he’s visiting CFSBK to train your beloved pooch!
When: Saturday, August 2, 2014, at 2:15pm
What: a 90-minute workshop will meet at CFSBK and include obedience exercises in real-world situations, techniques for calm city walking (including a packwalk down to the local dog park), and followed by a Q&A
Where: your favorite gym
Cost: Specially-discounted cost for SBK: $55 per person/dog, which will drop to $45 if at least 10 people sign up
This event is open to CFSBK members and their friends and dogs of all sizes, provided they are basically social and non-aggressive. The deadline to sign up is Saturday, July 12! Email Mare at mare [at] to sign up, and include any specific topics you would like to see covered.
27 Places Straight Out Of Nightmares eBaum’s World
The Death-Defying Origins of Bungee Jumping The Atlantic
7 Myths About The Brain You Thought Were True ASAPScience
“Sonder” Unused Words
Fish, veg, egg and flower CSA deliveries today! 6-8:30 sharp. Email me with questions/issues: mignyc at gmail dot com.
Strength cycle LADDER OF DOOM
215×2 (previous 1RM!)
DB press, 25×12, 30×10, 30×8
Kroc rows 40×29 (right), 30 (left). DAMMIT I wish I'd gone for the 30th rep on the right!
Ate all the plantains and all the ice cream with Serene and Charlie afterward. Life is good.
Billion dollar idea inspired by 6AM class: We've heard of hot yoga – time to patent Hot Crossfit
6am with McDowell and Ro
Clean and Jerk: Hit 177# from the knee twice before dropping to 133# for the high hangs. Felt crisp the whole way today. The only mishap was when I crushed my adam's apple with the bar on the first rep from the high hang. It's still sore.
Front Squats: Perf version. 185# 4×4 followed by 180# 4×4. This was a lot of volume. Good note from Ro at the end to widen my grip a little. Looking forward to putting that into effect next week.
Skipped the cash out due to an early meeting this morning.
6:30am Strength Cycle
Joined the boys club today that Adele was on vacation.
45 x 5, 80 x 5, 105 x 5, 120 x 3, 127.5 5 x 3
Fear factor under control, I managed to focus on my form and technique. That being said, I was a bit shallow in some squats, oddly enough on the first one or two of each set. Need to work on that.
Bench Press
45 x 5, 55 x 5, 65 x 2, 70 5 x 2 + 4
Weight ok to heavy. Got loose on my last rep of the second set and let the bar rest on my chest. It wasn't pretty.
55 3 x 3
Getting better, probably because I've kept the same weight for the last three weeks 😛
Stella, ice cream and strength cycle seem to go hand in hand…
Today in awesome interwebs: The TSA has an Instagram Account. Its terrifying and awesome. I also don't see the Saucisson that they yanked from me. Disappointed.
85kg x 1 x 3 from the knee
70kg x 1 x 3 from the high hang
All felt good – ready to work my way back up to where I was pre-injury
Front Squat 185x5x3 – Came a little forward at the end of the last set but good overall
re: TSA on IG
love the blades hidden in a scooby doo greeting card!!! wat
10am with Coach Jeremy
Clean & Jerk: Fitness:
New post injury PR!
Front squats: Fitness:
#185, 185, 185
Legs felt fatigued from last nights 200m sprinting, so I dropped weight from last week.
10am class
Hang Clean and Jerk
Still hate em. Glad to be done with volume.
Strength Cycle last night.
45 x 10
90 x 10
140 x 8
170 x 6
190 x 4
215 x 2
220 x 2
190 x 4
180 x 6
160 x 8
145 x 10
Whew! It was hot and sticky and the last sets were the worst once again. So happy we have that fan though!
DB press
15 x 12
20 x 12
25 x 12
Kroc rows 40 x 30 each arm. Yow.
I was trembling for quite a while afterwards.
Plantains and ice-cream certainly helped but the soreness is creeping up on me as the day goes on. Heading to work at the bar now and must remember/ try my best not to put gin in my seltzer so I am fresh for deadlifts tomorrow.
Practiced cleans at 155.
Hopped in fresh off the street to front squat with the 10am class.
45×5, 95×4, 125×2
this is 5# up from last week. I was nervous about it, but it was actually all pretty speedy. dropped my chest at the bottom a couple times, just got soft with it, but managed to recover. all in all, these feel great, albeit always uncomfortable.
Thanks to Jeremy and my bar partner dudes for letting me literally jump in.
Otherwise, taking today as a recovery day… went to yoga after squatting and have an acupuncture appointment later on.
marathon session at reebok sports club columbus
then i took the belt off and did
225x10x2 (this was worse than doing 270x5x3)
150×4, 135x5x2, repout @125 (20)
supposed to have been 150x5x3 but i guess i didnt have it in me. i did 150×5 paused a couple weeks ago. go figure.
deficit deadlift
2 inch deficit @ 275, 1 emotm for 10 minutes. surprisingly fun.
sled push
sled +225# x60 meters x5 rounds with 2 minute rests in between rounds. not surprisingly not fun. i was able to do the first 3 rounds at a sprint but the next 2 were on some "pushing my family through the desert for 40 years while eating nothing but matzo" shit.
5 Rounds NFT of:
Row 15 Calories
10 Push-Ups with 1-2-1-2 Tempo
Front Squat
155x3x3 w/ two count pause at bottom
I hate Front Squats
GHD Hip Extensions
Then I did some pressing with a 5lb dumbbell and banded distraction followed by 3×12 at the 15lb bar.
Finished with some curlz 33x12x3
So far so good, being really conservative but everything feels good
First day back after 3 weeks off….felt so good to be back!
Stayed conservative today with my weights.
Clean & Jerk – got up to 63# but didn't do the jerk with every rep. Tried to keep the overhead to a minimum today.
Front Squat – got to 90# 3×5…which I was happy about because I was at 95# 3 weeks ago.
Love that Big Ass Fan!!!
Clean+High Hang Clean+Jerk, @75%x2, 80%x2
Snatch DLs
308 4×4
7pm SC
235x3x3 2 sec pause
Alone on the platform once again. Think I finished this one at least 15 min faster than usual. Arms are feeling better and that is helping my press. Much better than last Wednesday, 3×3 could have been 5×3. Deadlift also better than a week ago, did the same weight but far better performance.
@Pablo, I'll be back to keep you company and slow you down soon enough.
7:30 pm w. MeLo and McDowell.
Midhang C & J (Fitness) @ (75 x 3, 85 x 2, 95 x 2, 100 x 2 and) 105# x 2 (PR). Feeling good on the jerk. The clean could be more…well…"clean." I'm not sure which muscles to engage and am feeling like I'm pulling the bar up with my arms too much and am not popping my hips enough.
FSQ Fitness @ (95 x 3, 115 x 3 and) 125# x 5 x 3 (PR).
Longest cashout ever w. 20# DB for the first 3 rounds and 30# DB for the 4th round. Thanks DO for making me use the heavier weight…although at that moment I don't think "thanks" is the word that came to mind!