Fitness: Mid Hang Snatch + Knee Hang Snatch
Work up to something heavy on the complex.
1) High Hang Snatch 1-1-1
2) Knee Hang Snatch 100% x 2 x 2
Work up to a heavy single from the high hang, then perform two doubles from the knee.
Back Squat
Fitness: 3 x 5 Linear Progression
Add 5-10 pounds to last week’s weight.
Performance: 77.5% x 6 x 5
Rest less than two minutes between sets.
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Kevin R. never ceases in his search for that perfect location for an impromptu L-sit. Here he is on top of a stone wall that surrounds the 13th-century San Michele de Murato church in the hills of the Nebbiolo region of Northern Corsica.
- Happy birthday, Dave F.! It’s tough to choose, but we think this is our favorite photo of you.
Bend, Stretch, and Mobilize
- Yoga for Athletes with Coach Whitney is at 10am.
- Active Recovery is at 11am and 12pm with Coach David.
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Snatch work
65kg from the HH then Knee
Snatch practice. 85# from high hang and double at 80# from the knee.
HBBS: 160x6x5. Generally all good all around.
Yesterday quick session:
Warm up x3
24+ DUs (rope too long, piking at hips)
10 kipping pull-ups (4 reg on last round bc tearing – haven't done these in a long time)
16 forward lunges 45# plate OH
Dead lift – 155x3x3 (next time up 10#)
Ring dips – 2 every min, 10 min (next time 3)
11am class today:
High hang – a bunch of singles at 53, 63, 68, then 73-73-78
Knee hang – 78x2x2 and 1 more at 78
I felt confident in all positions on these today catching in full squat
McDowell noted that I start to move onto my toes during 2nd pull causing a forward landing
142 (77.5%) x6x5
This was not as bad as I thought it would be
Speed and tension in the bounce felt good
Mini Cash-out – 15 each of single-arm kb swing (20kg), burpees
AR – Lots of time on traps and shoulders, super-couch and cool new hip distraction
Very happy with today's effort even though I weaseled out of the full cash-out
Fun little lifting sesh after group classes today with McD.
45×5, 95×3, 125×2, 135x5x3
This is +5# from last week. Staying conservative and building up this lift (as I have been LBBS for so long). Everything feels put together: brace, bounce, upright.
Superset with pendlay rows (5 reps). Two sets at 83#. One sets at 103#. Put a lift under my right foot after the first set and the difference was crazy — so much more put together.
FSQ: going for a heavy triple
95×3, 125×2, 140×3 (Fail on 3rd rep)
-didn't make time to fsq this week, so added in this heavy triple today. I did 125x5x3 last week, so figured I'd have 3 reps at 140, but just dropped my chest and elbows on the third one and dumped it forward about halfway back up.
Cash Out: 200 double unders for time, as few sets as possible.
Time: 3:15
Went something like… 82 – 105 – 115 – 135 – 170 – 200
82 reps is a new DU PR for me!