Perform each segment for time and rest until the next 10 minute segment begins.
At 0:00
800m-ish (1 lap starting towards 4th, plus 4th and back)
At 10:00
40 DB Squat Clean Thrusters
At 20:00
3 Rounds:
15 Kettlebell Swings
15 Push Ups
Perform each segment for time and rest until the next 10 minute segment begins.
At 0:00
800m-ish (1 lap starting towards 4th, plus 4th and back)
At 10:00
3 Rounds:
10 Dumbbell Thrusters
10 Handstand Push Ups
At 20:00
3 Rounds:
15 Kettlebell Swings 72/53
5 Muscle Ups
Post times and loads to comments.
Kevin M. with an excellent split jerk recieving position. Note his vertical torso, active shoulders and the overall balance in the system.
Scheduling Changes for Tomorrow
The gym will be open for Open Gym from 8am until 12pm. There are no other classes scheduled for that day and we will have a floater WOD on tap for anyone interested. Classes are on as normal for Saturday
Sign Up for the Subway Series! Friday is Your Last Chance!
Another year has gone by, and it’s time once again for an NYC affiliate throwdown: the 2014 Subway Series! CFSBK will have one 4-person competition team, and any number of additional 3-person open teams. For more details on the event, check out our post last week. If you are interested in participating in the Subway Series either as a member of the Competition Team or an Open Team, please fill out all fields in the following form by TOMORROW. Coaches will review the list of interested athletes and their availability and assign everyone to a team. Your team will then receive an email notifying you to register for the event.
2014 Subway Series Registration Form
Jump on it, CFSBK. You’ll be sad if you miss this chance! If you have any questions, hit up Melissa [at]
Travel Gym Recommendations
Along with CFSBK Classifieds, we’ve also added a tab to fix the often weekly request for recommendations re: other gyms while people are traveling. The tab is Travel Gym Recommendations, and it’s also in the left-hand column under Member Resources. This will be a great place to keep everyone’s notes about their experiences at other affiliates, both good and bad. Post away!
June 2014 Articles in Review
June was a busy month full of fresh articles from our coaches and repurposed articles from Inside the Affiliate. In case you missed any of them, we’ve included this list for your Thursday reading pleasure (starting with the latest):
Bodyweight Workouts for Traveling David Osorio
The Organic Affiliate Growth Model Inside the Affiliate
How to Be a Good Bar Partner Chris Fox
Global Flexion and Extension David Osorio
Active Recovery at CFSBK Inside the Affiliate
Notes from Jason Fidler, D.C.: Moving Smart and Increasing Performance
The Underlying Philosophy Behind Programming at CFSBK Chris Fox
Why We Love to Blog at CFSBK Inside the Affiliate
I Don’t Want to Look Like Her Average2Athlete
Tim Howard Just Taught Me to Love Soccer The Atlantic
Yesterday 7pm SC
Pause Squats
150, 4, 3
Painful day at the gym. Squats felt ok. Tried to get the bar a bit further up to alleviate the pressure in my forearms. Do not know if it helped. Press was a battle and I lost. Felt like I had a fever in my body and the bones in my arms where breaking. Not a pleasant feeling. Managed to do 4 reps in my first set. Jeremy took it down to 3 reps in the second and let me off on the third. Deadlift, well feels heavy and it should not. I'm aiming higher on this one. Last rep would according to Jeremy be a fail in a competition. Now a good 4 days of rest.
If you haven't checked them out, please dig into our new classifieds section and post anything you might have to offer or want. Lots of categories like CSA swaps, housing and free stuff.
I also added a section called Travel Gym Recommendations so you can post about your experiences at other affiliates, both good and bad. This way other folks can just check it to see if there was a good rec or not.
I just added one myself, I'm very excited to read more! People, take a break from work and fill out some reviews, especially our globe trotting members!
6am. Perf version. WOD 1: 2:57. WOD 2 (40# DB): DNF (2 rounds + 11). WOD 3 (2 pood KB): 7:59. I liked this format of short WODs with built in rest between. Need to relearn kipping HSPU as I get destroyed in workouts when my strict HSPU go away. Doing HSPU after the DB thrusters was brutal. MU felt good today for the first two rounds: broke them up 3-2, 3-2 and 2-1-1-1. Had significant grip issues on the last round from forearm fatigue and copious sweat.
A fun WOD this am. Glad I made it in.
LOVE LOVE LOVE the travel gym recommendations link.
Can we also post about gyms we would NOT recommend (as long as we give the reasons why) or would recommend with reservations? Or is this just for positive box talk? (that's what she said)
6 am w. David and Jess.
Fitness WOD(s):
-800 m run in 3:18;
-19 man makers by 7 min cap w. 20 # DBs;
-KB swings (24 kg, American) and push ups in 5:50
Heyy is there a sub for the manmakers? My carpel tunnel makes it so I could probably only do one or two. The dumbbell pressure is epic painful on my stupid hands.
Also I'm about to give up on the all call for my missing grey hoodie. It was the zip one from 3 years ago with the SBK logo on the sleeve by the wrist.. size small. Just tossed into the lost and found bin would be amaze. Please please?
And because a bunch of us play phone games has anyone tried Smarty Pins? Google Maps-based geography quiz…you drop pins on the map to answer questions. You start with a total of 1000 miles and the game subtracts the number of miles you're off by for each answer. Its fun.
hi gym blog, it's been awhile!
i had somewhat recently been wishing there were a classifieds type craigslist just for our gym and now there is it.
where is the missed connections topic though?
6:30p last night
cleans (no jerks): 78# holding off on the split jerk right now while i ramp my knee back into all this excitement.
box squat LBBS: 100#x3x5 this felt good, working on keeping even distribution btwn my expensive knee & the one that came free with my body.
tabatas: row / 795m // sit-ups / low 11, high 12, consistency: achieved!
the welfare texas method for powerlifting cycle continued last night with volume day at crunch park slope
im so done with volume squats already. doing something that feels so terrible can only make you stronger. or at least thats what we were taught in communist youth camp.
failed the very last rep. just had no gas left. my first fail this cycle and it comes in week 8 of 12, ill take it.
deficit deadlift
while squatting one of the trainers came up to me and changed my entire outlook on squats with these incredibly insightful pro tips:
1. when you squat your knees should go IN and your stance should ALWAYS be super narrow
2. your grip on the bar should be as wide as possible
3. the bar should be placed directly on top of the scapular spine
4. your torso should stay completely vertical to facilitate "abdominal tightness"
5. your arms should never be rotated up and your wrists and elbows should bare the brunt of the weight of the bar
after i systemically proved every single thing he said was wrong his highly intelligent response to me was, "oh you know what you doin, i aint mad atchoo doh"
his name is mark if anyone is interested in having a REAL trainer (just look for the guy who looks like forest whitaker but if forest whitaker got fucked up by a lawnmower and then proceeded to eat that lawnmower)
Noon session, bum legs edition. Still can't squat.
Power Clean + Jerk
550m Sled Drag @+100 lbs
Intended to do a mile but the 100# was too aggressive.
5 Rounds
3 Strict HSPU
2 Muscle Up
I would like to acknowledge the irony of David saying the blog is better than ever yesterday and then me setting today's post to publish at 12pm instead of 12am. Apologies to all who refresh their computers at midnight, eager for the WOD reveal. And thanks for all the love! I kind of have one of the coolest jobs ever.
Working from home today (which will be the new story of my life come August 1!) so I snuck into the noon class. Loved this WOD. I don't remember my digits, below 5-6 min on each. 20kg KB and 20# DBs on the fitness side. Loved the handstand work in the warm-up, and also just loved sweating bullets.
@Uzef, that post might take the cake for colorful language. WTF were you doing at Crunch anyway?
@Gina, your hilarious voice has been missed on here! Welcome back!
Little gives me more guilty pleasure than proving half baked trainers that they don't know what they're talking about.
Good bad and ugly
Maybe I should change the title
CrossFit Affiliate Travel Guide?
Travel Affiliate Experiences?
I found today's pause and visualize Oly class beneficial.
Jerk – stayed with doubles at 93. still have to work on bringing front foot forward without leaning forward.
Cleans – pause at the knee imagining myself midfoot and keeping the knee angle in 2nd pull. this sunk in today. so i kept moving up and continued to work on this after class. omitted some pauses at 113#. 123# x1x3. This is 12# lighter than my best, but we decided today wasn't a testing day and I should make up squats instead. My best clean is only a few lbs away from my best FSQ.
FSQ – 110# (77.5%) x 6 x 5. Form felt decent but had to work for it. I drank 2 glasses of water between my 3rd and 5th sets and felt much better.
Mobility – Spent a lot of time on my left shoulder/trap/neck. It's pretty far gone and there's a thick rope in there. Also spinal erectors and hamstrings. I've been remiss in my usual mobility stuff, haven't been attending AR and been traveling. I'm feeling mild warnings everywhere.
Then I fell asleep on the wrestling mat. Went to visit my friend and fell asleep on her couch. I think it's the heat (..or the super chill yoga-lifting session?) Somehow hydration is always the last thing to occur to me when I'm feeling low energy. Making a big pitcher of lemon water
Crazy hard "Weightlifting Yoga" class today:
Jerk Static Holds
Rack Jerk (correct and hold)
40×3 50×3 60×3,3,3,3,3
Clean Static Holds, 2-positions w/ Barbell
2 Hang Cleans, 1 from the Floor
40 50 60 70×1,1,1,1,1
Snatch Static Holds, 2-positions w/ Barbell
I drank 2 scoops of C4 before jumping on my Moto at the hospital. Showed up ready to throw down after a rest day…
3 Position Snatch(Floor, Knee, Mid thigh) @70%x2, 75%x3
Snatch pulls@93% 5×5
Snatch Push press@ 75% 5×5