Fitness: Halting Clean Deadlift + Clean + Jerk
Focus on having your weight over your mid foot at the mid hang position. If you have a hard time organizing the pull off the floor, perform the clean from the mid hang, after the clean halting deadlift.
Performance: Hang (knee) Clean and Jerk (1+1) 1-1-1, then 80% x 1 x 3
Work up to a heavy single on today’s complex of a clean from the hang plus a jerk. Then back off to 80% for three singles.
Front Squat
Fitness: 3 x 5 Linear Progression
Add 5-10 pounds to last week’s weight.
Performance: 77.5% x 6 x 5
Rest less than two minutes between sets.
Post loads to comments.
News and Notes
- Classes are canceled this Friday, July 4th, but we are having Open Gym from 8am to noon.
- Meat, Veggie, and Egg CSA members: Don’t forget to pick up your goods tonight between 6-8:30pm!
- CFSBKer Nick P. wrote an e-book with a cool title: Cool Code, Bro: Brogrammers, Geek Anxiety and the New Tech Elite. It’s free on Amazon through the end of the day. Check it out!
- Happy birthday, Amy A.!
CFSBK’s Managing Editor: Kate Reece
Last August, I put a call out on the blog looking for someone to help me edit and stay on track of my new project, Inside the Affiliate. Kate Reece was one of the many people who contacted me about the job and was a shoe-in for the position. Kate is a professional writer, editor, and writing coach as well as a project manager who has proven herself invaluable for both Inside the Affiliate and more recently, this blog. Shortly before my recent trip to Europe, Kate (K.R.Editz) took the helm of the gym blog, providing a more consistent style guide and better follow-up on gym events, as well as helping produce and manage more content, like the many recent articles you’ve seen from both the coaching staff and her.
The CFSBK blog has been a labor of love for me since starting it in 2007 and I’m still involved with the content on a daily basis, however I am very excited to turn the bulk of its management over to KR. Kate and I have been working together to make the transition as seamless as possible and I’m happy to say that I believe the blog is now better than ever (as much as we’ll miss my bizarre typos and artistic use of punctuation, of course).
Suggested links, travel/interesting photos, testimonials, and anything you guys think is blog-worthy should be sent to Katharine [at] moving forward.
Note from Kate
I love working on this blog and Inside the Affiliate because I love figuring out creative ways to tell peoples’ stories. I already work with a number of CFSBKers but starting in August, I will be working full-time as a freelance writer, editor, and writing coach. I would love to collaborate on any projects that involve telling compelling stories, asking lots of questions, or helping you become a better writer. My favorite area of my work is interviewing people and taking oral histories. Check out my snazzy new website if you want to poke around and see more of my work. And please hit me up with any questions or ideas re: the CFSBK blog!
How to Keep Your Muscles Strong as You Age The Wallstreet Journal
The Dark Knight of the Soul The Atlantic
Lowering the Bar Safely in the Snatch, Clean and Jerk Catalyst Athletics
Is Obesity O.K.? New York Times
6:30 am Strength Cycle A
45 x 5, 70 x 5, 95 x 3, 110 x 1, 122.5 5 x 3
Scared of the weight, again (it's a recurring theme), but the first two sets actually felt light. Not sure what happened on the last set, I started shallow and then it just felt heavy and slow. Oh well.
Brench Press:
45 x 5, 65 x 3, 72.5 5 x 3
65 left heavy and for a moment I though I wasn't going to be able to do my work weight. But I did. I have to trust my fitness level more, and Jeremy. To my inner voice I say: f*** off you don't know what you're talking about.
53 3 x 3
Meh. I could totally replace these with anything else. I have no grand illusions of dominating this move, ever…
I just posted an item in the employment classifieds looking for babysitters to help me herd my kids. It is truly the opportunity of a lifetime. Check. It. Out.
Kate Brash
SC W6 D2
WU: 45×5, 135×5, 185×3, 225×1
WW: 240x5x3, Failed the last rep of the last round, went down and on my way I knew that weight was not coming back up, its not pleasant going down for a squat with a failing mentality.
I was still sore this morning in my upper glutes /lower back, left upper arm and a really shitty night's sleep, So I'm happy with what I achieved this morning.
WU: 45×5, 95×3, 135×2
WW: 150x5x3 Nothing to report here.
WU: 95×3, 125×3
WW: 140x3x3, I didnt catch any of these in a low squat, as I was still very tired from the earlier work. But made sure I was having a slow first pull and a faster second pull.
2 full hours to finish today's session, yiykes.
6am with McDowell and Arturo
I'm still feeling like a beginner on the C&J – ventured into uncharted territory and hit two at 83 and two at 88. Strength, so far, has not been the limiter, but rather mobility and technique. So coming to these last few C&J cycles is definitely helping. As evidenced by my PR of 10lbs.
Front Squat – also moving into uncharted territory. My last cycle ended at 135 and just mid-cycle I"m at 140. So looking for a few more (smallish) jumps.
Tabata – this was fine, but sweaty. I think I hit 11 situps on each round and my row stayed consistent in the /500m splits, somewhere around 1:52 – 1:54 range. Not my fastest sprint, but by that time I was just going easy.
Richard G.
Oh – and PS: to Noah and Jay – thanks for the posts yesterday about the curls. Appreciate the feedback and the hilarious video!
So today was unexpected.
C&J: 83, 93, 103, 108. 2 failed cleans at 113.
I've hit 112×3 before – I've been staying at 103 the past couple of weeks just due to the humidity sucking the life out of me. I may have been slightly forward on those 2 fails – but mostly it felt like my legs just refused to get up. This is disappointing – I really wanted to get to a body weight (118-ish?) c&j by the end of the cycle – right now not lookin so good.
Then front squats went downhill. I did 115 LP for the last 2 weeks. 120×1 – too heavy. 115×5 – felt ROUGH. 110 – failed on the fourth rep. then 95×5 just to do something. wtf is happening.
maybe i'm beat up from sunday and monday, maybe i'm hitting a wall, or both. it's funny how i get emotionally attached – i've been back and forth all morning with feeling bummed, to telling myself it's okay to have a bad day, it's going to be FINE, i will hit body weight eventually just not as soon as I had thought.
6am. Hang clean & jerk: 60, 80, 90, 100, 105, 110F, 85x(1+1)x3. Cleans felt heavy today. Happy to hit 110 which is only 3# off my hang clean PR. Had no pop on my jerk drive today. Bar just felt glued to my shoulders. Arturo correct an overly narrow stance on the rep at 100 and the rep at 105 felt better. The rep at 110 had a moderate press out. Fox says that's a fail. Front squats: 215x6x5. Sweaty! Cash-out: longest row was 107m, shortest was 98. Maintained 11 sit-ups per round.
I am loving the new classifieds BTW. If anyone's in the market for a new website, let's talk. Check out my info under "Services."
High Noon Hot Box w/ Coaches McDowell & Arturo
Clean & Jerk: Fitness:
Still not feeling confident with my wrist enough to go anywhere near my PR. I figure utilizing this time to really work on technique is the best route for me. In fact, Coach McDowell did some fine-tuning on my pre-jerk front rack elbow positioning.
Front squat: Fitness:
Cashed out. I swear I saw a dead camel on the side of the road on the way home…
Strength Cycle Week 6 (how did that happen?!) Day 1
45 x 10
95 x 5
135 x 3
160 x 10 x 3
These felt solid. I actually love high volume/ lower weight combination.
Bench Press
45 x 5
65 x 4
85 x 3
95 x 1
105 x 4, F
105 x 4, F
105 x 5!!!!
90 x 12 close grip.
I failed my last reps on the first two sets because I kept giggling and did not really think I could do it. I keep getting stuck at this weight!! Very frustrating!!
19 total
3 x 5, 1 x 4…maybe coming back again? Had not done these in a while.
Love the Classifieds idea.
Kate, you are a rock star.
Michelle- I feel the same about cleans….maybe some day though…
6:30 am Strength Cycle
110# x 5 x 3
These felt pretty good — still tipping forward a little when I start to fatique, but overall very happy with progression.
Brench Press:
80 x 5 x 3
Have had shoulder pain for a few weeks and was feeling tentative with these today. Didn't hurt though. Had MRI this morning (fingers crossed that it's nothing serious and I can keep doing what I'm doing).
65 x 3 x 3
Again, a little tentative about my shoulder, but these felt good.
F yeah, Kate Reece.
Yay Kate! Congrats!
I've been working with Kate to improve my writing and help keep me on track with my job search for a couple months. She has been an invaluable resource, a cheerleader, and a great friend. Her feedback is honest and encouraging and she's a lot of fun to work with.
8am with Arturo.
Hang clean and jerk:
50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 70×3 — jerks felt really strong today.
210x6x5 — so sweaty afterwards.
9-11 situps for the eight rounds, traded the row for 6 minutes of 8 push-ups on the minute. Working on a Fox-style plan for these again.
CONGRATTTTTS Kate! I heart-ed Kate from the moment I met her and am so excited that the best CrossFit blog out there will be even better with her good vibes and honest writing!!
Worked up to 175 on cleans.
Front Squat: 186x6x5
Yeah Kate! Your hard work and unique talent make this important part of cfsbk even better. And you're fun to have around.
On a less cheerful note, is anyone else afraid of meditating now? Thank god I can't sit still for more than 10 minutes.
Oly class Monday and Wednesday. Kind of down the rabbit hole of complexity. Snatched 150 on Monday which I'm happy about, even though I pressed out a bit. Today everything was much lighter and technique focused. I think I had some good jerks! Which is exciting for me. Thanks Carl for watching me and astute pointers – they helped!
Bars are heavy. Really looking forward to running tomorrow, even though it's going to be on a treadmill. I guess I'm really looking forward to having run, maybe not as much the treadmill. Oly class leaves me weirdly anxious and running is soothing.
7:30 pm w. MeLo and McDowell.
Halting DL and C & J @ (65 x 1, 85 x 2, 90 x 2, 95 x 2 and) 100# x 3 (PR). This movement is starting to feel more comfortable. Maintaining active shoulders has helped my jerk tremendously these past two weeks, but was pressing out a bit at top, so need to work on getting completely under the bar a little faster.
FSQ @ (95 x 4, 110 x 3 and) 120# x 5 x 3 (PR). For the past three weeks, I've been preparing for each set by consciously squeezing butt and bearing down abs/core before squatting. Then, continuing to focus on this core engagement while going down and adding a mental focus to stay on heels. Then, when coming up, adding a focus on pushing knees out and keeping chest up. Layering on these adjustments throughout the movement has been really helpful so far, so I will continue to stick with it.
Tabata row @ 839 m total (1:48 – 1:53 splits per round) and tabata sit ups @ 90 total (10 – 12 per round).
Good workout today, despite getting soaked in the rain on the way in!
Fucking awesome, Kate!