AMRAP 10 minutes:
5 Deadlift 225/155
5 Push Up
10 Deadlift
10 Push Up
15 Deadlift
15 Push Up
20 Deadlift
20 Push Up
25 Deadlift
25 Push Ups
Etc. Add 5 reps per round
21-15-9 reps for time of:
Deadlift 225/155
Handstand Push Ups
Shaneve getting her squat on at “Murph”
Foraging in Prospect Park with “Wildman” Steve Brill
Let your natural hunter-gatherer come forth and take your Paleo diet to the next level as we join naturalist Steve Brill for one of his foraging tours right in our backyard in search of seasonal edible and medicinal wild plants and mushrooms. The tour will be on Sunday, June 22, meeting at Grand Army Plaza at 11:45am. $20 suggested donation for the four-hour tour. RSVP to Mare by Friday, June 20 at mare [at] if you’d like to join.
Throwback Thursday
There wasn’t a blog post on this specific day in 2008 (gasp!) but around this time, the following fun things were happening: Coach Jeremy deadlifted 520# at the East Coast Challenge (swipe to 6:17 to see him stampin’ like a beast in his Converse). David traveled back to Colombia, his homeland, and enjoyed being Internet-less. In the comments, everyone was posting daily what they had for breakfast. And the Brooklyn Lyceum was temporarily closed for an event, so CFSBKers had to WOD back at St. Mary’s Playground, where everything started.
News and Notes
- Check out Yoga for Athletes with Coach Whitney at 7:30pm tonight, but remember that the next three sessions are canceled.
- ICYMI, our friends at CrossFit Virtuosity made it to the Crossfit Games. They placed third at the North East Regionals and now need help fundraising for their trip to Carson City. Head over here if you want to help!
Regarding Bulk Iron Ethos
Being Happy With Sugar The Atlantic
Colon Cancer Screening Saves Lives New York Times
More Office Workers Switching To Fetal Position Desks The Onion
6am with DO and Jess Fox.
Hit 6:45 Rx'ed for Diane. Did the first set of deadlifts unbroken, and did 12/5/4 on the HSPU's. I split the 15 deadlifts into 2 sets and did 5/5/1/1/1/1/1 on the HSPU's. I couldn't get my arms to lockout on the last few. Did the 9 deadlifts unbroken and then 2/2/2/1/1/1 on the HSPU.
Diane was the first benchmark workout I ever did in crossfit five years ago and it's still one of my favorites.
Enjoy watching the world cup!
6am with Jess and DO. Nice little change-up for the warm up today. For the wod, fitness version at 155#, with strict pushups until the round of 20. Finished with 135 reps. Deadlifts all moved well, but pushups were the limiting factor.
Yesterdays 7pm strength class
Lack of sleep, trying to keep of those delicious carbs making me low on energy. But Squats still moving pretty decent, have not bailed yet my guess it coming soon. Starting to have some trouble with my forearms again, hurting as hell after holding that barbel doing the squats. had some trouble with the speed on the bench press as the pain is holding me back. skipped the chin ups.
Make up post for yesterday's oly class with Frank & co. Great to be lifting heavy weights again after tapering for the marathon. Frank has reprogrammed the way I think about the pull, which is great, but I haven't yet figured out how to catch properly again… Back to thinking about fast elbows and getting low on the clean. Hit 175 OK then failed twice at 185. Frustrating! But good for me.
Meanwhile I think I'm finally getting to the bottom of my defective jerk. I never ingrained the proper way to do this so even though I could catch some weight overhead, it wasn't right. So back down to 95# where I can do it right and going to build up from there.
Snatch was pretty good yesterday. Hit two at 135 even though I'm catching super high, which makes me think I have plenty of room to go up. I think I'm going to best my old PR soon.
About the Barkley marathon link from yesterday – even though I'm super interested in ultra endurance sports, when I first heard about this a few years ago, I thought Lazarus sounded like a damaged sadist and the participants, masochists. I still kind of feel that way. But while watching the video, when he said: "wherever you stop, that's your limit," that part definitely resonated with me. I think that fear of that "limit" – the sublime wall at the edge of fear, exhaustion, and exaltation – is a big part of my interest in endurance sports. In contrast to all the corruption and outside influence that goes into putting on a major professional sporting event in the modern world, I do have a lot of respect for his honesty and purity of motive. He wants to put on this event and see where that line is where nobody can finish, and he's very upfront about it. While I don't think I would ever want to do that particular event, I'm glad stuff like this is happening.
6am. Diane Rx in 9:50. About 40 seconds slower than the last time I tackled this lady. In the interim I've forgotten how to kip HSPUs. I think 42 of the 45 reps were strict. High-rep deadlifts are not my friend, but today they felt strong and smooth.
In an effort to not be strictly a blog creeper – I'm trying to post some:
last night's workout:
C&J with Alex.
Worked up to 98#, trying to correct my dip/drive for the jerk portion. Finally fixed my other problem with full squats. I want to thank all the front squat programming for that, it's really improved my stability for full-squat dynamic movements. Still gotta work on getting that back knee bent in split catch position, right now it happens 50% of the time when all the other stars align. Drill, drill, drill.
FSQ with Ellie and Eli:
Adding that extra 5% to theoretical 1-RM to find work weights is way more soul crushing than expected. Got through the movements, after no. 5 on ea set, started tipping a bit forward but managed to correct and get the bar up. More grunting than desired for the weight. Looking forward to actually testing a 1-rm fsq! I've been CF'ing forever and never tested this somehow…
6am with DO and Jess.
I love any gymnastics work we do and always look forward to more. I learned that I cannot successfully make ice cream, however.
Fitness WOD Rx. hit 153 reps which was 3 reps into the round of 30 DLs. I probably should have broken up the DLs earlier to save some energy. I ended up resting too much towards the end. Fun WOD though. Glad I had Scott there to help with my counting, because when I get tired, I can barely count to 3.
7am w/ David & Jess
I'm still having trouble getting back into the 6am mode. fits and starts.
This seemed to be similar to the workout a few weeks ago, one of the Open wods I think, with ascending weights and reps on the deadlifts and 15 box jumps. I maxed out then at 155 so I used 155 as my deadlift today. Hit 125 reps, but the deadlifts felt awful near the end of my "25" set – finished in 2's and 3's.
I just missed on the The Takeaway
Richard G.
Olympic Lifting Class last night.
Focus was on Clean, then Jerk, then Snatch at the end. The cleans felt smoother. I worked up to 145 with Nino and was able to drop under the bar pretty quickly. Need to work on smoothing things out and being more efficient in my movement.
For the jerk, Frank wants me to do a couplet of one rep from behind the neck and then another from in front so that I can get a feel for the proper finish position. Because of my mobility issues I have been catching the bar a bit forward and can’t seem to find the path. This drill is amazing. It feels weird doing this movement from behind the neck, and my timing was a bit off a bit, but you do end up placing the bar in a better position – then when you do the next rep in front you have a good target in mind to aim for and my jerk felt/looked a lot better.
thanks a bunch to all the folks who snagged the Herondale eggs last night! They were gone in under 60 minutes!
veg csa members: if you take a photo of your lovely creations using the contents of your box, i'll put it up on thedailypaleo, along with your recipe! hit me at mignyc dot gmail dot com.
Tried Diane for the first time, not RX. 135# DL and HSPU with 1 ab mat (and if I were being judged I'd likely have been no repped a bunch of times for not touching the ab mat on the way down).
With that said, 8:16.
First round DL 11-10, HSPU 7-7-4-3
Second round DL – 5-5-5, HSPU 5-4-3-2-1
Third round DL – 4-4-1, HSPU 3-1-1-1-1-1-1
Really liked this one. Thursdays are my favorite.
Pulverized my pecs
Bench: 235 3×10
Smashed my shoulders
Press: 135 3×10
Crushed my Biceps
Curls: 45 barbell 3×15
Final Manila workout:
95×5 145×5 195×5 235×5 265×10,10,8
Supposed to be 3×10 but this nearly killed me. I was in a daze for the next 4 hours. Maybe lifting for 4 days straight including some kind of squatting wasn't the best idea before a 24hr flight. We'll see!
Above the knee block pulls
KB skull crushers
Chin ups
See you soon CFSBK.
4:30 class today. Working from home is the best.
Fitness WOD with (mostly) strict push-ups and 135# on the bar, which was the perfect amount of weight to be challenging and still (mostly) be able to keep my form. Got through to the 25 round and pulled about 7? I'm not sure, I was seeing stars and lots of sweat flying off my face.
I have been completely MIA for the past month with no real reason other than pure laziness that steamrolled out of control. I have been really sick the last 3 days – strep throat, fever, swollen sinus- and had a crazy dream last night! I dreamt i was doing a WOD with Jason Khalipa and i beat him for both time & reps!!! WHAT?!?!??
Which leads me to a more serious question: Does anyone have a recommendation for a primary care physician?? I am completely unhappy with mine and would like to find one who does not make you wait for 2 hours (plus). HELP! Mine doesn't even have a voicemail to see if i can come in tomorrow…no voicemail??
Also, i'm really looking forward to coming back once i feel better!!!!
Modified the fitness WOD a bit to do a AMRAP of 10DLs, 10 PUs rounds.
Finished with 124 reps @185lbs.
@ Becca
I am very happy with my PCP at Columbia Presbyterian for years; he diagnosed lyme disease and cured (talking about camping, David!) in time and all. Dr. Aaron Manson 212-305-3804. Very experience, knowledgeable, kind man.
For that dream, I don't think there is anything any Dr can do though!
Any recommendations for a gym in Oakland?
@BeccaWolf – I hope you feel better and come back soon. I like my doctor – Elizabeth Schwartzburt 718 622 1120
Strength Cycle Class #5 – Yesterday 7 pm
For a change forst set was pretty good and solid. Third one was difficult. Still not using belt, and I think I won't until I "reset".
Strange thing happened at first set (which was in fact 3 or 4 reps only) The bar suddenly shifted to the side when it was on my chest so Jeremy stopped my right there. Then 2nd and 3rd sets were ok and legit.
No BW chin ups for me this day. Felt spent.
5×3 w Green Band
I am happy that I managed not to kick Scott's head while he was helping me in and out of the band, a PR for me.
I have been bad about both posting and actually doing workouts. I blame summer.
5:30 tonight with whit and ro. Fitness wod with 155#. Made it 18 push-ups into the round of 25, so 143 reps. Felt slow: push-ups were singles by the end. Wish I hadn't lost my handstand push ups. Celebrated showing up at the gym at all with margaritas and chips. !
Had a f#@ing awesome night at strength cycle!
Squat 190x5x3. I worked for it but at no point did I ever think, "I might fail this rep."
Bench 115x5x3, felt considerably easier than the squats. I am SO EXCITED to see where I max out on this lift.
Chins 7×3. Never done 7 in a row before!
So yeah, I'm feeling pretty smug right now.
Had a f#@ing awesome night at strength cycle!
Squat 190x5x3. I worked for it but at no point did I ever think, "I might fail this rep."
Bench 115x5x3, felt considerably easier than the squats. I am SO EXCITED to see where I max out on this lift.
Chins 7×3. Never done 7 in a row before!
So yeah, I'm feeling pretty smug right now.