Farmer Carries
Spend 20 minutes alternating 30m carries with a partner. Go heavy.
20 Minutes Not for Rounds:
400m Row
30-50 Double Unders (about a minute) OR 10-20 Pull Ups. Choose which skill you need the most work on.
:20-:30 L-Sit
The pull ups can be strict or kipping, but should be sub max effort.
Because at CFSBK, we’re inclusive of all ranges of skills, personalities, and ages
Still Interested in the Veggie CSA?
The first delivery is Wednesday, but you can still sign up. Sign-up directions, pricing, and FAQ can all be found here. If you want to split a share with someone or have questions, email mignyc [at]
Born to Be Mild CrossFit Journal
Parenting Against the Grain: Going Furniture-Free SlowMama
9am with the Foxes
Fun final day of cool down week.
PR-ed my farmers carry with 175# each hand. On my way out I challenged Peter M. to match it. Looking forward to hearing that he actually doubled it.
Off to the Big Apple BBQ!
Strength cycle: squat 180x5x3, a number I was inexplicably terrified of before I did it. It was tough, but it was fine. Bench 110x5x3, cleans 98x3x3, chins 6,6,5.
10am. Been sick the past week and still not fully recovered which is why I failed MattyChm's challenge. Or he could just be stronger. Made it about 4/5 of the way with 175, then dropped down to the jerry cans for some longer carries. Everything felt heavy today. Getting sick sucks.
Noon class
Fun to move around a bit. 175 carries were heavy. Nice to work on my tan though.
Strength Cycle Week 2 Day 3
45 x 10
95 x 5
135 x 4
185 x 2
200 x 5 x 3
Have been feeling some strange pain in my left wrist while squatting so must remember to tape next time as it caused me to have two shallow reps. My wrists are not bent of anything but something is wrong.
Bench Press
45 x 5
75 x 4
85 x 5 x 2 oops we loaded the bar incorrectly.
95 x 5 x 3
63 x 3
73 x 3
88 x 3 x 3
That "no furniture" lady is CRAY
Little burner post teaser class
4 rounds for time
5 power cleans 185lbs
10 burpee pull-ups on outside bar
130m "run"
Matt K caught me transitioning from running to walking a little prematurely on the end of my second round and kept coming out to make sure it didn't happen again! OOF!
Got in some accessory lifting during the 12pm hour.
Knee Clean + Clean:
–worked at 45kg for 4 sets, then at 50kg for 2 sets.
-really focusing on jumping off of the balls of my feet and making my brush smoother.
-did many singles in 5kg increments until 65kg. Went for 70kg but one side hit the jerk blocks which threw me off. Decided to call it then.
Yesterday's Snatch Work:
High Hang + Knee Hang:
-worked up to 44kg.
-these felt really great! But, Chris said my last high hang was actually more of a mid-hang. Still happy as I feel like things came together.
Only did the Tabata Burpee part of the cash out. Kept it slow and robotic hitting only 5 each round. I sweat like I did 15 each round though so that probably counts for something. 😉
Looking forward to the new cycle…and getting back to squats!
HBBS 80% 6×6@352#
Came in to deadlift, 150x3x5. I finally feel organized with this lift, and only felt like I lost my position on the last rep of each set. Time to start going up in weight. I'm so happy about this. 🙂
Then I tagged along with MeLo and Arturo after some PT work.
15 minutes NFR:
9 thrusters with 20# dumbbells (they were doing deficit HSPU)
21 American KB swings at 20kg
50 double unders
I got five rounds, broke the doubles in half. I think I rested too much, but gauging how many breaths to take before each movement such that I didn't have to break things up/didn't lose form was tricky. Cash-out 5K, with 5 burpees at the turn. Blurgh. But sunshine! And a perfect weekend.