Open Workout 14.5
For time:
21-18-15-12-9-6-3 reps of:
Thrusters, 95 / 65
Bar-facing Burpees
Post Rx and time to comments.
Compare to 3.29.14
Reid N. enjoying some watermelon at “Murph” last weekend
- Check out Active Recovery with Coach Fox at 11am and enjoy the sunshine, CFSBK!
The Mysterious New York City Island You’ve Never Heard Of Slate
Landfill Harmonic: The world sends us garbage, We send back music Vimeo
To Age Well, Walk New York Times
Paul Gaffney’s “We Make the Path by Walking” New Yorker
That was awful. I am so glad it's over. That's the worst I've felt working out in a long time. The only way it would have been worse is if it was an ascending rep scheme!
Burpees slow as molasses. I tried all manner of being comfortable with them but never was, after the 21s.
March 29, 2014 | Unregistered CommenterFox
Hey did anyone find or accidentally take a dark gray SBK hoodie size small on Friday? Its the one from about 2+ years ago – zips up the front, dark kind of a concrete gray color, with the skull bridge on the back, and SBK stuff on the sleeve near the cuff? I had it when I came in on Friday.. was gone when I went to leave. Not in lost and found. Totally cool just love it and would be rad to get it back. Thanks!
Oh my god, I'm so glad that a) I'm out of town and b) even if I were, I'd be on the platform this morning thinking, "I'M SO GLAD I'M NOT DOING THAT AGAIN."
Miss you guys, but I don't miss that WOD 😛
8AM with Coach C&J Fox. Open 14.5 with 65# thrusters. Did 152 reps in 20 min cap. Scaled down the weight and kept volume. Wanted to work on conditioning and improve form on the bar. This is definitely one of the top three PITA (Pain In The A**) WOD 😉
Can't believe I'm going to say this but I'm disappointed that I have to work today and I'm missing doing this in class. It's a terrible slog but would like to have another go at it. That being said anyone else considering coming in to open gym tonight to have a go at this? I'm shooting to get there around 6:30 or 7.
8am. 18:56 Rx. About 20 seconds faster than during the open. Thrusters felt strong today: 11-10, 9-9, 8-7, 8-4, 9, 6, 3. Stepped out and in for all the burpees. Still a long slow slog.
9am with the Foxes.
I searched for every excuse to not come in this morning but I couldn't think of a reason why I shouldn't do this WOD again.
Pretty much as difficult as I remembered. Finished at 23:22 Rx'd which is about 90 sec slower than in the open. My right shoulder started to bug me about halfway through. I would have been much slower but Fox and Brad K. decided to make the last few minutes a race against Val which is terribly mean and unfair but it kept me at an honest pace.
Good riddance Crush Week! Let the cool down begin!
10am. Rx, numerical equivalent of endless. Oh wow. Thanks to all the good people who cheered me on to finish the darn thing – boy did I need you. it might have been slightly prettier if I hadn't stayed up til 3:30 playing poker, but only on the margin. Je regrette rien! Enjoy the day.
@Luke: I'm hoping to make it in by then.
8 am with the Foxes. I got through 124 reps at 75 lbs (that's through the 12 round of thrusters plus four burpees). I'm going to tell myself that I would have completed this with a 25 rather than 20 min time cap, but is suspect that's untrue. I'm not super disappointed not to find out for sure.
@Samir – oh man now I really have to try to make it in.
Noon class with Arlissa
Open WOD 14.5
14:44 Rx'd.
Burpees slow and steady, all drop down and pop up.
About 4 minutes faster than in the Open (18:48) this year. The bar felt so light today and I was able to stay consistent on the burpees which murdered me previously. I think the bar over variant we used today was significantly easier than the bar facing version, plus I wasn't hung over. Having McDowell there prodding me to stay consistent helped, as did hearing Melo telling me to keep it up.
This was a very crushing, albeit fun, Crush Week. I'm looking forward to backing off. I really didn't want to do this today and was ready not to, but I have Shawn to thank for reminding me via his post that this was going to suck. I guess I felt some sense of moral responsibility to endure it as well considering I'd programmed it for you all. In the end I'm happy with the result.
WOD in 23:47 @75#. Toyed with the thought of going to 85# but I am not sure I would have finished under the 25 minute cap. I didn't compete in the open this year so this was my first attempt at it. I enjoy the longer 20-30 minute WODs because of the mental toughness that's required. It's tough to get back on the bar in the round of 15 when you know how much more is up ahead – but that's Crossfit. I hope we repeat a few more of the Open workouts. They are accessible to most everyone yet absolutely diabolical at the same time.
I did not envy you guys today. Great job everybody! I am sure there will be another opportunity in the future for me to attempt this WOD but today I was content to observe from the platforms. It looked brutal.
Strength Cycle Week 1 Day 3
45 x 5
95 x 5
135 x 4
165 x 2
185 x 5 x 3
Really tried to focus on keeping my chest up today and by the third set I think I finally got it because it felt lighter somehow than the firs two.
45 x 5
50 x 4
57.5 x 5 x 3
Power Clean
53 x 3
63 x 3
73 x 3
83 x 3
5 sets of 3… I WILL get these back!!!
I was out of town for this Open workout, so this was my first attempt…
23:54 Rx'd
My nose started running big time mid way through this craziness, and that was uncomfortable…my burpees resembled my interpretation of a whale beaching, and it felt awful the whole way through, but when its over I felt great for doing it. Great cycle followed by a great Crush Week!
Came to OG to squat and deadlift. I am not ready to do 14.5 again, and just watching people do it tonight made me anxious. Also still feel slightly hungover and insufficiently caffeinated.
Squat 115x3x5
Deadlift 145x3x5
Prowler pushes with JJ to make it feel like the real end of Crush Week.
Came in for a quick OG session tonight, got in Frank's Oly drills, a few light hang power snatches, and a light set of hbbs @ 185x5x3. Fun to see other people there, Samir and Luke made a heroic effort on 14.5. I think if I tried to repeat that I would do it at half the RX weight.
Make-up post for yesterday – really enjoyed Yoga w/Whit & company, realized I have been misinterpreting the "chest up" cue since forever; I think (?) I get it now! Got home, strapped on a camelback and went for a 90 minute run on the trails in the park. I'm comically slow but I really, really enjoyed it. The marathon I'm training for is next Saturday… I can't say I feel totally prepped but I'm as ready as I'm going to get, and I enjoyed the trails so much yesterday that I'm not feeling anxiety anymore – "intense elevation changes with steep but manageable climbs up to 300 feet and the technical rock hopping is an exciting change of pace" – whether I DNF, DFL, or everything goes according to plan, I'm really looking forward to this!
Tried 14.5 today with Luke and Colin for company.
I resolved to do this RxD and just go for 20 minutes. I've never done 95lbs thrusters in a high-rep WOD before.
I only got 117 reps (i.e., I had done 9 of the 12 round of thrusters) by the 20 minute mark. A pretty low-scoring effort, but I'm happy I tried the RxD weight.
Big ups to Colin and Luke for doing this with me; couldn't have tried it without them.
Came in for open gym for the first time ever to attempt this horrific WOD. Having done it during th Open I kind of knew what I was getting into but I think selective amnesia made me forgot just how awful it was until that first set of 21 thrusters. Without the competition of the open or a large class, I would not have even made it as far as I did so I really have to thank Samir and Colin for suffering through this with me. I called this at 20 minutes after finishing the round of 12 RX'd and staring at the bar and really not having my heart in it. Would not have made it that far without Colin and Samir along with Melo and the rest of the gym cheering and urging us through this slog. I could have finished but didn't think I'd beat my time from the open so I just called it quits.
9am with the Foxes.
I saw this WOD was on schedule for today and came really close to not coming in. Finally motivated myself to get to the 9am and I'm glad I did.
21:17 Rx. 2:20 better than my open time. My wriest was bothering me from the power cleans on Friday, but some tape fixed me up and made the thrusters much easier. So much so that I think I'm going to have to try out some wrist wraps going forward.
I really like crush week but I'm looking forward to some backing off…