Fitness: 3 x 5 Linear Progression
Add 2.5 to 5 lbs to last week.
Performance: 85% x 4 x 4, then 87.5% x 4 x 4
Rest two minutes between sets.
Post loads to comments.
AMRAP 8 minutes:
20 Wall Ball 20/10, 14/9
10 Deadlift 225/155
A rare appearance on the other side of the lens by CFSBK photog Asta F.
Register for Strength Cycle and Get Hella Strong
We all want to get stronger. That’s because we implicitly understand that building strength is the foundation for increasing overall physical capacity. It has been proven again and again that lifting heavy primes our bodies to be more effective and efficient at metabolic conditioning workouts. Strength is the only mode of training that supports everything else we do in the gym and in life. Plus: it’s pretty badass.
We are offering four 8-week strength programs that will involve the following:
* Small group training designed to increase your competency with the lifts.
* Consistent and repeated exposure to the powerlifts along a linear progression of weight
* Short and intense complementary conditioning workouts.
* Group discussions on lifting topics including: planning warm-ups, the mental aspect of lifting, and elements of the adaptive response to strength training.
* New PRs.
Upcoming cycle times and dates:
A cycle: Mon/Wed at 7PM and Fri at 6PM | Wed May 28th – Fri July 18th
B cycle: Tues/Thurs at 7PM and Sun at 10AM | Tues May 27th – Sun July 20th
C cycle: Mon/Wed at 6:30M | Wed May 28th – Wed 16th July
Cont Ed/D Cycle: Mon/Wed at 6PM | Wed May 28th – Wed 16th July
Each cycle will culminate in a CrossFit Total on Sunday, July 20th.
Class Sizes
Space is limited to 4-8 participants
Class Length
90 minutes
3x Per Week Cycles:
$300 paid upon registration and then another $300 at the halfway point
Sign up here!
2xW Cycles:
$200 paid upon registration and then another $200 at the halfway point
Sign up here!
If anyone is confused as to which cycle they belong in or has any questions, they can contact Jeremy directly at Jeremy [at] to discuss placement. ICYMI, we also interviewing Coach Jeremy a few weeks ago about his background and Strength Cycle. Check it out!
News and Notes
- “MURPH” IS ONLY A WEEK AWAY! Have you signed up yet? Get more details here!
- Our Flickr account recently has been populated by photos of Zach H., who appeared to be CrossFitting his face off in Colombia. We checked in with him to see what was up and he reported that he was in Colombia for 10 days visiting a friend. He visited five boxes total, mostly in Bogota. If you want to hear more, ask him about salsa dancing, traffic, and how hard it was to be a pescatarian.
- There’s a new post over on Inside the Affiliate called “Bridging The Gap: Using Feedback to Get Better as a CrossFit Affiliate,” about our feedback forms and some of the thinking behind this blog (!). Check it out!
If you could be on any reality TV show, which one would you pick? Feel free to invent one.
What We Can Learn from Galaxies Far, Far Away TED
Always Hungry? Here’s Why New York Times
Ira Glass on Storytelling and Taste PRI says
I'm moving and need to liquidate everything including some Crossfit stuff. If anyone is interested in a copy of Becoming a Supple Leopard ($15), an Abmat ($15) OBO please let me know and I'll bring it in for you. I've also been posting my stuff for sale on a tumblr.
asta says
My export auto-tags my images as copyright of me, but that should be copyright of Melissa Loranger. ๐
Peter says
6am. Bench press: 245x4x4, 255x4x4. I survived. Barely. The 32nd rep was a battle. Metcon Rx: 3 rounds + 20 WB + 5 DL. Heart wasn't in this one after benching. And my posterior chain is not a fan of high-rep deadlifts. says
Rolled out of bed at 5:50 and somehow made it to the gym by 6:02AM. Not quite sure how I did that, though I was in a semi-conscious state the whole time.
Still I hit my next step on the linear progression:210x3x5
Then the Metcon was fun: 4 rounds even in 8 minutes RX
I'm going to spend 2 weeks this summer with my family in Los angeles. Anybody have any recommendations in terms of crossfit boxes? I'm staying in Hancock Park, a few blocks from what looks like a nice place: Crossfit City of Angels. anybody familiar with it? Thanks.
Stella says
Today the fact that "bench press" and "hot mess" rhyme was quite apt. I hit all my first four sets at 120, but then failed on the fourth rep of the first set at 122.5, tried that weight again and failed on the third rep, dropped to 120, failed the fourth rep, dropped to 115, failed the fourth rep.
WOD Rx, 4 rounds + 12 WB. Not my finest showing either — the wall ball felt like it weighed 100 pounds instead of 14.
My personal life is eating me and I in turn am not eating nearly enough — pretty sure that's where today came from. ๐
That being said, something I've been looking forward to a long time is happening tomorrow — my choir is performing Bach's St. Matthew Passion, 8 PM at Carnegie Hall. It's going to be beautiful — please come! Tickets here:
Pigeon says
Ugly morning, Today's movements were hitting the same exact muscle groups from yesterday's WOD. I took it easy on my back with the DLs and was not able to LP on Bench so stayed at 150#.
Stella says
Oh…for Strength Cyclers, do you recommend scaling Murph? I'm a little worried about that first week of the cycle — especially day one — if I've done 200 pushups and 300 squats the day before!
Dan L says
Missed the last 2 bench exposures, so I just did 215x5x3. Was a little tougher than I'd hoped, but I got all my reps.
First metcon back in about 3 weeks. Felt like I had no wind and tried to keep myself from redlining. Made it through 4 rounds +12 WB.
Todd says
Meet Report:
My snatches have been really consistent for the last week and a half, including hitting up to and above my opener for the 2 sessions before the meet, so I was pretty confident with those going in.
Clean and Jerk
10382 and 100 here:
Would have liked to have a CJ PR too but matching my all-time total PR at 182kg (400lbs) in competition was awesome.
Also regarding the left-arm lockout issue that DO and Fox have been pointing out for the past few weeks (and that you can see pretty clearly in the video), the judges didn't call me on it, and doing some unweighted testing, it looks like I can keep it straight overhead only if my t-spine is in extension. As soon as I bring my rib cage down for proper support, that left arm bend comes in. I don't really understand the physiology of it but I'm going to go ahead and chalk it up to the fractured and surgically repaired humerus that makes my left arm do weird things in general.
Congrats to Jake for qualifying for the American Open with his 277 total and to KMo for totally killing it in her first meet and getting past some jitters in the snatch to go 3/3 with some super solid clean and jerks.
Todd says
ALSO! AM/Noon folks, PLEASE sign up for the 10:30 Olympic program. It's going to be awesome! I talked to Frankie and watched Heather lift at the meet and am even more excited for it now, but we need more people to fill up the session for it to happen! says
6am with the crew.
First bike ride to class (I picked up a sweet new whip on Saturday). I'm still very sore from my first ride in ten years on Saturday afternoon.
Hit 230# for the first 4×4 with no issues, but 235# became problematic during the 2nd round. Failed the fourth rep, dropped back to 230 for the third and fourth rounds. I'm recovering from a nasty cold this weekend, so I'm chalking it up to exhaustion and will see what happens next week.
The WOD was fun, a bit sweaty. I used the 20lb green slam ball again, I'm liking that a lot more since Ricky told me about it last month. Hit 4 rounds + 6 WB's RX. says
Congrats Todd! Nice!
Linda says
6am with NickDowell. My weekend of partying did not make for a good bench press session this morning. Tried 110lbs for my first set and failed on the fifth rep. Moved down to 105 and again failed on the fifth rep, same for the third set. I didn't have any fails last week at 107 for all three sets, so left me a little frustrated.
WOD – 4 rounds plus 10 wall balls rx'd. Wall balls felt tougher than usual.
I am very interested in signing up for the strength cycle, but I'll be on vacation right in the middle of this one ๐ says
6am with Nick and McD.
Bench was good today. 205x5x3. 2 weeks ago, I failed on the last rep of the 2nd set at 205, so it felt good to move through all reps successfully this time.
WOD – 3r + 3 DL. Bummed I didn't get 4 rounds but the WBs got tough in the 4th round. says
Have been traveling like crazy the past few weeks–DC, Atlanta, Minneapolis, Portland, ME–but have been squeezing in my LP work on bench and squats in our basement. This morning got up to 130# for 3×5. Then b/c no wall-ball did 10->1 descending ladder of BW DL (160#) and pushups: 7:03. Love that workout. Wasted some time rolling the bar out of the way between sets as my workout space in the basement is teeny-weeny.
KH (a.k.a. Cage) says
Yesterday: noon hangover class with MeRo. DL was 195#x3x3 (PR for 3!) and did the Murphish WOD with kneeling push ups. Got through 8 rounds of the Cindy movements plus 5 pull ups, if that makes sense, so almost 3 full rounds. I am SORE today. Also, really glad this was programmed as I'll be missing Murph for a wedding this year.
Today: 10am class with Noahpologies. Bench was 85#x4x4, then 87.5#x4x4. Starting to grind a little bit but got through them all. Then did the WOD scaled to 135# for the DL. After my 4th round of wall balls, there was still about :40 left on the clock, but I just didn't go back to the bar. My low back was so lit up (and frankly, sore from yesterday) it just didn't feel like I should do any more so I called it. I'm gonna be mad sore tomorrow, I can feel it already. After the WOD I hollow rocked the shit out of my spine. Mad scooping, yo.
Fox says
Solo 11am session
Had to get amped up for the reps at 225. Lots of demonstrative "cake weight" name calling of the bar.
WOD Rx'd
4 rounds plus 1 wall ball
WB: 20, 12/8, 12/8, 12/8, 1
Deads all broken into 5/5
Gasser. WB always spikes my heart rate but I was able to control it a bit better today. The bad part is that I was more controlled to baby my left foot as I'm pretty sure I suffered a stress fracture of the 1st metatarsal during Saturday's half marathon. At lunch DO suggested that I should probably sub a 2k row for Murph, which I am not looking forward to.
Congrats to Jake for qualifying!
Adele says
Signed up for Strength Cycle in the morning. Excited and terrified. says
4:30 w/ Coach David O
Bench: Fitness: 185, 190, 190. Felt strong.
WOD: 3 rounds
Wall balls: 20 Deadlift: 205
Felt much better than I expected.
Coach Fox was absolutely right: rest is a crucial requirement for us 40+ folk.
I took 5 days off and it made a huge difference.
I'm now considering buying a PS4 and resting indefinitely!
Charlie says
4.30pm with David who I want to thank for allowing and helping me to scale everything to my requirements.
Squat- High Bar which felt weird and heavier than expected.
45 x 5
95 x 5
135 x 4
150 x 5 x 3
WOD with 30 sit-ups instead of wall balls.
6 rounds exactly.
Thank you Strength Cycle for enabling me to do these deadlifts rx'd and unbroken. Though this would undoubtedly have been a completely different picture if I had done wall balls.
Cash-out- 2 rounds plus a lap around the block because those hollow rocks were not happening.
Samir Chopra says
Struggled with benching today (after a 9-day vacation)
170×4, 170×2 (fail 3rd rep), 165x4x3, 165×2 (fail 3rd rep), 160×1 (fail 2nd rep).
WOD @185lbs, 20 lb WB: 3 rounds flat.
Gassed. says
10 this am with Noahpologies. Thanks for that KH. I'm into it. HA.
Bench- debated whether or not to add weight. I didn't fail last week, but I came close. They were wobbly as shit, and could have used technical improvement, but I reallllllyyyy wanted to add some weight being that it was last week of cycle. So I did and with SUCCESS! Hit another PR at 80# for all 3 sets. Shockingly, they moved much better than last week's 78.5#. Weird.
WOD (14#/9' + 95#DL)
I DID NOT WANT TO DO WALL BALLS. I REALLY DIDN'T. I Rx'd the wall balls, and did the first 3 sets unbroken (however there were some ugly/cheater-ish reps involved near the end, not gonna lie). The second two sets I did 10/10 and wanted to stab myself. I moved through DLs quickly and ubroken, bc…
A). Weight was on the lighter side. I haven't ever done a 1RM, so I didn't know what to figure. Now I know, I could have probably added 15-20# to this.
B). I was not involved in Sunday's workout, so my back was fresh.
Got in 5 full rounds. Boom.
Lauren says
Congratulations KMo, Todd and Jake!!
Getting excited about the Olympic lifting class next week. I'm pretty sure it's going to change my life.
I was hoping to make it in tonight, but can't leave, so performed the following exercises while attempting to rotate spring wardrobe…
5 chin ups
30 reverse lunges
5 strict handstand push ups
JakeL says
Little bit a bench at 430 with DO
275 3×5
Benching feels so good.
ariel c says
And just to get back to cfsbk. YES.