Fitness: Clean Halting Deadlift + Clean + Jerk
If you have a hard time organizing the pull off the floor, perform the clean from the mid-hang, after the clean halting deadlift.
Performance: Clean and Jerk 1-1-1, then Power Clean + Hang Clean + Jerk 75% x (1+1+1) x 2
Work up to a heavy clean and jerk in three attempts, then perform two singles of the complex at 75% of today’s best lift.
Front Squat
Fitness: 3 x 5 Linear Progression
Performance: 80% x 4 x 4, then 82.5% x 4 x 4
Rest two minutes between sets. You’re already pretty warmed up from the cleans, so get to work weight within 2-3 warm ups so you can get all your work sets in.
Post loads to comments.
Brooklyn Half Post-Party Day Drinking Adventure TODAY
RUN LIKE THE WIND, CFSBK RUNNERS! All of our runners have been training so hard for the Brooklyn Half Marathon today and we’re psyched to help them celebrate afterwards. At 12:30pm, we’ll be honing in on Greenwood Park, a bar and beer garden in South Slope, for post-race daytime drinking and eating. We will have a few tables reserved and some food. Come hang out with us!
What You Need to Know at CFSBK for Saturday
- Check out Active Recovery with Coach DO at 11am and 12pm!
- We’ve got a new trove of unclaimed clothing in the Lost and Found (i.e., a straw fedora). Make sure none of it’s yours because otherwise we’re donating it to those in need. The pics are up on Flickr here and here.
Study: You Really Can ‘Work Smarter, Not Harder’ The Atlantic
Ask Andrew W.K.: Should I Start Doing Heroin? Village Voice
9am. Clean and jerk: 60, 80, 95, 105, 110, 115 (PR), 85, 85. Had a really good visualization of pushing under the weight on the jerk today and most reps felt solid. A little bit of stability issues, but no press out. 115 is a 1kg improvement from last week, but last week's jerk had a bit of a press-out and today's was much snappier. The clean at 115 was also good. Really whipped my arms around after the third-pull. That's only a few pounds less than my clean PR which I'm excited to tackle next week. Front squats: 95(kg)x4x4, 100(kg)x4x4. Brutal as usual.
10am and AR today. Felt great to be in group class again, its been two weeks I think.
Worked up to 175 on the c&j, pretty happy with how it felt even though it's still a work in progress and I missed two by just not getting under them. I'm trying to not hit myself in the throat with the bar but that's making me less aggressive. McDowell suggested it's in the elbows, will concentrate on that next week.
Fsq 205x5x3 which is what I did 2 weeks ago (missed last week). I think it was a little easier and I'm confident I'm hitting depth consistently now which is great. Still pretty heavy though ๐
Wish I was doing the perf squat progressions but they leave me too sore to really focus on running.
AR was fun as always.
Fox – thanks very much for the tip – unfortunately, the shirt in the lost & found is not mine – we first looked there on Thursday only to find that other shirt ๐
If anyone finds in their weekend laundry an unfamiliar long sleeve bluish/purple Patagonia stretchy capilene shirt – let me know! (The shirt has dark blue piping on the neck.)
Thanks to McD and Noah for a great 11 am class, and Barbara for being such a good lifting (and A/R) partner. Failed on 93 lb for the C&J a few times, but felt good on 88, which was my PR from last week. I know that continued dedication to waiting on the pull and then really using the hip pop will come together on cleans, as well as snatches. Hit 105 lb on the front squat – also a PR as I keep working to strengthen my core and drop straight down. I have been working to eliminate the "stripper" move – as Jess Fox aptly calls it/low bar esque situation on front squats and high bar back.
Also, as I have started a revived meditation practice a month back, I noticed that it has been no problem to sit upright the whole time. For years, one of the many reasons I would give up on meditation was that I just could not keep my back up – for someone who has always worked out, I was particularly frustrated. Seeing that I have overcome this problem has been a nice, unexpected sign of not just a stronger back, but really a stronger core.
10am with McD & Melissa….
I'm stuck between 75 & 78#'s on the C&J's….so another week at the same weight but probably the best cleans I've done to date.
Stayed at 95# for the FSQ because it felt like 200# today!! My last set was my best ๐
11am AR with DO in the sun…was lovely!!!
Enjoy the gorgeous weather everyone!!!!
First time touching a barbell since Monday. I missed it!
C&J 113, failed 118, totally mental. Haven't been here for the last couple of exposures, so I'm fine with 113 — it felt like reacquainting myself with this lift.
Front squats 145 and 150 for performance. This is about 5# lighter than the percentages of my 1RM would have been, but again I've missed some exposures so I'm glad I backed off.
Shamelessly skipped the cash out so I could get to AR sooner. AR outdoors = LOVE!
BK Half in 2:10
More insights to come. Thanks, CrossFit.
Also, that AWK link is pretty deep, if you care to delve.