CFSBK’s Olympic Lifting Program
In case you missed it, CFSBK is introducing an Olympic Lifting Program with Coach Frankie Murray, who you can see beasting it out in the video above, with his best snatch at 150kgs (330lbs) and clean and jerk at 180kgs (396lbs). The deets in brief?
What: An 8-week Olympic lifting cycle meeting twice a week with Coach Frank Murray and/or Heather Farmer in addition to 1 Open Gym or group class per week.
When: 2 options beginning the Week of 5/26/14 (see full details below)
Price: $300 for each 4-week period, $600 total. The first bill is due at sign-up and the second bill will charge automatically to the card on-file 4 weeks later.
Each cycle is capped at 10 athletes. Learn more here and sign up now to secure your spot!
Help Find a Cure for Parkinson’s Disease
Love-CFSBK-long-timer Steph P. is embarking on her latest Team Fox adventure this Sunday, May 18th! She’s doing a one day Rim2Rim Grand Canyon hike with 20 other Team Fox members to raise money for Parkinson’s research. It’s a 24-mile trek covering over 6,000 ft in elevation, starting at the South Rim and finishing at the North Rim. The team has raised $35,000 so far and she’s set a personal goal to raise $10,000 and is almost a third of the way there. Not only does Steph work for Team Fox, the grassroots fundraising program at The Michael J. Fox Foundation, but she also fundraises on her own in honor of her dad who’s had Parkinson’s for over 13 years now. If you want to help Steph out, check out her personal fundraising page here!
Movie Night at CFSBK TONIGHT
CFSBK’s Movie Night returns TONIGHT at 8:15pm after Open Gym. It’s all the same details as usual—bring your own alcohol, fold-up chairs, snacks, and whatever else suits your fancy—but we’ve added a twist this time by inviting all Brooklyn boxes to join us. We’re screening Evil Dead, so come ready to be horrified.
- Happy birthday, Mayo A. and Jason K.!
- CFSBK’s softball team, Las Calaveras, has their third game tonight at 6:15pm at the Red Hook ball fields. They remain 1-1 after getting rained out last week. Godspeed/good luck/break a leg (but please don’t)!
The Art of Weightlifting Kickstarter
A Death at Tough Mudder Outside
Want to Know if Your Food is Genetically Modified? The Atlantic
Saturday's Programming
Clean and Jerk
Fitness: Clean Halting Deadlift + Clean + Jerk
If you have a hard time organizing the pull off the floor, perform the clean from the mid-hang, after the clean halting deadlift.
Performance: Clean and Jerk 1-1-1, then Power Clean + Hang Clean + Jerk 75% x (1+1+1) x 2
Work up to a heavy clean and jerk in three attempts, then perform two singles of the complex at 75% of today's best lift.
Front Squat
Fitness: 3 x 5 Linear Progression
Performance: 80% x 4 x 4, then 82.5% x 4 x 4
Rest two minutes between sets. You're already pretty warmed up from the cleans, so get to work weight within 2-3 warm ups so you can get all your work sets in.
Saturday's work at 8am class today, which was a very tight turnaround after doing that long Wod at 8:30pm class last night.
83, 103, 123, 133, 138 (3# PR)
138 took some fight in the clean but it came up. The jerk was barely a jerk. Just all kinds of crazy. Pressed out a bit on the right arm. So… Will hit that next week cleanly to really say I got it!
95×5, 115x5x3
Feelin good
Off to Chicago for the weekend to visit my family and see my niece turn two!
6am with NickDowell
Did Saturday's work since I am heading to Las Vegas first thing in the morning tomorrow and I didn't want to miss an exposure.
C&J Worked up to 185# which is a weight I pretty much own right now. Last week I was successful at 195# but I was feeling weak and uncoordinated today so I stayed at 185.
Front Squat with Nate which seemed endless. 4×4 at 180# and 4×4 at 185#.
Rare 8am class today, taking the day off-ish.
Did yesterday's WOD. Oof.
Fitness WOD. 20kg American swing.
311 reps
Stayed between 60-65 on each round, which by the end of round 2 became my goal. That helped me space out each set. This stuff is tough but I love these WODs. And now I feel like I've achieved so much today already!
I have a tweaky weird thing going on in my left deltoid right above where it connects to my bicep, which has been making an appearance since I did handstand push-ups in a WOD a few months ago. Did a bunch of DIY AR on it last night and now it's just sore. It only gets weird after working out, never during, and is this painful sensation when I reach into my back pocket or something. If any of this sounds familiar to people, I'd love to hear thoughts. Otherwise I'll just keep rolling around and paying attention.
8am with Noahpologies. Yesterday's WOD with 20kg American swings, 263 reps. A long, sloggy gasser of a workout – definitely not one of my strengths. Need to start working on my mental game more. Like, Kristin, go faster.
Make up post from yesterday 6:30pm with Coach Whit & Ro
24kg KB Russian swings
347 reps, I kept each round between 68-71reps, I used the burpees and row as recovery, keeping each movement at 10reps and 10 cals, and went ape shit on the KB swings and the box jump and over, which I switched to step up and over during my 3rd round.
I love WODs that keep us moving for a long time, but hated how sweaty it got, I am not looking forward to this summer.
Olympic lifting program looks really interesting but the times are tough. Late morning can't happen and mentally I'm not sure I can start a workout at 8:30pm. I look forward to see how this program develops.
6am with Nick and McD.
Clean & jerk went well. Worked up to 165. McDowell gave some good tips on getting under the bar quickly and not letting it drop down. I'll have to focus on that.
FSQ didn't go as well. Moved up to 195 from 185 last week. That was a mistake. Completed my first set, although that was already a struggle, so I knew sets 2 & 3 were going to be trouble. 5th rep of set 2 was a failure as I was losing my grip and let the bar roll off my shoulders. Then set 3 was a failure after 3 reps. Disappointing. I may try this weight again next week or back off by 5#.
Tabata KB swings as a cash out. For some reason Mike and I thought it was a good idea to use the 32kg KB for this one. Rules were that you couldn't put the KB down during the rest, so the :10 sec rest became :10 of work. Had to put it down once, so I'll be smarter and drop down to 28kg next time we try this one.
Finished up with 35 ring dips.
Looking forward to a rest day tomorrow!
Question for all the talented CFSBK photographers….Do you have recommendations for places to get quality prints? I have several photographs that I’d like to have printed and would be grateful for any suggestions of vendors that do a good job.
Some of you know I've been laid up since my Monday total. Headline is that I'm fine. No slipped disc. Looks like I have hyper-extended back likely from muscle spasms. Likely have sciatica in my glutes. Definitely Strained calf. Nothing serious thought. No Brooklyn Half Marathon and no Spartan Race. No lifting for two weeks.
So — if anyone wants to do the Spartan Race, let me know, as it is possible to transfer my entry into your name. See and let me know. E-mail is runderwood5 (at)
12pm with lady Fox and McDowell.
I took a few days off to rest after the Total. Will be taking it fairly easy for this week and next week to give my shoulder a chance to heal. It feels fine right now actually but I also have a bruised sternum from a bicycle accident which happened last week and that has been bothersome as well.
Saturday's programming kinda sorta. No jerks for me right now, so I did power cleans and added a front squat at the end of the complex.
33, 53, 68, 73 x 2, 83 x 2, 93 x 3, 98 x F, 98 x 1. Not sure I'll ever wrap my head around the Oly lifts.
Safety bar back squat.
75 x 5, 95 x 5, 135 x 3, 150 x 5 x 3.
This was a new experience for me and it felt a little strange.
Cash out- 20" box jumps instead of KB swings- 9 each round, followed by 1 mile run.
Thanks Jess for the guidance today and for being so accommodating!
Signed up for 'Hail to the Queen' scaled division. Can't wait!!
Dear CS BK friends,
For folks who did yesterday's 4:30 pm or 5:30 pm class, did anyone take by mistake a bluish purple long sleeve super stretchy capilene Patagonia shirt? I had it folded on the storage room shelf with my keys nestled inside. It was not there when around 7 when I was leaving the gym, but somehow my keys had been placed on the coffee table. If this could be you, shoot me a mail at asha.banker at Thanks, all!
And, Rob…really sorry to hear about the setback, but glad you have been ordered to get some rest : -)
I'm kinda super jealous about this Olympic Program.
I leave and then you start this thing…
p.s. great numbers, strength totallers!!!
For folks that have successfully petitioned their building-gyms to install squat/rogue racks, how did you accomplish this? The old "ask and ye shall receive" method, or did you have to lobby for it in some more advanced and convincing way? My office building is finally getting around to restoring our basement gym after Sandy, and they are currently accepting "suggestions" for the equipment that should be down there. Obviously, I will be suggesting Rogue racks (or other brands I do not know about that may be cheaper?) to replace the Smith rack we had previously, so I want to give them the most comprehensive info possible to make it an easy decision for them.
Last lifting session before the meet on Sunday.
Power Clean+Jerk
Front Squat
225×2, 265x3x2
I weighed in at 210 after the workout, leaving me in a perfect position of not having to starve myself of both food and water for the next two days (Thats close to 15 lbs over the last 3 weeks or so!). Taper week is always tough, especially after following such a high volume training cycle. Your body, and more importantly, your mind get used to hitting 12-15 heavy attempts on both lifts almost every day, and when the volume decreases the mind starts to question your ability to hit those weights.
Now its time to sit and wait. Hopefully Sunday goes well.
Asha – check the Lost and Found. I found a purple stretchy long sleeve left on the black boxes yesterday and placed it in L&F.
First post in awhile –
Came in for 8am with Noah and McDowell and did tomorrow's work.
C & J – 50, 60, 70, 80, 85, 90. All felt good. Still relatively light but I felt like it was crisp and I got under the jerks well.
Front Squats:
I've decided as part of building back up to these to no longer use a belt. It really was just masking the fact that my legs are stronger than my core and it's probably a better long-term solution to build strength
195x5x3 – Felt OK, but still having trouble staying as upright as I'd like. Might repeat next week
Good luck to everyone running tomorrow and lifting on Sunday!
Last taper session before the meet.
40×3 50×2 60×1 65×1 70×1 75×1 80×1
Power clean and 2 jerk
50×1 60×1 70×1 75×1 80×1 85×1
Everything felt great, snappy. Worked on footwork on the jerks.
Movie night with DO is inTENSE.
My wife suggests a compromisr next time: Dale and Tucker vs Evil.