5 Rounds:
1 Minute Row (for calories)
1 Minute Muscle Ups
1 Minute Box Jump Up and Overs 20″
1 Minute Burpees
1 Minute Rest
5 Rounds:
1 Minute Row (for calories)
1 Minute Kettlebell Swing
1 Minute Box Jump Up and Overs
1 Minute Burpees
1 Minute Rest
Our mighty Strength Cyclers after their mighty PRs on Sunday
What You Need to Know at CFSBK for Thursday
- Yoga for Athletes is tonight at 7:30pm, but yoga is CANCELED on Saturday (5/17) at 10am since Coach Whitney will be away.
- The Brooklyn Half is this Saturday (5/17) and we’re having a day-drinking post-race shindig. Join us from 12:30pm onward at Greenwood Park in South Slope. Get more info here!
- Don’t forget to join us on Friday night at 8:15pm after Open Gym for some horror time. It’s the return of CFSBK’s Movie Night and we’re screening Evil Dead.
- Did you hear about CFSBK’s new Olympic Lifting Program? Learn more here!
- If you’re biking to CFSBK, kudos to you, but know that our street is targeted for bike theft. Please always be aware of this and lock your bike up well!
- Happy birthday, Sabrina M. and Rickke M.!
Hail to the Queen IV
CrossFit Queens is hosting the 4th annual Hail to the Queen all-female CrossFit competition on July 12th! Coach Jess Fox already signed up and wants you to as well! There is a scaled and an Rx-ed division and the event historically is a very beginner friendly competition. Jess will help to coach all ladies through the event and there will be a group training session once the WODs are announced. RSVP on Facebook and purchase entry tickets on Eventbrite. The tickets are going fast so jump on it, ladies!
CFSBK in The Huffington Post
Our very own Denise H. wrote a wonderful article about her experience working out as a mom as CFSBK. It’s called “Why This Mama Loves CrossFit.” Check it out!
Feel it First: Technique Corrections Catalyst Athletics
Robot Hand and Arm Gets Official Approval BBC
Hope for an S-Shaped Back New York Times
Please post to comments if you've signed up for Hail to the Queen! It's always such a fun time!
I just signed up! Thanks for encouraging us to do it, Jess!
Great article Denise! Always cool, collected, and badass.
Foolishly came in last night at 5:30 with a 6:30 client, and attempted to get my snatches and backsquatapocalypse in. When the clock read 6:19 and I had 7 sets to go I called it a day, will fnish up later today.
Snatches went well. I've been reading a book about Zen and baseball, and some of the lessons are great for olympic lifting- clearing your head, not fighting the bar or the movement, etc. Under the watchful eye of Rickke and McD:
80kg (I can reliably snatch this now, which is nice), 84M, 84PR. Nice steady progress this cycle, about a 2KG bump every 2 weeks.
I've been having trouble keeping my head in the game for the 75% work after heavy singles. My first attempt at 64KG I caught in receiving position, and as my lower body went to stand, my upper body decided it would stay put. Results were comical, much laughing from the Tickley Apple.
ALSO- Free Beer!! ๐
Thank you CFSB for my birthday shout out ๐ I will be back next week!!
6am with DO and Jess.
Wow, intense WOD today! Fun, though (I think?)
Fitness with 32kg KB.
390 reps (80 / 79 / 79 / 76 / 76)
I jumped up on the boxes in the first round, but found it much faster to step up in the following rounds. Also, I really do hate the rower.
That's definitely the most sweat I have left on the floor yet…
10am with Jess
Finished with 295 reps. For me, I know the workout is hard when the burpees and row are the easy parts. Started with KB (16kg) so least transition time with that one and got between 24-27 each round. Next box jump overs and got 16 the first round and 15 the rest of the rounds. Burpees next – got mostly 9s, one round of 10. Row, got about 8 calories each time. One time as low as 6 ! Had some trouble getting my feet in. Fun, hard WOD.
Really great article by Denise! Glad I can 100% relate as I have 3 small kids of similar ages.
Also I am interested in Hail to the Queen. I've never done a competition before and I'd like to try.
I have a question for Jess- I can just barely meet the minimum on all RX#s, and would not be efficient on some with large volume. I should just sign up for scaled yes?
Good luck to all the half marathoners! I am running but cannot make it to the after party.. Have fun!!
Noon class
305 reps with 32kg KB (American swings)
Held 15 reps of each until the final round of Burpees when I did 20
I am also curious about whether to sign up for the scaled or Rx version of Hail to the Queen. I think I can do most of those things but have been having some shoulder issues so should probably do the scaled version, right? On the fence about signing up at all because I will be in the middle of Strength Cycle but it sounds like fun!
Noah you beat me to the big 1-8-5! Nicely done!
Came in for some taper snatch clean and jerk work w/ DO
40×3 50×2 60×1 65×1 70×1 75×1 78×1
No misses today, relieved.
Clean and jerk
50×1 60×1 70×1 75×1 80×1 85×1,1
Wanted to play with the jerk blocks so we set them up for some rack jerks. Felt weird working between them, will have to get used to it.
Rack jerk
70×1 80×1 85×1 90×1 95×1 100xM,M
I just signed up for the scaled version! I'm really excited…and really nervous for this…
I just noticed HSPUs. I guess that answers my question!!
Another question for anyone at the gym: Are there any small or medium CFSBK tank tops available? I want to wear one at the race Saturday. Last time I asked they were out of stock.
Check with the Front desk!
Yesterday I went to CrossFit LIC to take their Gymnastics class with Dave Durante. It was fun and Dave is a really good guy, I felt like the skills were useful but I already had strict muscle-ups so the progressions and stations weren't very challenging for me. Still got some new cues and insights.
I've been sleeping an average of like 4-5 hours a night because of allergies so today's oly lifting with Todd was more movement than training of any kind. I felt weak, slow and burnt out but it was fun to throw a little weight around. I have no idea what my numbers were but.. JERK BLOCKS
6am with the crew on a very damp and humid morning.
That was a super toasty workout, hit 268 on the perf version. The over-the-top box jumps were harder than I thought. I wound up doing a step-up with one leg and launching over, which was tiring but fast. I sweat like it was a hot yoga class.
First post, ever! 12p class with David.
Finished with 280 reps, I really lost count at some points because I got really into the workout and was sucking wind come the 3rd round. I came out the gate really strong and did 70 reps the first round, leaving me totally gassed for round 2-5. This WOD definitely reminded me to pace myself for days like this. Was happy to see the box jumps in the workout, always enjoy doing them for some reason. Just upped by game last week to using the 16kg, so that was exciting!
Thank you to all the CFSB coaches (especially David, Mel, Whit, Arturo, Macdowell) for your help over the past 2 months. I took a long break over the winter due to a labrum tear in my hip (healed it with rest and PT), and at this point I am feeling really healthy, and I know I am gaining overall strength and endurance. Awesome.
Tomorrow I am going on vacation to Istanbul, Turkey for 10 days.. I will miss the workouts!! Trying to get to CFSB for a morning class, I have to see how much time I have in the morning. Happy Memorial Day To Everyone!!!
8:30 pm w. Noah.
Wow, that was a tough workout! Fitness WOD total reps = 300 (61-60-54-61-64).
Managed to jump up for all of the box jumps, do strict burpees throughout, and used a 20 kg KB with American swings for the first 2.5 sets and switched to Russian swings for the last 2.5 sets.
WOOF. That workout f*cked me up.
After coaching, decided to stick it out and jump in with 8:30 class and Noahpologeeeez.
Fitness WOD. 20kg russian swing.
reps = 359
I kind of lost track on round 1 — i thought i was in the 70's but then thought (no, that can't be right), so knocked it down. but who knows.
-Did 23-25 box jump up and overs each round, as I knew this was where I could get the most reps (and it was where I started fresh). DIZZZZZZZY!!!
-about 12-13 burpees each round
-did not pull hard on the erg, and only really got about 7 calories here since there was lots of transition time fwd and back and I knew I could get more reps on other moves
-around 26-28 kb swings each round
I felt real nauseous and dizzy for a good 5 min after this and it was a very SLOW bike ride home. great to do a nice long WOD where you can really push yourself to suffer ๐
@Jess, all signed up for H2Q!
@David Osorio, this is the air filter I was telling you about yesterday: http://m.target.com/p/honeywell-true-hepa-allergen-remover-air-purifier/-/A-10214819