Annual Memorial Day “Murph” WOD and BBQ
Our annual Memorial Day “Murph” WOD and BBQ is on Monday May 26th. The first heat will start at 7:30am and a new heat will run every 45 mins. Everyone must sign up in advance.
For time:
1 mile Run
100 Pull-ups
200 Push-ups
300 Squats
1 mile Run
This WOD was created in memory of Navy Lieutenant Michael Murphy, 29, of Patchogue, NY, who was killed in Afghanistan June 28th, 2005. The workout was one of Mike’s favorites and he’d named it “Body Armor.” It is referred to as “Murph” in honor of this focused warrior and great American, and this workout is dedicated to everyone who has sacrificed their lives in the US Armed Forces.
What We Need From You:
- Sign up for your heat here. PLEASE SIGN UP WITH FIRST AND LAST NAME!
- We need volunteers to help out on the grill from 11am to 3pm. Email cfsbkfrontdesk [at] gmail.com with your availability and we’ll love you forever.
- Through Herondale Farm, we are providing burgers and hot dogs for us and CFSBK will provide beer but we still need condiments, sides, salads, non-alcoholic beverages, and veggie options. Tell us in the comments on the event page what you can contribute!
- If you are bringing any guests, tell us in the comments on the event page so we can plan accordingly for meat and beer.
An Ex-Con’s Guide To Prison Weightlifting Deadspin
A Brief History Of The Burpee Huffington Post
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Which Side of Your Brain is More Dominant?
Saturday's Programming
Fitness: Clean Halting Deadlift + Clean + Jerk
If you have a hard time organizing the pull off the floor, perform the clean from the mid-hang, after the clean segment deadlift.
Performance: Power Clean + Hang Clean + Jerk 75% x (1+1+1) x 2
Work up to a heavy clean and jerk in three attempts, then perform two singles of the complex at 75% of today's best lift.
Front Squat
Fitness: 3 x 5 Linear Progression
Performance: 77.5% x 6 x 5
Rest two minutes between sets. You're already pretty warmed up from the cleans, so use the lifting time wisely.
Hey all: Noor and Ayana and I will be out of town next week; we will thus be unable to pick up our CSA meat share next week. Would any kind soul be wiling to pick it up and hold it for us till we get back on the 18th?
6am with NickDowell
Paired up with Nolan for "Fun With Headstands" which he proved to be kind of awesome at.
"Fun With Muscle Ups" using the green band. Kind of an eye opener for me and I think real muscle ups aren't too far away now. I underestimated how aggressive that pull has to be and how high the hips need to get.
Signed up for the 9am Murph slot. Looking forward to it.
KETTLEBELL KITCHEN – you guys I have a couple of delicious meals in the fridge that I can't pick up until tomorrow, by which time I'm afraid they won't be good.
Can you guys eat them? I don't want them to go to waste and unfortunately because i've been shackled to my desk for two weeks, I can't get there.
happy eating ๐
6am. Clean&Jerk (kilos): 60×2, 80×2, 95, 105, 114 (PR!). Then dropped to 85 for the complex. 114kg was a 1# PR. Clean felt good though I wasn't getting my elbows around as fast as last week. All the fucking front squats we've been doing is paying off, though, as I stood the weight up fairly easily. Jerk had a bit of a press out. The jerk at 105 was prettier with no press out, but a little bit of instability. Front squats: 205x6x5. Damn that was tough, but I'm surely noticing this work when doing cleans. Cash-out: unbroken on the burpees which was more mental than physical.
To echo Peter: last Saturday my squat cleans felt the strongest they ever have. Russian Fox lifting programming FTW!
7 AM with NickDowell. Did yesterday's work, or most of it anyway. I had to stop after 8 minutes of EMOTM work because I did something stupid to my right tricep on the ring dips. ๐ Feels much better now, though, and at least I was still able to do row/plank.
6am with Nick and McDowell.
Clean & Jerk felt really good today. Worked up to 165 and might be able to break past that next week.
FSQ was heavy today. 185x3x5. I did 185 2 weeks ago, then backed off to 175, and nwo back to 185. It definitely felt easier than 2 weeks ago but still tough. I'll probably go up 5# next week.
Finished up with the run/burpees/run cash out and then 31 ring dips (in 6 sets).
PS who manages the website? Can we make the logins persistent? I'm sure more people would post logged in if you didn't have to do it every day!
Strength Cycle last night.
45 x 5
95 x 4
125 x 5 x 3
255 x 3 …. Extremely, scarily heavy. Apparently I was taking 'geisha' steps, so I'll need to watch that on Sunday, though this is way heavier so it will all be ok.
45 x 5
50 x 5 x 3
Did I mention I am REALLY excited and nervous about the Total?! Can't wait ๐
Really sad that I'll be missing murph/BBQ this year. Not sad that I'll be in Cabo ๐
Charlie – your numbers are insane! I hope to make it out to cheer you guys on!
Hi All,
Off-topic inquiry on donating to "CHIPS".
I live in the neighborhood, and I have been walking past the place (CHIPS) on my way to the box and also recently have seen their web site. It sounds that they are working for the good cause and are putting their efforts in for all. I am particularly glad that they do NOT discriminate between people with different faith (or non-faith, as I am an atheist) although the name of the organization says "Christian".
I vaguely remember a post by the Great David O -I think?- regarding this place but can't find it now. If anybody has any experience -good or bad- with this place and its administration I would like to hear it ASAP… as I have some clothing (shirts, winter underwear, jacket, jumpers etc), shoes, blankets, towels (all washed and clean and in pretty good condition), and some food to donate, and am looking for a place that will use it efficiently for the people who are really in need.
I appreciate if people with a word to say on this can write to me either privately at muratayas@me.com or post here, does not matter for me.
@Samir: I can keep your CSA share in my freezer (freezer of a regular size refrigerator) if a) it fits there, b) if it won't leak and stink ๐ c) if you are ok with it.
Let me know.
Murat Ayas
@Elliott, I recently started managing the blog, but I'm not quite sure what you mean. You shouldn't have to log in to post comments? On each of my browsers (whether on my phone, home computer, or at work), it saves my name and email, so all I have to do is post a comment. On our event pages, you do have to put in verification stuff so Squarespace knows you're not a spam bot. If you have any other questions, email me at katharine at crossfitsouthbrooklyn.com and I'll figure out an answer!
@Murat, if no one gets back to you, I'll figure this out too! I do believe we have a few CFSBKers who volunteer at CHIPS but I'll see if we've done anything more specific.
@Murat, I am a CHiPS volunteer (though I work on stuff like their website and Twitter, so off-site). They are a very small organization, and basically everything they get in goes to people who need it. Your donations would be very valued there.
@KateR, I think @Elliot is talking about being actually logged in with an account on the site (which you can do on the right rail, and is separate from the ZenPlanner login). This actually allows you to click your name after a comment and I believe see all your comments in one place.
Dear strong people – I can't make the Spartan Sprint on 5/31 – I have a conflict. It was a ton of fun last year – tough, but I loved it. Anyway, if you are interested in my spot, and joining in w MeLo and the other TFBA's let me know – shpetner at gmail dot com
In California for the weekend and hit up Crossfit Horse Power in studio city. Cool box with great people. While I wasn't the strongest in the class the coach came up to me after to tell me how great my form was in all the movements. Told him it was from the amazing coaches at CFSBK!!! Workout of the day was a good one. For time
40 double unders (I had to do 80 singles one day I'll get a double)
40 overhead squats 35 lb
40 bar burpees
40 kettle bell swings 1 pood
40 box jumps 20in
40 sit ups
40 thrusters 35lb
1000 meter run
Now off to the beach for brewskis and sun…
I volunteer at CHiPs and can attest that what gets donated appears to be very directly offered to folks who need it.
I work in the kitchen there and am constantly amazed at the food donations. Even perishable food that is donated is used, in addition to mass quantities of canned/frozen/shelf-stable food. Heck, Dinosaur BBQ wheels a cart of leftovers to CHiPS on Saturday mornings!
Came in to do some lifting as I'm missing next week.
Saturday's Front Squats: 186x6x5
Monday's Benching: 160x4x4; 165x4x4
I thought about doing Wednesday's HBBS, started the first set, and the second rep felt like my 32nd should have so I stopped right there and went home.
Great training session tonite at OG, 9 days out from the meet.
253, 264, 275M
253, 264, 275
253M, 264, 275
Clean and Jerk
291, 308, 330
291, 308, 330 (best jerk of my life here. Figured something out thanks to Noah, McD, and Ro)
291, 308, 330M (missed the bounce here…couldnt stand it up)
Front squat
Feeling very good for this upcoming meet. Havent hit 275 on the snatch multiple times like that in a while and 264 was really solid.
Time to cut around 9 lbs….
@Amanda, @Michele,
Thanks a lot for the feedback on CHIPS; it was very helpful! Their director Denise has also gotten back to my inquiry and so I will be carrying a lot stuff over there monday and tuesday! I am happy I will be of some help to those women and kids over there.