Headstand Practice
EMOTM for 12 Minutes
a) 1/2/3 Muscle Ups
b) 1/2/3 Banded Muscle Ups on Low Rings
c) 5 Ring Dips + 5 Pull Ups
Choose one of the above options. The prescribed work should take about 20 seconds to get through so scale appropriately.
Post total reps and rounds completed to comments.

- CFSBK’s softball team, Las Calaveras, has their third game tonight at the Red Hook ball fields. They are currently 1-1, and they’re pretty sure they won last week because they had an CFSBK fan section. Come cheer them on at 6:15pm!
Yoga for Athletes Tonight at 7:30pm
Brooklyn Half Post-Party Day Drinking Adventure
All of our runners have been training so hard for the Brooklyn Half Marathon and we’re psyched to help them celebrate afterwards. The race is less than 10 days away, on Saturday, May 17. We’ll be honing in on Greenwood Park, a bar and beer garden in South Slope, for post-race ever-so-popular daytime drinking, starting at 12:30pm. We will have a few tables reserved. Spread the word amongst your family and friends! Head over to the event page to see our full list of runners.
Another Solid Reason Not to Do a Mud-Obstacle Run The Atlantic
Handstand Push-ups with David Durante and Alessandra Pichelli CrossFit
Is “Bulletproof Coffee” all it’s cracked up to be? Precision Nutrition
"the struggle is real"
Curse words. I'm an atheist, so it's not like I think god is going to strike me down for it, but there's usually a more elegant and precise way of saying what it is I want to say. I tried making it my New Year's resolution to quit a couple of years ago. Didn't last.
My most overused phrase: "Dude", usually immediately followed by "awesome".
6am rainy start to the day.
Headstands were fun; I basically skipped them a year ago when I learned handstands so it's cool to work on the transition. The pike from the ground is definitely tough.
The MU density work was definitely dense (sorry couldn't help it). Hit 32 with 3 reps through round 9, then 2 reps for rounds 10,11,12. They definitely catch up with you.
Partnered with Brad on the WOD at the end. I tried the longboard-style plank hold, tons of fun.
Have a great day everyone.
In my writing:
I'm finishing up a 75K word book now, and as is my wont, in the final stages, I go through the text, looking for cliches and overused words. I found 35 uses of "distinctive"!
I also tend to overuse the word "tend."
In my speech:
All four letter words. Noor is very worried Ayana is going to grow up with the vocabulary of the proverbial sailor. (Do sailors still curse a lot?)
6am. Headstand practice was fun. MU density work: 3-3-3-3-3-3-2-2-2-2-2-3. Was smoothly sailing along with unbroken reps up until round 7. Went for the 3rd rep and it just didn't happen. Same story for rounds 8, 9, 10 and 11. On round 12, I did 2 reps, aborted a 3rd without really trying and then went back and did a single and tore a nice chunk of skin off my hand.
Overused in my writing: "of course", "perhaps", "just".
I love to use the word "ridiculous". I have no intention of tempering my usage.
@Jake: That's ridiculous.
I overuse "good" when I teach yoga.
Make-Up post from yesterday. Ended up taking 5:30 class as a surprise… yay! Already snatched on Tue night, so was really happy to have a second crack at it.
Snatch: drills @ 33#
63, 83, 93, 103, 105F, 105F
Was feeling GOOD. Had some structural integration (bodywork) done earlier in the day, so just felt really put together. Was happy to hit 103, which is my PR that I couldn't hit on Tue night. Everything went very smooth, so decided to try for 105. First one I was looking at it, so the pull was there, just didn't get down. Second one I got down and was under it, just a little soft in my reach of the bar up. It was just a bit shaky and came down in front of me. Next time 🙂
LBBS: 45×5, 95×5, 135×3
I know it's "only 77.5% and not that heavy" and all, but damn.
Every rep felt a bit different. Typically the first 3 felt solid, and then the last three would feel a bit wonky in one way or another (chest dipping down a bit, losing a bit of tension, etc.) Focused on knees out and taking an extra couple breaths to get braced. They were all still moving with decent speed.
no belt.
taking a rest day today 🙂
In all honesty, I use the phrase in all honesty way too much. I am also trying to break the habit of overusing so.
AM bro-down with DO for my final max-out day before the meet next weekend. We took 5 attempts each to reach a max Snatch and Clean and Jerk:
40×3 50×2 60×1 65×1 /// 70×1 75×1 78xM 80xM 80×1
Clutch make on the last attempt. I don't want to do this again at the meet though, going to hit 75-77 for a bunch of singles this week.
Clean and jerk
60×1 70×1 80×1 /// 90×1 94×1 98×1 102×1 (PR)
Wanted 2 attempts to get that 102, just in case. Made it (not prettily) on the first attempt and called it there. That made for a PR total as well of 182kg or… 400lbs!
Next milestone goal is the 200kg total, lots of work to do. Had PR juices flowing so cashed out with:
Snatch grip RDL
6am. Muscle Up Density was a lot of fun. First 9 rounds, all 3 reps unbroken. Then they broke down rapidly… 2,1 / 1,1,1/ 1,1.
Peter had a good idea after the WOD — video capturing the first set of muscle ups verse the last set of muscle ups to identify where it deteriorates, aka the weak points.
"You know," all of the time. It's my verbal tic when I explain things or tell a story.
Also, "That was way harsh, Tai," and "Is butter a carb?" and also, the entire "Excuse me, Flo…" routine and the "Mock- (yeah!) -ing (yeah!) -bird (yeah!) yeah! (yeah!)" song, which I always mess up.
Usually, I just randomly recite the second two to myself and for anyone in earshot, apropos of nothing. I'm not very original, but at least I'm easily amused.
6 am with Jess and DO. Fun workout today.
Headstand practice went well, and I will focus more on perfecting the pike-up in the future. The hardest part was lifting my toes off the floor while in the pike position (once they were about 1 ft off the ground it was much easier to slowly move towards vertical). Jess gave me good advice to start with my hips higher and really focus on engaging my core/abs to lift my toes off and stabilize; I will continue to focus on that in the future.
For the WOD, I did muscle ups on the low rings using the green band. I managed 2 reps in each of the first 6 rounds, then 1 rep in each of the last 6 rounds since they were getting sloppy and I needed to focus on fixing my form. I may play around alternating between the green and yellow bands next time to start adding more body weight as long as my form holds up.
10am with Jess.
The warm up was like a WOD in and of itself. 88kb swings at 24kg and 88 hollow rocks.
Liked the headstand practice. 🙂
Muscle up drills were good near the end the sets of two where hard to finish even with a band.
The row/plank was fun. I tried to keep it under a minute for all 4 rows. (Most were in the low 50 second range)
Noon all star class
Headstands are always fun. I can finally easily press out from the pike. Did a few freestanding kipped push ups once inverted.
Muscle ups were triples until the 11th round where I missed my third. Finished with a double on the 12th.
I say "Does that make sense? Any questions?" all the time. Also, "COME ON, MAN!"
High noon w/ Coach Jess… and Fox, and Noah, and David
The coaches nearly outnumbered the students, so the laughs nearly outnumbered the grunts.
Muscle Up Density/Destiny/Dentistry:
Option b (w/o bands), 2-3 each minute
Personally, I think these gymnastic Thursdays are an awesome and welcome break between lifting days. Focusing on lifting, balancing, and controlling your own body is incredibly important, but always something I tend to forget about. Speaking of: @Noah, I just checked and my hat size is in fact the same as yours.
Word or phrase I overuse: "Yes, I'll have another drink."
Funny- I've been thinking about this. I used to use the 'f' word and the 'c' word a LOT. I also used to say 'like' at the end of every sentence, 'd'you know what I mean, like?' and I used to say 'imagine…' quite a bit. Since I moved to the U.S, these words have all but disappeared from my vocabulary, I think. Having said that, my best friend from Ireland moved in with me recently, so they may creep back in. Maybe, like.
I reply with "copy" a lot at work where it is normal and occasionally slip and use it at home where it is weird. If people used "copy" more it would cut down on the "backtalk," which is also not a good home word.
Fun jokey noon class today. Headstand work was fun. Did mostly doubles for MUs, 2 rounds failed the 2nd, but most felt decent. Row/Plank cash out with Rickke was fun, almost 5 years in and I'm slowly beginning to enjoy/not dread rowing.
"What I like to thinnk about is…"
"Welllllllll" or "Eehhhhhhhh" with teeter-totter hands
"That's not a bad idea"
"Jameson on the rocks"
10am with Jess – fun class, but so many mini-WODs! By the time we got to the rowing-plank thing, I was wiped out. Then had to work on my pull up program – I'm getting close! Lots for one day.
I learned a long time ago that I overuse the word "actually" because my daughter started saying that at a very young age. I suspect if you listen closely to any 2-year-old, you'd hear the words overused by his or her parents.
10am with Jess
Yes, warmup was more like a wod to me. I overuse the "hmmph" while trying to swing a kettle bell.
I was pleased with the HEADstands because i can't quite get a HANDstand w/o crashing into the mat (I misread the blog this morning and wasn't looking fwd to the latter). But with the proper alignment cues and coaching I was happy with being able to maintain a stable headstand.
Partnered with Nathan on the ring dips/pullups. The first two or three sets w/o a band on both but ended up banded throughout. I was 3's for every round except 12 when i did 5.
The cashout – fun, i don't mind the planks at all, could do that all day. My 250 m rows went from 1:59/500m pace down to my last, and fastest, at 1:45. Happy about that.
I used to say "Oh for God's sake" all the time until my wife started teasing me about it. I say "right" when i'm trying to pay attention, or pretend to. I also work in construction/real estate so from the moment I leave the company of my daughters, I'm pretty much cursing all day long. That's hard to break, right?
Challenged Todd to a mock 5 attempt oly meet today and I failed miserably. Best was a 75kg snatch and 90kg Clean and Jerk. Not feeling great, but Todd grinded out a 102kg Clean and Jerk PR which was fun to watch.
Afterwards I jumped into the muscle-ups on the noon class and did two unbroken strict muscle-ups every minute. I missed two reps, the seconds on the 9th and 12th set. I love Muscle-Ups!
Also- I don't think there's anything that I say a lot or at least I can't think of anything.
6am with DO and Jess.
Also loving the gymnastics! Programming this cycle has been really fantastic.
Headstand practice was good. My pike up is ok but definitely needs some work.
WOD: 2 banded MU. Glad we're continuing to work on these.
Who is scoffing at my gold plated kettle bell idea now, huh?
430 with Whitney.
Headstand practice was fun even though I keeled over a few times. Whitney's coaching was excellent.
Then, I did the one strict muscle-up option and got all 12 – no fails. Very happy about achieving this modest goal. Many thanks to Matt Katz for egging me on.
I would like to just start by applauding Josh for doing such a good job today at the front desk.
Power snatch
(187, 203, 220)x3
Power Clean+Jerk
(225, 242, 264)x3
132×3, 143×3, 154x2x3
"Up up up UUUPP"