Fitness: Snatch Halting Deadlift + Snatch
If you have a hard time organizing the pull off the floor, perform snatch from the mid-hang.
Performance: 1-1-1, then 75% x (1+1) x 2 from high hang and knee
After working up to a heavy single in 3 attempts, perform 2 reps of the Two Position Snatch (high hang and knee).
Back Squat
Fitness: 3 x 5 Linear Progression
Add 5 pounds to last week.
Performance: 77.5% x 6 x 5
Rest about two minutes between sets. Use the lifting time wisely and get to work weight within 2-4 warm ups so you can get all your work sets in.
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Keith W. and Nan B. visit CrossFit St. Thomas
- We still have two rooms available at the hotel that CFSBK booked for Regionals ($139/night with two-night minimum). If you haven’t made your arrangements yet or would still like to hop on the Regionals-fun train from May 30-June 1, email our resident cruise director Mare L. directly ASAP at mare [at]
CFSBK Movie Night with all Brooklyn CrossFit Gyms
CFSBK Movie Night returns next Friday, May 16th at 8:15pm after Open Gym. It’s all the same details as usual—bring your own alcohol, fold-up chairs, snacks, and whatever else suits your fancy—but we’ve added a twist this time by inviting all Brooklyn boxes to join us. We’re screening Evil Dead, so come ready to be horrified. RSVP over here!
Things You Cannot Unsee (And What That Says About Your Brain) The Atlantic
It’s You Words With Lisbeth
Does Body Language Shape Who You Are? TED
Snatch 88, then 68 for high hang/mid hang work. I think I am now past the point where I can say "I matched my PR" and at the point where I now have to say "I'm stuck at 88." But…last week I failed at lighter weight than that so I'll take it.
HBBSQ 160x6x5. This volume is nuts! My quads were en fuego by the end. Great to lift with Catherine (sp?), who is a strong beast.
Snatch: Got up to 115, and then got stuck there, failing a few times.
HBBS: 235x6x5 – wow, this is getting to be a lot.
I'm finally starting to enjoy the olympic lifts, after five-ish years of doing Crossfit. Arturo got me to get my head/eyes up at the start, and it's amazing how much of a difference that makes–the lifts actually feel kind of intuitive now.
Snatch: 115#, 2 goods, 2 fails, I keep straightening my knees and lifting my butt way before my hips, and when I try to fix that I fail. I will try to get it right next week with less weight.
HBBSq: 185x5x3, felt moderately heavy, and lots of it, until I realized the performance folks were doing LBBSq and 5×6, so I'll curb my bitching.
2 Laps around the block with Raj and a 70# bag.
Snatch: 143, 151f, 151f. Next week, whenever i snatch, i will take that 148 jump, i will take that 148 jump. I just missed these.
Squat: 270x6x5. Unbelted as the Chris Fox guilt trip continues to weigh on me (in a good way). These felt good, though my body felt creaky this morning.
10 am with Jeremy
Fun working out with Keith today.
Snatch: 75, 95, 115, 125, 135, 145(power snatch), 145(power snatch), 145, 115 x 2
Didn't try to go heavier because I wanted to work on catching low instead
HBBS: 207.5 x 6 x 5
A lot of reps. Tiring, but not too hard. I based this off my HBBS 1rm of 265, which is kind of old. I should test that again.
Cashout: 4 laps with Keith sharing a 37lb sandbag.
6am with McDowell & Arturo
Hit a PR on the snatch at 175#. Partnered with Brad and we miscounted our weights, so when I hit the 175 we both thought we were at 165. Surprise PR! Those are the best kinds. Also, new lifting strategy: intentionally lose track of what weight you're doing so you forget about the number and focus on technique.
Did 230# on the HBBS for 5 x 6. Good and solid, I managed to keep to the 2min rest which definitely makes this a burner.
Finished the workout with a great run (4 times) around the block with Scott as my partner and a 40# sandbag as our friend.
Strength Cycle
45 x 5
95 x 5
145 x 4
165 x 3
195 x 1
210 x 5
Bench Press
45 x 5
75 x 4
95 x 2
105 x 5
135 x 5
195 x 3
235 x 1
270 x 3
SUPER-EXCITED for Total on Sunday!!!!
Made 80kg (176) cleanly and missed 85kg (187) thrice. Then High Hang and Knee Hang at 60kg (132). Next week need to pull fast and get my shoulders back and I'll have the 187. Or maybe make 1-2 kilo jumps. Good to feel like I now have 80kg almost any day on the platform.
I am loving this volume. Plus only 2 minutes rest between sets kind of makes me feel not so bad about not doing the cash out.
@Joel W – good on you. Your abs and back will thank you. Out of curiosity, at what weight would you have normally belted?
10am with Jeremy
Snatch was working well today thanks to a few tips from Jeremy about foot position. I'd been struggling at 68lbs and today hit a few 73, and then went up to 75 and have a few successful snatches! no fails! Good snatch day.
HBBS not as great. I moved up 5lbs to 135 and it felt VERY heavy. Knees were seriously caving in on the last set. I'll stick with this weight again next week.
Cashout with Marie and a weighted vest- 4 laps switching the vest each lap so 2 weighted and 2 not. I don't think I'll be wearing that vest for the Murph ….
Wait, what's the "Chris Fox guilt trip" about belts? I've been using them for all my work sets; I feel much better and safer with it. Time for a coaching article?
Oh, THAT'S why there were people running around the block with weighted vests on while our class was doing our warmup run/squats/jumping jacks.
(Didn't have time to cash out myself. #sorrynotsorry)
Perhaps the issue is that I do not know when I would have started belting. I typically tried to warm up unbelted and then I would put the belt on for work sets, without much consideration for the relationship of the work weight to my 1RM. Thinking about it now, for high bar, I feel like around 305 (87% of the 1rm i'm working from), I would start to feel like I should use it.
Two weeks ago we were lifting in a Saturday Noon or 1PM class, and a bunch of us went to belt our front squats at I think the 70% level, and Chris said "oh come on, you don't need it at 70%." He was right, I don't need it at 70%.
A couple articles
Crossfit St. Thomas was certainly a great drop in. (They were out of tshirts boooo) the coaches were great and the few others we WODed with were friendly. They are sending two individuals to the Latin America regionals and a team as well. Drop in if you ever visit the island.
Today my shoulder felt tight still and i kept trying to be patient with my snatches but that ended up making me go too slow when I hit the pop. Sigh. Stopped at 110, was not feeling the movement correctly for 115-120. The 6×5 at 187.5 really felt like a grind at the last set. Thanks to Alex for the partner laps around the block. Thirty seven pounds certainly got heavy at the end.
Snatch: 105, 105, 105, 115F, 115F, and so on.
The bar was going up much better and faster than other weeks (couldn't get 105 up last week), but just wasn't able to push under 115. I can press that, so hopefully more technical practice will help it happen next week, if Kelsey doesn't give birth first.
On one of the 105s, I felt a sharp pain in the middle heel of my left hand when I locked out overhead. It didn't really slow me down but it still feels a little strange – not sure what that's about.
LBBS with Redis and Christian: 170x5x3
Got my 5lbs jump from last week and held the form Arturo coached me on (I think). Barmate motivations helped a ton this week – thanks guys.
1k cash out row @3:43
Do we not use a one-two-three-ONE count with CFSB jumping jacks?
From yesterday – Snatches started off terribly, probably because I've missed the last two weeks. McDowell provided excellent advice on being patient, both with the lift and with the fact that it would all come back together. He was right on both counts. Hit a steady 63#, which is not a PR, but not too far off. Back squat at 95#. I have a really hard time adding weight in squats. I'm not sure if it is a real limitation or fear.
On a positive note, I found a new use for Crossfit training – getting things on high closet shelves. I had a heavy blow up bed that needed to go on a shelf that is about 10 feet high. Chair doesn't help and my ladder doesn't fit in the closet. I tried chucking it, but couldn't get it high enough. I looked up and immediately thought, "wall ball!" Two misses and on the third attempt with a little extra follow through…bingo!
I always enjoy the interpretive spellings of Rytas' name.
6:30pm Group Class
Only made it to 75kg x1 then missed 80 twice. Wasn't feeling like my pulls were back enough today.
This felt really light- I don't have a true 1RM High bar and have been reworking my bounce and upright posture on the lift so I'm okay with the lower weight.
Snatch as always a work in progress. No 45 bar available so off we went with a 33:
63×4, 83×2, 93×2, 103×3. Meh…
Squat – crazy schedule this cycle (in, out, in, out) so I'm just trying to keep it steady with all the missed days.
45×5, 135×5, 185×5, 225x5x3. Went up fairly easy. A bit of tightness and pain in the left shoulder.
Then David O. roped us (Alex, Ryan and myself) into carrying the keg around the block (118# I think?). Wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be but it was not great. The crushing of the keg to the chest really impedes the breathing.