Fitness: 3 x 5 Linear Progression
Add 2.5 to 5 lbs to last week. You should be making all of your reps at this point. If you missed reps last week, either redo the same weight or back off a few pounds.
Performance: 75% x 6 x 5
Rest two minutes between sets.
Post loads to comments.
For Time:
100 Double Unders
3 Rounds
25 Wall Ball 20/10, 14/9
7 Hang Power Clean 155/105
40 Calorie Row
Yesterday’s 10:30am Prospect Park WOD-ers
- Regular programming resumes today! We hope you enjoyed the outdoor WODs and yoga and AR.
- In case you missed it yesterday, CFSBK’s Endurance Program coach Michael O. shared some running training tips on the blog. Check it out!
- There’s a new post over on Inside the Affiliate about how to manage large group classes in an efficient and professional manner. It’s only Part 1 since David had so much to say about it, so stay tuned for next week’s too!
Help End Homelessness in Brooklyn
CFSBKer Richard G. is a volunteer and board member of an organization called Brooklyn Community Housing & Services (BCHS). BCHS’s mission is to end homelessness in Brooklyn, and the organization is highly regarded for its work providing supportive services and housing to the mentally ill and homeless who might otherwise be living in our streets, subways, parks and armories. Their annual gala is this Wednesday afternoon, April 30, at the Green Room right around the corner at 452 Union Street. There will be a cocktail party and silent auction, and music by Jean Rohe with special guest emcee Wesley Stace (John Wesley Harding). Richard would love for you to join! Purchase tickets here.
A Life Saved by CrossFit CrossFit
The Search for Our Inner Lie Detectors New York Times
6am with Jess and Nick. Continued the linear progression with bench press and went to 102x3x5. These moved pretty well and will continue to increase the weight next week.
WOD – I'm glad there was a 2 min cap on the double unders to buy in. Wall balls were unbroken the first round, then 10-10-5, 10-5-5-5. I should've backed off the weight on the power cleans. Even going down to 95 would've helped my form. Finished around 15:00.
6am. Bench: 215x6x5. This felt quite a bit easier than last week when I failed my last rep. WOD Rx in 11:05. Doubles felt fairly good today and I breezed through the first 35 before snagging my foot. Felt like I could have gone to 50 or 60 without that trip up. I usually feel good about wall balls, but today they felt heavy. Did the first round unbroken, then 10-8-7 for the next 2 rounds. Hang power cleans were all unbroken. Jammed my right wrist (which has been feeling off for a while, though better the last week) on the final clean of the second round.
6am with the crew.
Bench 200 x 6 x 5. Jumped from 185# last week as I continue to find a solid working weight.
WOD rx'ed in 11:42. Did the DU's 50 – 25 – 25. Wall balls went well, I used the little green slam ball again and am really liking it over the traditional one. Cleans were heavy and my grip went to hell.
Happy Monday.
6 a.m. First time back in 2 yrs at this gym, good to be back! Been Crossfitting elsewhere.
Linear progression: 88#, last bench was over 3 mos ago at 80#. This felt really good, could probably have done more. Will go for 93# next time.
WOD: Double unders elude me, so ran 400m, 14# wall ball, 63# cleans. Rowing is my nemesis. Finished in 13:05
Good workout!
Bench 101.5x6x5. True Rx would have been 105, but I failed the 6th rep of the 4th set last week at 101.5, so I decided to stay there. Made all my reps this time, so next week I'll probably give 105 a go.
WOD 12:03 with 75 doubles and 93# cleans. In retrospect maybe I should have just gone Rx — but then again, I actually failed my very first clean in the WOD. (That was an OH #*@&#! moment if ever there was one.)
Also Nick had to extricate me from my jump rope when it decided to get stuck to my shirt. I'm sure that was amusing to everyone except me. 😛
Any recommendations for Crossfit in New Orleans? I'm off to Jazzfest later this week and have delusions of actually working out.
@JakeL: I read the study you referenced yesterday. Even though proportional hazard models are *technically* the appropriate statistical test, I think their long-term effects are likely way overstated given how hazard ratios estimate time-to-event information, especially in the context of how they measured their baseline fatty acid indicators and how fast the body metabolizes fish oil. I would be more concerned with research addressing the short-term outcomes of dose-response, and whether taking so much extra fish oil starts to produce diminishing returns after a given point, because that shit aint cheap.
BP w/ Christian and Alan: 145x3x5
I failed my last two reps at 145 last week, so it was good to lock this down. Still a little slow at the end, but will go up a bit next week.
WOD w/Christian @ 95# cleans & 16#/10' wall ball: 12:16
Went for DU attempts and landed ~10-15 in the 2:00, which is actually an improvement. The 3 rounds were tough, particularly the WB (25, 15/5/5, 12/8/5).
Bench at 202.5 – failed just barely on the last rep of the 4th set. Not sure what my deal with those is over the last 2 weeks. Week 1 went well and I'm pretty confident in the 1RM I'm basing my percentages off of, so we'll see how next week goes.
WOD in 8:43. DUs were in 3 sets, mostly due to lack of concentration. WB were unbroken, 13/7/5 and 15/8/4 (or something like that). Row took about 2 minutes and was pretty unpleasant.
Jude — I went to CrossFit Nola and liked it. I thought the coaching was solid and it's a big space (at least the one that I went to on Magazine Street — there are 3 locations).
Jude – I went to CrossFit NOLA, just last month, also the one on Magazine Street. Very happy experience – good coaching, friendly classmates, good balance of locals and visitors.
PS Jude, if you go to Nola and they have one of their hoodies in a size small or (better) medium, buy me one and I'll pay you back? I bought the extra-small because it was the only one they had. Stupid, stupid idea. I was just there in *December* and the hoodie already has a hole in it because I am not an extra-small person. 😛
@Scott & @Stella – Thank you! Looking forward to heading to the Big Easy and getting back to Crossfit. Stella – I will happily pick up a sweatshirt for you! Send me your contact info so I can let you know if they have options for color/size,
WOD 13.21 @ 135#
Fun class. I also did Fran (6:02 and 28sec PR) at Crossfit Crow Hill and my quads are on fire right now.
I third the CF NOLA rec. I think they've got 2 spots too. If you see Liz, tell her we said hi!
10am class
Bench 190x6x5
WOD Rx'd
Finished the last HPC a little past 8 minutes but felt like crap and had a client in 2 minutes at 11am so called it.
Live to train another day!
Fun noon class- benched 205X6X5, felt better as they went on, good tips from my partner Mike, who was working at a colossal 275.
WOD RXed in 11:13. Thank god I had Jess Fox to chase on this, I could easily see this workout taking me 15 minutes plus if I was left to my own devices. DUs unbroken, WB's 15/10, then 9/8/8. First two rounds of cleans unbroken, then 4/3 at the end, mainly from discomfort. Row was brutal, my legs were super uncomfortable and I couldn't find a happy place between pulling softer/recovering faster and pulling hard/recovering slowly.
I was going to say all that stuff Jenna said about hazard ratios and dose response, but a) she said it already and b) I have no idea what any of it means. I just want everyone to know that David bites his fish oil capsules like they are Fish Gushers. That will have to pass as my substantive contribution to this topic.
4:30 w/ Ro
10 erg pulls
10 elevated push-ups
10 ring rows
3-4 rounds (can't remember)
4 handstands
20sec tuck hold on paralettes
Handstands are looking good. Worked on tucking head, pushing with finger tips / splitting feet to recenter my weight when I felt I was swaying too far one way.
L Sits–aka tucks suck. Period. I want to be a midget when I do these.
3×10 assisted band chin-ups (hello Trex arms)
3×12 DB curls
3×12 DB jam press
3×10 weighted sit ups
Props to all the folks doing today's WOD. It looked riDONK.
5:30 class
Bench press 107x6x5
This felt better than the sets of 8. Was able to keep my back really well set thanks to some aggressive unracking assistance from my barmate Amanda.
Wod rx'ed in 11:29. Finished the double unders right around the two minute mark and spent the rest of the time trying unsuccessfully to catch my breath. This looked much easier on paper.
12pm class
Bench: 45×5, 75×4, 85×3, 95x5x3 – all moving well and with speed. will make another 5# jump next week.
WOD: did this at 95# in 13:20
DU's: 80-20 (80 is a new PR for me, up from 75 from a couple wks ago). done at 1:11.
WB: I did like 3 singles to start cuz I couldn't get my rhythm/distance right. Have been using the little lift under my right foot and it takes a bit to get going cuz I'm still not used to it. So after that I think it was 3 sets, second round was 10-10-5?, then 5-5-8-7. so uncomfortable. Noah reminded me that if I was HBBSquatting, these would suck less.
HPC: 7, 4-3, 4-3. Really happy about how these went. did 105# in that muslce-up workout a couple wks ago and they were a disaster. really messy. so I went to 95# with a focus on big extension and fast elbows.
I watched some CalStrength and Burgener oly lifting instructional videos last night. i'm a very visual learner, so watching these closely and making a few key mental notes of what feels different when I do these drills/lifts was helpful. fast elbows today.
Came in a little early to make up Saturday's front squats: 175x8x4
Bench Press: 150x6x5
WOD @115: 13.30 (this felt ridiculously hard from the get-go).
6:30 class.
90x6x5 on the bench. Felt easy but a little squirrely on the very last one bc I lost my positioning. I think I should have added 5# to my max? Still loving the higher volume on this so much.
WOD in 13:30, Rx-ed, but our class was so big we lapped the block instead of doing doubles so I'm not sure how that compares.
Cleans: 4/3, 3/2/2, 3/2/2. I hope these weren't as ugly as they felt. I'm glad I did this weight because I can, but I really threw my positioning out the door and wasn't focused.
WB: Unbroken, 10/8/7, 12/13.
Row in 2:30.
Thanks to Lauren for being such an encouraging partner and serious props to David and Arturo for managing a massive class so well.
I also wanted to say thank you to Whit and MeLo for such awesome classes on Saturday. I almost threw up in the beginning of the sprints at Prospect Park but I didn't and it ended up feeling awesome to run so hard. And Whit gave one of my favorite AR classes ever. She explained each movement in a way that made me feel like I could see what was under my skin and knew how to attack the problem in the right way.
Just set off my fire alarm making bacon.
I usually read the comments section of the blog on my way to the gym, and hearing about everyone's experience with the day's workout has been incredibly helpful in helping me plan how I will approach the workout for the day. So…I realize it's time to start contributing my own experiences to the group!
Bench press fitness workout: 3 x 5 at 110 lbs (PR). 5 lb jump up from last week, but need to concentrate on keeping heels grounded and driving shoulder blades and core into bench at these heavier weights.
WOD was rough, finished in 15:59. 100 double unders in groups of ~20s at first, then ~10s as my wrists/arms fatigued and were too slow to keep up with my jumps. I've been comfortable with the 14 lb wall ball for a while, so I challenged myself with the 16 lb one this time, which was all kinds of awful (broke each set into 2 or 3 groups and had to go down to the 8 ft line to make it through). Will stick with this weight though to build a little more confidence with it over time and work staying on my heels. Hang power cleans at 85 lbs. Thanks to Noah for reminding me to POWER clean and not just yank the bar up in a clean as I got tired! And…another big thanks to Ryan for encouraging me through the last leg of the row and keeping me moving until the end.
* #155 bench 3x5, felt good
* 14:41 on WOD, ~40 DU (grabbed a surprisingly short rope), #115 on the bar