5 Rounds For Time of:
5 Deadlift 225/155
5 1-Arm Push Press Left (Rx 33% of body weight)
5 1-Arm Push Press Right
5 Pull-Ups or 10 Ring Rows
5 Burpees
2 Deadlifts 315/205
3 Handstand Push-Ups
4 Chest to Bar Pull-Ups
5 Burpees
Compare to 10.28.10
Post loads and time to comments.
How many CrossFit gyms have their very own Yoda? We’re thinking not very many. #tbt
Weekend Alternative Programming
We are hosting Mark Rippetoe’s Starting Strength Seminar again and the gym will be mostly closed Friday night through Sunday night (4/25-4/27). As an alternative, we’re offering off-location workouts. All of the options are available on our Class Schedule page (including where to meet for the Prospect Park WOD). Please note that all classes require preregistration, so please sign up ahead of time HERE.
Support The Allrounder on Kickstarter
CFSBKer Samir C. needs your help funding a new online journal for fans, athletes, and enthusiasts who know there’s more to sport than preseason predictions, arguments over missed calls, and highlights of fantastic finishes. This exciting new site will feature writers from different countries with expertise ranging from basketball, cricket, and hockey to all codes of football. Check it out here!
Attention Herondale CSA Members
REMINDER: If you have not yet had a chance to fill out this anonymous survey, you still have time! Please take five minutes to respond before Friday, April 25. Margie really appreciates your help. Thanks!
What Happens When You Abolish Tipping Slate
How Americans Die Bloomberg
Beltless Squats 635×10 Dan Green
Relativity Isn’t Relative minutephysics
Interesting slate article:
"But the example illustrates, I think, the kind of person who will fight to save tipping culture: a person who lives in a world of offenses and punishment, someone invested in the idea of authority and the feeling of power. Incidentally, this kind of person is often a middle-aged white guy."
Thanks for the laugh this morning lol. I'll run home tonight and tell my sons that they may as well resign themselves to being terrible people. lol.
Thanks CFSBK for posting the link to that Kickstarter page. Our new online sports journal The Allrounder has an impressive list of contributors: (http://theallrounder.co/contributors/) – many thoughtful writers, writing on an interesting and varied range of topics pertaining to sport, culture and politics. Check out some of the topics here: http://theallrounder.co/about/.
We include historians, cultural studies, philosophers, journalists, sociologists, anthropologists, and so on.
I know there are many serious sports fans here; do give us a look and think about pitching in if you like the idea. Do share it elsewhere if you have friends who might be interested.
Samir Chopra
6am with Jess and DO. Fitness version, Rx for the deadlift, 40lb dumbbells, and banded pullups. The limiting factor here was definitely the single armed pushpress. Overhead stuff is a weakness for me and I was slightly worried the dumbbell was going to come crashing down on my face in the last round. Finished in 9:20. Rowing afterwards was tough.
Enjoyed learning some new 'facts' about our first president today!
6am with David and Jess
Great question of the day leading into a very educational warm up.
This was one of those days where the fitness version definitely looked harder than Performance, And took roughly twice as long. I did Performance rx'd with the exception of the HSPUs which used 1 Abmat. Thanks to Michael A. for convincing me to do the DLs rx'd. Finished in 6:05.
Fitness WOD Rx except 40# DBs (I'm counting chinups as Rx), 9:14.
I'm dealing with a sore left forearm which didn't bother me during the WOD (oddly, the deadlift and chinups were fine, but cleaning the DB with my bad arm was not, so I just used both hands to get it to my shoulder for the left-side work), but oh man, it is not happy now. Wondering whether the L-sit has anything to do with that. Time for some lax ball love.
I always love to give a history lesson, Linda.
Here's the fun facts about George Washington
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l7iVsdRbhnc (NSFW, some language)
Similarly, did you know JFK was actually a robot?
I love Brad Neely
6am with Jess and DO. Fitness version with DLs @ 185#, push presses @ 40#., and the pullups with a green band. Finished in 10:24. This was the first time I'd done pullups in quite a while because I've been babying a tendonitis-y elbow. They felt fine, which I'm very, very happy about. Overall, this was a fun–albeit hard–workout. And I still maintain that Abraham Lincoln would win in a fight, but it'd be a close contest.
First 4 rounds of the WOD went very well today. Started round 5 at ~2:40 in and then HSPU fell apart. Managed to finish in 3:50 but the last two HSPUs were questionable (falling off the wall a bit)
Only got to do the L-sit part of the cash-out. That was tough.
So wait, if I do five rounds, I get a book?
DO- that is exactly why I chose GW this morning. I don't care if Abe Lincoln was a vampire slayer, that can't beat being made of radiation.
12:00pm Class with Coach Jess
3 Rounds NFT of:
8e Rev Lunges
8 Ring Rows
8 Push-Ups
A couple handstand kick-ups and Dumbbell Presses
5 Rounds FT
2 Deadlifts 315
4 CTB Pull-Ups
5 Burpees
6:20 Rx'd
Everything unbroken but slow transitions, especially before the deadlift since I had to get my chakras aligned
Did all 10 rounds of the L-Sits fully extended and unbroken. Maybe had 11 seconds on that last round.
Did the 5:00 Row, kept the last 2:00 under 2:00 splits. forget my meters, somewhere over 1000.
Fun class, Fun WOD. I wonder what it would feel like as a 10 minute AMRAP >:)
6am today with DO and Jess.
Great question of the day that led to David and I talking about Brad Neely's amazing youtube videos. Definitely worth watching.
Did the perf version rx'ed in 3:42. The deadlifts were definitely heavy and my form went to hell in the last round; thanks Alex for all the encouragement and feedback. Other than the deadlifts I like a lot of the other movements; I did everything unbroken except for the 4th HSPU round where I fell off the wall after 2.
I got a bit of the Fran-like cough afterwards as my heartrate continued to spike during cooldown; it made the L-Sits a ton of fun. ๐
@DO – I agree, a 10min AMRAP would be a bit nutz on that. You may have to lower the DL weight a bit, but I'd give it a whirl.
I had a great session in the gym today after a real off week last week, where everything felt slow and sore and unfocused. Missed yesterday so I mashed up yesterday's snatches and squats with today's WOD.
Snatch: 82M, 82 PR, 84M, then 74X2. First miss at 82 was a bit laughable, pulled way early so I was down at the bottom of the squat waiting for the bar, which was 2 feet in front of my face. Thanks Whit for the eye. A nice tip from The Olympic Lift Whisperer Arturo Ruiz, and 82 felt weightless- I was under the weight at the bottom before I knew what happened. 84 was close.
Squat: 110x8x4. Math said 240, but I was lazy and didn't want to get crazy with KG change, so ended up using 242#. These felt amazing, each one shot up, good bounce and tension, was basically 1-1-1 tempo squatting these. Onward.
WOD RXed in 6:02. Major victory for me- when we've run this one in the past my DL and HSPUs were limiters for me. Stronger now, and had a major HSPU breakthrough this week. Stayed slow and smooth and everything was unbroken. Lots of time to shave here, this was almost a dress rehearsal but it felt great.
Everything's coming up Millhouse!
A correction, but nary an ack from mgmt in the comments. Now my previous remark just makes me seem strange.
What was the question??? Coop shift meant I missed today…
strength cycle week 6
lifted at a nice little local globo in new orleans, fueled by abita and po boys
squat 275x4x4
the rack (the only one in the place) was right in front of a mirror so i had to look at a reflection of my feet the whole time. i guess these felt ok all things considered (vacation artery clogging, hydrating on beer, daiquiris and diet soda only, not sleeping much, etc)
easy peasy
back at cfsbk
pause squats
these are supposed to be 2 second pauses, rep #1 of set 3 was 6 seconds thanks to someone forgetting to count for me, its all good though, i guess im 4 seconds stronger for it.
110x3x3, repout @ 95 (10)
the last 2 totals i lead off at 110 on press so i think ive progressed here.
felt heavy but i think it still moved alright
looking forward to trying to make mark rippetoe feel awkward this weekend
Frustration and dissapointment all over the place for me today. (Lately)
I got to the box early, rolled out, laxed and stretched, felt alright. Some sore spots nothing that was radar banging.
Ate before, slept 8 hours, warm up was ok, then just died after round two. (Details follow)
Round one 245 dead lift, no mat everything went smooth and maybe on the fast side. Round two I dialed back the speed but kept it all moving, round three I hit the hand stand push-ups and gravity got dialed up on me. It was as if the universe walked away with whatever I had left in my tank for HSPUs. I ground through round three losing minutes at the hspu. Scrambling, I dropped 20 pounds on the DL and ran and grabbed an ab mat for my skull. Fruitless.
Round four turned into a disaster with me losing even more time at the hspu. Banging out the chest and burpees in under a minute and getting back through the DLs to flounder again on the hspu. Time got called and Jess allowed me to finish. In 11 and change. Sigh
The reverse tabata was a struggle but done and the row was not sandbagged.
So many things are just not working, it's like the universe is just making me the butt of so many jokes. Frustration and dissapointment is his cycle for me.
4:30 class
3:18 Rx'd
@Chris A — you got a big laugh out of me this AM, for what it's worth.
5:30p with Coach Whitney and Arturo.
Fitness RX (50lb dumbbells/30%)
1:30 over the 10min cap
I've been trying to do as many WODs as possible at RX, but as a result, I'm consistently the last one to finish. I guess the cigarette break in between rounds is not a good idea.
ah, wel, David, now my kids are Brad Neely fans… um, thanks!
YODA! @do – have you seen Star Wars yet?
WOD 8:00
rx'ed up until my very last deadlift rep, when David shut it down and dropped me to 225. My immediate thought was "This is why I come to this gym." Because I knew that I was rounding out and should probably have stopped myself, but instead I thought "just two more", and "I really want to rx this", etc. Anyway I did my last rep at 225 instead of 315, and then I did another rep there just to be like "F-U, Mr. Barbell", then moved on to finish my last round at 8:00 even.
Was fun partnering on this with MIchael A., who crushed it.
4:30 sesh with Ro. Always hilarious. I think all the laughing is helping my bracing sequence????
Warm up: 3Rounds
20 Banded good mornings
15 Band pull aparts
7 plank walk outs aka inchworms
Strict press: green bar
Fun tip of taking a breathe at the top and bringing the bar down and bouncing/driving back up quickly.
Deadlift–played around with these a bit. To keep my bracing/form/improve my hip hinge motor pattern, we worked on dead lifting the bar down as a Olympic lift–pausing at high hang, knees, floor. Key tip: full tension before pulling the bar up and pushing through the floor with my feet.
Accessory work
10 Chin-up negatives —kill me now, I suck
10 DB bench #25
10 DB Row #25—harder on right side–low back/piriformis felt weaker
10 ab wheel roll out—gnarly little spot formed on my left side– rectus abdominis area.NBD. Out of practice. Hopped on a dimple ball between sets
It's good, it's GOOOOD
You mean……Seen stars wars yet have you?
@Ryan. Ty. I'm here all week. ๐
6:30 class. I really need to practice handstand push ups. And pull ups. But I didn't know if I would get the right stimulus if I practiced them in a wod like this, so I just did the fitness version. 155# on the barbell, 50# on the dumbbell, and subbed 10 ring rows. 9:05. Those push presses were heavy. Kinda surprised myself by how fast I moved on the burpees though.
Also, making up from yesterday: did performance snatching. Don't remember all my numbers, but things weren't clicking and I kept catching a lot of these (including the heaviest one at 98#) in a power squat. Dropped to 88# for two reps, nailed the second one. Then hbbs for 160x8x4. Very tough.
4:30pm group class:
Did a hybrid warmup with some pistols, dips, pvc dislocate lunges and shoulder mobility. My left shoulder has been feeling all sorts of whack lately so I need to devote more time to this.
WOD: -performance rx'd at 205#
-everything should have been unbroken and was except for my last 3 rounds of c2b which were in 3-1. Should have been able to do 4 each round but I felt like I was slipping.
-Overall though I didn't feel like I was moving fast. I just tried to keep moving. Fun (?) to have the hubby lap me. ๐
Reverse Tabata L-sit.
-used the high parallettes and kept a full l-sit for at least 4 rounds. The others were a hybrid of tuck, and alternating extended legs.
Used the Row as a complete cooldown with about 15% intensity. ๐
6:30 class
4:32 performance rx'd. My 1rm deadlift WAS 325 last time but I think it's time to give it another go since I did 315 10 times.
All the rowers were taken so me and Melo did tabata burpees. With our syncronization we're taking our show on the road!
Fitness – used a 65lb dumbbell (technically should have used an 80lber but there wasn't one)
Finished in 8:36